Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am:
Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John
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In this cult classic, a demented doctor entraps five hundred young boys to force them to play zydeco piano... forever! Can the grumpy plumber save them before it’s too late? Doctor Suess meets Doctor John in a prescription for listening pleasure. Feature songs include “I Was In The First Floor Dungeon”, “Iko Iko”, “Dress Me Up In Gilded Splinters” and more. Coming to your radio or internet on the first Friday overnight/Saturday morning of May on Rich Hazelton’s Inflatable Squirrel Carcass.
December 7, 2024:
“Hollow! your strange, narcoleptic tangos. Nothing but digression. A plastic sincerity immobilized by reflection.”
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December 10, 2022:
From initial thread through advanced relocation of the lederhosen, synthetic mockery continues to satisfy; a fraud of thorns for the compliant.
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December 3, 2022:
, , , the intimidating poetry of exploitation, a cup of coffee exploring time . . .
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March 12, 2022:
2022 WFMU Marathon Week 1 with my co-host the most wunderschnappsin’ wunderschnapps of all, Daniel Blumin
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December 18, 2021:
”Negative Sushi to Celebrate . . . Negative Sushi to Celebrate . . . do you read me? . . . hammered goats are peeling from the substrate, I repeat, hammered goats are peeling from the substrate . . . which direction should the albatross acknowledge?”
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November 6, 2021:
“. . . an interpreter’s fragmented dance; tension submits to each of their tongues . . .”
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September 7, 2019:
Must I squeeze the blue from my sight or shall I turn slowly to my left?
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August 31, 2019:
RIP Strabo (August 1998-August 24, 2019), aka Strabo Underfoot, Old Man Kitten (in his later years), Little Pain in the Ass (during his earlier years). Beloved and sorely missed.
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January 26, 2019:
The Glorious Orifice of Entitlement, or, the mouth that cannot swallow after speaking Capistrano (when they all come flying home)
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February 24, 2018:
“The party was a suit and cacti affair straight out of this generation’s muck swabbing handbook.”
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November 4, 2017:
“Her transgressive carpentry, meanwhile, was the perfect foil to his disruptive programming.”
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August 26, 2017:
The Exquisite Course: A Brief History of a World (Perhaps, This One): An Audio Exquisite Corpse
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March 18, 2017:
WFMU 2017 Marathon Show #1 with co-host Daniel Blumin. Still available (surprisingly) for a pledge of $365 you can adopt "The Twins" or my Gemini-self as pictured below. 30 years from now imagine you're adopting "The Triplets."
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March 11, 2017:
WFMU 2017 Marathon Show #1 with co-host DJ Stashu. Hey! a pledge of $365 will allow you to adopt "The Twins" as I've lovingly taken to describe my Gemini-self as pictured below. 30 years from now I like to imagine you're adopting "The Triplets."
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September 24, 2016:
“Villain! Share your most intimate duck now or, by the saddle of you whiskers, I shall call forth a a long masquerade to fall upon this hand.”
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September 3, 2016:
Like foul balls in the peripheral vision of the reclined, so are the weights of our pies.,
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April 30, 2016:
Her's are pronunciations of a promiscuous sort, arresting miniature arias seeking companionship with a known language.
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March 5, 2016:
Delusional sidewalk seeks comfortable shoes to share a laugh and a drink now and then. No commitment necessary.
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September 5, 2015:
One agnostic tryst, two cups of shredded doppelgänger, and a light dusting of confectioner's pejorative.
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March 21, 2015:
I have been adopted! Thank you Ralphine. I promise I be good though I make strange noises and if you feed me strained carrots I will spit them up.
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March 14, 2015:
ADOPT ME NOW! You won't have to change my diaper for another 30 years.
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March 23, 2013:
"By all that remains obvious, shut down your random fluids! You are projecting luminosity."
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March 16, 2013:
Pledges of $75 or more puts you in the running for one of two grand prizes to be given away at the end of the evening: the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass Jaw Harp Family Party Pack or the Pearls of the Czech New Wave 4DVD box
See the playlist
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October 27, 2012:
Midnight Matinee takes on possibly the greatest movie of all time, Richard Elfman's The Forbidden Zone. Living in the sixth dimension just got a tad more rough.
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August 11, 2012:
Hoist a pint of tuna water in loving memory of Quin Rothenton, bane of all rugs, ender of naps, sniffer of the pits, avoider of laps, food vacuum, producer of beautiful trills and loving purrs, and catnip enthusiast.
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June 30, 2012:
"Quarks n' feathers, m'boy, quarks n' feathers. If that ain't the future put me on vertical hold now!"
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May 26, 2012:
Apply the engagement to his struggle with dissonance; subtleties should always be lost before found.
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April 14, 2012:
Midnight Matinee: Paris Taxes (followed by more of the usual stuff that you hear at this time)
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November 5, 2011:
"...the hoarse echoes of forgotten equations, a fine pile of pine files, a thorough beating of the clock..."
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February 26, 2011:
"Three hours later, my limbs declare their independence as the spinning path narrows. The revolution has begun."
See the playlist
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November 27, 2010:
"That there's one exploding umpire of a tangerine crapshoot."
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November 20, 2010:
"... the short hairs of nostalgia, the long roots of fear..."
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November 13, 2010:
"Then totem the node, Marzipan! Scars, bellowing scars, cross this ritual of similarity."
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March 26, 2010:
...warn threads...stop...predetermined wavering...stop...clipping thought...sssss...
See the playlist
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March 19, 2010:
No show tonight due to a live broadcast from the WFMU & Aquarius Records showcase at SXSW
March 12, 2010:
Click on the art below (on the playlist) to see a slideshow of Inflatable Squirrel Carcass: The Coloring Book. Available for pledges of $75 or more.
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March 5, 2010:
2010 WFMU Marathon Week 1 with co-host Dan Bodah
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February 26, 2010:
"...on one lone note lies this extended tour; aware, she sleeps..."
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May 29, 2009:
...than daily, mimic the beneficial paranoia of required indications...
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May 22, 2009: the ritual scarring of nothing, an investment in the chemistry of their sentience was...
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August 8, 2008:
Radio Greats Weekend: Bart Plantenga "Wreck This Mess"; John Schnall "Midnight Matinee"; Alan Watts
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February 18, 2007:
Scrapin' that ol factory of the nothing, Brother Grinning Shell, realizes the red scent.
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October 16, 2005:
"Look! Mechanical Stance Guerilla Penetrates The Mother Defined."
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October 9, 2005:
"There exists a raw feather inconsistency to his notational dish, a stray and narrow course plotted by indigenous consumers of an increasingly belligerent void."
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October 25, 2003:
In Which The Attempt To Move The Rubber Tree Plant Once Again Ends With The Singular Participant Emitting A Long But Tempered Sigh
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October 19, 2003:
As We Lay His Nerves Out On The Grid, Her Eyes Twitched In Anticipation Of The Sanitary Panic That Would Swallow The Next Few Days
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