Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from October 22, 2016 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

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Favoriting October 22, 2016: Inflatable Squirrel Carcass Parmesan

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Premiata Forneria Marconi  Il Banchetto   Favoriting Photos of Ghosts  Manticore  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Osanna  Tema   Favoriting Preludio Tema Variazioni Canzona  BTF  0:08:03 (Pop-up)
Le Orme  Era Inverno   Favoriting Collage  Philips  0:12:49 (Pop-up)
Goblin  School At Night (Lullaby Music Box)   Favoriting The Fantastic Voyage of Goblin: The Sweet Sound of Hell  Bella Casa  0:17:49 (Pop-up)
Area  Caos (Parte Seconda)   Favoriting Maledetti  Akarma  0:20:34 (Pop-up)
Ariondela  Beica   Favoriting Rough Guide To The Music Of Italy  World Music Network  0:29:36 (Pop-up)
Tenores di Bitti  Ballate a ballu tundu   Favoriting Italia 2: Atlante di Musica Tradizionale  Robi Droli  0:30:52 (Pop-up)
A male chorus  Zena Perla Du Ma   Favoriting Italian Treasury: The Trallaleri of Genoa  Rounder  0:34:12 (Pop-up)
Giacomo Onda, Nini Lupi, Pi Terralibera, Mirandino Crespi, Redentore Rebaudo  Mi Me Ne Fon Ina Sciura   Favoriting Italian Treasury: Liguria: Polyphony of Ceriana  Rounder  0:40:15 (Pop-up)
Banda Di Avola  Ponte S. Pietro   Favoriting 'A Banna!  Felmay  0:43:13 (Pop-up)
Banda Ionica  Lorenzo in Sicilia   Favoriting Matri Mia  Felmay  0:45:30 (Pop-up)
Berto Pisano  Tic Nervoso   Favoriting Cinecocktail: The 2nd Chance  Beat  0:49:21 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Proporzionale   Favoriting Space:1999  Penta Music  1:03:20 (Pop-up)
Gino Marinuzzi Jr.  Terrore Nello Spazio ("You are both of them!")   Favoriting Terrore Nello Spazio  Digitmovies  1:08:53 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Tidal Stream   Favoriting Il Corpo  Easy Tempo  1:10:22 (Pop-up)
I Marc 4  Mato Grosso   Favoriting I Solisti Di Armando Trovajoli  Cometa Edizioni Musicali  1:12:50 (Pop-up)
Lallo Gori  La Morte Scende Leggera - Seq. 4   Favoriting La Morte Scende Leggera  Quartet Records  1:15:06 (Pop-up)
Braen's Machine  In Fuga   Favoriting Quarta Pagina (Poliziesco)  Schema  1:17:04 (Pop-up)
Bruno Nicolai  Teorema   Favoriting Geminus  Edipan  1:19:17 (Pop-up)
Gianni Ferrio  Gringo, getta il fucile (seq. 6)   Favoriting Gringo, Getta Il Fucile  Beat Records  1:20:59 (Pop-up)
Gianni Marchetti  Avventure   Favoriting Zorro La Maschera Della Vendetta/Top Crack  GDM  1:24:16 (Pop-up)
Michele Lacerenza  Kidnapping (versione strum. 11 - mono)   Favoriting 20,000 Dollari Sporchi Di Sangue  GDM  1:27:37 (Pop-up)
Riz Ortolani  Day of Anger   Favoriting Day of Anger  RCA  1:29:38 (Pop-up)
Franco Micalizzi  Lo Chiamavano Trinita   Favoriting The Ecstasy of Gold: 26 Killer Bullets from the Spaghetti West Vol. 4  Semi-Automatic  1:32:40 (Pop-up)
Francesco De Masi  I'm Sartana, Trade Your Pistol For A Coffin - Sequence 7   Favoriting Spaghetti Westerns Volume Four  DRG  1:35:36 (Pop-up)
Mario Migliardi  Matalo! (long shadows)   Favoriting Matalo!  GDM  1:37:37 (Pop-up)
Stefano Pilia  Water   Favoriting Action Silence Prayers  Die Schachtel  1:42:01 (Pop-up)
Luigi Archetti  18   Favoriting Null II/Null III  Die Schachtel  1:48:13 (Pop-up)
Giacinto Scelsi (Composer)/Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI  Aion: I   Favoriting Giacinto Scelsi Collection Vol. 3  Stradivarius  2:05:59 (Pop-up)
Fabio Fabor & Armando Sciascia  Algorithmique   Favoriting Infini  Roundtable/The Omni Recording Corporation  2:13:20 (Pop-up)
Tasaday  Un Nuovo Istante   Favoriting Aprirsi Nel Silenzio  A Dull Note  2:15:41 (Pop-up)
Egisto Macchi  Nebulose   Favoriting I Futuribili  Roundtable/The Omni Recording Corporation  2:19:11 (Pop-up)
Intermezzi  Deportazione   Favoriting Jazz 04  SR Records  2:21:42 (Pop-up)
Luciano Michelini  Meteoriti   Favoriting La Conquista Di Luna  Schema  2:27:55 (Pop-up)
Alessandro Belloni  Tarantella alla Carpinese   Favoriting Tarantata: Dance of the Ancient Spider  Sounds True  2:28:24 (Pop-up)
Paolo Conte  Gong-oh   Favoriting The Best of Paolo Conte  Nonesuch  2:31:30 (Pop-up)
Montefiori Cocktail  Another B   Favoriting Raccolta No.1  Irma America  2:34:48 (Pop-up)
Man Sueto  69º   Favoriting Ultradolce Vol. 2  Irma La Douce  2:40:26 (Pop-up)
Antonio Riccardo Luciani  Eclisse Lunare   Favoriting Suono Libero  Irma La Douce  2:42:18 (Pop-up)
Nicola Conte  Bossa Per Due   Favoriting Bossa Per Due  Eighteenth Street Lounge  2:45:45 (Pop-up)
Mirageman  El Paso   Favoriting Mo'Plen 1000  Irma La Douce  2:51:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


good morning all,

inflatable squirrel carcass parmesan for you this evening. three hours of music from italian bands, composers, soundtracks, etc.

visuals for this evening: www.rupertvandervell.co.uk...
Avatar 12:11am
Listener David in Budd Lake:

Dickie!! Aloha!

aloha from budd lake or are you where aloha would normally be heard?

Ciao Rich
Viva Carcass!

One of the coolest bands from the golden age of Prog

who also released a great psych record to start their career
Mike tp:

Driving for the opening PFM festivities n performance.
Avatar 12:25am
Listener David in Budd Lake:

Budd Lake right now! A week from now, I'll be in Tromso Norway!

be sure to say aloha to the natives

so as you know wfmu is in the midst of its silent fundraiser during the month of october which is over in nine days and we are far from our goal. so if you can please pledge by going to the homepage and clicking on the pledge button.
Avatar 12:41am
Kurt Gottschalk:

alpha male chorus?

Benvenuto alla carcassa scoiattolo gonfiabile

hi kurt,
don't know if they're alpha males. they certainly weren't in alan lomax's eyes since they are simply "a male chorus," of which there are many (unless they are all the same) on the record.
Avatar 12:58am
Kurt Gottschalk:

thank you for the clarification.
Avatar 12:58am
Kurt Gottschalk:


so while america and england got a barry gray soundtrack for space:1999, europe got a morricone soundtrack. nothing against barry gray but really?
Avatar 1:15am
Kurt Gottschalk:

totally read that as "barry guy"

barry guy would've done an interesting soundtrack space:1999 also
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:36am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey...the theme from "Trinity"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56am


Hey. Checking in to say hello. Enjoying the Inflatable Squirrel Parmesan!

good morning ken, common, rw

have a pleasant week everyone. next week it's dj husband vs. dj wife viii, all 7" records for three hours. one hour of me, one hour of the long suffering tamar, one hour of both of us

and thanks to everyone who pledged this evening
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:57am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Rich. Who would've guessed there was this much Italian music out there?
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