Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from March 21, 2015 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

Saturday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am: Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John (More info...)

Favoriting March 21, 2015: I have been adopted! Thank you Ralphine. I promise I be good though I make strange noises and if you feed me strained carrots I will spit them up.

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Artist Track Album Label Comments
Invisible Hands  Eyes In The Back Of Your Head   Favoriting Teslam  Abduction  Prize to be drawn for in about 20 minutes for pledges of $20 or more 
Gordon Jenkins  The Nightmare   Favoriting     on premium Dream available for pledges of $75 or more 
Invisible Hands  Places   Favoriting      
Kasai All Stars  Yangye, The Evil Leopard   Favoriting     From the DOUBLE CD currently up for grabs, Beware the Fetish - pledge 20 bucks to get in the running! 
Richard & Mimi Farina  House Un-American Blues Activity Dream   Favoriting      
Daniela Casa  Vizio   Favoriting Sovrapposizione Di Immagini    Pledges of $20 or more puts you in the running 
Piero Piccioni  Easy Dreamer (alternate take)   Favoriting     on premium Dream available for pledges of $75 or more 
Jonathan Richman  You Can Have A Cell Phone That's OK But Not Me   Favoriting No Me Quejo De Mi Estrella    Available for pledges of $20 or more 
Jonathan Richman  Here It Is   Favoriting No Me Quejo De Mi Estrella  Munster   
Bernard Gerard  Trafic   Favoriting     Pledges of $75 or more put you in the running for the grand prize: 12 DVD Complete Jacques Tati 
The Zombies  Hung Up On A Dream   Favoriting     On premium available for pledges of $75 or more 
Rhyton  Pannychis   Favoriting Kykeon  Thrill Jockey  Pledge $20 and get in the running for this fabulous prize 
Francois Rauber  Paris Circus   Favoriting     from soundtrack to Playtime one of the movies in the grand prize 12 DVD complete Tati for pledges of $75 or more 
Roy Orbison  Beautiful Dreamer   Favoriting     on premium $75 or more gets it 
Letha Rodman Melchior  Edymion/MWCIE   Favoriting Shimmering Ghost  Siltbreeze  Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this 
Lasry-Baschet  Ballet Du Soho   Favoriting Danses Sacrale    Pledge of $20 or more and you may win this great CD 
Les Reed  Dream   Favoriting     on premium available for pledges of $75 or more 
Angel Olsen  Stars   Favoriting Burn Your Fire for No Witness    pledge $20 to get in the drawing 
Glass Prism  A Dream Within a Dream   Favoriting     on premium. donate $75 and get it. 
Amulya Kumar & Abinash Kalindi  Jhumur Song   Favoriting The Traveling Archive: Folk Music from Bengal  Sublime Frequencies  Pledge $20 or more and get in the running for this LP. 
The Clean  End of My Dream   Favoriting     from premium available for pledge of $75 or more 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:03am
Dan Bodah:

Get your waltzing shoes on everyone!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:07am
Dan Bodah:

Invisible Hands = ar-ar.facebook.com... = Alvarius B of the Sun City Girls. Donate at 800-989-9368 or wfmu.org... for the drawing for it

Listening to the “Shut Up Weirdo” from tonight. So $20 gets Rich to take his shirt off?
acid rich:

well, you named me. i just lost my job. life sucks. i can't donate shit. i don't care if you play this on air or anything, i just want you to hear what's happened since my hazelton baptism. but it would be fucking sweet if you did play it (only because you like it!) and if that happens you have to let me know. but seriously just set this aside for later as it's obvious you're busy as hell. richards unite! https://soundcloud.com/mushroom_cloud_nine/immaterial-girl
acid rich:

yes, the acid rich call was 15 years ago. daaaaaamn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33am

Hey Rich, hey Dan! I hope the angels and demons of generosity make it rain donations upon you. And remember people, you don't have to pay now. Choose BILL ME LATER if you need to. Or just call 800-989-9368: All calls are billed later.

i remember that call, happy anniversary.
acid rich:

please just listen to the soundcloud link, really, i just want you to hear it! your show has always been in my head when i've been mixing. tell me it's shit, whatever, i just want you to hear it!!!!

yes i will but not until tomorrow
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:38am
Dan Bodah:

Pledge now for the Kasai Allstars folks -- a 25 piece Congolese supergroup gathering together Kinshasa musicians from multiple ethnic groups some of whom are traditional enemies

Good point, one should "build up" to Playtime.
acid rich:

certainly fair - sorry for interrupting your bangup job re marathon - i'm anxiously awaiting your assessment. i've been trying to spread the WFMU word in deutschland, but it's a bit slow :P

Now THIS is classic "library" music
Avatar 1:16am


you don't have a mobile?
even i have re-upped for cell service (sort of)
Avatar 1:21am
Mary Wing:

Didn't Rich do a premium of DJ show themes?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:23am
Dan Bodah:

Yes, Mary! I loved that one.
Avatar 1:24am

yep...2009...a few remain in the prize warehouse!
Rich Hazelton:

no cellphone i like walking in a straight line
Avatar 1:25am
Mary Wing:

I loved it for Fabio's "Mr. Giant Man" --where else would you have gotten a version of that?
Avatar 1:27am

check that last...2008
themes for middle age...
sorry :(

For those who need the reference, here is Robert Smigel’s “X-Presidents” as the summon the ghost Richard Nixon. screen.yahoo.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29am

greetings Rich, Dan, sundry dirigibles.
Avatar 1:29am
Mary Wing:

Are you at the station right now, Tony?
Avatar 1:31am

yeah...wide awake
hearty white tore the joint up tonight!
REmarkable show in monty hall.
Avatar 1:33am
Mary Wing:

Yay, singing!

Yes, re-mark-able. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 1:33am
Mary Wing:

How long did Hearty talk?

@Mary: He was co-hosting on Kurt G’s show, so hey…
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:38am
Dan Bodah:

I just missed him, but I heard he did a hour and 10 minute monologue!
Avatar 1:38am

a jam packed 1 hour 7minute monologue (with a bit of help)
spun my head...sold out (seated show)...100 paid (on a tough night)
EVERYBODY wanted to chat with that cat
another good one
Avatar 1:39am
Mary Wing:

Nice! Maybe he'll make this an annual event?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39am

I resisted getting a mobile, but eventually gave in. Mostly it's for being late, or finding stray friends who wander from agreed-upon meeting places or such. You do NOT have to pay an absurd monthly all-you-can-eat rate if you don't use it that much. Get an old Verizon-compatible phone and then get Page Plus's Pay-As-You-Go service for it; it's insanely cheap. Then you're saving lots of $$$ -- GIVE THAT TO WFMU!

“I just missed him, but I heard he did a hour and 10 minute monologue!” And after he said that, the guy behind the counter said, “Is that to stay or is that to go?”

I actually had a Sprint plant that was like $19.99 with 100% no frills—not even texting—from like 1999 to 2011. Then I had a gig where I could use a pocket computer more than a laptop, so I ditched the plan and finally got an iPhone. The fact I could reboot servers sitting at a bar changed my life. I could be outdoors in sunshine yet still do my job. So hey… But I also know lots of folks nowadays—like the kids nowadays—who have flip phones.

Disembodied Voices: Why do they always talk smack? Such negativity from the netherworld.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50am

cassingles are even more wasteful than cd singles.
i've only given in to them 2-3 times (used),for that reason.

Hearty didn't do an hour ten of assorted anecdotes and one-liners, etc. It was mostly one long story, a true monologue. I'd say as high as expectations were in that crowd, he surpassed them.

Kraft Singles are a waste also. Why do I have to unwrap 5 slices when I am just going to eat the five slices anyway?
Avatar 1:53am

we can hope
extremely sweet of him to do a benefit for this station but
he's so creative...
hi ike and jake (you too hazelton and dan)
did without a cell
until kids arrived
then i think it's almost illegal not to have one

@tonyb: Back in 2010 I told someone I don’t text and she looked at me with a pregnant pause as if I just confessed to murder. I don’t get texting even on my pocket magic computer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55am

One long story? Hearty is capable of that? Cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55am

yeah, i can't justify those either.
(but then kraft also makes crappy cheese,so it's easy to ignore.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56am

You don't have to unwrap them Kraft singles before you eat them, Jake. They taste the same either way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57am

Hearty's stories are like my late aunt's were. there's a big tree with a zillion branches, but it always is about that big tree.

Best Kraft Singles binge joke ever, “I think I’m blind.” www.youtube.com...
Avatar 1:57am
Mary Wing:

Rich turned off both mics, heh!
Avatar 1:58am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58am

Avatar 2:02am

hey jake:
i didn't see it coming
but now i mostly text
i can chat on a land-line
but not good at convo.
while out-and-about
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05am

I didn't see it coming either. Now I prefer it.

Never saw the Spanish Inquisition coming also said some Monty Python fan once.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10am

NO one expects the spanish inquisition.

Those Monty Python fans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11am


@Ike: yeah, Hearty's monologue wasn't a scattershot, stream of consciousness improvisational thing like his radio show, it was mostly a single narrative about a time-travel experience, with a beginning, middle, end, etc.

@P-90: So he’s transforming into Jean Shepherd?
Avatar 2:17am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21am
Guido from Cologne:

This is great!
Good morning people!

Guten TZAG, Herr Guido
Avatar 2:26am
Mary Wing:

Wow, that track sounded like someone opened up a can of alien whoop-ass!

so mary you've been abducted?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34am
Guido from Cologne:

How huge was the Angel Olsen stack of CDs to give away?
OK, WFMU made some good promotion for her and rightly so.
I went to her concert because it was on Trouble's show.
Avatar 2:36am
Mary Wing:

I've been abduct-taped.

@Guido: There are a few artists I get tired of hearing on WFMU until I reallize that if I didn’t hear them here I would only hear them on NPR maybe, possibly, who knows and by then I don’t care.
Avatar 2:44am

I'm reminded of watching "M Hulot's Holiday" in college at a particularly miserable point in my psychic history. Even under those circumstances I found the film delightfully ingenious.


“Playtime” was the best thing to come out of a college film course where the professor would not shut up about Otto Preminger.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50am
Guido from Cologne:

No Sun but a lot of rain!
But never mind!
We even missed the eclipse yesterday because of clouds.
Same as 15 years ago.
Avatar 2:59am

thx guys
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