Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am:
Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John
(More info...)
In this cult classic, a demented doctor entraps five hundred young boys to force them to play zydeco piano... forever! Can the grumpy plumber save them before it’s too late? Doctor Suess meets Doctor John in a prescription for listening pleasure. Feature songs include “I Was In The First Floor Dungeon”, “Iko Iko”, “Dress Me Up In Gilded Splinters” and more. Coming to your radio or internet on the first Friday overnight/Saturday morning of May on Rich Hazelton’s Inflatable Squirrel Carcass.
@fleep: Thanks! But since that site is from 2010 and has a questionable download link, here is the link for the cover and sundry info.
the kid in the cook, the thief, his wife, and her lover? that is a nice little soundtrack for a perverse little film. i got to see that on senior citizens day in the theater in millburn and watched all the elder ones slowly shamble out of the theater as the film got darker and weirder.
Gosh. is that the original Stork, from before some kid calling himself T. Storck came along and mooched off Stork's good name? (I kid, I kid, T. Storck is excellent. Though perhaps partially cloned from the original Stork in a sinister German mad scientist experiment to create armies of new DJs? Yikes, they'll conquer ALL the non-commercial stations around the world!)
...who was using this as bed music the other day...?
Hey, Rich. See: sometimes I do tune in to your show.
(And when I don't, it's not because there's anything less than excellent about the show, it's just because I'm usually busy drinking, eating, drinking or sleeping when you're on. You understand.)
Well, tarnation, Stork, are you still in Deutschland lately? Is the Turkish food the greatest or what?
Jeff's pictures suggest that these two Stor(c)ks are unrelated and not clone-y, but I'm sure there must be a mad scientist's scheme hidden in this profusion of Stor(c)ks somehow.
Ah yes, I noticed those big beautiful currants sold widely in NL when I was there several months ago. A pretty rare sight in the U.S. Also, counter to the stereotype that Europe is more expensive for everything, some food items were actually cheaper, esp. good chocolate.
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Listener comments!
visuals for you this evening:
The Count of Al Dente:
The Count of Al Dente:
(And when I don't, it's not because there's anything less than excellent about the show, it's just because I'm usually busy drinking, eating, drinking or sleeping when you're on. You understand.)
...whereas this is a Storck:
Any questions?
Guido from Cologne:
I'm getting up late.
But very much enjoy this last hour of your show!
Guido from Cologne:
Esp. the toilet flush at the end of the trck ... hehehe
Jeff's pictures suggest that these two Stor(c)ks are unrelated and not clone-y, but I'm sure there must be a mad scientist's scheme hidden in this profusion of Stor(c)ks somehow.
Into re-currant season now.