Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am:
Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John
(More info...)
In this cult classic, a demented doctor entraps five hundred young boys to force them to play zydeco piano... forever! Can the grumpy plumber save them before it’s too late? Doctor Suess meets Doctor John in a prescription for listening pleasure. Feature songs include “I Was In The First Floor Dungeon”, “Iko Iko”, “Dress Me Up In Gilded Splinters” and more. Coming to your radio or internet on the first Friday overnight/Saturday morning of May on Rich Hazelton’s Inflatable Squirrel Carcass.
August 18, 2001: Only Off-Center Ammunition For A Dandelion Assassin
New * / Special ***
Approx. start time
Rob Schwimmer/Uri Caine/Mark Feldman
Scene D'Amour
"Scene D'Amour" by "Rob Schwimmer/Uri Caine/Mark F...
Theremin Noir
Cathy Berberian
"Desejo" by "Cathy Berberian"
Nel Labirinto Della Loce
Belle & Sebastian
Mary Jo
"Mary Jo" by "Belle & Sebastian"
The Oxfords
Flute Thing
"Flute Thing" by "The Oxfords"
Flying Up Through The Sky
Karl Berger/Dave Holland/Ed Blackwell
Getting There
"Getting There" by "Karl Berger/Dave Holland/Ed Bl...
Crystal Fire
Charles Mingus
The Clown
"The Clown" by "Charles Mingus"
The Clown
Robbie Basho
"Pasha" by "Robbie Basho"
The Lothars
The Marriage Of Queen Lothera
"The Marriage Of Queen Lothera" by "The Lothars"
Oscillate My Metallic Sonatas
Angelo Badalamenti
Audrey's Dance
"Audrey's Dance" by "Angelo Badalamenti"
Twin Peaks
Ulan Bator
Selva/La Joueuse De Tambour
"Selva/La Joueuse De Tambour" by "Ulan Bator"
Kletka Red
"Wire" by "Kletka Red"
The Twinkeyz
Twinkeyz Theme
"Twinkeyz Theme" by "The Twinkeyz"
Aliens In Our Midst
Iron Butterfly
In The Time Of Our Lives
"In The Time Of Our Lives" by "Iron Butterfly"
Blue Oyster Cult
"Screams" by "Blue Oyster Cult"
Blue Oyster Cult
Tori Amos
Heart Of Gold
"Heart Of Gold" by "Tori Amos"
3 Track Radio Sampler
Takako Minekawa (Remixed by Kid Loco)
Black Forest
"Black Forest" by "Takako Minekawa (Remixed by Kid...
George Crumb
Se Ha LLenado De Luces Mi Corazon De Seda
"Se Ha LLenado De Luces Mi Corazon De Seda" by "Ge...
Ancient Voices Of Children
Rafael Toral
"Liberte" by "Rafael Toral"
Violence Of Discovery & Calm Of Acceptance
a song
Barton McLean
Song Of The Nahuatl
"Song Of The Nahuatl" by "Barton McLean"
The McLean Mix & The Golden Age Of Electronic Music
Evan Parker Electro-Acoustic Ensemble
Spouting Bowl
"Spouting Bowl" by "Evan Parker Electro-Acoustic E...
Drawn Inward
Luciano Berio
Thema-Ommagio A Joyce
"Thema-Ommagio A Joyce" by "Luciano Berio"
Acousmatrix 7: Berio/Maderna Electronic Works
This Heat
"Water" by "This Heat"
This Heat
Bak Hamlet, Borai
"Bak Hamlet, Borai" by "Gaiamen/Tangai/Vagh"
Sacred Flute Music From New Guinea Vol. 2
Coyle & Sharpe
Transporting Captured People
"Transporting Captured People" by "Coyle & Sharpe"
Bananafish 15: Leave Your Body Behind
Mind Expanders
Pictures At A Psychedelic Exhibition
"Pictures At A Psychedelic Exhibition" by "Mind Ex...
What's Happening
Montefiori Cocktail
I Feel Love
"I Feel Love" by "Montefiori Cocktail"
Raccolta N. 2
Erevian Armenian Music Ensemble
Khundzor Medley
"Khundzor Medley" by "Erevian Armenian Music Ensem...
My Heart For You
Les Primitifs Du Futur
La Valse Chinoise
"La Valse Chinoise" by "Les Primitifs Du Futur"
World Musette
John Barry
Fight At Kobe Dock-Helga
"Fight At Kobe Dock-Helga" by "John Barry"
You Only Live Twice
"30.0/31.0" by "Starfuckers"
Superfluous Mans Epitaphium
"Superfluous Mans Epitaphium" by "Reportaz"
Cassette Cultures
Glass Candy & The Shattered Theatre
Brittle Women
"Brittle Women" by "Glass Candy & The Shattered Th...
Nguyen Thi Hai Phuong
Suite Xuan, Ai, Dao
"Suite Xuan, Ai, Dao" by "Nguyen Thi Hai Phuong"
Vietnam: Le Dan Tranh
Hamza El-Din
Oud Duo
"Oud Duo" by "Hamza El-Din"
Song Of The Nile
Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
Bhindi Bhagee
"Bhindi Bhagee" by "Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros"
Global A Go-Go
In Effect
"In Effect" by "Material"
Seven Souls
Quetzatl Tenango
"Quetzatl Tenango" by "Quetzatl"
Chilam Balam
Stars Of The Lid
"Down" by "Stars Of The Lid"
Music For Nitrous Oxide
Please Remain Seated
"Please Remain Seated" by "Kinski"
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