Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from December 22, 2012 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

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Favoriting December 22, 2012: Pampering the Combustible Heretic

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Pelican Daughters  The Bicycle Ride   Favoriting FiftyYears of Sunshine  Silence  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Joakim Skogsberg  Jola fran Ingbo   Favoriting Jola Rota  Tiliqua  0:14:10 (Pop-up)
Trembling Strain  Funeral March   Favoriting Anthem To Raise The Dead  Belle Antique  0:21:38 (Pop-up)
Jorma Tapio & Terje Isungset  Salainen tuli / Secret Fire   Favoriting Aihki  Ektro  0:29:51 (Pop-up)
Shackleton  It Is Not Easy   Favoriting Music for the Quiet Hour/The Drawbar Organ EPs  Septic  0:51:05 (Pop-up)
Chris Joss  Night Scare   Favoriting Sticks  ESL  1:09:41 (Pop-up)
Johnny Pate  You Can't Even Walk In The Park   Favoriting Can You Dig It? The Music And Politics Of Black Action Films 1969-75  Soul Jazz  1:14:08 (Pop-up)
Charles Earland  Kungfusion   Favoriting The Dynamite Brothers  BGP  1:16:35 (Pop-up)
Fraktus  Supergau   Favoriting Millenium Edition  Staatsakt  1:20:07 (Pop-up)
Sir Alice  L'Amour made in Taiwan   Favoriting ?  Tigersushi  1:23:41 (Pop-up)
Laurel Halo  Nerve   Favoriting Quarantine  Hyperdub  1:27:56 (Pop-up)
Kammerflimmer Kollektief  Zikaden, vielleicht   Favoriting Hysteria  Quecksilber  1:29:55 (Pop-up)
E*Rock  Humor Risk   Favoriting The Clock and the Mountain  Audio Dregs  1:34:07 (Pop-up)
Kambar Kalendarov & Kutman Sultanbekov  Mezgil Jangyrygy   Favoriting Jaw  Cantaloupe Music  1:36:22 (Pop-up)
The Kamkars  Track 2   Favoriting Chant of Drums  QuarterTone  1:40:25 (Pop-up)
Tape Beatles  The Human Machine   Favoriting Good Times  Staalplaat  1:45:54 (Pop-up)
Buildings  Strange Sleep   Favoriting Melt Cry Sleep  Double+Good  1:48:43 (Pop-up)
DNA  You & You   Favoriting DNA On DNA  No More  1:51:01 (Pop-up)
The Cravats  Tears On My Machine   Favoriting The Cravats in Toytown / Double Volume  Overground  1:53:05 (Pop-up)
The Desperate Bicycles  I Am Nine   Favoriting Another Commercial Venture  Acute  1:55:07 (Pop-up)
Opossom  Blue Meanies   Favoriting Electric Hawaii  Fire  1:58:36 (Pop-up)
Roy Montgomery  Above The Canopy   Favoriting Temple IV  Kranky  2:09:23 (Pop-up)
Current 93  Time Tryeth Truth   Favoriting Earth Covers Earth  Durtro  2:24:16 (Pop-up)
Woodpecker Wooliams  Hummingbird   Favoriting The Bird School of Being Human  Robot Elephant  2:28:21 (Pop-up)
Selvhenter  Ruth   Favoriting Frk. B. Fricka  Eget Vaerelse  2:32:49 (Pop-up)
Lukas Simonis & Takayuki Kawabata  Shosoku Remix   Favoriting News  Z6  2:37:40 (Pop-up)
Margareth Kammerer  I Carry Your Heart With Me   Favoriting To Be An Animal Of Real Flesh  Charizma  2:42:02 (Pop-up)
Gene Estribou/Jean-Paul Pickens  You Know - The One You Played Saturday Night   Favoriting Intensifications  Locust  2:45:34 (Pop-up)
Christoph Heeman  The Rings of Saturn Part 2   Favoriting The Rings of Saturn  Robot  2:48:24 (Pop-up)
Helena Espvall & Masaki Batoh  Pro Peccatis Suae Gentis/Nun Fanget An   Favoriting Overloaded Ark  Drag City  2:53:22 (Pop-up)
Lau Nau  Juokse Sina Humma   Favoriting Valohikkanen  Fonal  2:56:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Hello out there. Happy listening to all involved.

visuals: mareksamojeden.com...

Happy New Epoch! everyone.

When's the first official apocalypse of this cycle?
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

13/13/13 me thinks!?
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

Howdy Destroit

Howdy Doody?

Howdy stmwrctb. Heh...you said doody. Nice strar Rich, doom and apocolypticky. I like it.
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

indeed , we are 5 days off from the first episode of Howdy Doody 1947 - conspiracy theories abound amEdeo!!! Richer sounds sounding good,agreed Destroit!
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

reminding m of some of the early R&S label stuff from Belguim (early 90's)
nice sub bass

Flawless 1st hour IMO. Particularly the Shackleton track.
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

referring to the shackleton track- nice
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

@Destroit - if you dont know early joey beltram on R&S and you like Shackleton,check it out

Did Beltram do ambient stuff? I'm familiar with r&s, and Beltram dance tracks, but not Beltram ambient work. I'll check it out!
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

specifically thinking of the track "The Reflex" JB vol 2 - heavy four four in it,but strip that away and IMO you totally the same vibe as that Shackleton track
smoke too much weed /read conspiracy theory books:

but yes - "Aonox" by JB is worth a listen (from 94) right enough trainspotting!
Rob W:

Greetings Carcass Lovers! Harkening back to the first set... I saw (and met, briefly) the fabulous percussionist Terje Isungset at WOMEX this fall with the Norwegian folk / experimental band Groupa. One of his trademarks is to carve inevitably temporary but very elaborate instruments out of ice. Every year he participates in a big outdoor ice festival at Geilo, Norway (Jan 24-27 this year, http://www.icefestival.no/). But also he's bringing his frozen show to North America: he's doing an ice concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC on Feb 23, part of what looks like a fabulous series of Scandinavian artist concerts called "Nordic Cool" - http://tinyurl.com/dc-nordic-fest-music. He's also doing an ice concert in Minneapolis (Cedar Cultural Center, Feb 25) and also - this should be pretty amazing - up in the frozen tundra of Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut in the Canadian arctic on Feb 20.
Dave in PA:

Sounds like the ol' MG-B
Rob W:

Re: Next Apocalypse - well, according to Auguste Comte's extremely unpopular Positivist Calendar (http://positivists.org/51.html), if my math is right, 13/13/13 (Bichat 13, 213) = December 15, 2101 (Today's date on the Positivist Calendar is Bichat 21, 224). So, we have some time... (The Hebrew calendar also has 13 months, but only on leap years; I'm not sure if 13/13/13 ever can or will happen.)
Rob W:

Correction, I meant Bichat 13, 313 of course - !
DJ Fancy Feast:

Roy Montgomery "Above The Canopy" = beautiful

But is the Positivist Calendar the most unpopular calendar or is there a calendar out there that is reviled?
Rob W:

Well, I don't really know if it's the MOST unpopular - ! (Liked the Lau Nau though, very nice show-closer.)
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