Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from December 17, 2011 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

Saturday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting December 17, 2011: Preamble to a resurrection (stripped of its mechanics)

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Kuupuu  Pollon Pentu   Favoriting Lumen Tähden  Time-Lag  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Matsuo Ohno  Pulsation   Favoriting I Saw The Outer Limits  EM  0:20:51 (Pop-up)
Julianna Barwick & Ikue Mori  Dream Sequence   Favoriting Julianna Barwick & Ikue Mori  FRKWYS  0:26:28 (Pop-up)
Fursaxa  Tyranny   Favoriting Lepidotera  ATP  0:38:51 (Pop-up)
Kohn  Transported Man   Favoriting Random Patterns  Kraak  0:47:31 (Pop-up)
Day Lineal  Become 07   Favoriting What Will You Become?  Day Lineal  1:00:58 (Pop-up)
The Sounds of Tomorrow  Pulse Rate   Favoriting The Sounds Of Tomorrow  RPM  1:03:18 (Pop-up)
Oneida  $50 Tea   Favoriting Secret Wars  Jagjaguwar  1:06:13 (Pop-up)
Wax Idols  Nothing At All   Favoriting No Future  HoZac  1:11:07 (Pop-up)
Man...or ASTRO-man?  Secret Agent Conrad Uno   Favoriting Your Weight On The Moon  Overground Records  1:14:14 (Pop-up)
Grass Widow  Shadow   Favoriting Past Time  Kill Rock Stars  1:17:11 (Pop-up)
Adventures In Stereo  Touch The Rain   Favoriting Monomania  Bobsled  1:20:05 (Pop-up)
The Druids of Stonehenge  Earthless   Favoriting Creation  Sundazed  1:22:29 (Pop-up)
Magic Bubble  Whiskey Fire   Favoriting Magic Bubble  Fallout  1:25:16 (Pop-up)
Wolfgang Dauner Quintet  Oh Baby, I Don't Love You Anymore   Favoriting The Oimels  MPS  1:27:43 (Pop-up)
This Is Communication  Track 1   Favoriting This Is Communication  Kimberly Dawn  1:32:00 (Pop-up)
Gypsophile  Ceux qui trainent   Favoriting Assunta  Lenka Lente  1:39:15 (Pop-up)
Golden Hotel  All My Girls Are Singing   Favoriting The Silver Wilderness  Golden Hotel  1:42:21 (Pop-up)
Evangelista  Bell Rings Fire   Favoriting In Animal Tongue  Constellation  1:46:33 (Pop-up)
Humcrush with Sidsel Endresen  Track 6   Favoriting ha!  Rune Grammofon  1:52:09 (Pop-up)
Eve and the Last Waltz  Jackson Pollock   Favoriting Turpentine  Biem  1:53:48 (Pop-up)
The Stained Glass  A Scene In Between   Favoriting Soft Sounds For Gentle People, Vol. 3  Pet  2:04:33 (Pop-up)
The Golden Dogs  Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five   Favoriting Big Eye Little Eye  Yep Roc  2:06:54 (Pop-up)
Soema Montenegro  Flores del desierto   Favoriting Passionaria  Western Vinyl  2:12:07 (Pop-up)
Zun Zun Egui  Fandango Fresh   Favoriting Katang  Bella Union  2:15:21 (Pop-up)
Hedvig Mollestad Trio  Sidetracked   Favoriting Shoot!  Rune Grammofon  2:20:18 (Pop-up)
Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog  Midost   Favoriting Party Intellectuals  Pi  2:24:46 (Pop-up)
Mary Halvorson  April April May (No.3)   Favoriting Dragon's Head  Firehouse 12  2:35:03 (Pop-up)
Peter Kowald/Floros Floridis  Maria's Black   Favoriting Duos2: Europa America Japan  FMP  2:39:37 (Pop-up)
Darius Jones Trio  Michelle Loves Willie   Favoriting Big Gurl  Aum Fidelity  2:42:49 (Pop-up)
Nate Wooley  Hazel   Favoriting (Put Your) Hands Together  Clean Feed  2:49:34 (Pop-up)
Bruno Nicolai  Gladys Avvelenata   Favoriting La Notte Che Evelyn Usci' Dalla Tomba  Digitmovies  2:53:16 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Visuals for this week: visuals: http://humument.com/intro.html.

Seems like a headphone night tonight. Good stuff.
Mike Oz:

Hello again, Destroit. Hi, Rich. Great start. Thanks for calling time on Pseu & Joe's thing with a honk. A pity your show will be a little short this week. I've enjoyed your programs for a few weeks now since I started listening on the Interwebthing. We have it in Australia too, you know. Oh, nice.

It's been awhile since I've put headphones on, but this is spectacular. Cheers to you Oz!
Marmalade Kitty:

It's a year to the day the great Don Van vliet left us, sadly.. Captain Beefheart always makes me :)

I like cats even more, you had me at beefheart
Mike Oz:

Mike Oz:
About that World Wide Wait thing. We all gather round the tin can attached to the string and strain our ears to the bizarre & beautiful sounds that emanate. While we barbecue a wombat & sink a few cold ones, mate. MK, yes a sad day. But I think Don was pretty sick.

Haha, no clue who joe is, but Joe is invited to any party any time. Go.
ted leo:

your late night hipster "soundshow" is Crap of a college radio professoer Course with an umlat that sez bledddfartphpkhop CRAud lizenforn tina fey comedy riting course .......
so zany icant wait to tell on

play some godamm music asshole
oh im sorry that is the name of my band

Ted, chill. There 10000000000 stations on the innerboobs, find one

Opinions positive and negative are always welcome sir, but hiding behind the name of someone who actually gives a lot to the station is cowardly.
ted leo:

ok ....im from 1962 so im outdated ....
to late night sonic junk like Matsuo Ohno ,Kuupuu ,
Julianna Barwick & Ikue Mori the amazing tin cat
felix undreholm
and my best setryuid
its from a mongolian tent camp

like you buy all the the above and play it on your ipud
plus if you never or ever noticed
FMU never can play more than one song in a row by any artist
it stinks long live 28 to 18 yr olds
Logan's Run:

@TedLeo, Right on, man! The more I listen, the more it stinks! And I listen a lot so I know. 29-18 is the new 30.

hey pithy comment dude, open your ears and your mind will follow

1: Logan might be funny, might be a douche...can't tell. 2: Ted, just turn the station man, wtf is your problem? Nice show rich, got me makin bagel sandwiches now.....

mmm... bagel sandwich, me want. got smoked salmon & the cream cheese but none of the H &H

I'm doing smoked herring, cream cheese, a boatload of fresh dill, parsley, vinegar , and done. That's some real hipster shit right thar!

good french stuff Rich.

ted leo:

because im sick of the discordant music seques of ...
1 song of bleeps and snorts to industrial grind drone than to1 of rock than to1 of
far out stuff than to 1 of squirrel carcass ...come on ..i know it s non commercial
but cant you set a tone once in a blue moon

@ Ted: too far gone, no way back.
Marmalade Kitty:

enjoying the show, Rich! :)

just found the whitefish tucked in the back drawer..smells doable. hey TL, I'd say the tone is certainly set-- we're dining at Russ & Daughters and it sounds & taste GOOD. Sounds like you want a cheese dog and fries, that's the station just round the dial

Golden Hotel!
ted leo:

doing one with smoked lox and bermuda onion and an japanese "everything" baguette
and all the people yelling fire

hey TL you're getting in the spirit!

Yum. Gripping the peanut butter & crackers, lots of water, fantastic night rich...keep it up. Marmalade: :)
Mike Oz:

Bin puttin' the bloody door back on the dunny out in the backyard, mate, an' then I had a bit of a dip in the dam - geeze, the mozzies are bad down there this summer. So I haven't really been listenin' for the last hour or so, mate, but the Playlist looks pretty bloody strange, don't it. An' the flamin' comments board looks like a bloody perfess'nal writin' class, mate. Ole Ted makes a bloody funny samwich, eh?
Mike Oz:

I reckon I could fix that flamin' muffler too, Rich, if you dropped it over tomorrow arvo, mate. You can hear it comin' a bloody mile away. Struth!
Mike Oz:

An' what the hell's this sheila singin' about now?
Mike Oz:

Akka Dakka, mate. Beudy!
Mike Oz:

It's pretty bloody quiet inside this little box, though, mate. Coo-ee!
Mike Oz:

I reckon they're all out bangin' on buildin's, mate.
Marc Ribot! You little ripper!

1: Good night Oz! I'm matching yer drinks, just different timezones, perhaps: 2:fuckin awesome lottery Leslie west kraftwork song right now,,,,3: done, thanks rich!

wow. Headphones back on.
Bruce Oz:

It's New-bloody-York, mate. They're all bloody artists or innerlechshuls, mate. Destroit! We thought you'd piked on us, yer flamin' galah.
Mike Oz:

Reckon 'e's got 'is headphones up 'is bloody arse, mate.
Bruce Oz:

Oh, the timing mate. I reckon this bloody DJ's a flamin' artist, eh. Poetry in flamin' motion, mate.
Mike Oz:

I dunno, mate. I reckon I could make a better noise on a coupla bits a fence-wire, mate. Oh yeah, mate. It is fence-wire.
Bruce Oz:

They know they don't have to read this shit, don't they mate? Oh no yeah, yer right mate. It's on the flamin' internet. Ya gotta read it all, mate. It's against the bloody law not to.
Bruce Oz:

They know they don't have to read this s***, don't they mate? Oh no yeah, yer right mate. It's on the flamin' internet. Ya gotta read it all, mate. It's against the bloody law not to.
Mike Oz:

Now you've done it, mate. They'll have the bloody F bloody CC onto us now. You can't talk like that on the interweb. Yer bloody drongo!
ted leo:

yeah so USA pacific fleet saved Australia
but i still think aussie's are great people
thats why it's called a msg board
im too late
well if you fall down and break both your legs ..don't come runnin' to me
Mike Oz:

Now what's Ted talkin' about, mate? Mono-bloody-sodium-glutomate? An' I think the bloody Yanks have a different flamin' history book from ours, mate.
Mike & Bruce Oz:

Thanks, Rich. A bloody beaudy!
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