Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am:
Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John
(More info...)
In this cult classic, a demented doctor entraps five hundred young boys to force them to play zydeco piano... forever! Can the grumpy plumber save them before it’s too late? Doctor Suess meets Doctor John in a prescription for listening pleasure. Feature songs include “I Was In The First Floor Dungeon”, “Iko Iko”, “Dress Me Up In Gilded Splinters” and more. Coming to your radio or internet on the first Friday overnight/Saturday morning of May on Rich Hazelton’s Inflatable Squirrel Carcass.
December 9, 2007: Submit An Abacus To His Touching Narrows
"You are hearing the first few minutes of Lee Morg...
You are hearing the first few minutes of Lee Morgan's "Search For The New Land" from the album of the same name on Blue Note. Little did I know that the CD would begin to skip as it did not earlier this evening. To make matters worse a barrier of glitch will not allow me to forward through the song. Rather than be obstinate and have the first hour of my show consist of an endless loop of frustration, I have decided to skip forward to the planned second song of the set (see below). Oh well, the freedom to fail is one of freeform's greatest gifts. Please, please, take me in your hand Mr. Giant Man.
Charles Mingus
"Ecclusiastics" by "Charles Mingus"
Oh Yeah
Kenneth Patchen
Four Blues Poems: 1. There's A Place, 2. They Won't Let You In There, 3. A Sign Is Little Altered, 4. The Lonesome Boy Blues
"Four Blues Poems: 1. There's A Place, 2. They Won...
Kenneth Patchen Reads With Jazz In Canada
The Hi-Los
Whatever Lola Wants
"Whatever Lola Wants" by "The Hi-Los"
Los Del Garrote
La Cumbia Del Garrote
"La Cumbia Del Garrote" by "Los Del Garrote"
Amores Perros
Alfredo Rodriguez
Tumbao A Peruchin
"Tumbao A Peruchin" by "Alfredo Rodriguez"
Cuba Si! Pure Cuban Flavor
Eddie Palmieri
Lucumi, Macumba, Voodoo
"Lucumi, Macumba, Voodoo" by "Eddie Palmieri"
Lucumi, Macumba, Voodoo
Howard Shore
Ed Wood (Video)
"Ed Wood (Video)" by "Howard Shore"
Ed Wood
Track 3
"Track 3" by "OOIOO"
Eye Remix EP
Thrill Jockey
Winkelstreben Peverelist Remix
"Winkelstreben Peverelist Remix" by "Pole"
Steingarten Remixes
I didn't expect you to squeeze so hard, Mr. Giant Man.
"circa.1509" by "SND"
Clicks And Cuts
Mille Plateaux
"rotor" by "produkt"
Microscopic Sound
David Fenech
Jogging Republican
"Jogging Republican" by "David Fenech"
Polochon Battle
Art Fleury
"Lilith" by "Art Fleury"
The Last Album
No-Sense Records
Alesia Cosmos
The Last Line
"The Last Line" by "Alesia Cosmos"
Hat Art
I am Butt, A Cosmic Joke this evening. That skip at the end did not occur during audition; I have an earwitness. Oh well...
Slapp Happy
Mono Plane
"Mono Plane" by "Slapp Happy"
Sort Of
La Societe Des Timides A La Parade Des Oiseaux
Boum De La Tete
"Boum De La Tete" by "La Societe Des Timides A La ...
La Societe Des Timides A La Parade Des Oiseaux
Beta-Lactam Ring
Jacques Berrocal
"Paralleles" by "Jacques Berrocal"
Alga Marghen
Blind Cave Salamander
The Human Fish
"The Human Fish" by "Blind Cave Salamander"
Blind Cave Salamander
Blossoming Noise
The White Lodge
Waking Vision
"Waking Vision" by "The White Lodge"
Twilight Vision
Attack Nine
Catherine Howe
"Interlude" by "Catherine Howe"
What A Beautiful Place
Numero Group
Jim O'Rourke
Halfway To A Threeway
"Halfway To A Threeway" by "Jim O'Rourke"
Halfway To A Threeway
Drag City
Cythia Dall
The Party
"The Party" by "Cythia Dall"
Sound Restores Young Men
Drag City
What Are You On?
East River Pipe
"East River Pipe" by "What Are You On?"
What Are You On?
Carl Orff
Vier Tanzstücke: Tanz (Eingerichtet Von Wilfried Hiller) Für Violone Und Violoncello
"Vier Tanzstücke: Tanz (Eingerichtet Von Wilfried ...
Schulwerk Volume One: Musica Poetica
Celestial Harmonies
Raushan Orazbaeva
Togys Tarau
"Togys Tarau" by "Raushan Orazbaeva"
Hamza El Din
Hoi To Irkil Fagiu (The Message Bearer)
"Hoi To Irkil Fagiu (The Message Bearer)" by "Hamz...
Music Of Nubia
Purna Das Baul
"Tripti" by "Purna Das Baul"
Bauls Of Bengal
Cram World
Yoko Ono
O' Wind (Body Is The Scar Of Your Mind)
"O' Wind (Body Is The Scar Of Your Mind)" by "Yoko...
Bruce Gilbert
Epitaph For Henran Brenlar
"Epitaph For Henran Brenlar" by "Bruce Gilbert"
This Way To The Shivering Man
Susumu Yokota
Plateau On Plateau
"Plateau On Plateau" by "Susumu Yokota"
The Boy And The Tree
Steven R. Smith
"Whistling" by "Steven R. Smith"
Digitalis Industries
"Djukela" by "Ophiucus"
Lion Productions
The Open Mind
Thor The Thunder God
"Thor The Thunder God" by "The Open Mind"
The Open Mind
The Count Five
Pretty Big Mouth
"Pretty Big Mouth" by "The Count Five"
Psychotic Reaction: The Complete Count Five
Amon Düül II
The Return Of Ruebezahl
"The Return Of Ruebezahl" by "Amon Düül II"
The Besnard Lakes
Rides The Rails
"Rides The Rails" by "The Besnard Lakes"
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