Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am:
Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John
(More info...)
In this cult classic, a demented doctor entraps five hundred young boys to force them to play zydeco piano... forever! Can the grumpy plumber save them before it’s too late? Doctor Suess meets Doctor John in a prescription for listening pleasure. Feature songs include “I Was In The First Floor Dungeon”, “Iko Iko”, “Dress Me Up In Gilded Splinters” and more. Coming to your radio or internet on the first Friday overnight/Saturday morning of May on Rich Hazelton’s Inflatable Squirrel Carcass.
OOPS. Just been informed that Rich is here for one last go-round before the "Summer Schedule" (that goes until December.)
Seriously, Friday nights will not be the same. Rich. you're going to be a hard habit to kick. The tracks AND the visuals will be missed.
It's that warp in the space time continuum due to the weather.
Hi Rich, have always enjoyed the show and will definitely miss it during the hiatus. Also, it's still in the mail but wanted to thank you for the Jaw Harp Family Party Pack... best marathon prize ever.
Chop Scott:
You will be missed my friend! Hook up that squirrel carcass to Fabio's muffler!!
Archives going back to 2001, so there's plenty of freeze dried carcass I've never heard to bridge the gap. But live is always better and that will be missed.
Hmmmmmm..."freeze dried carcass." Never has a ray of hope sounded less appetizing. But: I'll take it.
- can't sleep, but can check last hour before total Deflation (@ least for now).
- I really have enjoyed & I Thank You
- & Best of Luck w/ other pursuits.
Vanilla Fudge and Inflatable Squirrel Carcass: both on their "farewell tours". But one can still hope: how many times have the Eagles called it quits, only to reappear?
If Sue said she'll miss Rich, it's only because she's losing the last 15 minutes of her show. I'll miss Rich talking over Fabio's muffler, but we will still have Fabio himself.
The carcass has provided many hours of wonderful music, and even more hours of non-music. Thanks Rich, have a great break, we'll see you when you get back.
Dickey! Don't take so long to come back to the air!
Weep...weep...sniff - I cant believe after all these years I wont have something live to annoy all my co-workers with. guess they will just get to go thru the archives with me starting 2001 or so
love your show man - its actually the only music I listen to
Yep, gonna miss the carcass... awesome shows, Rich. Looking forward to your return:)
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Listener comments!
Dr. Z:
Visual for this week:
Dr. Z:
Seriously, Friday nights will not be the same. Rich. you're going to be a hard habit to kick. The tracks AND the visuals will be missed.
Chop Scott:
cs, a disturbing thought
snake scott:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
- I really have enjoyed & I Thank You
- & Best of Luck w/ other pursuits.
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
- ☆☆☆☆☆...
The carcass has provided many hours of wonderful music, and even more hours of non-music. Thanks Rich, have a great break, we'll see you when you get back.
kim (germland):
see you, rich
Listener David in Budd Lake:
love your show man - its actually the only music I listen to