Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from April 25, 2015 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

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Favoriting April 25, 2015: “...positively crocodilian in their ministrations to the bound...”

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Caravan  A Day in the Life of Maurice Haylett   Favoriting If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Do It All Over You  Decca    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Arbete och Fritid  Nidalven   Favoriting Arbete och Fritid  Musiknatet Vaxholm    0:04:34 (Pop-up)
Jean Cohen Solal  Matiere   Favoriting Musiques Et Instruments Insolites  MIO Records    0:07:08 (Pop-up)
Gong  Eat That Phone Book Coda   Favoriting Angel's Egg  Charly    0:09:26 (Pop-up)
Michael Mantler  The Insect God   Favoriting The Hapless Child and Other Inscrutable Stories  Watt    0:12:26 (Pop-up)
Momus  Ticket   Favoriting Turpsycore  American Patchwork    0:17:19 (Pop-up)
Chantal Goya  Si Tu Gagnes Au Flipper   Favoriting Les Annees 60  Magic    0:21:02 (Pop-up)
The Auteurs  Underground Movies   Favoriting Now I'm A Cowboy  Hut USA/Vernon Yard Recordings    0:23:14 (Pop-up)
Marianne Dissard  Je Ne Le Savais Pas   Favoriting The Cat, Not Me  Marianne Dissard    0:26:37 (Pop-up)
Sleater-Kinney  Hey Darling   Favoriting No Cities To Love  Sub Pop    0:31:17 (Pop-up)
The Go! Team  Fake ID   Favoriting Proof Of Youth  Memphis Industries / Sub Pop    0:33:37 (Pop-up)
The King Khan & BBQ Show  Illuminations   Favoriting Bad News Boys  In The Red    0:37:00 (Pop-up)
Wild Billy Childish & CTMF  A Flame From The Fen   Favoriting Acorn Man  Damaged Goods    0:39:09 (Pop-up)
Ruby The Hatchet  Vast Acid   Favoriting Valley of the Snake  Tee Pee    0:41:34 (Pop-up)
Cuzcos  Balada   Favoriting El Triunfo Del Fracaso  Prius Discos    0:46:50 (Pop-up)
Dengue Fever  Deepest Lake On The Planet   Favoriting The Deepest Lake  Tuk Tuk    0:48:54 (Pop-up)
Bernard Parmegiani (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  Une Mission Ephemere   Favoriting     https://vimeo.com/22186603  1:05:02 (Pop-up)
Robert Cohen-Solal (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  Delicious Catastrophe   Favoriting     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iitWaA1Vh2k  1:13:05 (Pop-up)
Bernard Parmegiani (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  Le Labyrinthe   Favoriting     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YnzqdAgZ40  1:24:27 (Pop-up)
Marin Marais (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  Continu discontinu   Favoriting     https://vimeo.com/24106696  1:36:30 (Pop-up)
Francois Bayle (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  Coeur de secours   Favoriting     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzzCH2WrbVM&index=4&list=PL4E091C00970DC4E4  1:42:43 (Pop-up)
Bernard Parmegiani (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  La Pas   Favoriting     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqTf9YjjhE&index=2&list=PL4E091C00970DC4E4  1:51:53 (Pop-up)
Robert Cohen-Solal (music), Piotr Kamler (director)  Le Trou   Favoriting     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hjq1EJqJio  1:58:41 (Pop-up)
Francis Seyrig  Promenade (from L'Anee Derniere A Marienbad)   Favoriting La musique dans le film d'Alain Resnais  Doxy    2:12:47 (Pop-up)
David Rosenboom  B.C.-A.D. II   Favoriting Life Field  Tzadik    2:15:37 (Pop-up)
Phil Minton  Orders for the Pals   Favoriting A Doughnut In Both Hands: Solo Singing 1975-1982  Emanem    2:25:26 (Pop-up)
Daniel Goode  Six New Fractal Fingers   Favoriting Clarinet Songs  XI    2:29:50 (Pop-up)
Wadada Leo Smith/Ed Blackwell  Mto: The Celestial River   Favoriting The Blue Mountain's Sun Drummer  Kabell    2:34:38 (Pop-up)
John Coltrane/Rashied Ali  Saturn   Favoriting Interstellar Space  Impulse    2:41:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07am

Hey Rich, it's your ole' listener hour pal! Glad to hear ya
Santos L Halper:

I can't believe I ate the whole (urrp) phone book

good morning/evening all.

visuals: www.saschabraunig.com

proper condiment for a phone book?
Martha's Mom:

Sweet set Rich! - could do with a little more M. Feldman (for example) - but that is only a suggestion...

hi martha's mom,
no m. feldman this evening but a set of soundtracks from the short films of Piotr Kamler coming up next set.
Martha's Mom:

Awesome! If I can't wait up I'll get my girl to tell me how to stream it - or whatever they call it - thanks!
Avatar 12:57am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Hi Rich - late night listening from Wisconsin this week, rather than bleary-eyed for the last few minutes before Stashu back in thee Canterbubble.
Q: What're we gonna do, maaan?
A: Eat that phonebook!
Can't believe i missed that...
Caravan opener too!
Still a couple of hours of sonic treats tho'...
Avatar 12:59am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Maurice Haylett was a roadie for Caravan in the 70s. People I know still sometimes run into him in the C'bury area.

ketchup? mayonnaise? mustard? horse radish?
Avatar 1:32am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Balsamic vinegar with phonebooks. i thought everyone knew that.

but what if your phonebook's not deep-fried? would you still use balsamic vinegar?

For a phone book? Sauerkraut and some steak sauce.

i get the sauerkraut but the steak sauce seems like overkill. you want to experience the terroir of the area code. i think steak sauce on your phone book is like ketchup on your eggs; it works if they're powdered, but if not the textures don't mesh.

Just a little salt and pepper for me. Are we talking Yellow Pages or White?
Avatar 1:50am

I prefer Kobe phonebooks, they massage the data.

white page for me, yellow leaves me bloated (too rich i think)

if you're looking for something to do this weekend or sometime soon and you have netflix i recommend watching It's Such A Beautiful Day by Don Hertzfeldt. An hour well spent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06am

Don Hertzfeldt ! > bit.ly...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16am

If using steak sauce, I recommend HP only. Nothing else will do. (Fortunately their steak sauce does not taste anything like their printer ink.)

what does their printer ink taste like?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29am

Black gold! Texas tea! Icky.
Avatar 2:30am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

I just noticed Francois Bayle's name in connection with one of those Parmegiani soundtracks. I was looking him up earlier this evening, curious who he was after discovering strange electronic experimental pieces done with both Daevid Allen and Robert Wyatt in '67-'68.

yes bayle is another of those ina-grm guys like parmegiani. kamler knew how to pick his collaborators.

What about the blue pages? The government listings? Steak sauce would go with that, right?

steak sauce and the blue pages seems like a natural on the level of lobster with butter, chocolate with peanut butter, guacamole and tortilla chips

What about those weird independent phone books that pop out of nowhere? I say duck sauce.


big earthquake in nepal 7.5...thats a bunch ov energy. hope all are well.<random earthquake news>

when mountains move.

What about those phone books old people hold onto like fine, aged cheese? A dash of olive oil and salt?

I once tried to woo a lady friend who liked Nancy Drew by buying a Nancy Drew book with her being attacked by a robot on the cover. But I added googly eyes to the robot. Gift was well received, but the "woo" misuse the mark.

@Mugsy: I always like Jordache jeans. Not on me though.
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