Sat. May 3rd, Midnight - 3am:
Midnight Matinee presents: The Five Thousand Fingers of Doctor John
(More info...)
In this cult classic, a demented doctor entraps five hundred young boys to force them to play zydeco piano... forever! Can the grumpy plumber save them before it’s too late? Doctor Suess meets Doctor John in a prescription for listening pleasure. Feature songs include “I Was In The First Floor Dungeon”, “Iko Iko”, “Dress Me Up In Gilded Splinters” and more. Coming to your radio or internet on the first Friday overnight/Saturday morning of May on Rich Hazelton’s Inflatable Squirrel Carcass.
April 10, 2009: “No,” it pleas, ”cogs rein in their temperate.”
The Flower That Seeds The Earth
"The Flower That Seeds The Earth" by "Wadada Leo S...
Procession Of The Great Ancestors
Don Cherry/Latif Khan
Untitled/Inspiration From Home
"Untitled/Inspiration From Home" by "Don Cherry/La...
Don Cherry/Latif Khan
Heavenly Sweetness
Artist unnamed
Gending Segera Mangsa
"Gending Segera Mangsa" by "Artist unnamed"
Indonesie-Madura: Musique Savante
In the booklet, the names of the artists/group are not written. They are described however as nine farmers from the Madura region who gather to play gamelan.
Ensemble Vocal De Gjirkastër
Lindja E Nje Djali
"Lindja E Nje Djali" by "Ensemble Vocal De Gjirkas...
Albanie: Polyphonies Vocales Du Pays Lab
Scene 9 - Une Vela
"Scene 9 - Une Vela" by "Thoth"
The Herma - Act 1
S.K. Thoth
The One Ensemble Orchestra
The Beam
"The Beam" by "The One Ensemble Orchestra"
Other Thunders
No Fi
R. Millis
1 (40s Is Not Good)
"1 (40s Is Not Good)" by "R. Millis"
R. Millis
"Dutar" by "Vialka"
Succes Planetaire International
Dual Plover
The Speakers
Salmo Siglo XX, Era De La Destruccion
"Salmo Siglo XX, Era De La Destruccion" by "The Sp...
En El Mara Villoso Mundo De Ingeson
"Hamihadarigeri" by "Oorutaichi"
Drifting My Folklore
Aoki Takamasa + Tujiko Noriko
Doki Doki Last Night
"Doki Doki Last Night" by "Aoki Takamasa + Tujiko ...
The Shanghai Shuffle
"The Shanghai Shuffle" by "Mochipet"
Baby Godzilla
Daly City
Antiguo Automata Mexicano
Motorik Bitch
"Motorik Bitch" by "Antiguo Automata Mexicano"
Chez Nobody
Enter The Tomb Raider
"Enter The Tomb Raider" by "Badawi"
Clones & False Prophets
Blank Dogs
Blue Lights
"Blue Lights" by "Blank Dogs"
Under And Under
In The Red
Dan Deacon
Get Older
"Get Older" by "Dan Deacon"
Thievery Corporation
A Gentle Dissolve
"A Gentle Dissolve" by "Thievery Corporation"
The Cosmic Game
Eighteenth Street Lounge
Silence Sur Le Plateau
"Silence Sur Le Plateau" by "Exhaust"
Bernard Falaise
"Entonnoir" by "Bernard Falaise"
Bernard Falaise
Radio I-Ching
The Strangers
"The Strangers" by "Radio I-Ching"
No Wave Au Go Go
Le Mem(e) Trio
Carte Postale II
"Carte Postale II" by "Le Mem(e) Trio"
Etudes Pour Trio
Altri Suoni
The Respect Sextet
"Jetflight" by "The Respect Sextet"
Sirius Respect: The Respect Sextet Play The Music Of Sun Ra & Stockhausen
Henry Threadgill Very Very Circus
Hope A Hope A
"Hope A Hope A" by "Henry Threadgill Very Very Cir...
Spirit Of Nuff...Nuff
Black Saint
Myra Melford Trio
Now & Now
"Now & Now" by "Myra Melford Trio"
Now & Now
Bill Evans Trio
"Tenderly" by "Bill Evans Trio"
Everybody Digs Bill Evans
Ulla Linder
Make Love On A Wing
"Make Love On A Wing" by "Ulla Linder"
Croon-A-Roma: Rare Sentimental Vocal Tracks From Italian 60s And 70s Movies
All Score Media
Nazir Ali (feat. Nahid Akhtar)
Society Girl
"Society Girl" by "Nazir Ali (feat. Nahid Akhtar)"
"The Sound Of Wonder!": Rare Electronic Pop from the Lollywood Vaults (1973-1980)
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