March 11, 2025:
Support garbage by pledging today! 🗑️ Tell 'em Bruce sent ya! *Marathon week 2 with Joe McGasko*
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December 24, 2024:
Shmelting with Zabedon filled in. Listen here.
December 17, 2024:
whatever happened to having the playlist up 5 days early so we could get our snarky comments in before the show started
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April 2, 2024:
Drive it on up and let's cruise a while Leave your troubles far behind You can hedge your bet on a clean Corvette To get you there right on time
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January 23, 2024:
Yeah I used to be into garbage until I heard about rubbish. But your thing is cool too I guess.
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November 21, 2023:
G is for generous, your giving nature. A is for agreeable, the best side of you! R is for relish, you seek a challenge. B is for beauty, that comes from within. A is for achievements, the many over a lifetime G is for glitter, the spark that is you. I is
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May 9, 2023:
Do you like food? Do you like garbage? Do you like food that might become garbage? You've come to the right place.
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February 14, 2023:
"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell." -Joan Crawford
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February 7, 2023:
Teavana teapot, has a hairline crack which leaks, if you know how to fix it it’s a good teapot
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March 29, 2022:
The clocks of Garbage Time are missing hands but have open arms.
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March 22, 2022:
Old dirty recliner that works fine only needs a deep cleaning from being kept in a shed. Must pick up.
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December 14, 2021:
Is it still Garbage if you love it? Alternatively, is it Garbage only if you love it? Morning, Matt, Bruce, and all the Garbage Wolves coming in from the cold!
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September 7, 2021:
"If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day." -John Archibald Wheeler
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August 31, 2021:
Garbage in, Garbage out -- the system works! Hi, Matt, Bruce, and all the Garbage Wolves!
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July 20, 2021:
You should never take advice from someone who thinks red paint dries faster than blue paint.
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March 9, 2021:
first COMMENT! Let's RAISE SOME MONEY FOR WFMU! garbage TIIIIMEEEEE!!!! *Marathon Week 1 with co-host Olivia*
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March 2, 2021:
The Garbage is piling up! Which is a much nicer thing than I used to think. Hey, Matt, Bruce, Garbage Wolves, all!
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February 23, 2021:
♪ Pack up your garbage in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile! ♫ 😎
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February 16, 2021:
Powers are for the weak. I have no powers. I mean, unless you count the power to blow minds with my weapons-grade philosophical insights.
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December 29, 2020:
And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids! *2020 Favies Part I*
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July 28, 2020:
Today in 9:42 history: Empress Wang (942–963) was a Chinese Empress consort of the Song Dynasty, married to Emperor Taizu of Song.
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March 3, 2020:
The People's Champ AND the Bad Boy of WFMU! This could get pretty intense, folx. Anyone got a planet that needs saving?
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February 25, 2020:
English Muffins with butter and apricot preserves, or Cinnamon Raisin bagel with cream cheese?
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November 5, 2019:
There’s no denying it. I declare AntiFe disbanded... until such time, perhaps on another show, as we are ever needed by the world again. Thank you Matt.
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September 17, 2019:
Suzy Hotrod filled in. J/k, no she didn't, but she should have, because then we wouldn't have had to listen to that putrid fissure in the universe's anus, Don Felder, who can seriously fuck right off into a quasar.
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September 10, 2019:
As for my artist depiction, I would like to render Don Felder, literally. ...(i.e. boil , melt down into a gelatinous mass).(Commenter Brendan, 8/27/19)
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August 6, 2019:
Listen to your mother when she tells you that Felder sucks, Matt. Listen to your mother, Matt. Listen to your mother, Matt. Listen to your mother, Matt. Listen to your mother, Matt. Listen to your mother, Matt. Listen to your mother, Matt.
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July 23, 2019:
The grodey works of Don Felder will be pummeled, whacked, thwacked, smashed, crushed, stomped, battered, hammered, pureed, bludgeoned, flogged, walloped, switched, tanned, pounded, pelted, basted, blasted, bashed, clubbed, drubbed, lashed, mauled, threshe
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June 4, 2019:
JONATHAN HERWEG FILLED IN. Just kidding, no he didn't. But he should have. His fill-ins are great and he would never play that festering, moldy, drooling sleazebag Felder!
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May 28, 2019:
Felder is a double-neck-totin’ malodorous congealed mass of rendered lard varmint! (Courtesy commenter Brendan)
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April 23, 2019:
We'd rather clean every bathroom in Grand Central Station with our tongues than spend one more minute with Don Felder's "music".
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April 9, 2019:
If you play a Don Felder song backwards you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forwards, you'll hear Don Felder.
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April 2, 2019:
Don Felder's mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries. He is an empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper. I fart in Don Felder's general direction.
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March 12, 2019:
Hundreds of Ants Slowly Devouring Don Felder’s Eyeballs *Marathon Show Week 2 with Michele*
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March 5, 2019:
Gnawing off pieces of Don Felder’s face with dull teeth and then half-digesting them and then puking them back up onto the rest of his dumb face with extra bile and stomach acid *Marathon Show Week 1 with Ken*
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September 25, 2018:
“I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though; I have more fun than most people.” ― Bob Ross
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September 4, 2018:
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August 28, 2018:
HI SCARLETT! Milton Brown's "Garbage Man Blues" played in the background as the 13-throated hork sworglers jauntily ripped off Don Felder's face. Two of them playfully tossed his nose back and forth while the others feasted upon his juicy entrails.
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August 14, 2018:
On the catwalk above bubbling cauldrons of extra-strength acid, the musical arch-criminal, Don Felder, dragged himself forward. He had been bound in irons along with the rest of the monstrous sleazeballs once known as the Eagles
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July 10, 2018:
Do you need to put the mucilage in a sock to sniff it, or can you just stick the nipple right up your nostril and huff?
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June 12, 2018:
If you've never had a Kool-Aid Pickle or "Koolickle" you don't know what you're missing
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June 5, 2018:
Turn your phasers to FELDER and mow your pelican while screaming - …… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT??
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February 13, 2018:
Hello, and welcome to garbagio lounge everybody... WHAIT, WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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February 6, 2018:
make the K-HOLES lawless add getting JUNGLE to your pancakes - the GARBAGE PARTY #2020 - …… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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January 30, 2018:
promising you energy independent LAVA LAMPS - the GARBAGE PARTY #2020 - …… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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January 16, 2018:
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January 9, 2018:
The LAVA lamps will soon thaw your too too weird purple trash shirts - IT’S GARBAGE TIME…… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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January 2, 2018:
Tune your pancakes to lava - IT’S GARBAGE TIME…… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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December 19, 2017:
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December 12, 2017:
Breakfast report: Salmon salad sandwich on kamut toast, fresh orange juice, and cold coffee.
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September 19, 2017:
søppel, আবর্জনা , Des ordures, fatra, šiukšlių, мусор, purgamentum init.... it's all GARBAGE to me!
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September 12, 2017:
In Jersey City… garbage takes YOU out , unless you have a lava lamp…… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT
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August 8, 2017:
Putting the LAMPS in your LAVA and the LUMPS in your PANCAKES - it’s GARBAGE TIME…… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT
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August 1, 2017:
Time to get in touch with your LAVA LAMPS and fire up your cheesesteaks - iiiiiit’s GARBAGE TIME…… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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July 25, 2017:
Get ready to strike down the UNROADWORTHY - it’s GARBAGE TIME…… WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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July 18, 2017:
Who slit the sheets of the sheet slitter's daughter, while the sheet slitter's daughter was busy slitting sheets?
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July 11, 2017:
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June 20, 2017:
ALL HAIL KING GARBAGE! Greetings from Maine! Yummy pancakes for breakfast today. And lots of lobster has been consumed!
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May 23, 2017:
Celebrate WORLD TURTLE DAY with some GARBAGE. … Time, send pizza and electricity. WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
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May 16, 2017:
Fill your empty doughnut holes, and your soul, with some GARBAGE TIME!
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March 28, 2017:
YES! Finely curated GARBAGE for your time in the rickety dumpster called earth (bring extra snacks and your purple artist jackets)!
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February 14, 2017:
On Valentine's Day, all you need is GARBAGE! Oh yeah, and LOVE …… and MUSIC …… and decent snacks!
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February 7, 2017:
We are all of the same GARBAGE! … but some of us need snacks,…and more hugs
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December 6, 2016:
What is it we talk about when we talk about garbage time? What is it we talk about when we talk about breakfast?
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October 25, 2016:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, DONATE NOW TO WFMU because “The garbage will do”!
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October 18, 2016:
“Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard.” ― Paul McCartney
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October 4, 2016:
“In Beverly Hills... they don't throw their garbage away. They make it into television shows.” - Woody Allen
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September 27, 2016:
“Ours is a culture and a time immensely rich in trash as it is in treasures.” ― Ray Bradbury
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February 10, 2016:
Wow. I just noticed that the Deadpool face mask looks like an upside-down peace symbol. Hail Satan!
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January 20, 2016:
Good morning Matt! Quiet office here. So I can start listen early.
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January 13, 2016:
Matt! I found my old pocket watch! Now I just have to hold it up to a camera, and I'll have the perfect avatar for this show.
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October 14, 2015:
greetings Matt. i'm going to bed! but i'm switching to radio and i'll be conscious for a while. Thanks for a fine program!
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August 26, 2015:
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages
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August 19, 2015:
Hey Hey, it's Don Felder & Friends with your host Matt Double Double-U!
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April 22, 2015:
what are the top seven home remedies for dry butt cracks, matt? please tell me for I am but a peasant, sitting atop your mighty feet.
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April 15, 2015:
Good Morning! Amazing "Flyer". Best Greetings from Germany (between Berlin & Poland)
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