Ah I see. WFMU listener NYE meetup at my place in Bushwick!
Slate.com says the episode of SSD in which Andy made a kid cry was the 20th best podcast episode of all time. Will we see more kids crying in the new year?
i would hate for it to be permanently 9:45. it's that point of the night where you get tired but feel like you need to stay awake or else you've become an old fart. forever stuck in that malaise would suck.
Can't get the internet stream to play either. I am doing nothing this year. Just reading Tolstoy, listening to music, and thinking about the New Year and how it will be so much better.
yes, i second robert (from the bronx?):
long live us people who are, and support, free-form!
for better or worse, wfmu is at the center of my cultural life, and i hope it's around for a long time.
happy new year to ken and everyone listening.
i've not personally been to the possum drop, but my understanding is that they put it in a cylinder and lower it, then let it go
see the link i posted for more info