I checked Beware Of The Blog recently. Seems like there isn't as much activity in there as there once was. No year-end favorite lists, for example. What does the future hold for the blog? Signed, Curious.
Thanks for answering my blog question. I'll miss it a little, but, honestly, I rarely went in to look at it.
Greetings, Ken and pre-gamers.
Same with me as Ken from Hyde. The few times I read Beware, I found things of interest, but it didn't often attract my att'n to begin with. Unfortunately the world is now so awash with text, it's not like when we were starving for belated info, as in the LCD/Blast of Hot Air days. But I do hope you or someone archives it.
still remember the time Andy wrote that blog post... ahh... memories... blog.wfmu.org...
The Blog:
What? Why? Was is something I did? Something I didn't do? I know, it's because I'm old, isn't it? What am I going to tell my wife and kids? How will I live? Bunch of greedy corporate bastards! I hope you choke to death on your lavish bonus checks while my family starves to death.
I'm going nuts trying to find the source for that banana time gif from before the show. Where, oh where did that wonderful image come from?
It's Jeezy!
I'm FINALLY ready to take you up on my legendary plus one in perpetuity for Monty Hall! (Don't worry: I live in Brooklyn, not TOO often.) What shall I do?! Will there be a permanent plaque up commemorating me at the venue?
OK, email sent, Ken. But I'm certain the comments community agrees a plaque would make the most sense?
I've used the favorite song feature only to save good songs that I've heard on WFMU programs to be able to look them up later, so not really favourites
Yes! I got a scholarship and I'm going to study at BMCC starting at the end of Jan. How are you?
How's about some Angel Corpus Christi?
Hi Billy!
⊄≎⊄≎ (:
Let's play Darwin's radio game!!
Songs that have never been starred should be played once more. BUT if they don't get any star then they should be deleted/destroyed forever from the WFMU archives. Only the fittest songs should stay.
"emphyseming": noun to verb. In this instance, approved.
⊄≎⊄≎ (:
But groucho!
It's a great opportunity to get rid once and for all of all those songs featuring children signing like adult! See the potential of playing the Darwin's Radio Game?
it's hard enough for me to trust DJ's to play things I'll like, I don't want it going to a public vote. Plus I like those creepy songs with children singing.
Sony BMG:
Yeah, that's right, we're assembling an entire team to logon and favorite THESE songs.
Though I am in favour of this list being a yearly thing. I just listened to this year's Festive 50 (previously a John Peel thing, now it's done by Dandelion Radio in the UK) I like that. a yearly 'best of wfmu' thing does tickle my pickle a little
I use the stars differently for different categories. Songs - If found it interesting. Shows - It's my favorite show. Same with people. Episodes of shows I star if someone I know calls in.
only half paying attention to the message board because i'm working, but has anyone requested "crazy horses" played at the wrong speed? i think that's one of my favorite songs that ken plays.
Oh, drone. For a second my heart nearly stopped as I was afraid Ken was going to attempt cluster ballooning again. Please no, Ken, we love you too much. Drones, OK.
You know what else should be available for starring? the soundbites. I'd star Ms. McWiggan, Eric Bogosian, The Nhilist Spasm.., etc. Melon inquirers, although they get all my sympathies, would not get any star from me thou.
@βrian In retrospect, it could have been worse. Parents moved there, so I had little say in the matter. There was a bit of a hardcore scene in the late 80s and WWSP (college radio) kept me sane at that time (Reagan years). But i was desperate to get away, and did as soon as legally possible. Still got friends in those parts, tho' (and on the Isthmus).
I can't stop looking at the Bettie gif. It looks like someone I know -- that's probably, much like in that BR5-49 song, because she's so very familiar.
@Ken - My friend tried to get into the work program to be one of the people who goes around to play music to patients.. he didn't pass the drug test though.. partially my fault too..
Alive inside - thanks for the info! Interesting to know how many keep earphones on their heads given they often don't like it