I guess you must be the best station manager in the world and scheduling is anything but an easy task and Todd gets a well deserved attractive slot on Saturday with his energy sparkling show, which fits just perfect after Rex and for sure will collect lotsa $$ next fundraiser but:
Her show is much too distinctive !
There's a space probe landing on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at around 11AM EST this morning. Can you play something appropriate, Ken? The ESA team in charge of the landing are Germans; I'm betting they make it.
I think I heard the young people jitter-bugging to this at the malt shop last night.
We don't even have digital archives from back then, just some scattered cassettes some of us taped off air to play for or mail to people elsewhere. Now stuff never goes away.
of many new albums I have heard I have enjoyed primus the most! Thanks for such a wonderful morning set. just what the doctor ordered especially for all the sick people in the house.
Perhaps one strategy to deal with a new schedule someone is not comfortable with is to use the archive! Two days ago I decided that I am going to listen to all Irwin Chusid files! A different one everyday. That way my happiness level and intention to support WFMU will remain the same no matter what the current schedule is on.
@listener mark -- we who deal with accounting have our ways of dealing with those outstanding things -- write it off!
I like Todd, though I do think he could use one of these:
Moderato cantabile, dude!
@adrian~~ But the books won't balance. The universe will be askew.
Laura L:
I'm going to see "Powerhouse" again tonight here in NYC--the great Raymond Scott theatrical work--thanks for playing both Foetus and Raymond Scott, Ken!
Who is still discussing Stockhausen facing the work of innoivators like Raymond Scott? Cudos to WFMU-DJ Irwin for curating the Raymond Scott Archives and such great CD-releases.
@f_f_(: Hate is a strong word. If I don't like the program I spin the dial. WUSB, WFUV, WVKR, WJFF, WAMC, all fine stations. Or I could play one of the 3,000 cds in my collection, but then I would have to think. And do the paperwork.
For all who understand German and are into Stockhausen or into Fluxus, here an 1-hour interview with his wife Mary Bauermeiser (my favourite Fluxus artist and by the way a proto-proto-Hippie back in some early 60ies):
BrEnd@n iS lAte . Plees xcuze him.
JuAn EpStien's m0+her
i live a life of solitude, but have been working from a communal workspace in my neighborhood the past two days, and would like to report that WFMU appears to make normal people pretty uncomfortable. especially Brian's show.
@steve - i've had that experience several times in the last few months now that i'm in my own office -- folks always seem to come in during Bryce's show -- the music usually shepherds them out the door very quickly
Cecile and Mark, and everybody else. There is always WAY more to it than meets the eye when it comes to the schedule. I will reply to each and every email I get on the new schedule. Kindly keep this shit off my playlist page. Thank you.
WFMU making people uncomfortable? They're just the wrong kind of people.
the Canterbury wood-elf:
Thanks achim, i've now got a small window open on my screen showing some worried people wearing headmics, kind of fits the sounds in my headphones in a strange way.
we possibly will meet end of this month when Andy will premiere his movie about Twisted Sister in Cologne and hopefully the same week I will meet with Brian Turner ... WFMU week so to say.
Marc, thank you for bringing the new schedule into my music show. Much appreciated. I have all the time in the world here, while I am on the air. Dave's show was given a rest because I had a lot of local, original shows that wanted a shot at a weekly show and I feel obligated to occasionally give newcomers the same opportunity that was once afforded their predeccesors. Plus, Dave is available on his own website and we will continue to podcast his show event though he will not be on the new schedule. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Ok - cool - i opened an account after all that drag queen/real name bullshit on fb - this is a good spur to start playing around with it some more - i'll find you on there!