will 'sex and broadcasting' be available to be viewed anywhere else besides the few currently scheduled showings? would love to see it. dvd? netflix? bootleg on youtube?
Yeah, the doc will eventually be available to one and all. First comes more festivals and hopefully a theatrical run. Then, DVDs and netflix. Please dont post it illegally when the time comes. The director was hoping he might be able to get back to zero, financially speaking.
My cat just killed a mouse and walked into the living room with it in his mouth... I thought it was his toy. But he killed a mouse! I'm sad for the mouse but kind of proud.
Hi all. I've requested Puffy Cloud off of Paintin' the Town Brown by Ween a few weeks ago, and Ken, if you thought that this isn't clean for the air, I'd never set you up like that!
I'll be back when the dead dog thing is over. Too many friends and family members have lost their pets this year and it's pretty upsetting. And those videos creep me out.
Outside the heavily locked room in which Maxx's mom lay, the doctors shook their head and speculated that nothing short of electric shock could help her.
Thanks everybody. Doc died in a very horrible accident. Dont really want to go into it here. He was the best cat ever and he changed me from being a cat hater into a cat admirer.
It's at times like that... when walking to work in arctic bloody cold, that I manage to peel a glove off & start the FMU app just in time to catch Maxx gibbering about treats from beyond the grave.... that I think how glorious it is to be alive.
"for the last goddamn time, I want SOMEBODY to use his fuckin' brain, to not come out of a goddamn record that is, uh, that, that's up-tempo and I gotta talk about a uckin' dog dying!!!"
Are you not her friend? I only know that song. She did it on Jools Holland's show here. Opening line is 'my cat died and I quickly poured myself some gin' ...I like that
I'm on the hook to bring a dish to a potluck lunch at work on Friday. I'm not a good cook, however. What's a quick, simple item I could bring? I'm thinking of some steamed hams, perhaps. Anyone else facing the same dilemma?
NPR is that suburban dad friend you have that says he's into new music because he likes the Black Keys and you start telling him about Satanicpornocultshop and he laughs nervously and asks you if you would like another craft beer.
OK...I should being corn weenies. Brilliant, thanks. And thanks for your guys' suggestions.
Phillip (Brooklyn):
@ken if I may say "who the F listened to Npr" I've never in my whole life. If you want to be liked? I suggest you have many programs that are PRO OBAMA and his policies
in the limit, NPR is simply Fox for the people Lizarner Dave describes...
Phillip (Brooklyn):
What's the future of of wfmu? Well? If ken doesn't get an Ebola laced letter from a few angry fans whom are upset their favorite show is off schedule? Things should be fine
I'm loving the new schedule so far. There are more shows I like during the times I try to do other stuff than listen to WFMU. So I'm less productive, but, hey, who cares?
@ken if you see in the ma a letter that looks official and says it comes from the centers for disease control. Please DONT TOUCH IT! Get some rubber gloves from Liz berg and throw it away!!!
My wife listens to NPR when getting ready for work in the morning. I myself only listen when driving in 98% of the US where there is nothing else on the radio.
I thought on NPR, Ken was, if not his own worst enemy, his worst enemy's grinning henchman. Mentioning a few of the successful bands and musicians that people often like and who love FMU would have been a good idea, as would have been talking about how free FMU DJs are to express themselves _without_ reference to how disliked a lot of it would be---how much some people _love_ some shows playing things they couldn't readily hear otherwise would have been nice.
As it stood, it sounded like NPR (in the person of the ever-smug Scott Simon, really their worst) saying 'See, if we didn' t stick largely to a bland and unimaginative slurry we'd go out of business like these plucky, bright, but doomed weirdos are going to any day now. '.
I started to listen to the NPR/Lopate podcast yesterday, but then the vet arrived (house calls for my cats!) Ken, you sounded just like you, but on that other station! Sorry about your cat. Give the next one a less embarrassing name. They have a lot invested in their dignity, cats.
Murakami, I was attmpting to have a conversation with Leonard Lopate and Scott Simon. Next time I will pull the political trick you are suggesting of answering the question I want to answer rather than the one I am asked.
Phillip (Brooklyn):
WHAAT? Ken did an interview on NPR?
Yesterday I was at the ear nose and throat hospital having my vocal chords biopsied
@ken last week Andy was having a lot of trouble with iTunes and his new iPhone. Was the problem solved?
@Ken- where and when can we see the FMU documentary if we are unable to attend any of the limited screenings? Did not know that you were going to be on NPR...next time please let us know.
I'm trying to imagine one of the Koch brothers having a near-death epiphany and redirecting his lucre to WFMU ...
f✿f✿ (:
I don't know what people is talking about have no idea what is NPR but judging from the comments it sounds like a Republican-Tea-party-Fox-NeoCon-Military-industry conspiracy.
Phillip (Brooklyn):
I'm sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings! But why should we even care about NPR radio they have a handful of listeners and there all in insane asylums? I'm sorry I had to say it!
I like a lot of Nellie McKay's stuff very much, but "Mother of Pearl" seemed like one long 'Agree with me about everything or you're a cave-man jerk.' when in truth there are feminists with attitudes very distinct to hers as regard prostitution, gun control (even though in this case I agree with her), and the possible humour in jokes about Bad Shite, as distinct to Bad Shite itself. (Example of the last: a company's metaphorically screwing me was in itself and its sequelæ profoundly unpleasant...but it's an intensely funny _story_.)
And to imply that your choice in food is either to be vegetarian or to like Big Macs gets it really wrong in the same way as saying that if you don't like NPR you must _loooove_ FOX News <i>[sic]</i>.
(If I disagreed with her about most things, I'd enjoy seeing her getting it wrong.)
Phillip (Brooklyn):
I doesn't surprise me that The joker the penguin the riddler and cat woman are all staunch listeners of npr radio
Ken: I didn't hear the Lopate interview, but can you really have a conversation with Scott Simon? The man seemingly exists within a gummy shell of self-satisfaction and childhood guilt that makes him, for example, sound apologetic when asking an official Great Man 'So, are you a rapist or are fourteen women lying?'...he' s Keillor without Keillor's occasionally redeeming nasty and left-wing edge. He never seems to really listen---I'd probably be even worse, but I'm not a radio interviewer.
I'm sorry that what I wished you'd done was political-oid, but I considered Simon to have a plain and obvious smug agenda (or 'smugenda') , and I love this station and wanted thousands of potential listeners/contributors to hear about it for the first time such that they'd give it a try.
Hell, just contrasting how ectstatic-though-painful and infrequent the Marathon is with public radio's Slough of Despond fund-drives....
Phillip (Brooklyn):
@ken there is a nice East Indian man selling iPod touch 5's in a small spot in manhattan's herald square park. For only $100 you can get a brand new not stolen or refurbished iPod touch version 5. I hope he's still there when I get out if the hospital tomorrow I'm going back to buy 2 more!
Jan - The documentary will have a theatrical run in the future buy I have no idea when. And after a brief theatrical run it will be released digitally. I just dont know what the timetable is.
Murakami, it actually was very easy to have a conversation with Scott Simon. Whatever criticisms you have about him or me, both the WNYC and the NPR interviews brought us a raftload of new listeners. I'd rather not get self-righteous and lectury during these interviews.
I thought Scott Simon did a fairly decent job. Lenny Lopate, on the other hand, could barely mask his condescension. (And it's not the first time for Lenny and WFMU either.)
i don't know why there's relentless conversation about npr here but must say (though i only hear it in small doses at my sister's house) -since the comparison was made,that i'd much rather listen to boring,contrived,scaredicat(!) dogma rooted in concern (npr) than sensationalist contrived bullshit rooted in absolute idiocy and selfishness (fox).
Far away.
Phillip (Brooklyn):
@ken you don't need to suck up to these npr nobodies! Wfmu brings in more money more listeners then they will ever have if they lived to be 100 years old
Yura Yura Teikoku fame. Work time cold time... blah. Bye all.
Ken maybe you can squeeze in the Mothra song since you know... It has nothing to do with thanksgiving or anything and it is a great asmr trigger for recovering people who didnt have time to stop and get coffee . Godammit
(fm reception in manhat is better now)
Far away.
Phillip (Brooklyn):
Everyone! Where on the dial can you get a full hour of music no commercials no Justin Bieber no lady gaga no Demi Lovato no Katy perry no Beyoncé and no fricken Kanye. I'll tell you where! Only at wfmu!
NPR was pro Iraq War. That's when I lost respect for them. But I love Spinning on Air and That guy from CT public radio, his name is Ken too! Right?
Yeah - I was expecting something really cool....and its functionality is so basic....i get the impression it's user base seems like a bunch of young professionals wanting to network (?)
Sorry I had to close down the chatboard there... Soon I will have more tools to deal with an off-the-rails comments thread other than closing it down. But for now, that's all I got.
When one treehouse gets too popular and successful, there are always contrarians who want to run away and start a new one. They think they're avant garde, but really they're just snobs.
Ken: sorry to get self-righteous and lecture-y;if it brought in new listeners I stand corrected, and ut wasn't an opportunity blown.i
I actually liked listening to Scott Simon c. 1990, but he wouldn't be the first to grow into insular self-parody as he aged---and he has the excuse of having been (in radio terms) well-rewarded for being who he's been, which I don't have....
Yeah, like I said last week, I was looking into non-FB options when it began selectively enforcing its "real name" policy for drag performers and kicking folks out of their accounts -- this, at least for now, appears to have be corrected
f✿f✿ (:
I have an idea. Make us agree to some kind of terms and condition before commenting. i can say something like:
- No food talking (especially about tacos)
- No Start Trek talk
- No commenting about the new schedule
- No NPR interview talk
- No stream commenting
Sem, howdy. After half a lifetime of being a nightowl, I seem to have gone all lark-y. The time between 5 and 8 AM turns out to be blissful because nothing's screwed up yet.
Dont like that idea f0f0 - none of that is necessarilly a problem. It depends on how you do it. And I count on these chat threads to find out about tech problems with our streams. These threads are the first alert I usually get!
Laura L:
Just want to send you my condolences on the loss of Dr. Booty Grabber, Ken.
Thanks Laura. I was su upset about it I couldnt even discuss it for like a month.
f✿f✿ (:
That's right, Ken. By stream commenting I meant to say 'serial commenting" like posting tons of comments under one minute.
All this talk of dead pets reminds me of some kind of animal . Maybe a pony named Wildfire. No thats not it . It was some kind of yes - it was a baby animal.