I made two GIF collages for songs that I didnt have videos for. It wont be hard to guess which ones they are once you see 'em. Have mercy on me, they're my first attempts...
I'm sick. I was thinking of staying home and (finally) getting to watch one of the video shows, but instead I decided to be the jerk who goes to infect his entire office. Man, I've got to work on my priorities.
Morning everyone! No meetings this morning, so maybe I can watch videos and do work at the same time....
Hey Dan B, can't you tell your co-workers that you're under the weather and hide in your cubicle for a few hours and listen to/watch the show? It's the perfect excuse.
Hi Ken, Good to see you at Monty Hall on Sat. night at Vicki's superb event! Everything's working here--including me, in spite of these temptations to throw all aside... Back to the books now... thanks!
Looks great, and I notice the MP3 stream is synced to the UStream feed. Some past "simulcasts" have had a delay, you had to mute the regular FMU stream if you wanted to listen to the synced sound on the video feed.
The whole first set was great, but that Can piece made my whole day. Seriously, if nothing else good happens to me today (and that's possible), seeing that vid will have been enough.
thing here is, i'd like to watch the video, but it time the page refresh, then I have to press play again. And as much as it doesn't really bother me; I like to keep my stream continue
Flatbush Zombies, a hiphop group, have a pretty big song which they've toured with and released called "Palm Trees" the main loop/sample is a young girl singing on a youtube video.. www.whosampled.com...
I've got it! Can performing in the German Disco "Blow Up", for the German TV Show "TV Spot" 1970.
@ Pierre: open another window
Rhineland-Westfalia Broadcasting Corporation (WDR) thought it was a good idea to record Can in Soest in front of an audience of schoolkids—who probably were forced to attend by their school, but didn't give a shit, as one can easily detect. They probably were into Deep Purple and the like.
Bathtime -- some encounter with it several years ago led to curious searching and linking, which led to my WFMU introduction/relationship. Always feel like I oughta cross myself or sumthin' upon reencountering.
My gf got her two weeks notice yesterday, so her visa expires oct 10th. So, we're going to city hall tomorrow. Not the way I expected to get married (I was waiting to save money, but lack of full-time employment has precluded that). Curious how the universe works.
@ngh - congratulations, of sorts! my friend who just married his longtime latvian girlfriend was really put through the wringer by fucking homeland security. hopefully yr spared this treatment.
@adrian: B/tn grad school and her job, she's been here for 7 years, and we've lived together for 6 years, so hopefully that will help. I've had friend do the same thing, but they did w/ more time left on their original visa. We've also been engaged for 3 years.
Apparently Crazy Horse found the Devo performance incredibly intimidating and immediately started practicing, which lead to the Rust Never Sleeps album.
Interesting observation f0f0, maybe I will stop adding images and take down the ones I already put up, since that part of the page is not automatically refreshing anyway.
Comrades: need your help finding an archived show -- Woke up this morning partially remembering a show from a few years ago. I think it was Kenny G and Irwin, reading a long series of tweets (or something) which all ended with the phrase "EFF MY LIFE." ..... ring a bell? Tried playlist searches, nuthin'...
In order for Pono to be worthy it has to secretly collect and record its user's private data.That's the easy way to get plenty of mash potatoes and t-bones.
isn't the neil young / devo from 'human highway'? released in 1982 - but i suppose it could have been filmed a few years earlier. anyway, thanks for the announce! fun show distracting me on deadline.
what should you do on camera? ... well.. just stand there unenthusiastically .. like you don't really want to do this.. this video will be great, I'll throw in some explosions and fire.. don't worry guys.
@KP - depends on how you define it.. but yeah, definitely watch.. There was also "Nazis at the center of the earth" (or something like that) which was on a similar level as nazis on the far side of the moon.. then there is Dead Snow (great german comedy/horror film about zombie nazis arising from the dead on a mountain.
Nothing like some nice 'unrequited' energy!!!...:)O(:...
@bobdoesthings; Just wanted to be pedantic regarding Dead Snow, it's actually norwegian. Not that it matters in the slightest, but we make so few films I can't let any one of them get away.
Took a break and got to watch the last couple of videos on my phone. Looks like my break was at a pretty lucky time. Good stuff. I figured it would be, though. :P
They must have spent so much time and money on this, and then it ends up being .. this thing. Maybe there's a thing or two about Italy I totally misunderstand.
Sir: Many years ago we signed up with you as a radio broadcaster- not television. I left the premises with WFMU in my earbuds, escaping your demands that we occupy our visual cortex with your signal. Having returned and checking my faculties, all is ok. Looking at the screen once more, I find it hard to turn away. Can't turn away. Can't turn away. Total dominion over two of my senses.
If you come back on a wednesday in 5 years you can inhale the olfactory pleasures of WFMU's first Smellevision broadcast stream, brought to you by the makers of Nostrilla
favoriting Pet shop Boys and Negativland : freeform
Just remember...If business continues to take profit, out of all proportion to wages being equitably payed (across the board) to common workers...mmmm...disaster is 'sure to follow!!!...(paraphrased, of course)...:)O(:...