Morning friends! Just boring old GIFs and music today... next video show is two weeks from today. Im featuring the amazing new GIFs of Hayden Zezula here in the pre-show.
is the gif with the little girl doing the splits from, "How to be a Super Bad-Ass". The famed Flemish educational film directed by Alexander Decommere?
So I was chatting with a friend that Ken put up a gif of Arch Hall, Jr. and I said Arch Hall, Jr. was the star of Eegah, and my friend said BS, Richard Kiel was the star of Eegah, and so I IMDB'd Richard Kiel to see who got top billing, (Arch Hall, Jr. got top billing, natch). And then I found out that Richard Kiel was in Skidoo, and I still can't believe I've never seen Skidoo, and then I found out it is on YouTube!!
Ken, Guido:
Talking about German oldies but goodies..I always wanted to know the name of the song and/or artist you Ken used to play eons ago. The only thing I remember is that is a funny cover version of a non very popular 60's(?) American poppy, puppy love song. The song ends with the singer crying. Does this sounds familiar to you Guido?
BTW, to all. This blog here only posts recent Brazilian albums that are free for download. I find almost all too much mainstream, so to speak, but there are cool things in there
I noticed Ken also has a lisp when talking in Spanish. Say
"Nadie silba como Silvia silba
porque el que silba como Silvia silba
Silvia le enseño a silbar"
Ken, it always seems to get back to here...and you. Recently someplace totally unrelated I saw someone linked to your Beware of the Blog from several yrs. ago about how a truly ancient musical piece had its notation decrypted & matched with the words. A couple months ago I happened to be listening to a collage piece at Kill Radio, "A Leap Into The Void", that it turned out you had contributed to. You & your little station have a huge footprint.
Finally! some Klingon Punk Rock!
Hmf, not quite sure how to feel about this. This Mjolner song has quite xenophobic lyrics and probably appeal to the most tea-party-like elements of Scandinavian politics. On the other hand, I happily listened to a couple of Burzum records yesterday, and I'm not a neo-nazi quite yet. I guess playing the record with no ill intent makes it kind of like a cultural study, although understanding the lyrics brings some perspective, I guess. Will there be any Screwdriver tracks later ?
Interesting symbolism in that aniGIF: No matter how he "spins" it, he can't make her happy. And above that, hotheads go together.
YES! khlam! Hey! Speaking of.... Ken when can we expect your Khlam DJ premium?
@Ken, no, and I wouldn't fault you for playing it even if you did. If I was to only play music that would stand the test of my pedantic political views, I would have to throw away most of my music. It's just a bit jarring when you're not expecting it, is all. I listen to a lot of music where people say stupid things, doesn't make me stupid (I hope). I feel it's a complicated issue.
K'en I know
Too bad because it was a catchy song
But I guess that was the point
"If I was to only play music that would stand the test of my pedantic political views, I would have to throw away most of my music." You can say that again! I vehemently oppose partying all night long, for example. There go the Kiss records!
I'm friendly with a lot of Odinists (having those sympathies myself), and "Mjolner" being the name of Thor's hammer, and knowing the political proclivities of many, though far from all, of them, the orient'n pointed out by Torbjorn above is not surprising. It would be good to get a translation of their lyrics, because it may not be stuff that I would take as xenophobic or nasty, but an expression of their northern cultural orient'n. It's complicated, and I wouldn't mind discussing it with you in e-mail if it wouldn't bore you. I'm just saying I wouldn't judge on Torbjorn's evalu'n alone; I'd want more direct info, because although his judgment I'm sure is sincere & reflective, it may reflect his own orient'n & rxn-formation as much as it does that of the content itself.
@Robert, yes, this is a bit embarrassing. I did actually mishear the lyrics a bit, and upon reviewing them, I found that I may have overstated the case somewhat. Sorry.
You know how Led Zeppelin did a few songs about Lord of the Rings and similar stuff ? I see viking metal more as a scandi version of that, as a cartoonish take on popular history.
I think the viking metal thing is quite enjoyable, really, and just to play my scandi hand here, I'm about 10 minutes away from Einherjer's home town.
I must've played Nordavind album about a thousand times:
When the Germanic tribes were "converted" to Christianity, it was little more than a name substitution. Odin became God and Thor became Jesus, but the belief system didn't change.
What a great haircut song! (I hope that it is available for purchase on cd or download somewhere -- probably ain't though, is it? Oh well -- I'm accustomed to disappointments.) :-)
Thanks, Torbjorn. I got a Google xlation at
@Cecile, short version; yes. On the other hand, the title isn't actually "Klingon", it's "klingan", which translates to "blade" or "sword". The lyrics are about praising warriors and their actions, praising the popular understanding of vikings and viking warrior culture. It's about as AD&D as Led Zeppelin, excerpt "Like wolves over the sea they chase the northern wind" .. yeah.
Cool! I'm down with that.
For half a second I thought this might be the Twink of Pink Fairies. Obviously not. There's a nice announcement of this Twink's upcoming release on Weirdo Music's site, where there also appears a review of Maxophone's album! WM is one of the coolest record stores I've ever seen.
This makes me wonder whether Roddenberry or somebody coined the name "Klingon" from such a word from a Nordic language to indicate "warlike" or "belligerent".
It's a fine line with Euro folk-metal, though, isn't it? I know a fair number of Eastern European and German bands whose lyrics are mostly harmless, but whose fans probably belong on a hate crime watchlist...
@Cecile, if you want one with a little spice to it, I would recommend Nordavind - Haavard Hedde[1].
It a juiced up version of a popular folk song, about a guy fixing to build himself a cabin and get himself a wife.
There a bridge where they do something a bit interesting, yelling out "If you ever smell the blood of a chrisitian, on the mountain, go fetch the axe. Chop them down !". Now, that might be a bit salty for many people, but they're referencing what the trolls usually say in the popular fairy tails, our version of brothers Grimm.
I love this album, it's mostly viking metal versions of classic folk tales like this, except for this one song where he uses a on old norwegian vocal technique known as a "stev".
The Wikipedia entry says Klingons were named after a Clingan who'd served in the LAPD with Roddenberry. However, Wikipedia. Also, he may have made up that story later.
It's like how I'm absolutely sure the Zap Branigan character in Futurama cartoons was named for Bash Branigan from "How to Murder Your Wife", but can't prove it.
All praise Odin and all of his names and forms. All praise Thor and all of his names and forms. All praise Slim Whitman and all of his names and forms.
Big Blood, Alvarius B. and Sam Shalabi did a show locally a couple weeks ago, and I planned to go...but, with great regret, did not. That's my "Shows I Didn't Make" report.
Carl Childers with hammer:
I wanna be baptized mmm hmmm
f⊹f⊹ (:
Lake Minnetonka! That's the one from the Burp Concerto!!!!
Ty Ken
Bibi, are you familiar with Zap Branigan's predecessor, Bash Branigan (also a cartoon character)?