UKIP, the far right party has already expressed sympathy to Putin. And now they are on their way to form the biggest Anti-EU bloc next June in the europarlament. First, the Ukraine dismantlement; next, the whole EU project!
I even have my Russian name ready for the moment: фoфo!
f◕f◕ (:
I think I might have forgotten to answer your question: I'm in the UK.
f◕f◕ (:
My short list of requests for today:
Messer Chups frau Muller- Intime Service Comique
Brand Flakes - Loving Loop
Butterscott - Kissing the Velvet Glove
Melted Men - Butter roll
That's is all..No, wait..Where's the German music? Oh, here it is!
Schlammpeitzinger - 2-4
Weltmeister - Auch Du Wirst Geh'n
Schwabinggrad Ballett - Moderne Welt
Weltraumeforscher, Die - Kleines madchen
The european community must take care about it's own existence or learn how to communicte itselft. When I see theese right wing poplists everywhere, who claim to represent national interests ... which they don't ... and never ever really did ...
Imagine our tiny nations in the world ...
... France claimes interests ... chirp chirp chirp ...
... UK claims interests ... chirp chirp chirp ...
... ridiculous!
But it is not at least the "bourgeois" politican fault, who claim all archievements for themselves and blame all "bad news" on the EU. They are the worst actually!
But Guido, Guido.. We need Putin to take care of Europe. We need to counterbalance geopolitical powers for humanity sake. We Big Putin to defend us against the other titan Obama. Can't wait to see the incoming battle between them to control our planet. It would be the ultimate fight, like Godzilla vs a giant Chupacabras (sorry, I couldn't think of another beast about the same size).
We still have enough american nuclear weapons over here. They must make sense for something. Wellcome back cold war, lukewarm war or whatever ... I'm scared.
Normally I might catch a bit of the end of Ken's show online as I scramble off to work in the morning (I live in the PST). This is my first time catching it from the beginning. Over the airwaves no less... The tunes and GIFs jumping and flying like the image top of the playlist...
This Brit make me think of the Singing of the Bonesaws by Future of The Left. It's a goodie. A friend recently posed the question, why don't people play Chicks On Speed. We know now one people does.
I'm liking that Django gif. A lot.
I tend to have Les Paul on my mind his time of year as his birthday draws nigh; Les was born in 1915, but he loved computers and was fascinated by the interwebz--
-and he would have dug that gif of Django, they were friends.
Hiya Ken! Great to hear your voice. I'm stratified/trapped in Florida. Suffering indignities. I only get WFMU at the liberry, (sick), these days. WFMU looks nice and healthy, thanks for that. May I suggest "Brainwash" by Flipper?
You can literally smell the excitement as WFMU's 2014 Record Fair throws down May 30th, 31st, and June 1st at the 69th Regiment Armory (68 Lexington Ave, betweem 25th & 26th in NYC).
Don't get me wrong. I believe Ken manages the station in the most excellent way, and he also chooses great songs. But I also believe technology can do better. Technology and Putin.
f◕f◕ (:
great idea, amanda c.
The Brooklyn Kid:
I have Siri on my itouch. I almost never use it because it's about as smart as forest gump
Note: The Oh Sees intro sounding like One of These Day by Floyd (played here last week) wasn't lost on me, nor the other song on the Drop album that starts like Pink Flag.
Wasn't there a San Francisco band in the '60s called
"The Hotdog Fiasco"
fuckin' siri. always with the cursing and the hey.
f◕f◕ (:
Just be careful, Ken, Siri needs to be treated with respect. Once she learns how to post quirky Gifs and leave witty comments in here....Oh, man. I don't even want to think about it. Wait..I want to think about it!
@bobdoesthings I'm referring to the Ichiban, Ubu, Give the Drummer Radio and Boredcast streams. GTDR has live programming on this schedule: ,
The best thing we saw was a street set by a brass band, they were amazing. In a lot of the bars it was a bit hit or miss. I think going on Memorial Day was a weird time cuz it was really over run with tourists. But don't get me wrong we had a blast. Walking around drinking in the street is wild. Have you been there?
If Siri choose the Enbilululugal song..I'd say she's fit to not only run the show but also to take care of the marathon. She's just so perfect just like the new driveless car from Google.
@Common: They will be back around, they have been touring like crazy, you'll catch them! And yes, I wasn't looking at the playlist and I thought, "That singer sounds like Michael Gira.." and then WOAh!
@fofo Driverless cars a re a figment of the liberal media and a way for them to trick you into fearing your own driving abilities and a bigotted attempt to get rid of foreign cab drivers..... in all seriousness though, I am frightened of the amount of change they might bring upon our society.
Man, what am I saying? if Siri choose the Caninus, Enbilingulal and the Guzan songs she's not only ready to run the radio station and marathon, but the whole European parliament itself! Go Siri (and Putin!)!
oh wait... this version might be way more awesome .... yeeeup
@Skirkie: logical guess, but the armory near 69th St. is the Seventh Regiment Armory. Go figure.
WFMU should post volunteers there and at the Pavillion to meet folks looking for Fair in all the wrong places and hand out flyers with idiot-proof directions to the "right" armory
My first exposure to VU when I was a young lad was a cover album by a band from Matador recs called Bettie Serveert. they did an album of live covers of VU songs.
@ken . oh awesome.. they were one of the first bands as a very young lad )12-13 years old) I got really into.. I have like 5-6 of their albums.. and a few matador comps because of them
I believe so. The record store there on 4th ave (toxic ranch) had doo-rag stuff everywhere. I moved there just when they ceased, didn't get a chance to see 'em. wah.
the wrestling putin thing reminds me.. if anyone has netflix.. watch "No Holds Barred" the most comically bad movie starring hulk hogan. its sooo bad its funny.
I found a video on youtube of a creepy guy telling her to stand in the ocean and lift her skirt so he could photograph her, while an electrical storm raged in the background. Not wanting to see the world's first softcore porn snuff music video, I switched off.
..was gonna say. you want Yusafina XXX, Google's got plenty
For a deliciously bad yet completely fun movie, I recommend "Stone Cold" featuring Brian Bosworth. Bosworth is ridiculous throughout the film, it almost seems the film was slyly made to make him look like an idiot. Lance Henriksen and William Forsyth are great as evil bikers!
i dont follow the cobo now, but reiteration of the smoke gif means you want us to see something in it, isnt it ?
an inflated testicle, is that the mention you want ? though i actually think it is.
f◕f◕ (:
Anyway, thank you very mucho, Ken. I'll hear your again in the SSD archives tomorrow. (Last week SSD show was great!)