Favoriting Transmissions from Echo Beach with Derek Westerholm and DJ Babs: Playlist from September 12, 2024 Favoriting

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DJ Babs's avatar View DJ Babs's profile Favoriting

Description: Exuberance/Ebullience, banter, possibly an interview, context and connection, the familiar, the strange.

Find: Symphonies of Treble, Words Of Expectation, stab, skronk, shimmer, sheen, The New Sound of Now, Ideas for Walls, pleasure, pith, Flutter and Wow, Motorik, cowbells, disco akimbo, at least one Cantankerous Singer, The German Language, shards of glass, Ethiopian Punk, organic, synthetic, sawtooths & squarewaves, Library Riffage, yesterday's recipes, the wrong speed, intentional static, floating, ethereal, time and timelessness.

Thursday 8 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting September 12, 2024: Songs of Bisi, Non-Fictional Pulp & other favs.

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  Martin Bisi is playing NYC tonight, tomorrow night, then coming to Toronto (from whence we broadcast our programme to you) w/ band, opener, film and Q& A on Saturday... Find links to his shows / videos & pages here: http://www.martinbisi.com/

Music behind DJ:
Martin Bisi 

VanQuish / Moon Meets Sun   Favoriting

VanQuish / Moon Meets Sun [Digital Single] 



Martin Bisi is bringing his film / collective / world to Toronto @ Collective Arts on Saturday... This track (released July 10, 2024) -- available via https://martin-bisi.bandcamp.com/ -- was: "Inspired by the totality of a Solar Eclipse //// Voices recorded on day before the eclipse: Lindsay Tuttle, Lani Combier-Kapel, Mág Ne Tá Z’air, Martin Bisi //// see the video by Mág Ne Tá Z’air: youtu.be/ewTunpLwBE4?feature=shared //// In the eye of the kiwi bird is the total solar eclipse. This bird, a symbol of natural innocence and simplicity is witness to the spectacle of bizarre and disturbing human behavior - Who Is watching Whom ? //// as Mág Ne Tá Z'air describes it: This story is from the perspective of a kiwi bird. A woman meets an FBI agent who stretches out her breasts so that they hang low, like rocks in strong nylon tights. For the second part of the assignment, the woman hangs from a helicopter and is displayed in an air show above a lake. The sky sheds tears of suffering. Leigh Bowery appears to turn the situation around with some razzle dazzle. Briefly, the woman loses all of her senses and does not feel gravity. Afterwards, the helicopter carries the woman into the sunset. Nature passively observes."" ------- His show this Saturday in Toronto as follows: Saturday, September 14 //// includes a screening of the documentary Sound And Chaos: The Story Of BC Studio ///// Collective Arts Toronto / 777 Dundas St. W. / Toronto, Ontario //// with Flake --------------------- Find links to his shows / videos & pages here: http://www.martinbisi.com/ 


Pulp  The Will to Power   Favoriting Little Girl (With Blue Eyes) EP  Fire Records  1985  And so, the journey began with PULP in 1983 with their first releases. This song does not feature Jarvis on vocals..it's Russell Senior...and is a post punk dirge worthy of Wire...which makes sense for the time. Elements of future freakouts that you hear in subsequent songs...this is the blueprint right here. The lyrics of TWTP are deliberately provocative to an extent which is hard to justify. A popular story, reported as fact in Martin Aston’s book, says that the song had to be dropped from the band’s set after it attracted a skinhead following, but this is most likely to be either a joke or a massive exaggeration on Russell’s part – especially as it sounds suspiciously like a near-identical story about Cabaret Voltaire and their early track “Do The Mussolini (Headkick)”. Russell had the following to say about this in a '87 fanzine interview: To be honest, I wasn't too surprised at the Nazi flak we got. It is in fact a real commie anthem dedicated to Arthur Scargill and Nelson Mandela and the I.R.A. The reason it got Nazi flak is: It mentions 1933 (the year Hitler came to power). The title is also a book of Nietzsche writings compiled by the Nazis and taken out of context to try and prove their race theories. I look very similar to Adolph Hitler(!). On a couple of occasions I've had to dash out of my local when yobbos started chanting 'Zieg Heil!' and taking the piss.    0:05:32 (Pop-up)
Pulp  OU (Gone Gone 12" Mix)   Favoriting Intro: The Gift Recordings  Island Records  1993  Skipping ahead a decade, we (sadly) glossed over their foray into the electronica/rave themes...this era takes on full krautrock and Stereolab vibes...but also hints at what to come. Jarvis has made his way from awkward young pervert to a man who has just bought a velvet suit, and is out to party. The party has begun for Pulp...yeah yeah yeah yeah! First debuted in 1991, the liner notes on this recording lead as follows: ...so we finally made it into orbit (good init?). But like the man said "Space is O.K. but I'd rather get my kicks down below." One re-entry later and now it's a choice between an extra hour in bed or stopping the love of your life from getting the next train out of town. Took too long deciding what shirt to wear and blew it. But hold on, who's this walking out of the sun? It can't be - but it is. Talk about leaving it till the last minute. O.U. jammy get...    0:08:57 (Pop-up)
Nick Cave  Disco 2000 - Pub Rock Version   Favoriting Different Class (Deluxe Edition)  Universal  1995  Post His and Hers Babies, Lipgloss, Different Class was the pinnacle of Pulp's songwriting, themes and ability to write universally appealing pop hooks. Pervy Jarvis isn't' the weirdo hiding in your sister's closet anymore...it's out for all to see, love and embrace. So much so, that Nick Cave found reason to cover this song....twice. The Pulp party is in full swing here, all the drugs, all the highs, all the sleaze, and all the fun...."The fountain down the road" probably refers to the Goodwin Fountain which stood at the end of Fargate in the centre of Sheffield. Anyone wanting to meet there in the year 2000 would have been disappointed because it was demolished by the City Council in 1998 and replaced by a new one in the Peace Gardens.    0:12:38 (Pop-up)
Pulp  This Is Hardcore   Favoriting This Is Hardcore  Universal Records  1998  One of the greatest songs ever. This is the end of the party line for Pulp. Pervy Jarv is sexed out, drugged out, and done with it all. His velvet suit now tattered and torn along with his dreams, his hopes and his very psyche. Feathered showgirls jostle him about, as he staggers bewildered through the afternmath of the rave scene, the britpop scene and the 90's...this song reduced me to absolute tears at the show. It is...a masterpiece all the weariest and of bon vivants have felt, and lived. An anthem for the wrecked, bereft and empty.    0:17:01 (Pop-up)
Relaxed Muscle  Billy Jack   Favoriting A Heavy Night With Relaxed Muscle  Rough Trade  2003  Pulp may have reached the stage of disillusionment with the 90's close...but Jarv still has some party in him so he heads to Camden town to slum it with the likes of the Mighty Boosh, and aligns with the Northern and Sheffield electroclash/discopunk/synthpunk/New Rave pretty things to keep the debauchery going...."Imagine if you will/can a mangled amalgam of Suicide's primitive electro-clash, early-Human League synth squelching, latter-day Tricky and erm... (on Muscle Music) Adam Ant. Grinding, unpolished pop noise then, with none of the worthy but dull professional trimmings of Pulp's most recent work. Amidst this messy musical debris, Cocker adopts his alter-ego as northern pervert poet Darren Spooner. Addicted to sex, always ready for a fight, self-loathing and misogynistic ("I tell you one thing/And I ain't lying/I rule my woman with a rod of iron") and in a permanent state of physical/mental despair.... "    0:23:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Henry Mancini 

Your Father's Feathers   Favoriting






0:27:46 (Pop-up)
Pulp  Tunnel (Full Length Version)   Favoriting They Suffocate at Night  Fire Records  1987  Over here on my side over here on the half-host configuration, I've always respected Pulp, but never did take too deep a dive... I knew teethy weirdness existed, but never looked hard enough to find it. Babs kicked the Pulp set off w/ a noisy gem that escaped me. Here, I found this, too, in it's full length, originally the b-side on the single format that would accommodate its full duration. Recorded in Sheffield during June 1986. "They Suffocate at Night" is the first single from the album Freaks by British band Pulp, released in 1987. The song and its B-side "Tunnel" were later included on the compilation album Masters of the Universe."    0:36:51 (Pop-up)
Claudia  Drum   Favoriting Diss  Self-Released (Bandcamp)  2024  Released yesterday Aug 11. Hamilton's, Ontario's Claudia is, in fact, Drew from Bananananana. I found all of this out today & it's an excellent reveal!!! We are fond of all these things, incl., now, this, uh, percussive workout. Since I was chatting w/ Drew, I thought I would ask him for something to share to the world on this day of Aug 12, perhaps a thought of the day........... Answer....... "Try to carry some change on you. So you can give it to people who ask." --------------- https://claudiaclaudia.bandcamp.com/  *   0:45:06 (Pop-up)
Party Dozen  Coup De Gronk   Favoriting Crime In Australia  Grupo Records  2024  Album released Sep 6, here is the opening track, the mighty Coup De Gronk. "Despite the name there are only two people in the Sydney group Party Dozen. They’re a sax-and-drums duo who make weird, convulsive music... [following up] their incendiary 2022 debut The Real Work with their new LP Crime In Australia...The excellently titled new track “Coup De Gronk” is a riff-happy instrumental built on a bed of percolating sequencers. Party Dozen co-wrote the song’s video with Tanya Babić and Jason Sukadana, the directing team known as VERSUS. It’s a neon-noir crime vision, with Party Dozen playing underworld enforcers who terrorize Sydney with finger-guns and saxophones. Here’s what they say about it: 'The brief for this clip was Party Dozen Debt Collectors — unhinged and unlikely. We’re not violent people, so in lieu of actual violence we had to be a little more creative with the enforcing. Tanya and Jason captured the perfect mix of delinquency and humour, with clear nods to classic Australian gang films and old crime shows with that hazy smear of motion film.' This fall, Party Dozen will tour Europe with Amyl And The Sniffers." Vid here: Party Dozen - Coup De Gronk (Official Video)  *   0:49:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Herbie Hancock 

Rockit   Favoriting

Future Shock 



Yes, Martin Bisi had his engineering skills (at BC studio) on hand for Herbie Hancock's "Rockit" "...constructed and composed during the recording process, first at BC Studio in Gowanus, Brooklyn, with additional overdubs at RPM Studios in Manhattan, then Hancock's home studio in West Hollywood, and finally at Eldorado studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The production duo of Material (bassist Bill Laswell and synth player Michael Beinhorn) were based at Martin Bisi's BC Studio, recording experimental, no wave and underground club music. Hancock's 25-year-old manager, Tony Meilandt, approached Laswell to write a new track for Hancock, whose career needed a boost. /////// The 2-inch 16-track master tape containing rhythm parts and scratching needed to be transferred to 24-track 2-inch in order for Hancock to work with it at his home studio. Laswell and Bisi took the tape to RPM Studios in Greenwich Village, but instead of simply transferring the format, they added some extra sounds, especially a stab of guitar taken from a Led Zeppelin song on the album Coda. Using the repeat hold function of a Lexicon Prime Time digital delay, they attempted to capture a Led Zeppelin snare drum sound, but a moment of inattention resulted in the guitar stab, which Laswell found better suited his purpose." ////////// Martin Bisi is bringing his film / collective / world to Toronto @ Collective Arts on Saturday... This track (released May 17, 2024) ------- His show this Saturday in Toronto as follows: Saturday, September 14 //// includes a screening of the documentary Sound And Chaos: The Story Of BC Studio ///// Collective Arts Toronto / 777 Dundas St. W. / Toronto, Ontario //// with Flake --------------------- Find links to his shows / videos & pages here: http://www.martinbisi.com/ 


0:53:30 (Pop-up)
Perfect Whip  Jive Bullshit   Favoriting Jive Bullshit  PW  2023  A band from Melbourne, Kulin Nation. Of Course. "People now don't even have any concept that there ever was a culture outside of this thing that's created to make money. Whatever's the biggest latest thing, they're into it! You just get disgusted after a while with humanity for not having more kind of like, intellectual curiosity about what's behind all this Jive Bullshit"    1:01:21 (Pop-up)
PUFF  Mutation   Favoriting Rock Bottom  PUFF  2024  Speaking of derivative. No, this isn't the Ohsees but shows how far and deep the influence of quality modern garage rock has on new artists. Berlin's PUFFS are If Sean & Erin from THE SPITS were raised in 1980’s Germany by freaky parents with a kraut-rock collection, their band might have sounded a lot like PUFF. Three tracks of spastic and aggressive synth heavy rave-ups, sung often in German, from some of the heaviest pranksters around. These chuckle-headed Satanic funhouse psychedelic punk sounds are a direct response to the so-called “hipster” invasion Berlin has been plagued with for the last ten plus years. PUFF: KILLS PARTY PEOPLE ON CONTACT.    1:02:49 (Pop-up)
Tine Hill  Money   Favoriting Participant  Tine Hill  2024  A fairly new release from June 2024...they are from Lake Placid, NY. "Participant" is Tine Hill's first album, featuring a mix of music collected over the past decade, previously unrecorded until this release. Tine Hill is also the bassist for Gustaf...which is why this song rocks!    1:05:27 (Pop-up)
Neon Kittens  I Traded My Kingdom for Magic Beans   Favoriting Side 3  Metal Postcard  2023  See the neon Kittens are indeed a wonderful erotic thing they offer down at heal post punk rock n roll put performed in cocktail dresses and velvet jackets , they are a stlyish affair they are slinky avant gard pop they are Serge Gainsbough played through a blender they are the most beautiful people to walk the planet but only looked at through a distorted mirror they offer hope for the future by nailing down the lid of the past they are Alec Chilton like but not in a Big Star way they are suffocating the Flies On Shebert then pulling off their wings . They are good bad and yes maybe a little evil they are also pretty much perfect in the most imperfect kind of way.    1:07:40 (Pop-up)
Wife  Mr. Dingle The Strong   Favoriting Starla's Theme  Chris Records  2023  Wife hail from San Francisco. This is all we know. So we'll leave it at that. Bands that have really common, impossible to search names and no band bios really frustrate us here at the Beach....    1:11:01 (Pop-up)
Family Vision  Irony   Favoriting Plastic Form  Julia's War  2022  Family Vision are from NYC. American band Family Vision captures the essence of punk via their songs. Their music has frantic guitar riffs that convey the raw intensity of punk rock, heavy percussion, and edgy vocals. Family Vision's music radiates a sense of defiance and revolt since its songs frequently address issues of societal unrest, personal problems, and political commentary.    1:12:31 (Pop-up)
Cyril Cyril  Les Gens   Favoriting Les Gens Single  Born Bad  2020  People...oh..people. This is the second song we've featured by this very amazing band from Geneva. "the infinity of mirrors. Beyond the Atlas and Ararat mountains, the boomerang echo of a thousand others somewhere tells anyone who wants to hear it. With only a banjo, a guitar, strange drums, several voices and several languages ​​as his companions, Cyril Cyril digs a laser furrow of the soul. The tandem, camouflaged as a fanfare-ghost, tumbles like a phoenix onto the dance floor"    1:14:06 (Pop-up)
Theoreme  Moyen Age   Favoriting L'appel du Midi à midi pile  Bruit Direct Disques  2016  Theoreme (the artist) is here to singe ears on this blistering solo debut. Laying down all the instrumentation ‘n vocals herself, Theoreme posits that spectres of the past continue to resonate in the contemporaneous milieu of the underground. This isn’t some Erik Von Daniken/Chariots Of The Gods bullshit. It’s the #>$&%^*ing truth! Deep inside the angular ingenuity of this chef d’oeuvre are subtle sonic vectors, analogous to Gutura, SIC & the corrosive side of Zickzack. Channeled or not, the adage remains, “Great minds think alike”. I can’t say for sure the French invented propositional logic, but they sure do guzzle it down. And Theoreme’s right there; two-fisted, bellied up & ready for bear. You want a cold war? Well son, here it is. Have at it.    1:17:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Wynton Marsalis 

The End of a Love Affair   Favoriting

Intimacy Calling: Standard Time Vol 2 





1:20:57 (Pop-up)
Martin Bisi  No SUN In Berlin TEMPELHOF   Favoriting Your Ultimate Urban Fantasy  Bandcamp  2024  From the new EP (May 2024) ‘Your Ultimate Urban Fantasy’--- "NYC-based legendary producer and experimental artist Martin Bisi. Bisi has been a central figure in the musical history of New York City for the past four decades. Founding Brooklyn’s BC Studio in 1981, he has helped develop post-Punk, No Wave and experimental culture through recordings of Brian Eno (On Land), Sonic Youth, Swans, John Zorn, Herbie Hancock’s “Rockit”, Afrika Bambaataa, Material/Bill Laswell, JG Thirlwell, Unsane, The Dresden Dolls, White Hills, Cop Shoot Cop and countless others. ////// It is therefore a special moment indeed when Bisi releases one of his own pieces, and it is a magnificent collection that eviscerates elements of modern society with poetic anger and frustration: perhaps representing a verbal skewering of decadence and decay. ////////// ’Your Ultimate Urban Fantasy’ is an immersive collection of vivid moments – sometimes discordant, always intense but with a common theme. Bisi says of the songs: "The songs are pretty descriptive and visual. You can see and feel these urban spaces, the real as well as imaginary ones in the sound as well as lyrics. I think the record is looking towards the 22nd century." //////// Cities, urban landscapes, desolation, entropy, decay and hypocrisy all feature. Bisi says: "Politically, cities are a big part of the future we’re heading into. Governments are reshaping the vision of how cities work. The music becomes a socio-musical commentary, echoing the dissonance often experienced in contemporary urban life while contemplating the environmental degradation intertwined with the urban narrative. “Master Plan For Retaking Williamsburg” is a live recording, where i removed the songs, and just left the improvisations between the songs. It’s significant because Williamsburg is a neighborhood that has been almost completely lost. Genevieve Fernworthy is pretty much the anchor."... ///////////////// ...Bisi’s urgent delivery continues in ‘No SUN In Berlin TEMPELHOF’, his wry delivery rampages over an ambulant music soundscape with intensity, as the music ebbs and flows. The title track coasts on a twirling Hammond organ base with ominous synth splashes as Bisi recounts the vicissitudes of life, an element of bleak despair." ///////////////////////// Martin Bisi is bringing his film / collective / world to Toronto @ Collective Arts on Saturday... This track (released May 17, 2024) ------- His show this Saturday in Toronto as follows: Saturday, September 14 //// includes a screening of the documentary Sound And Chaos: The Story Of BC Studio ///// Collective Arts Toronto / 777 Dundas St. W. / Toronto, Ontario //// with Flake --------------------- Find links to his shows / videos & pages here: http://www.martinbisi.com/  *   1:29:13 (Pop-up)
Dog Faced Hermans  H Tribe   Favoriting Those Deep Buds Rebalanced & Remastered 2024  Alternative Tentacles / Konkurrel / Bandcamp  1994 / 2024  Released September 6, 2024 // Rebalanced and Remastered June 2024 by Colin McLean and Andy Moor // Originally released July 1, 1994... "Truly a classic from 1994, this last studio album from the Hermans is their masterpiece. From the propulsive, off-kilter hooks and grooves of Blessed Are The Follies, to the flamenco-influenced noise rock of Volkswagen and the disturbing reliving of the My Lai Massacre of Vietnam in Calley, this album brims with energy and intelligence. For all the glorious noisiness, singer/trumpeter, Marion Coutts never shouts, and at times sings in hushed, evocative tones which break through the mix very nicely. All the players are in top form here, and there isn't a weak track on the album. As usual, unorthodox instrumentation and an unlikely combination of folk, free jazz and post-punk elements fuse to form a signature sound unlike any other band before or since. /////// With production by noted U.K. boardsman Guy Fixsen. Those Deep Buds kicks with a vicious, smart passion, with lead figure Marion handling the vocals and aforementioned brass with aplomb. Fixsen's production brings out the strength in the individual performances while retaining space and depth in the mix, even when everything ratchets up to a full explosion Backed by the fine, ragged rhythm section of bassist Colin and drummer Wilf and playing off the rough, spindly riffing of guitarist Andy, she leads her charges down constantly unexpected musical detours with entertaining results. an unbelievably powerful and resilient record with some of the best lyrics to ever appear on a rock album." ------ Find here: https://dogfacedhermans.bandcamp.com/  *   1:32:51 (Pop-up)
The Ex  Great!   Favoriting Great! / The Evidence [Single]  Ex Records  2024  Released September 9, 2024. "A 45RPM - 7inch single in celebration of The Ex s 45 th anniversary!!!!!! //////// Few bands are as focused on potential challenges, on what is yet to come, as The Ex. Which is pretty remarkable for a band celebrating 45 years of existence, a turbulent journey filled with an impressive series of highlights. However, nostalgia has never been this band’s forte, as they like no other succeed in reinventing themselves, finding new alliances and fascinating challenges along the way. Stay out of that comfort zone for long enough and it just might disappear. //////// So, in 45 years they did more than 2000 concerts in 45 countries. It was time for a new 45rpm 7” single. From the brand-new set they are playing full-on this year, they picked two blinking tracks: ‘Great!’ and ’The Evidence’. Urgent, willful, adventurous, open hearted and joyfully obstinate. As such, The Ex remains true to that one, indestructible adage: forward in all directions!" https://theex.nl/  *   1:37:52 (Pop-up)
Druty  Half kieliszka   Favoriting Fetor  Syf Records  2024  Released August 30, 2024 --- "kieliszka" = "glass", "drinking", "a nightcap", depending on how it is used in a sentence. ----------- Szczecin experimental duo DRUTY with their third album "Fetor". [Szczecin is the capital and largest city of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in northwestern Poland.] https://syfrecords.bandcamp.com/album/druty-fetor  *   1:41:36 (Pop-up)
OCS  This Dreadful Heart   Favoriting OCS Live At Permanent Roadhouse  Permanent Records  2024  So, yes, it's impossible to keep up w/ John Dwyer. I had read he was working on a bunch of releases that would clean up some loose ends in the studio that hadn't found proper homes. Then, on BC Friday, he made 4 albums available. There is no stopping him. 3 of those albums were from recent free-form Jazz explorations. The fourth is this, going back to the very earliest days of OCS/Thee Oh Sees/Osees... --- From his mouth: -- "During the holidays of 2023, Brigid Dawson and I got together at my house in Los Angeles and started transcribing a nice list of songs //// Some new, some very old that have never been played live ever, and we put together a holiday set list which we performed two nights in a row at Permanent Records Roadhouse in Los Angeles and did a bit of it at a charity event at the Lodge Room. Seven tunings later… It was a lot of fun and there was a lot of libation and celebration. We surrounded ourselves with good friends and came up with this charming off kilter set of recordings. I think they capture the casual energy of the evening in the mood of the crowd. Hope you enjoy". JPD" //// From Brooklyn Vegan: "OCS, the OSEES folk duo spinoff featuring John Dwyer and Bridget Dawson, are releasing Live at Permanent Records on November 29 via Rock is Hell. It comes in a variety of formats, including a 7″ box set that’s limited to only 200 copies. //// The album documents two special benefit shows OCS did in Los Angeles in December 2023. “It was a lot of fun and there was a lot of libation and celebration,” John Dwyer says. “We surrounded ourselves with good friends and came up with this charming off kilter set of recordings. I think they capture the casual energy of the evening in the mood of the crowd.” //// You can listen to “Dreadful Heart” and check out the album artwork and tracklist below. //// Meanwhile, OSEES just started their North American tour, which hits Brooklyn for two nights at Warsaw on October 24 & 25 with Upchuck and Godcaster, respectively." Find here: https://ocsmusic.bandcamp.com/  *   1:44:57 (Pop-up)
Essential Logic  Wake Up (BBC John Peel Session)   Favoriting Essential Logic – John Peel session 21​.​02​.​79  Precious Recordings  1979 / 2024  Released March 15, 2024 --- "Shortly after parting company with X-Ray Spex, post-punk icon Lora Logic went into the BBC’s Maida Vale Studios with the first incarnation of her own band, Essential Logic. //////// Now officially released for the first time by Precious Recordings of London to coincide with its 45th anniversary, this is that legendary four-song session for John Peel – pre-dating the group’s debut LP, ‘Beat Rhythm News’, for which these tracks would be re-recorded, and a famous 30-date Rough Trade UK tour with Stiff Little Fingers and The Normal. //////// Ten-inch vinyl limited edition of 350 copies featuring a set of six postcards with previously unseen images plus download codes – and a sleeve essay by Lora Logic. //////// Songsheet: Wake Up, Shabby Abbott, Alkaline Loaf In The Area, Quality Crayon Wax OK." Precious Recordings of London -- London, UK (Bandcamp)  *   1:48:30 (Pop-up)
The Fall  Pay Your Rates (Live)   Favoriting Grotesque (After The Gramme) 'Live'  Pop Stock / Bella Union  2024  This song released this week, full album releases October 25, 2024. --- Early-era remaining Fall members unite to supervise exclusive live & official releases of albums they played on, sourced from the best performances they could find... It's a wonderful, weird & frightening time to be a Fall fan... The band is pretty much as prolific w/o their leader as they were with him. Official words... ---- “Bella Union are delighted to announce the release of The Fall's ‘Grotesque (After The Gramme) Live!’ - the latest release from POPSTOCK records, which builds on the success of the critically acclaimed ‘Slates Live!’. Sourced, mastered and designed by the musicians who played on the original LP, and with insightful liner notes by Henry Rollins, ‘Grotesque Live’ presents fascinating versions of all the seminal 1980 album tracks. //// Available on Bella Union Black limited edition vinyl, Rough Trade Red limited edition vinyl, CD and cassette - from 25th October 2024.” Find here: https://bellaunion.bandcamp.com/album/grotesque-after-the-gramme-live  *   1:51:03 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Disappearing   Favoriting

Memory Serves 



"Memory Serves is a 1981 album by the New York based No Wave music group Material. //// Recorded at OAO Studio, Brooklyn, New York. Produced by Material with Martin Bisi. //// ///////////////////////// TORONTO FOLKS... One last reminder... Why not? ----- Martin Bisi is bringing his film / collective / world to Toronto @ Collective Arts on Saturday... This track (released May 17, 2024) ------- His show this Saturday in Toronto as follows: Saturday, September 14 //// includes a screening of the documentary Sound And Chaos: The Story Of BC Studio ///// Collective Arts Toronto / 777 Dundas St. W. / Toronto, Ontario //// with Flake --------------------- Find links to his shows / videos & pages here: http://www.martinbisi.com/ 


1:54:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

Babs! Derek! Beach Bums!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

Someone has topped the world rankings in breaking mastodon.social...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
DJ Babs:

Howdy UD! Just doing some last minute tweakings of the set....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hey hey Ultra! Ha! Hope all is lovely in UltDamnoworld
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Things are good. It has returned to a hot in the day, chilly at night rhythm here. Season 2 of The Old Man starts on FX tonight, which I look forward to...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

( 👁️)
howdy beach buddies!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
DJ Babs:

Hello Prof Fuzz!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ prof.fuzz @7:53
Hello P.Fzzz!!! What's new in the academic world of fuzzology?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
DJ Babs:

K Spark is gonna go a few minutes over so hang tight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

G'day Babs, Derek & Beached!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @7:59
week 4 of the semester is almost in the books. we're making fuzz tomorrow night on an out of town gig. yeehaw!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

↳ DJ Babs @7:56
hello babs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Burn this biblical bullshit off me beachers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ prof.fuzz @8:01
Awesome! Travelling to a lovely locale?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:01
beautiful downton bryan texas to a venue that occupies an old 3-garage bay gas station building. it's always a good time there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Scott_Oz @8:01
Hi Scott... Salvation is/was at hand...
Avatar 8:03pm

Hello Babs, Derek, and all the Beachcombers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ YPB @8:03
Hello there YPB!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

↳ Scott_Oz @8:01
( 👁️)
this should take the edge off, mate!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz @8:01
Love it! Pfuzz!
Avatar 8:04pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:04
Avatar 8:05pm
Alli B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

Allliiiiiiiiiii hey lady!!
Avatar 8:06pm

@babs Top news…Warmduscher playing a show here next year!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar 8:09pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:09
So looking forward to it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
DJ Babs:

You could tell me this was a Wire song and I'd believe you.
Avatar 8:10pm
Alli B:

Absolutely Babs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar 8:11pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:10

Good evening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

I was SO happy when they played this last night. It was on my list of wish songs...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

Hello Tyler!

↳ DJ Babs @8:14
Hi Babs!
Avatar 8:14pm

↳ Tyler @8:14
Hey Tyler.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

ready for more Pulp?!
Avatar 8:14pm
Alli B:

Hi Tyler!

↳ YPB @8:14
Hi Cameron

↳ Alli B @8:14
Hi Alli!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm
DJ Babs:

I wanted to do a whole evolution of Pulp and Pervy Jarv show...but I thought that might be a bit much LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hey there AlliB, Tyler, hello hello!!!

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:17
Hi Derek!
Avatar 8:17pm
Alli B:

I love so much that Jarvis went to the rainbow painted tunnel along the DVP
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:17
i'd listen to that...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
DJ Babs:

can you imagine driving down the DVP and seeing Jarv lurking about the rainbow tunnel!?! I love it.

↳ Alli B @8:17
Yes, that was a highlight of the sow for me, as well.
Avatar 8:19pm
Alli B:

Just casually taking your dog for a walk when he’s surrounded by the common people

Never heard this Nick Cave cover b4. He isn't doing his usual deconstruction thing.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

I think General Mill needs to add Invisible Man and Blob characters...the blob could gummy chunks in it...I have no idea what flavor invisible would be though.
Avatar 8:20pm

Hi all....coming out of 2 week so fthe worst flu I've ever had. And I have a gig tonight! Amp me up, Babs and Derek!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
DJ Babs:

I am not ashamed to say I wept...no UGLY CRIED at this song. It was absolute perfection live. Mind. Blowing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
DJ Babs:

Laura! Hellooooooooooo
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

↳ laurapanic @8:20
hope you feel better soon. have a great gig!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Alli B @8:17
Did not know this fact about JC visiting the Rainbow Bridge! V. close to my olde homestead, by geography, anyway. I have traversed such ravines.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
DJ Babs:

↳ laurapanic @8:20
Don't you fret Laura, we got the sounds you need. Ampage is coming after we get through this luscious ode to post hedonistic comedowns...

Yes, This Is Harcore was EPIC live! Probably my favourite Pulp record. I was hoping they would also play 'Dishes', but you can't have oy all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm

↳ laurapanic @8:20
You are hardcore mate!!

↳ Tyler @8:22
*it all...

I was also thrilled to hear both Weeds pt.1 & Pt.2 live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm
DJ Babs:

I've never been a Weeds fan but live it was a whole different thing....

@Derek @Babs given the theme of tonight's show - are you going to the Martini Bisi doc & show on Saturday?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
DJ Babs:

Also, just Candida. Watching her play...her hands...are just so fascinating. It is so amazing to see how she continues to play with such bad Arthritis. I love how it informs her style..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ laurapanic @8:20
Laura, that's terrible. So sorry that you're still fighting it, bah! The stage may just defeat it, y'know... There's a lot to be said for a resounding whallop of sound, as you send your waves out and they bounce back to you... Have a great gig!
Avatar 8:32pm

↳ Scott_Oz @8:22
let's see how hardcore I am at 10.30pm halfway through the set. I'm gonna be going the Vitamin B around 20mins before!
Avatar 8:33pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:26
they call is SONIC THERAPY. Or do they? At least I do!!

Hi alllllllllll!
Avatar 8:36pm
Alli B:


ahhhhhhh missing the pulp show is already feeling like the regret of the year
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:35
Hey there Kristinnnne!
Avatar 8:37pm
Alli B:

Same here, Kristine

derek were you there?
Avatar 8:40pm

thank you for taking the space for that, Babs, it was a terrific debrief!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
DJ Babs:

she's brilliant..Hello Kristine!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
DJ Babs:

The history of pulp as fast as I could LOL

this is pump but sounds like a fall song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @8:37
Jarv was pretty close to MES I think.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

↳ Kristine @8:41
that's exactly what i was thinking
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
DJ Babs:

They are Sheffield/Salford guys...

pulp not pump! ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:39
'Twas not... One of the ones that got away.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

↳ Kristine @8:42
the judges would have also accepted "plump"

Derek is this one of the pulp tunes you can abide by because it doesnt sound like one we would know?

i like this side of pulp. imagine jarvis in 1987 now!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:46pm

Someone on twitter suggested the blob cereal should have licorice....that's not squishy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:43

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:46
predictable :P
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @8:46
I love the many sides of Pulp to be sure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
DJ Babs:

This is a great follow-up!

loving this percussive workout
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
DJ Babs:

This is a killer tune!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ DJ Babs @8:49
Half of Banananana!!!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

Avatar 8:56pm
Alli B:

This song is making me laugh for some reason 😂
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
DJ Babs:

It reminded me of WEEN
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
DJ Babs:

Also when I saw this on the playlist I was delighted
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

Now I'm thinking of robot gams

↳ Song: "Tunnel (Full Length Version)" by "Pulp"
Sounding a fair bit like the Fall in this one.

I feel that, perhaps, I make such comments fart oo often 😉
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @8:58
Me too! And hello Avspuk!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Hi DJ Babs, Derek, and all!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Will! Great to have you with us tonite!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm

I have Lay's Masala flavored chips here. They aren't bad
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Avspuk @9:00
No no, never too often, Avspuk... never never too often. Hello!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:05
Hello there Will-thee-SG-OCNY... Where are sounds lurking this week?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:05
ohh that sounds tasty! I haven't had chips in many weeks. We are watching our waistlines here on the beach...gotta keep my calories for booze LOL
Avatar 9:07pm

two more Australian bands not on my radar. But, there is SO MUCH GOOD SHIT DOWN HERE.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

Speaking of which tonight we are enjoying some Dark and Stormys
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

↳ laurapanic @9:07
Seriously these guys are the shit.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

Oh, here's an article about Porky's Prime Cuts I came across this week www.soundandvision.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:05
I tried those only just last week at band practice!!!! Our drummer was quite a fan & happy to share... They are quite pleasing!

↳ laurapanic @9:07
there is a great aussie that lives in berlin, ned collette. he is great too. he was in a band called city city city when he lived in melbourne

Hi all.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:07
I'm working for a Pink Floyd cover band on Saturday... Been doing a lot of yardwork to get ready to build the Swing set that I took apart a few weeks ago. I hope you all are doing well tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
DJ Babs:

V Daawwwwwwgggg hello hello

Yes, i am late but have an excuse note from the georgian restaurant.
Diet is over! Not that i was really on one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:10
Ahh what era of Floyd? All the Floyd?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

The Jah Wobble shuffle mastodon.social...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
DJ Babs:

↳ v-dawg @9:12
Yay to diets being over!!! I hate the D word so we are calling it a "Lifestyle change" LOL

↳ DJ Babs @9:13
Yes, lifestyle change, lifestyle of no pastries.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

↳ v-dawg @9:15
i'd call that an "existencestyle," cuz a life without pastry is not worth living...

↳ v-dawg @9:15
*welp* my life right now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
DJ Babs:

I agree. And I still have pastry! Just not as much as I'd like to!!! LOL

ok, this band is squirt in disguise no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
DJ Babs:

Haha!No but they are super vague in their bio and hard to find info...

i mean squid!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm

Thanks B&D! Gotta leave early to go help Dad put up a nesting box so the resident Rosellas can get their Spring on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
DJ Babs:

Oh by the way did you hear about Squid cancelling some of their tour? A member had a bad accident and smashed up their face...which sounds dreadful!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
DJ Babs:

Ahhh Scott...leaving the Beach to garden is a noble and neccessary and wonderful excuse!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
DJ Babs:

I'm so sad my flowers are dying and sad now...

↳ prof.fuzz @9:16
Yes, the lifestyle of non-existant pastry.
To tell the truth, one place said that there were done with blueberry pastries for the year, the other said that chef was on vacation so no walnut pastries.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ v-dawg @9:12
Ooooooo... Lovely reason to join in the later half... Not late though, no lateness on the Beach. It is merely a beach. Laying in wait, unconditionally.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
DJ Babs:

Stupid winter. :-(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Scott_Oz @9:18
See you Scott... Happy nesting... Boxing... Rosellaing...

shout out to les bains de paquis! best beach in gva
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20pm
DJ Babs:

Yes! U know I love the homeland content!

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:19
Quiet night at the restaurant and i have a full stomach to put in a good mood.
I need it too! I have to clean the whole kitchen tonight.

ca j'aime bien
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
DJ Babs:

↳ v-dawg @9:21
oof that is a big job to be sure!! But so rewarding!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:21
yeah this shit is tight! She released this in 2016...then nothing till 2021 and just a single. Boooo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
DJ Babs:

Great production on this. I love the guitar hard to one side.

yeah, i havent heard many french performers like this. its very suicide also
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:23pm

One new thing I picked up on BC Friday was the Drrones new ep, there's almost hints of pop in the post-punk prog and it works...also the new Half Human, they keep getting better.

de midi a midi pile meaning from noon to noon on the dot. haha

↳ DJ Babs @9:22
You have a better point of view than i do. I have to do all this work on short notice.
(Yes, i have already started.)
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

Music genre (literal) mastodon.social...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ DJ Babs @9:12
Mainly animals, dark side, some of the wall, some of meddle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:32
Yeah, I’m good with that. I love Floyd all the way up to the Wall
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
DJ Babs:

Fun fact, I don’t think Derek has ever seen The Wall…which needs to be rectified. You don’t even need to like Floyd to appreciate it.

quite different from the ex eh derek?

i havent seen it either
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:41pm

The Steadmanesque animation is nice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
DJ Babs:

From a film and an animation standpoint, it’s gorgeous
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
DJ Babs:

Once in a while when I feel sad but can’t get a good cry out I watch “goodbye blue skies” LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:40
I would climb a Wall to see The Ex again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar 9:44pm
Bob Barth:

HELLO D & B! Loving the show tonight!

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:43
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DJ Babs:

Hiya Bob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
DJ Babs:

KSpark ran a bit late but I think we are on schedule…whatcha got for us tonight? Last week’s show was great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
DJ Babs:

Ohhh this is my tune of the week I can’t even with this groove
Avatar 9:45pm
Alli B:

I love it so much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
DJ Babs:

I feel
That bass in my ovaries lol
Avatar 9:46pm
Bob Barth:

↳ DJ Babs @9:45
3 Fantastic films! 1 Docu series on Hair Metal!! & RINGO!! It's gonna be fun.
Avatar 9:46pm
Alli B:

Wiggle wiggle
Avatar 9:46pm
Bob Barth:

↳ DJ Babs @9:46
I think the bass is giving me ovaries.

is he saying words backwards?

its also called Stettin, pretty close to berlin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Half kieliszka" by "Druty"
This set is all BC Friday purchases, UltraD... I was thinking of you as I settled in to some late night shopping. Your gentle monthly reminders have oft left me feeling I've left something remiss in my usual BCF absenteeism. Rectified that, last Fri. Here it all is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:47
I think backmasked AND forward, in Polish, near as I can tell...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

I just can't listen to it without imagining Roger Waters wringing his hands and saying "no one will think of Tommy again, I tell you!!!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:47
It sounds like backwards whatever eastern bloc country he mail
Hail from?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:48
I know Roger Waters is like the Morrisey of the Smiths. Ewwww
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ DJ Babs @9:48

↳ Song: "Half kieliszka" by "Druty"
Polish language on wfmu again today.
They may not want us to learn their language, but they are not too upset when we butcher it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
DJ Babs:

This is nice song

↳ v-dawg @9:49
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ v-dawg @9:49
There will be a Polish fest at the foot of our street all wknd. I quite enjoy it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:50
Little chance Druty fly in to play it, I suspect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
DJ Babs:

We live in little Poland…so there’s a lot of the old grannies pulling their grocery carts about. The deli nearby is a GEM. THE PICKLES.

oh yeah! thanks for the reminder. also, pickle soup ! had that at the fest one year, hard to find after that

@babs, derek
I have something for you that i just learned about, waffle pierogies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
DJ Babs:

The fest is this weekend…
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:53pm

↳ Song: "Wake Up (BBC John Peel Session)" by "Essential Lo...
I've the ten inch of this and The Flaming Stars one, they are nice little packages

been waiting two hours for a fall song derek!
Avatar 9:55pm
Alli B:

Thank you for another amazing show!
Avatar 9:56pm

Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

great show tonight. thanks babs and derek!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
DJ Babs:

Yaaaaay! Thank you everyone so so so much!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:55
Haha... New (unreleased until now) live Fall! As curated by the existing members of that lineup on their own label!

nice! grotesque is one of the first albums i bought a long time ago!

and i like that the existing members curated it!

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:50
People butcher the name polish beer all the time. Last month, someone said, "I like this zeye vike or however you say it".
Stuff yourself at the fest!
Avatar 9:58pm

its Bob Barth time!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:57
The first I listened to!!!!

he is probably having his say by making objects move, or flickering lights, we know him
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

↳ ultradamno @9:53
If you don't know Flaming Stars (and a lot of people seem not to) they are a great band with ties to Gallon Drunk and Sting-Rays/Bananamen and have a few albums on Alternative Tentacles. Their first album on Vinyl Japan, Songs From The Barroom Floor is mandatory, but that Precious Recordings is of similar vintage and more immediately available.
Avatar 9:59pm
Bob Barth:

Follow me this way gang into the next hour wfmu.org...

thanks for the martin bisi tip! gnite!

Thank you
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 10:03pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Thank you DJ Babs and Derek!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03pm
DJ Babs:

Thank you pals! See you next week!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Derek Westerholm:

Thanks all! See you at Bob's "1 Night Stand", next up in Sheena's Jungle Room here, our little corner of WFMU.
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