Favoriting The Fantastic World of Kitten Sparkles with Kitten Sparkles AKA Don Bolles: Playlist from November 16, 2023 Favoriting

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Glambient! (Sound collage, Cosmic Surrealism, Sacred and secular children's records, oddities, Anomalies, Guests - and a little Glam and Bubblegum!)

Thursday 5 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting November 16, 2023: Happy Monsters

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Kitten Sparkles  Live Improvised Glambience!   Favoriting Meow  Other 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Kitten! Fantasticles!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

Avatar 5:01pm
Debbie Davenport:

Hello chatroom church body.
“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Kitten Sparkles”
Avatar 5:01pm
Mr Fab:

hey all you bright and shiny felines
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm
Owo Org At John:

Hello, fellow Sparklers! Don! Debbie! Cheree! DJ Bong Ludes! Mr. Fab! Everyone!
Avatar 🎸 5:05pm
Owo Org At John:

Getting really tired of always getting the automated DJ, when I sign in - forcing me to exit and do it again!
Avatar 5:06pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:05
I do that every time.
Avatar 5:06pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:05
Sometimes I miss a little of the voiceover.
Avatar 🎸 5:07pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:06
It seems to be rife, lately.
Avatar 🎸 5:10pm
Owo Org At John:

Happy Monsters, Kitten, everyone!
Avatar 🎸 5:14pm
Owo Org At John:

Debbie, I was checking out Jack Kirby stuff, and there's a HB volume or more, of all his (and Simon & kirby's) Romance stuff available! Full colour, on acid free paper!
Avatar 5:17pm
Kitten Sparkles:

hey. sorry to be tardy. Was cueing a CD and can only do that rn by listening livve, so I have to do that before the show starts.
Avatar 🎸 5:17pm
Owo Org At John:

Ah! It's his complete War and Romance! Amazon has a copy for $64.99
Avatar 5:18pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:14
I love stuff like that. We might already have it. Gordon has a hoarding issue combined with a refusal to use shelves. so I can't go through anything and see if we have it. I do remember him gettting somehing cool like that though.
Avatar 5:18pm
Kitten Sparkles:

and a Happy Monsters to you, Owo!
Avatar 🎸 5:18pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @5:17
Just so I'm hearing you, and not the automated DJ.
Avatar 5:19pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:17
Yes I think he has it. I will ask him about it in case he doesn't know about it though. Thank you for thinking of me.
Avatar 🎸 5:19pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @5:18
Thank ye kindly, Kitten!
Avatar 🎸 5:20pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:19
Looks like it may be just from his Marvel comics work. Says "by Stan Lee".
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:20pm

Avatar 5:22pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:20
Gordon used to work at this really well known comic store in the SF Bay area. He's one of these adult comic book guys. He might be on top of that.
Avatar 🎸 5:22pm
Owo Org At John:

Oh! The Young Romance HB's run $29.99 each!
Avatar 🎸 5:22pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:22
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Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:22
and they've been reprinted, some of them. Does sound pricey if it's that much per comic. I only buy a romance comic once in a blue moon now. Last one was maybe 10 years ago? I know I was on facebook because my ex and my husband were trying to help me identify this weird panel going around. then hunted down the actual comic. It was as uncomfortable and out of date as I had hoped it would be.
Avatar 🎸 5:26pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:25
Think they're 10 issues a book.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:27pm

The last time I went through a fast food drive through (I won't name it, but it has different names in different areas...jr.) a robo voice took my order.
Avatar 5:27pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:26
oh that is not bad. and each comic back then had a lot of pages. like 30.
Cheree July:

Glistening after having to take an important call.☎️
Avatar 5:28pm
Debbie Davenport:

Hi Cheree!
Avatar 🎸 5:28pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @5:27
Hi Cheree!
Cheree July:

Hi Debbie! Hi John! Hi Sparklers!👋
Avatar 🎸 5:47pm
Owo Org At John:

But - is it peptide fortified?
Cheree July:

Sounds like it. 🫧
Avatar 🎸 5:52pm
Owo Org At John:

And also ... Vitamins?!?!
Cheree July:

I think it sounds like that too💊
Avatar 🎸 5:56pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @5:54
And just where does Beany and Cecil come in??? (see today's flyer)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Hearty! Nutritionists!
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Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @5:54
Probably have to google Beany & Cecil - it was an early '60's cartoon!
Avatar 6:01pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:58
It made a comback though. Popular when my boy was little. Unless I just got him old books and over the years was thinking it had made a comeback. I was super busy then.
Avatar 🎸 6:01pm
Owo Org At John:

Wasn't it on Captain Kangeroo, Don?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

Magic set of what? 3.bp.blogspot.com...
Avatar 🎸 6:02pm
Owo Org At John:

Along with Mr. Greenjeans?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

Hi kitten and sparklers!
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Owo Org At John:

↳ Owo Org At John @6:02
His cap could make him fly!
Avatar 6:03pm
Debbie Davenport:

The New Adventures of Beany and Cecil was on tv in 1988. that is probably what I'm thinking of.
Avatar 🎸 6:03pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ chresti @6:02
Hi Chresti!
Avatar 🎸 6:04pm
Owo Org At John:

Still think it was on Captain Kangaroo, back in the day...
Avatar 6:05pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @6:04
I haven't read it but there is a wikipedia.
Avatar 🎸 6:05pm
Owo Org At John:

Frank Zappa made a really great track about Mr. Greenjeans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

I remember Beany and Cecil! I always wondered what happened to…Cecil’s legs
Avatar 🎸 6:07pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ chresti @6:05
Weren't they usually under water?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

Red Krayola has a song called Green Of My Pants which may or may not be related
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

↳ Owo Org At John @6:03
Hi Owo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

↳ Owo Org At John @6:07
Not sure it’s like they didn’t know how to give an animated puppet legs?
Avatar 🎸 6:11pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @6:07
Zappa's, "Son Of Mr. Greenjeans", weas released on his Hot Rats album, 1970!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

Red Krayola's was released in 68 with the distinct advantage of having no Frank Zappa on it!
Avatar 🎸 6:13pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ chresti @6:10
Ask Sherri Lewis.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

I remember watching kaptain kangaroo after kindergarten class
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

Nobody tops The Statler Bros for Cap Kangaroo refs in any event
Avatar 🎸 6:14pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @6:13
Love that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

↳ Owo Org At John @6:13
She said “hey I had nothing to do with it”
Avatar 6:15pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @6:13
🤣 Now don't tell me, I've nothing to do.
Avatar 🎸 6:15pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ chresti @6:14
Ha ha ha ha hah! Thanks, I needed that!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

↳ Debbie Davenport @6:15
Ever seen the muppet version of that (The Ratler Bros)? www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎸 6:18pm
Owo Org At John:

Avatar 6:19pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @6:17
WAtching now. I like the puppets, but I enjoy those low heavy Statler Brothers voices. I used to listen to that on 8 track as a kid.
Avatar 🎸 6:21pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @6:19
I have the original on a Best Of Country comp.!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

Every now and then PBS will show this Johnny Cash special Live In Denmark with The Statlers doing that song
Avatar 🎸 6:24pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @6:23
I remember watching that episode, back in the day! Johnny always had cool guests!
Cheree July:

For a second, I thought Kitten was gonna talk yap😆😹
Avatar 🎸 6:32pm
Owo Org At John:

Kitty rap purr rap purr!
Avatar 🎸 6:37pm
Owo Org At John:

I'm sure Princess Tinkle approves!
Avatar 🎸 6:41pm
Owo Org At John:

Is she locked in a room, during the Glambience?
Cheree July:

Well, we do have to put her in the rehearsal room when we do Wired Up😼
Avatar 🎸 6:44pm
Owo Org At John:

Happy Monsters, indeed!
Avatar 🎸 6:47pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @6:44
Kittens are so enthusiastic, about all things! I mean, just look at Kitten!
Avatar 🎸 6:49pm
Owo Org At John:

Speaking of Yap...
Cheree July:

The loveable furry lil monsters named Kitten & Princess Tinkles!😹🐱🐈🐈‍⬛
Avatar 🎸 6:50pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @6:49
Gotta love them!
Cheree July:

Even if they're not named Grover or are from Sesame Street.
Avatar 🎸 6:57pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @6:55
I remember, when that first came on the air - we liked to smoke weed, and watch it!
Avatar 🎸 6:59pm
Owo Org At John:

We were too old, for Sesame Street. I was 11-12, when it first came on the air!
Avatar 6:59pm
Debbie Davenport:

I love the old sesame Street skits with the doll houses and little doll sized things. I don't even remember if it taught anything. just dolls in a house to music.
Avatar 🎸 7:00pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @6:59
But they featured a letter of the day, didn't they?
Avatar 7:01pm
Debbie Davenport:

I don't even think skit would be the right reference. but they would mix up all those little shorts. they've recycled them for decades now.
Yeah there were letters of the day. but those doll house shorts that were on various episodes, don't remember what it taught us.
Avatar 7:02pm
Debbie Davenport:

I started watching it again in 1990-94. Still using some of the same stuff then. but they stood the test of time. LIke the rube goldberg machine stuff.
Avatar 🎸 7:06pm
Owo Org At John:

Wow! We're already down to the last hour? Boy, time flies when .....
Avatar 🎸 7:08pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @7:02
And, now, kids PBS has its own 24/7 channel!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

Rube! blog.zhdk.ch...
Avatar 7:11pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @7:08
OH that's great!
Avatar 7:12pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @7:10
wouldn't it be fun to go to a big exhibit with drawings and big machines?!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Life size mouse trap games!
Avatar 7:13pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @7:13
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

Speaking of Kirby, I just saw Javier Bardem is going to be Galactus in a new FF movie
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Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:14
Sigh, which they'll no doubt ruin, with their sickening pc crap.
Avatar 🎸 7:17pm
Owo Org At John:

Like making Dr. Strange's Ancient One a woman - when the character was clearly based on the wise man on the mountain!
Cheree July:

Ah, well someone decided to "chime" in!😉😆
Avatar 🎸 7:19pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @7:18
Guessing no song poems today, or the kids for christ.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

I don't really mind that so much as I don't think he's tall enough.
Avatar 7:20pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @7:14
FF movies have thw worst luck with their success. We watch and collect them all. OMG. I told Gordon I think it's partly because Mr. Fantastic looks so silly in action. Like old school comic book-y silly. That must be hard to work with. You know because the movies around superheros today are so mainstream and the audience wants cool types like Batman.
Avatar 🎸 7:21pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @7:20
They should have kept Michael Chiklas, as the Thing!
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Owo Org At John:

Why is it taking nearly a minute, to post my comments?
Avatar 🎸 7:23pm
Owo Org At John:

WFMU why are you with holding my comments?!?!
Avatar 🎸 7:24pm
Owo Org At John:

Why are my comments not being posted???
Cheree July:

Thank fucking christ no song poems.
Avatar 🎸 7:27pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @7:24
Ha hah! Agreed! Just had to log off - back on, because I wasn't seeing my comments being posted!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

The only two things I want from Marvel right now are Man-Thing and a mini-series adapted from Marvel Team-Up 41-44 (Spider Man goes back to the Witch Trials and in the end visits Dethlok's dystopian future..."Dr Doom" Mark E. Smith line refers to it)
Avatar 7:28pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @7:27
That sounds great!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

I would like the Man-Thing to be the Pro-Rata saga that introduces Howard The Duck, but getting HTD right may be more unworkable than Mr Fantastic
Cheree July:

John, Don had me listen to two song poem compilations for two fucking hours in his old Electric Ladies Room studio. It was the most tedious shit I've ever listened to.🫨😖
Avatar 🎸 7:31pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @7:30
The kids for christ are worse, though, I think!
Avatar 7:32pm
Mr Fab:

Don't listen to 'em, Don, song-poems RULE!
Avatar 7:32pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Mr Fab @7:32
I agree!
Avatar 🎸 7:32pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Mr Fab @7:32
Ha ha ha ha! So be it!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

↳ ultradamno @7:27
Various Times being The Fall song "Dr Doom fresh from Salem and the witch trials..."
Avatar 🎸 7:35pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:33
I must admit, I hated Julian what's-his-name, as Victor Von Doom! He just didn't have the right gravitas
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

Cheree July:

Don just calls anyone Male "Man"😆🤣
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Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:36
Love it!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

↳ Owo Org At John @7:35
It's hard form me to not think of him as the guy from Charmed and Nip/Tuck. Very TV himbo vibe.
Avatar 🎸 7:39pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:38
Yeah, he ruined the films for me!
Cheree July:

Don/Sparkles-speak consists of the vocabulary of: Man, Lady, Daughter, Assistant & Biotch😆🤣
Avatar 🎸 7:41pm
Owo Org At John:

Biotch's Unite!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

I think wench's need representation in there.
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Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:43
Don used to call his girlfriends that, back in the day!
Avatar 🎸 7:48pm
Owo Org At John:

One I'll never forget - Don was playing some contemporary electronic music, and her response? "When's it going to be over?"
Cheree July:

Is this Nik Racevic?
Avatar 🎸 7:49pm
Owo Org At John:

Thank you, Kitten, for another great glambient show! And an awesome chatroom chatting, too!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

Sometimes they do seem to set the oscillators on auto-pilot and go out for lunch
Avatar 7:51pm
Debbie Davenport:

tuna tuna tuna
Avatar 🎸 7:51pm
Owo Org At John:

Didn't they use that effect, on Irwin Allen's Lost in Space??
Avatar 7:51pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Somebody said Song /Poems?
Cheree July:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

Chicken of the sea!
Avatar 🎸 7:52pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @7:51
Here you go, Cheree!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

I see what she did there, a tune of tuna...that's REO Speedwagon worthy punning
Avatar 🎸 7:56pm
Owo Org At John:

Thanks again, Don! Fellow Sparklers!
Avatar 🎸 7:57pm
Owo Org At John:

God's my only RAMROD?!?!
Avatar 7:58pm
Debbie Davenport:

Socialists want to destroy the world!
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Owo Org At John:

↳ Owo Org At John @7:57
Is that suggestive or what??? Ramrod me, god!
Avatar 🎸 7:59pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @7:58
Socialists for RAMROD!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Did I just hear "cowpunching gayboy"?
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Owo Org At John:

Nancy Boys at the ready!
Avatar 7:59pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ ultradamno @7:59
That's what I heard.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

↳ ultradamno @7:59
That's not even legal in Murfreesboro anymore
Avatar 🎸 8:00pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:59
We always punch them!
Avatar 8:01pm
Debbie Davenport:

Thanks Kitten Sparkles! See you later chatroom people!
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