Favoriting The Fantastic World of Kitten Sparkles with Kitten Sparkles AKA Don Bolles: Playlist from November 23, 2023 Favoriting

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Glambient! (Sound collage, Cosmic Surrealism, Sacred and secular children's records, oddities, Anomalies, Guests - and a little Glam and Bubblegum!)

Thursday 5 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting November 23, 2023: Wait - that’s not a turkey? But it has wings and stuff… Well, whatever - let’s eat the damn thing anyway; I’m starvin’, Marvin! Or whatever your name is…

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Kitten Sparkles  A little Thanksgiving Glambience   Favoriting     Meow!  Other  US 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Throbbing Gristle  Slug Bait   Favoriting The Second Annual Report  Industrial Records  1977  12"  UK 
1:26:43 (Pop-up)
Luc Ferrari  Presque Rien No. 1   Favoriting   Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin  1970  Vinyl  Germany 
Kitten Sparkles  Live Improvised Glambience!   Favoriting   Unisex Records  Meow  Other  US 
1:31:09 (Pop-up)
Kitten CEDS  Live at “the Festival”   Favoriting          
1:45:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Kitten! Fantasticles!
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm
Owo Org At John:

Hey, fellow Sparklers! Happy Thanksgiving!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

No, it's not turkey, it's turduckenameef!
Avatar 🎸 5:02pm
Owo Org At John:

Happy Thanksgiving, Kitten!
Cheree July:

Heh Sparklers!
Avatar 🎸 5:02pm
Owo Org At John:

Hi, Cheree! Happy T day!
Avatar 5:03pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Happy TG Day!
Avatar 🎸 5:03pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @5:03
Happy TG day,!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:04pm

...and happy TG to all mastodon.social...
Avatar 🎸 5:04pm
Owo Org At John:

Debbie running late?
Cheree July:

Is Kitten playing a hearing test?!
Avatar 🎸 5:07pm
Owo Org At John:

Just tried calling her, D.D.K., through Messenger, but she didn't pick up.
Avatar 🎸 5:12pm
Owo Org At John:

Whatever it is, it sure sounds peptide fortified!
Avatar 🎸 5:13pm
Owo Org At John:

Y'know how we all need our peptides fortified?
Avatar 🎸 5:16pm
Owo Org At John:

T'ain't cooking a turkey this year - I'm doing Chicken, instead!
Avatar 🎸 5:19pm
Owo Org At John:

Hark! I do believe, I can hear them coming! Praise Jebesus!
Avatar 🎸 5:25pm
Owo Org At John:

It reminds me of a orchestra warming up - in Hell!
Avatar 🎸 5:27pm
Owo Org At John:

Manuel the laborer, greased back her quivering q**m!
Avatar 🎸 5:33pm
Owo Org At John:

He held the loaf carefully, reverently. Kissing it to inhale its subtle, but pervasive odor. Quickly taking a bite, he marred its intrinsic beauty. MMMff, he said, luxoriously, taking another bite! The bread crumbs filled the air like glory personalized to a t!
Avatar 5:33pm
Kitten Sparkles:

We got a Sexy Vegan turkey and were #69
Avatar 🎸 5:36pm
Owo Org At John:

No more loaf thief, he! Bread, the literal staff of life! The Bakeries in town were all aware of his fetish! The had flyers with his face at every location known to mankind, and beyond...
Avatar 🎸 5:37pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @5:33
DJ Bong 'Ludes said you were vegan (so is he)
Avatar 🎸 5:39pm
Owo Org At John:

Suddenly, he bit into a seed, and it was like heaven on Earth! So sublime, the roasted nut!
Avatar 🎸 5:43pm
Owo Org At John:

Song-poems he composed, were all on the virtues of breads, and grain.
Avatar 🎸 5:44pm
Owo Org At John:

His faux turkey, made entirely of dough, baked well.
Avatar 🎸 5:49pm
Owo Org At John:

Maryjane, giggled to herself. The beach was so quiet on holidays - she just loved it! Decked only in her swimsuit, and a towel, she and the sea birds seemed completely on their own.
Avatar 🎸 5:54pm
Owo Org At John:

The waves slapped the beach ever more slowly, as the tide started drawing out. She bit into another strawberry, watching the birds circling on high.
Avatar 🎸 5:56pm
Owo Org At John:

Suddenly, the weather changed completely! The sky grew dark, and the winds picked up!
Avatar 🎸 5:57pm
Owo Org At John:

Cold drops of rain, becoming heavier by the moment, struck her over and over, as she searched for shelter...
Cheree July:

So the weird guy who was on Dr. Phil thinks he's a turkey now?!😵‍💫
Avatar 🎸 6:01pm
Owo Org At John:

A tunnel formed around her, made up of the particulate matter in the air! The men from Arcturus arrived, to literally save the day, or her hair!
Avatar 🎸 6:05pm
Owo Org At John:

She arrived home, thanks to the helpfull Arcturans (who went merrily upon their way), just in the nick of time, for the Dr. Phil show! Some turkeuy was making claims of divine providence.
Avatar 🎸 6:06pm
Owo Org At John:

The chanting grew as the incense burned in heaps, on the counter. Yog Suthoth arose from the smoking mires below...
Avatar 🎸 6:08pm
Owo Org At John:

No Hare Krishna dances here, bub! You gotta have a permit, nowadays, for that sort of shenanigun!
Avatar 🎸 6:13pm
Owo Org At John:

Rising from the cold depths below, its serpentine head slowly reached the surface. She was a free woman, and she'd do as she pleased! The resulting mayhem scremed into existence suddenly, as Spoo, the mighty wanderer appeared, to give battle!
Avatar 🎸 6:15pm
Owo Org At John:

She roared out her defience with a slurred look in her beady lizard eyes! Spoo jumped up on the rampart, sword in hand raised in attack!
Avatar 6:17pm
Kitten Sparkles:

a little TG on TG Day.
Avatar 🎸 6:18pm
Owo Org At John:

The Arcturans appeared above the melee - battle with monsters was given a high premium, on their world. Spoo sang as his sword came into play! He'd teach this snakey wench her place in the scheme of things, awreedy awrighty!
Avatar 🎸 6:19pm
Owo Org At John:

As Genesis P Orridge looked down in benediction.
Avatar 🎸 6:23pm
Owo Org At John:

The battle ensued as the skies were filled with points of light, and colors, hither to unknown, mere moments before! She struck at Spoo, again and again, with her gleaming, radioactive fangs! Finally snapping his minuscule head off (as compared with his overlarge body)! Ah, she thought, his headless body spewing, lunch is prepared!
Avatar 🎸 6:26pm
Owo Org At John:

She gave thanks, to all the Leviathan gods, past long ago, in the forgotten times never properly recorded!
Avatar 🎸 6:30pm
Owo Org At John:

I would have loved to be in London, during this era! T.G.! Cabaret Voltaire! And Wire, in their various incarnations and as a whole!
Avatar 🎸 6:32pm
Owo Org At John:

I only discovered TG, from Re/Search magazine - with Gen interviewing Burroughs, and Gysin!
Avatar 🎸 6:34pm
Owo Org At John:

Is this your glambient version, of Popcorn, Don?
Avatar 🎸 6:42pm
Owo Org At John:

It's chilly, here, in Denver. 37. We're expecting snow later.
Avatar 🎸 6:43pm
Owo Org At John:

Be he hairy thunderer, or Cosmic Muffin!
Avatar 🎸 6:48pm
Owo Org At John:

Jazz, for newts.
Avatar 🎸 6:50pm
Owo Org At John:

Echo, is always such fun!
Avatar 🎸 6:53pm
Owo Org At John:

Then, he discovered a new bread! He was ecstatic, to take that first initial bite! Butter slathered on thick!
Avatar 6:54pm
Kitten Sparkles:

This is Paul Cutler, Dinah Cancer and Don Bolles from “CEDS 2” 1981, live remix by Kitten Sparkles in 1996.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

I made the mistake of buying shea butter soap because they didn't have what I usually buy and know I can smell my hands when they're nowhere near my nose.
Avatar 🎸 6:54pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @6:54
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

↳ ultradamno @6:54
err, *now
Avatar 🎸 6:57pm
Owo Org At John:

Unbeknownst to him, he got bits of butter, and bread crumbs, into his beard! He was quite past caring, 'though - he was a bread addict, and he must have more!
Avatar 🎸 6:58pm
Owo Org At John:

He was always au natural!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hello all. Have been listening but still cooking, chicken marinated in adobo and Glambience.
Avatar 🎸 7:02pm
Owo Org At John:

After finishing chewing on the remains of Spoo, the wanderer, she snaked herself up on the land. Looking for a little desert. No candied yams, or cranberry sauce for this girl, nope, no way, denada!
Avatar 🎸 7:05pm
Owo Org At John:

Down darkened hallways lay, shrouded in shadows fulsome and complete, a figure could dimly be made out. The cold, now radiated out in all directions...
fantastic planet25:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @6:54
Greetings - 1st time getting the chance to listen live. Big fan of The Germs and 45 Grave.
Avatar 🎸 7:07pm
Owo Org At John:

Telstar, existing now in a different dimension, beamed out its messages of hope and triumph.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

I don't like parades much, but then again mastodon.social...
Avatar 🎸 7:10pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:08
Avatar 🎸 7:14pm
Owo Org At John:

No more candy turn off the TV,
ever since the cosmic inversion all we can pick up is mid 'sixties,
all that garish color sure ruled!
Avatar 🎸 7:22pm
Owo Org At John:


Hi kitten and sparklers!
Avatar 🎸 7:23pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ chresti @7:22
Hi Chresti!

Waiting for our ride to Chinese food
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
DJ Babs:

Heyoo sparklers! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

↳ Owo Org At John @7:23
Hi Owo Org at john!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Sparkling Babs helllO!
Avatar 🎸 7:42pm
Owo Org At John:

Happy TG day, everyone! Chresti! DJ Babs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

↳ chresti @7:42
Happy thanksgiving !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

Thanksfull giving!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

↳ Song: "Live at “the Festival”" by "Kitten CEDS"
Love this
fantastic planet25:

↳ chresti @7:45
This was great!
Avatar 🎸 7:57pm
Owo Org At John:

Great show, today, Kitten, as always! Happy TG day, Kitten, fellow Sparklers!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

Was that pink and blue thing a gender allegory?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Every Thursday is give thanks for the Glambience day!

Thank you!
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