Favoriting Transmissions from Echo Beach with Derek Westerholm and DJ Babs: Playlist from November 10, 2022 Favoriting

Derek Westerholm's avatar View Derek Westerholm's profile Favoriting
DJ Babs's avatar View DJ Babs's profile Favoriting

Description: Exuberance/Ebullience, banter, possibly an interview, context and connection, the familiar, the strange.

Find: Symphonies of Treble, Words Of Expectation, stab, skronk, shimmer, sheen, The New Sound of Now, Ideas for Walls, pleasure, pith, Flutter and Wow, Motorik, cowbells, disco akimbo, at least one Cantankerous Singer, The German Language, shards of glass, Ethiopian Punk, organic, synthetic, sawtooths & squarewaves, Library Riffage, yesterday's recipes, the wrong speed, intentional static, floating, ethereal, time and timelessness.

Thursday 8 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting November 10, 2022: Ravine Strategy: Interview w/ Isla Craig & all things Autumn-aired.

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
  Tonight we interview Isla Craig... She has just released a new album "Echo's Reach" Isla Craig Bandcamp

Music behind DJ:
Sounds Of The Ocean 

Beach Sounds   Favoriting

Ocean Sounds 

Sounds Of The Ocean 




0:00:11 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Isla Craig 

Intro   Favoriting

The Becoming 



"Isla Craig is vocalist and songwriter living and working in Toronto, ON. With pointed attention towards vocal delivery and melodic play, her music is underpinned by languid rhythms and arrangements that tumble into trance states. In addition to her work as a solo artist, she is an active collaborator in Toronto, performing with Jennifer Castle, IC/JC/VC, and the Cosmic Range." 


0:00:20 (Pop-up)
Sprints/W.H. Lung/Tom Sharkett  Literary Mind ITom Sharkett RMX)   Favoriting Literary Mind Remixes  Nice Swan Recordings  2022  Sprints have released a remix of their single "Literary Mind". The remix was done by W. H. Lung and Tom Sharkett. The single was released in August and the band released their EP A Modern Job earlier this year. Tom Sharkett experimented with new equipment and sounds while recording his band’s (W. H. Lung) first record and he was drawn deeper into the world of electronics. He creates electronic music with a punk ethos and so working with Sprints is a match made in heaven. ‘Literary Mind‘ is arguably their most accomplished track to date, and this remix is the first of any of their released music. Sprints are from Dublin and are touring!    0:04:56 (Pop-up)
Crack Cloud  Virtuous Industry   Favoriting Tough Baby  Crack Cloud Media Corporation  2022  Crack Cloud’s new album Tough Baby is both a clarion call and a life-manual for the listener. Unsurprisingly, it is a record with purpose and resolve. Nothing is wasted. Sometimes the music feels deliberately compressed, the essences extracted and bottled into an overpowering cordial. it’s difficult to see how a track like ‘Virtuous Industry’ can hold itself together, such are the sonic hoops it jumps through. The sharp angles and hook-laden guitar lines that were once seen as a trademark sound are less in evidence. Crack Cloud are an artistic collective who make music to think to, music with which to educate, agitate and organise. Zach Choy: “The name Tough Baby is an allusion to our Planet. To our Culture. And to our Selves.” It’s made to remind us that whilst we are all in the gutter to some extent, some of us are looking at the kerb."    0:09:58 (Pop-up)
Usé  Tamponne moi   Favoriting Couleur Brique  Born Bad Records  2022  Couleur Brique, Usé's third disc released on Born Bad, opens with a coughing fit glaviot + piano, while a guitar vomits its tracheitis in the back of the shed. To beat the snare drum to evoke a crush that bites and claws and spits, to dab, to get high. But we love each other a lot in these seven songs, which evoke bi-taste beer-pill romances that end in converted vans, at the bottom of the temporary autonomous zone of our asses.    0:12:46 (Pop-up)
CHEWY SHE  No Ego   Favoriting Run After Boyz  CHEWY SHE  2022  I am obsessed by Chewy She. She is Garance Louis. This is from her long awaited extended EP release, which just came out last week. It features 5 originals and two remixes and ALL are quality. Her visuals, like her music is stunning. Make no mistake, her playful ways are designed to take down the patriarchy quite effectively. Chewy She is currently on tour in the UK. Buy the vinyl!  *   0:15:14 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fenella / Jane Weaver 

Stellar In Spectra   Favoriting

Stellar In Spectra/Tellekinetoscopes 

Fire Records 




0:18:24 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fenella / Jane Weaver 

Telekinetoscopes   Favoriting

Stellar In Spectra/Tellekinetoscopes 

Fire Records 




0:21:46 (Pop-up)
The Cosmic Range  Kowboy   Favoriting New Latitudes  Idée Fixe Records  2016  "Matthew "Doc" Dunn is a Toronto based artist, singer/songwriter and renowned multi-instrumentalist. His decade plus career has produced an astonishing volume of work that includes both his recent solo excursions and countless collaborations with peers including contemporary international music makers Bob Egan, J Mascis, Kevin Morby, Ayal Senior, Sunburned Hand of the Man, and Woods. Well noted as a frequent contributor to the prolific output of Matt Valentine and Erika Elder (MV/EE), and as a member of their "Golden Road", it was in between his extensive touring with MV/EE that Dunn wrangled his own amorphous ensemble of local heads, The Transcendental Rodeo. The group expanded upon his lifelong embrace of "social music", sometimes numbering twenty players, the band Dunn described as "both extremely fun and positively unwieldy" was documented in 2015's posthumous and expansive box set Kanata. The band, which at the time of Kanata's release was described as an "expanding head band" who dealt in "communal hillbilly raga”, wound down in 2011. Retreating from the group dynamic to concentrate on his own personal output, Doc released the deep study of feedback, wow and flutter that was 2012's Tecumseh. Acoustic guitars, harmonica and free drumming acted as source material for his dub-wise tribute to the historical roots of Upper Canada. Within twelve months Matthew released the self-produced and self-performed All Is. A maximalist layering of organs, flutes, vibraphone and swung drums which together collaged an interstellar soundtrack reminiscent of spiritual musics old and new. It was the response from peers and followers to All Is that led Doc to form The Cosmic Range. Starting in late 2014 a core membership drawn from Toronto's most enlightened music makers joined Doc on stage to reinterpret All Is' themes into a blend of free jazz, world boogie and galactic funk. A year later in late 2015 The Cosmic Range entered the studio. With Kieran Adams (Diana), drums and electronics; Brandon Valdivia (NTWNTF/Lido Pimienta), congas and percussion; Mike "Muskox" Smith (Jennifer Castle, Sandro Perri), keys and bass; Jonathan Adjemian (Hoover Party), keys and synth; Max "Slim Twig" Turnbull, guitar and wah-wah; Andy Haas (John Zorn, Spermic Brotherhood), saxophone and electronics; Isla Craig (U.S. Girls, IC/JC/VC), voice; and Doc on organ, piano and vibraphone; the group came together to create in just two days their debut record New Latitudes." The Cosmic Range (Bandcamp)    0:26:18 (Pop-up)
The Cosmic Range  Breathing Water   Favoriting The Gratitude Principle  Idée Fixe Records  2019  "In November 2016 The Cosmic Range released their debut record New Latitudes and immediately critical ears across the globe pricked up in response. Pitchfork described the record as "an intoxicating swirl of ambient drones, hypnotic Afro-funk, synth-powered psychedelia, and drifting piano reveries". The Wire claimed that New Latitudes "...makes bamboozling leaps back and forth between prog, krautrock, funk, Afrobeat and free jazz" and Electronic Sound contextualized The Cosmic Range thusly: "If Kamasi Washington is spiritual apprentice to sorcerer John Coltrane, then The Cosmic Range are the bastard offspring Seers of Miles Davis and Alice Coltrane, raised on George Clinton's mothership. Get some." No matter who was listening, all could agree that what they were hearing was a revelation. What they didn't know at the time was that The Cosmic Range were fresh off sessions that provided US Girls's Meg Remy with the instrumental tracks for what would become her 2018 breakout release In A Poem Unlimited. Upon it's release In A Poem Unlimited was met with unanimous praise, highlighting both the Range's depth of talent and their musical malleability. That musicality is a deep well, a well that draws on a collective unspoken language developed by a band that has played together in various ensembles in Toronto's deep music scene for decades. Rooted in Toronto, branches extend in all directions with each member releasing numerous solo works as well as collaborations with like minded artists that include Jennifer Castle, MV&EE, Sandro Perri, Lido Pimienta, Woods and John Zorn. As their debut album was hitting the shelves, Kieran Adams (drums, electronics), Jonathan Adjemian (keys, synth), Isla Craig (voice, flute), Matthew "Doc" Dunn (organ, bass, vibraphone, synth), Andy Haas (saxophone, electronics), Mike Smith (keys, bass), Maximilian Turnbull (guitar,wah-wah, string machine) and Brandon Valdivia (congas, percussion) regrouped to record The Gratitude Principle... ...The listener can relax for a short while as second cut Breathing Water starts with a flute that sounds like the sunrise. Harkening back to the ambient works on 2016's New Latitudes the track settles into a dubwise call and response that seems to float above the clouds blowing smoke rings from on high." The Cosmic Range (Bandcamp)    0:34:28 (Pop-up)
The Cosmic Range  Breathing Water   Favoriting The Gratitude Principle  Idée Fixe Records  2019  Following a similar M.O. as New Latitudes, leader Matthew "Doc" Dunn along with producer Jeff McMurrich wanted to keep the sessions moving quickly, some tunes loosely adhering to jazz forms whose melodic themes would provide a jumping off point for improvisation, other pieces eschewing tradition all together, enabling pure freedom. If The Cosmic Range takes cues from electric era Miles Davis then McMurrich whose credits extend beyond his noted work in popular music to a deep jazz catalogue including sessions with Anthony Braxton, James Blood Ulmer and Sam Rivers, took equal amounts of inspiration from Miles producer Teo Macero. Advanced editing techniques and spatial effects all complement the Range's approach and serve to create a contemporary take on electric jazz. The Gratitude Principle is The Cosmic Range's second album. It's an offering of gratitude. Honouring the music. Honouring the gift, honouring the life. " The Cosmic Range (Bandcamp)    0:39:32 (Pop-up)
GOAT  Do The Dance   Favoriting Oh Death  Rocket Recordings  2022  "After the annual feast with the Gods of Funk, GOAT went to an afterparty with some of the Great Gods of Groove," GOAT say of the new song. "Some time early in the morning, around 4am, one of the singers of GOAT found herself intertwined in a hot dance with the Supreme Mastergod of hipshaking. He tried to outshake her but was way over his head, there was no way he could ever outshake a GOAT banshee strungout on gods knows what! Suddenly his hip broke with a loud snap and GOAT was thrown out on the street. The singers went home and wrote this profound poetry about the experience." Their new album "Oh Death" was released on Oct 21st!  *   0:46:03 (Pop-up)
Special Interest  Foul   Favoriting Endure  Rough Trade  2022  Special Interest, the no-wave punk band from New Orleans, have shared another new song from their new album Endure, out Nov 4th. “This call and response tune is a working class anthem,” Special Interest’s Maria Elena said in a statement. “Alli [Logout] and I co-wrote the lyrics and sing it together with Ruth [Mascelli] adding a classic line—foul! Ever so foul. It’s a dispatch from the dish pit! An ode to all beleaguered workers! Minimum balance savings account blues!”  *   0:49:17 (Pop-up)
Stuck & Miranda Winters  Do Not Reply   Favoriting Do Not Reply Records  Born Yesterday Records  2022  In a world where spam emails and shady phone calls are rife, Stuck has a golden tip ready for us. The band from Chicago releases a song for the first time in a year, expressing its frustration on digital life. “Do Not Reply” is the message and together with Miranda Winters of Melkbelly it has become a sharp punk rocker like we always got from them. Whether this is the start of a route to a debut album remains to be seen.  *   0:52:04 (Pop-up)
Nancy  English Leather   Favoriting English Leather  BLAME Recordings  2022  Nancy is back with new songs! Sticking to their stoned, tranq'ed out glamtastic Bolan Beats...this is another fantastic singalong that finds the sunny side in depression. Nancy explains the track: “Eyes down for a full house, the show is about to begin. ‘English Leather’ is the manifesto, it’s the fingerprint, it’s the first act. I wanted it to sound primal and scary. The Idiot meets The Sweet printed on vinyl left out in the sun to warp" On the new record, Nancy says: “‘English Leather’ is inspired by midnight shadows behind closed curtains in crummy B&Bs, cigarette smoke after hours in seedy seaside bars, and broken bottles that twinkle like stars under platform shoes. The album is a psychedelic portrait of repression, self-denial, and introspection, with a perverted underbelly of indulgence and depravity at its core. After all, it’s the English way.” FUCK I LOVE THIS BAND.  *   0:55:23 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Spilling   Favoriting


The Numero Group 




0:59:28 (Pop-up)
Isla Craig  Moon   Favoriting Echo's Reach  Idée Fixe Records  2022  Released Nov 4: "For over a decade Isla Craig has created a formidable body of work, a unique musical vision last heard on 2018’s The Becoming and stretching back to 2012’s Both the one & the other, (an a cappella suite of songs featuring some of Toronto’s best known vocalists Daniela Gesundheit, Tamara Lindeman, Ivy Mairi, & Felicity Williams). With Echo’s Reach, Isla presents a sophisticated set of compositions that perfectly wrap her Highland influenced melodies in an organic blanket of musical peat formed from a mix of jazz, R&B and psychedelic folk. Leading a band of luminaries that include Evan Cartwright (drums), Ted Crosby (sax) and Mike Smith (bass), Isla showcases the affecting vocal presence that has made her an in-demand collaborator with artists such as Jennifer Castle and the spiritual jazz octet The Cosmic Range." Isla Craig: Bandcamp  *   1:07:27 (Pop-up)
Isla Craig (Interview)  Isla Craig in interview w/ WFMU -> Transmissions From Echo Beach (Sheena's Jungle Room Stream)   Favoriting Isla Craig in interview w/ WFMU -> Transmissions From Echo Beach (Sheena's Jungle Room Stream)  WFMU  2022    *   1:13:17 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Your DJs Speak 







1:38:45 (Pop-up)
Isla Craig  Spirit   Favoriting Echo's Reach  Idée Fixe Records  2022  Released Nov 4: "Isla summarizes: “The album is a collection of songs that express an earnest desire for meditative paces and spaces, absorbing and reflecting the sacred grounds beneath concrete city life. Echo's Reach describes a desire to illuminate and walk in the transmissions and meditations of life between the fallow and the seed.” " Isla Craig: Bandcamp  *   1:40:01 (Pop-up)
The Make-Up  I Am Pentagon   Favoriting Save Yourself  K-Records  1999  Save Yourself smells like the '60s. It smells like leather Chevy seats soaked with ass sweat. It smells like incense and pepper. It smells like stems and seeds on a cardboard record sleeve. This greasy, haunted spectre of a record bears disturbed spirits of bands long dead, like the Doors, the Rolling Stones, and Prince. The Make-Up approach the history of rock and soul like a lover, like a scientist, and like a preacher. The Make-Up is an American post-punk band from Washington, D.C. formed in 1995, consisting of ex-Nation of Ulysses frontman Ian Svenonius on vocals, James Canty on guitar and organ, Steve Gamboa on drums, and Michelle Mae on bass guitar.    1:44:44 (Pop-up)
Melody's Echo Chamber  Norfolk Hotel   Favoriting Unfold  Fat Possum Records  2022  Unfold, the lost follow-up album to Melody’s Echo Chamber’s self-titled debut, will now be available on LP. In their unexpurgated and unvarnished states, sometimes almost finished and sometimes in fragments, Unfold’s seven tracks demonstrate a splurge of righteous creation cut off at an inopportune moment and preserved like the ruins of Pompeii. Goddamn this track is the shit.    1:48:21 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bingo Fury 

Mercy's Cut   Favoriting

Mercy's Cut EP 

Practice Music 


Drawing from his already established sophisticated yet raw sound, ‘Mercy’s Cut’ scatterguns between stark, romantic noir ballads, frantic no-wave, and polished jazz. Although very much a solo songwriter, Bingo’s compositional process relies on contributions from his entire band – bassist Megan Jenkins, and drummer Henry Terrett have been playing together since their teens. In one of their various incarnations, they recruited local avant-jazz legend, cornet player Harry ‘Iceman’ Furniss, with guitarist and percussionist Rafi Cohen later completing the line-up. Bingo Fury’s name is pulled straight from one of his lyric sheets – a perfect representation of the on-the-nose mystique surrounding the project: what you see is what you get, but ‘what it means’ is far less certain. 


1:52:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Miles Davis 

Mood   Favoriting


Sony Music 




1:57:37 (Pop-up)
Low  Just Make It Stop   Favoriting The Invisible Way  Sub Pop  2013  Mimi Parker was Low’s drummer and songwriter, forming the band with husband Alan Sparhawk in 1993 in Duluth, Minnesota. They built success with beautifully simple instrumentals and harmonious vocals, standing out in what would later be defined as the decade’s “slowcore” movement, a subgenre of alternative and indie rock. She passed away last week after a battle with Ovarian Cancer. “Keep her name close and sacred. Share this moment with someone who needs you. Love is indeed the most important thing,” - Alan Sparhawk    2:01:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello and welcome!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
DJ Babs:

Welcome lovely Beachers!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

G'day Babs, Derek & Beach Buddies!🏖️🌊🏝️

Hello fellow echo beach listeners

Hey scott67
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Babs! Derek! Beach Bums!

hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

G'day Robm! 🍻😎🤙💨🍺
Avatar 8:03pm
Mr Fab:

Riding a wave in, just in time for the party.

Ultradamno howdy
Kristen howdy
Mr fab howdy

Heyyyyy Echo (echo) E C H O. So honoured to be here :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

Isla!!!! Hello!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello Scott, Robm, Ultra, Kristine, Fab, hello hello hello!!!!
Avatar 8:06pm

Hello everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello TroyD8!

Hi derek and babs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Scott! Rob! UD! Kristine! Fab!! Isla! Troy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
DJ Babs:

Isla!!! Lovely to have you with us tonight! So excited to share your music!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

Isla, it's so wonderful to have you here with us, both in interview & also here in the chatroom!!!
Avatar 8:07pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

Happy happy Beach Day.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:07pm

Hiya Robm!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello YPB!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
DJ Babs:

Hello Hello YPB!!!
Avatar 8:08pm

How did your Bowie Harlequin outfit turn out Babs?

@YPB howdy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
DJ Babs:

oh Troy is was pret-ty good. hang on lemme see if I can find a pic!
Avatar 8:09pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

Hey Robm. Howdy to you too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar 8:10pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

The Bowie costume was 🔥🔥🔥
Avatar 8:10pm

Great job Babs! You have some mad sewing skills
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
DJ Babs:

Thanks YPB! Yes, i'm going to start making Bowie costumes as a side job lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
DJ Babs:

I am so thrilled by this Crack Cloud song...I am not entirely crazy about the whole album but this tune...CMON
Avatar 8:11pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

I haven’t heard any new Crack Cloud as yet…until now. 😱
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
Derek Westerholm:

This one is the crown jewel of the most recently released songs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
DJ Babs:

YPB this should also be up your alley. This album is freakin' cool....
Avatar 8:14pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

I likey very much. 😱😱😱

@DJ Babs and Derek are you going to play some stuff from low tonite
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
DJ Babs:

Yes, the last set is dedicated to Mimi for sure. Such sad sad news.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Derek Westerholm:

Very sad news.

@DJ babs thanks

mimi xoxox
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Derek Westerholm:

Low are one of the few concerts I didn't make it to. I was totally sick & the tickets went unused and unloved. I've always regretted it. The world has lost a fantastic artist. Mimi was amazing.

wow, this chewy she is fantastique!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Derek Westerholm:

Babs has been deep into the Chewy She! It's wonderful!

@Derek ever since I stopped listening to commercial music radio i have heard music i have never heard on commercial music radio
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:25pm

Apparently Oscar Wilde was nowhere near dying when he said 'either that wallpaper goes or I do', he was just being a dick.

yoooooo whhhaaatttt uuuppppp
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

Welcome from Australia Isla!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm
DJ Babs:

haha...I feel like Oscar Wilde was probably always a dick...but hey, we reaped the benefits culturally so it's all good....
Avatar 8:28pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

Hi Isla!!! Hope you applied sunscreen, it’s always toasty at the beach.

spf 50 everyday for this translucent scot :)

lovely to hear cosmic range, blessed to hear such good music coming from this fine city
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
DJ Babs:

Agreed! Excellent psychedelia for sure!!! Loving the distortion on this track...
Avatar 8:31pm

Laura has entered the chat. Late.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
DJ Babs:

lol Isla that is most prudent...the sun is both friend and enemy....especially these days!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
Derek Westerholm:

Isla, tell us a story about this track, or the Cosmic Range, or anything you'd like... ...If you'd like.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Laura!!!!!

@Laurapanic better late then never
Avatar 8:32pm

boss wanted to chat, had to get them off the phone - I gotta get to the beach!

Cosmic Range is a wild rodeo of players! Each of universe of solo-ability. I'm actually not on this one...i usually just get it on, banging a can for good measure :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm
Derek Westerholm:

Isla, you're not on this one? How did I pick one you're not on???!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
DJ Babs:

lol oh Derek!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
Derek Westerholm:

Laura, hello!!!!!

oh i spoke too soon, lol

@Laura as long as your boss is not elon musk then:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
Derek Westerholm:

I thought that was you! lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
DJ Babs:

Ha! Oh Elon is absolutely THE WORST.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:36pm

Elon Musk as a boss is rarely a permanent situation, it seems
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
DJ Babs:

Thank goodness I have this beautiful music to quell the rage that bubbles up in me every time I think of him, lol.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
DJ Babs:

Absolutely loooooving this tune....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
DJ Babs:

It's well suited to beaching!

@DJ Babs makes me glad i have never gotten into twitter
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

(though I gather Zuckerberg is trying to catch up in the mass firing department)
Avatar 8:38pm
Mr Fab:

We test drove a Tesla a year or two ago. So glad we decided not to buy it, and give him even more money...
Avatar 8:39pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

Let’s make this chat the new social media outlet as all others are becoming a raging tire fire. 🛞🔥
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm

Isla, sounds like the WFMU chat friends visiting me today mate. Paulo AD is Welsh & his Wife Keri is from USA. She's a pale ginger who burns in full moonlight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
DJ Babs:

Ah yes I believe so...it was inevitable....and yes I prefer this media platform to all!!!

@YFP yes lets
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
DJ Babs:

Isla was that you on flute?

@babs sure is!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

It's Spring Daylight Savings too, so Sun til 9pm. But we shall be skulking in the dark of TRASH CULT, for a Friday night session!

@Scott67 was it a good time with paulo?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

i pick him & Keri up from Train Station in an hour Robm!
Avatar 8:42pm

Is there a gig tonight Scott?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
DJ Babs:

Amazing work Isla! So gorgeous! I played flute for a few years in highschool and I was TERRIBLE at it lol.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

'Sunburned ham of a man' made me think of the opening sequence of the movie Sexy Beast (though I do like Winstone)
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

Jeez, now I want to hear The Stranglers' Peaches

@Scott67 tell them I said hi
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm

Nah Laura, but a good double tomorrow night, not sure they can stay for that though? Kinda glad though, it'll be nice to just blab on together, over Mick's loud random playlist.
Avatar 8:46pm

Is that the Dead show? I think I am playing with them in a few weeks...
Avatar 8:46pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm

Will do Robm! We might check into late night chat from TRASH CULT mate!

@Scott67 might be asleep by then
Avatar 8:47pm

that is quite the blurb GOAT
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm

Nah mate, the played last Saturday. & We had the midweek gig with Portland's Jenny Don't & The Spurs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
DJ Babs:

Hello Hello Sean!!! Welcome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
Derek Westerholm:

VVSean! Hello!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
DJ Babs:

Thanks to Sean I was listening to Christmas music today! Heaven Forbid!!! But we are planning a livestream of Xmas music in a few weeks... ;-)
Avatar 8:50pm
Mr Fab:

damn that song was cool. luv them voodoo drums.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm

That's awesome Laura, tell em you know Scott the TRASH CULT Bar Fly. They can tell ya how I nearly shit myself at their gig.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51pm
DJ Babs:

Yes, those drums are great! I feel like it came out nicely from the Cosmic Range as well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51pm
Derek Westerholm:

I thought the only proper times to listen to Xmas music were December & July.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Derek Westerholm:

That's exciting about the Xmas livestream Sean & Babs... Can't wait to hear what you have in store!
Avatar 8:52pm

Scott: Is it cuz they play the brown note?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:52pm

GOAT, of course, stands for the greenest of all tambourines. They're big Lemon Pipers fans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
DJ Babs:

they are very much fun live as well...I had heard they'd broken up but I'm glad they haven't!

OOOOOHHH! This is fantastic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

They do indeed Laura!! But it was something I are I reckon. I've remained "intact" at their gigs in the past.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
DJ Babs:

Yes, Laura this song has gotten stuck quite a bit in my head this week!

so excited by this band!
Avatar 8:56pm
Mr Fab:

yeah that kicked butt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
DJ Babs:

I love love this song too. But that's the rule on Echo Beach we don't play what we don't love!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
DJ Babs:

nobody does novocaine glam better than Nancy!
Avatar 8:58pm
Mr Fab:

"The Idiot meets The Sweet" - bingo. Was just going to comment on the '70s glam stomp here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
DJ Babs:

agreed. This song wants to me want to get tap shoes.
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Mr Fab:

like if Gary Glitter was considering all his sins and was drinking himself into a stupor.

love that description Mr. Fab!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:04pm

I just assumed it was a companion piece to The Germs American Leather and maybe even Protomartyr & Spray Paint (not to mention Ricardo Montalbán)'s Corinthian Leather
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04pm
Derek Westerholm:

Isla Craig interview coming up... Isla in the Chatroom to field extra questions should they arise from all you lovely chatters!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

Ultra, "Ricardo Montalbán's Corinthian Leather", haha, deep cut!
Avatar 9:06pm

The Christmas music we got is nuts lol

scorpio season blood mooooonnn
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Hope you’re feeling better Babs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

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Avatar 9:08pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

Scorpio power 🦂⚡️⚡️⚡️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
DJ Babs:

I may know a Scorpio whose birthday is coming up in a few daysssssssss ;-)

oh what a voice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Barno in Akron:

A very groooovy tune.
Avatar 9:11pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

Echo’s Reach on Echo Beach!!! 🏝Your voice is beautiful, Isla!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Barno!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
DJ Babs:

I agree...this song is so mesmerizing and gorgeous...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
Barno in Akron:

Hi DJ Babs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
DJ Babs:

It's like a fantastic mushroom trip without the hassle of taking mushrooms.
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Your Pretend Boyfriend:

@babs A birthday upcoming? 👀

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
Barno in Akron:

Howdy, Derek!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
DJ Babs:

Derek's got a birthday coming!
Avatar 9:12pm

This is great guys! I just got home and this is perfect ramen cooking music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Derek Westerholm:

Barno, hello!!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
DJ Babs:

Also I am a big fan of saxophone solos...Isla who played Sax on this?

ted crosby on the saxophone! and victoria cheong, aka new chance on the vox right heeerrreeee
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
DJ Babs:

ahhhh! Yeah, seriously this song is the shiiiiiiiiiiit
Avatar 9:15pm

Derek, I gotta say man you are such an incredible interviewer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Derek Westerholm:

Aww, Sean, that's so sweet of you to say!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Derek Westerholm:

It's easy when you've got excellent interviewees!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
DJ Babs:

I'm enjoying the park vibes too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Derek Westerholm:

There were so many lovely yellows and golds all around us, sometimes floating down from above
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20pm
DJ Babs:

It is a magical thing when a record comes together without being laboured...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
DJ Babs:

One great thing about growing up singing in churches is the acoustics....there is something special about it!
Avatar 9:27pm

That’s too cool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm
DJ Babs:

Oh Derek and his pronounciations....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm
DJ Babs:

Great stories Isla!!!
Avatar 9:33pm

I keep thinking the sirens are outside my building lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
DJ Babs:

Derek and I have had some excellent moon drives! gotta love that moon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

Thanks Babs, Derek & Isla! Gotta leave early to meet a visiting listener Paulo AD & his wife.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:34pm

The moon was pretty blood when I went to vote (still dark, about 6am). I took it as a good omen, which I guess it was, though my state remains red.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
DJ Babs:

haha! Yes, I am super enjoying the cityscape sounds accompanying this interview...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
Derek Westerholm:

VVS, me too... And I should know better since I was in the park doing the interview, haha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
DJ Babs:

Oh UD, I'm so sorry to hear that! And Scott thank you for joining us tonight!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
Derek Westerholm:

Scott... Have a fantastic time w/ your visitors!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
DJ Babs:

Mad respect to the psychotherapists out there!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
Derek Westerholm:

Ultra, whereabouts are you again? Good on you for voting!
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Your Pretend Boyfriend:

I keep thinking the city noises are outside our house. 😂
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Derek Westerholm:

YPB, curse of the city dweller!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
Derek Westerholm:

Ultra, nice. Hope your corner of Indiana is a wonderful one!

@babs mad respect!!
Avatar 9:37pm

Smoking darts in the park
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
DJ Babs:

If I could to a re-do of my life, I would have loved to pursue being a psychologist...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
DJ Babs:

wooohoo nature corridors!!!
Avatar 9:39pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

@babs You would have been a good psychologist!!!
Avatar 9:39pm

So accurate about Toronto Isla!

thank you babs, derek and the beachers for listening!
Avatar 9:41pm
Your Pretend Boyfriend:

That was so interesting and fun. Thanks Isla and Derek. 😍
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm
DJ Babs:

our pleasure! Thank you so much for joining us!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm
DJ Babs:

and making awesome music!
Avatar 9:42pm

I honestly ashamed to say that I had not heard of you until today Isla, but I’m loving what I’m hearing! New fan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
DJ Babs:

that's amazing Sean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Derek Westerholm:

So wonderful that this could happen on an unseasonally warm & beautiful Autumn day, amongst the Yellows and Golds, with the pleasing sounds of traffic blasts & skittery busy-ness of winter-ready squirrels abounding around...

@sean no shame! thank you for the support :)
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

After the vote mastodon.social...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Derek Westerholm:

Ultra, awwww, so cute!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
DJ Babs:

awww ultradamno kitteeeeehhhhh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
DJ Babs:

I agree Isla, your voice is just so so beautiful!

awww ian svenonius!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Derek Westerholm:

Our producer-cat Echo-beach mascot inserted himself into Isla's album art for our Insta post. Damn cats gonna be where damn cats wanna go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Derek Westerholm:

Kristine, I have listened to this song more than any other Svenonius... I don't think Babs even knew how much I love this song when she selected it!
Avatar 9:49pm

Loving the new Melody E.C album!
Avatar 9:50pm

Derek and Babs, we gotta go see them if they come to the city
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
DJ Babs:

No, I didn't, it just seemed to so fit the vibe. And now i've gone back on a Make-Up bender.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
DJ Babs:

Oh Sean I will DEFINITELY go see MEC anytime they come!!

got to see ian svenonius play 10 years ago in gva to like 20 ppl. that was nice to see up close!
Avatar 9:51pm

I was listening to it while driving through Death Valley a couple weeks back. Seriously fit the vibe out there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm
Derek Westerholm:

Kristine, he came to a Creeping Nobodies gig in Washington, but didn't seem impressed, haha.

oh no! that sucks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Derek Westerholm:

Nah, s'all right... Fair is fair, haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Derek Westerholm:

VVS, Death Valley? Do tell...

you guys were the shit, and brought so much energy. too much competition for ian.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Barno in Akron:

Thanks DJ Babs and Derek! A lovely show tonight :)

yall are awesome, thanks for the support and for banging such choice tunes
Avatar 9:59pm

@derek lots to tell but I will say, Hunter s Thompson wasn’t hallucinating when he saw bats. I saw tons of them out there when the sun went down
Avatar 9:59pm

Great show all and thank you for sharing great new music

merci muchly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Derek Westerholm:

Isla, thank-you, so much... You do the hard work, we just ask questions, haha.
Avatar 10:02pm
Mr Fab:

Thanks all, a great night!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03pm
DJ Babs:

Thank you all! Take care of yourselves! We appreciate you all so, so much!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 10:04pm

Hi, I've been listening while working. Thanks for another great episode.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Derek Westerholm:

Thanks VVS, Kristine, Barno, Ultra, Fab, TPB, Scott, Robm, Laura, Troy, all, all, all, thank-you & good night!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

TPB = YPB, of course. Sorry Cam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

WR!!! Hello & goodnight! Thanks for listening even as you work!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
Barno in Akron:

That was fun! Now, where are we all supposed to go?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

lol! WFMU, of course!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
DJ Babs:

Go hug your loved ones and your pets who are also your loved ones! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

& that!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08pm
Derek Westerholm:

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