Favoriting Play Vertigo with Mayuko: Playlist from December 15, 2018 Favoriting

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I play music that is old and that is new. Some of it is digital while some is analog. It is from many different countries; sometimes it is loud and at other times it is quiet.

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Favoriting December 15, 2018: Glittering White Euphoria

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Reine de France  Trois d'épée   Favoriting Carnaval des âmes  Self-Released  2018  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Wake Island  The Dancer   Favoriting Sentimental Animals  Self-Released  2017  0:01:47 (Pop-up)
Egyptrixx  The Only Way Up   Favoriting The Only Way Up  Night Slugs  2010  0:06:53 (Pop-up)
Tiga & The Martinez Brothers  Aphex N Girls   Favoriting Blessed EP Pt. 1  Turbo Recordings   2018  0:12:01 (Pop-up)
Plastikman  Spastik (Original mix)   Favoriting Spastik  NovaMute  1993  0:18:02 (Pop-up)
N/O/T/A  Windowpane   Favoriting None Of The Above EP  2MR  2015  0:27:19 (Pop-up)
Jaclyn Kendall  I Think Of You Less Now   Favoriting Ideological Horizon  Summer Isle   2017  0:31:13 (Pop-up)
Alain Lefebvre  What is what is?/What is what was? (with Erin Sexton)   Favoriting Objects and Electronics  Self-Released  2012  0:38:47 (Pop-up)
La Fièvre  Nous reculons   Favoriting Le Rituel  Self-Released  2017  0:43:17 (Pop-up)
Chevalier Avant Garde  Haircut   Favoriting Heterotopias  Skrot Up  2011  0:46:04 (Pop-up)
Tiga  Shoes   Favoriting Ciao  Different Recordings  2009  1:07:22 (Pop-up)
Duchess Says  Travaillez   Favoriting Sciences Nouvelles  Bonsound  2016  1:04:04 (Pop-up)
Navet Confit  NeoCitran (part I)   Favoriting NeoCitran  Self-Released  2013  1:14:24 (Pop-up)
CMD  When We Interface   Favoriting Haptic Controls  Jacktone  2018  1:16:40 (Pop-up)
Anabasine  Solstice Cut (Scrying)   Favoriting Endless Mixtape  Free Digital   2016  1:22:54 (Pop-up)
Orphx  Pitch Black Mirror (Original Mix)   Favoriting Pitch Black Mirror  Sonic Groove  2016  1:28:43 (Pop-up)
Viñu-Vinu  Encounters   Favoriting Encounters  Tableaux Music  2017  1:33:50 (Pop-up)
Syngja  Palm Reader   Favoriting Echoing Rose (live in Iceland)  Self-Released   2018  1:38:44 (Pop-up)
Dumb Train  Disco dur   Favoriting Bouge de là là  Self-Released  2018  1:42:51 (Pop-up)
Bravofunken  Rêve caramel   Favoriting Coeur Rubik  Self-Released  2011  1:45:34 (Pop-up)
Thanya Iyer  Daydreaming   Favoriting Do You Dream? Mixtape  Topshelf   2018  1:50:48 (Pop-up)
CHN$W  Goodnight (Get Out)   Favoriting Bliss  Self-Released  2014  1:54:33 (Pop-up)
Muriel Dacq  Tropique (Remix)   Favoriting Tropique  Carrere  1985  2:05:41 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am
listener james from westwood:

Sneaking in early to say hey hey, Mayuko and all!
Avatar 11:57am

100% Canadian / 80% Montréal, under / overground, électro / expérimental musique à la radio today!
Avatar 11:57am

& Bonjour, james!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm

Good afternoon Mayuko, james and listenerds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Good morning Listenerds!
Mayuko how was your trip?!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

Good day everyone :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
chocolate monk:

hey Mayuko, hope yr braw!
Avatar 12:05pm

Bonjour, my radio family fred! Hope your ears won't suffer too much from all the French pronunciation I have to do today.
Joe B:

Bonjour Mayuko and listenerds!
Avatar 12:08pm

Hola Dropof! I loved Montreal except it was 4F cold. My phone went dropped dead immediately after my arrival. No way of communicating, no dictionary, no map, no clock!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Oh no! Baptism by fire! I'm sure you worked it out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

Hallo Mayuko! Having a listen at home for a brief time before heading to my favourite record store. You'll be on in the car!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm
listener james from westwood:

Hell to the F yes for these beats today.
Avatar 12:13pm

Hey redkayak! Thanks for tuning in!

@chocolate monk So sorry for my belated response!!! I was away to Monteal + then final week of the year at work wrapping up everything.
Avatar 12:13pm

Joe B! Bonjour!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
listener james from westwood:

And holy crap, that dead phone part sounds dreadful!
Avatar 12:14pm

Hey maestroso!! Thanks for listening and drive safe!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm
chocolate monk:

@mayuko no problem, hope you had a good trip.
Avatar 12:15pm

@james All these beats just cos I had a blast at a dance party in Montreal.
Avatar 12:17pm

@Dropof That's why the photo on the playlist has timestamp. My camera was alive and that was the only way for me to know what time it was. Although apparently the clock was wrong anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Don't worry about pronunciation, after enduring a week of presentations (mostly boring), my ears will welcome the change

happy saturdayyy everyone
Avatar 12:19pm

@chocolate monk thanks! I did!!!

wb Mayuko
Avatar 12:19pm

Happy Saturday to you too rbrt!! Thanks for tuning in!!!

that's kind of an interesting idea...having to take a picture to see what time it is
Joe B:

That reminds me of the time I went camping without any available clocks. It felt good to just go by the sun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Dropof Goldensun:

@Mayuko - that's kinda cool. How long before you got your phone running again?
Avatar 12:23pm

@rbrt Next time I"ll make sure I'll bring a sundial. Or just go there in the summer!
Avatar 12:26pm

@Joe B That actually sounds great! Not knowing time isn't a big deal really, except I had this performance show by a friend that I wanted to see and I had to be there when it started.

Greetings Mayuko-DJ and Vertigoblins!

I was on an electronic music fast...it is now over lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Doug Schulkind:

Happy Mayuko Day, everyone!
Avatar 12:29pm

@Dropof It would come back briefly when you charge it, and then go dead again immediately when you try to use it, so I just gave up using it.

do people use phone warmers up there?
Avatar 12:32pm

Hi P-90! DOUG!! Merci for your ears!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 12:34pm

@rbrt I didn't even know there's a such thing! Like you put a sweater on your phone, kinda like people do to their dogs?
Avatar 12:34pm

@rbrt And what, an electronic music fast?!?!?! That's not healthy!!!!!!!!

haha I don't know if it exists but that is exactly what I was thinking of
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Dropof Goldensun:

@Mayuko - Oh wow, I thought the phone just needed a charge. If it was due to the extreme cold you might have been able to use and external battery connected via usb cable. Battery kept warmly in a pocket against your body. I had to do something similar once while shooting outside in the cold for a long period.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Or a sweater sounds fun! ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

I like this La Fièvre track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Loving the choices today!
Avatar 12:56pm

symphony in wolf minor. twitter.com...

Montreal truly is beautiful in the snowy Wintertime
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

Salut Mayuko, everyone. Loving the show so far. Your R is good!! better than most english canadians (like me)

and yes, the people there are not bots
Avatar 12:58pm

ha! if you think montreal is cold now, go in the middle of february. better yet, go to quebec city.

I make those Japanese sounds when I bite the pizza too soon out of the oven!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

Quebecois is pretty different from France French, I can barely understand it, and it's not just the accent
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Mayuko, you're killing me!

The he heh hee ho sound substituted for the “voiced glottal” French “r” sound is probably a pretty safe approach, I bet native speakers will usually understand what you’re saying.

If you told me Shoes and Travaillez were from 1984, I would believe you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

I saw Duchess Says something like ten years ago, it was very different. Nice to hear they're still around
Avatar 1:15pm

Salut Ivan! Merci! I guess Matthieu sensei was very helpful!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Mayuko ! I like Montreal, but I didn't get there this year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm
Webhamster Henry:

Go to Quebec City when the Ice Hotel is open!
Avatar 1:18pm

@glenn I was in Detroit in February once, it was so cold that I thought my ears would drop off of my head. Montreal must be even worse!!!!!!
Avatar 1:20pm

it's crazy cold. then again, i've been in calgary in february, and the cold is breathtaking
Avatar 1:22pm

@Rickwaukee Because pronouncing Japanese is easy just a slice of pizza is enough to help you master it!
Avatar 1:23pm

@fred oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think this language situation could get any worse than what it is already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse k:

Hey Mayuko! Is it Canadian day on play vertigo?
Avatar 1:26pm

@glenn Why have you been torturing yourself like that!?!? Did you have to go there for work or just to enjoy torturing yourself with the cold weather?!?!?!
Jesse k:

CMD has a great radio show on CKUT!
Avatar 1:27pm

my hockey team was in a tournament. outdoors.
Avatar 1:30pm

Bonjour Webhamster Henry!! Ice hotel sounds fun, I imagine it to be similar to Japanese kamakura thing?
Avatar 1:31pm

Jesse! Yes I was just in Montreal, and my brain is pretty simple, hence Montreal people show today!
Avatar 1:32pm

& wow! I'll check out CKUT for the show!!!
Avatar 1:35pm

@glenn I guess people can get used to it?! On the first day in Montreal it was 16F and I thought I'd die, and the second day it was 4F. When it got back up to 15F the third day I thought it was WARM. It was shocking.
Jesse k:

<3 Montreal, great reason for a show!
Avatar 1:39pm

EVERYONE I know seems to love Montreal!
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

Ive been listening most of the show and its been great. Thank you.
Mark R:

The usual weird and absolutely wonderful show today, Mayuko!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Now I have to get back to Montreal. It's been quite a few years since I've been there.
Avatar 1:42pm

Aw! Thank you Dave in Vermont (another cold state I suppose)!!!!!

& Thank you Mark R (in French R pronunciation)!!!!!!

"Elves . . . " What?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Wow, this is a live recording!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43pm

I really liked the Syngja track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm
Dropof Goldensun:

I'm digging most of the tracks! Good stuff. Thankful for your trip to Canada, Mayuko!
Avatar 1:44pm

Syngja people LOOK good too. syngja.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 1:47pm

@Dropof glad you are!! & glad I went!!!
Avatar 1:48pm

yeah, you can get used to it, to some extent. canada goose coats help a lot.

Hello Mayuko! Such crappy weather!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

Listening along while cooking. Been a marvel, Mayuko. You must really get to Quebec City Winter Carnival in February: a wild party at -25C!
Mark R:

A lot of self-released tracks in this set, were people just handing you CDs on the streets of Montreal?
Avatar 1:53pm

Hola Jake! It's at least WARM here!!

Thanks Sem! I'm not quite ready for -25C yet?!?! I think I first need to hunt one of those canadian geese hanging out in Brooklyn and make him into a coat!!!

Probably pronounced Chainsaw

Yeah, but I find this time of year with this weather very depressing.
Avatar 1:58pm

canada geese. grrr.

Anyway! Happy to hear and type here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bon jour, Mayuko. Merci!

I love your show and I love your accent/voice hopefully that's not to weird a thing to say. If people have a problem with your English FUCK THEM cause most Americans only speak English... I have a Swedish friend who speaks like 8 languages. Americans are spoiled and full of themselves. Not WFMU listeners of course! Anyway I really like this shoe I gotta remember to tune in cause the last few times I just tuned in by accident and loved it!
Avatar 2:01pm

but if you have an extra 7000$ or so lying around, and you want a warm winter coat. - www.canadagoose.com...
Avatar 2:01pm

oops 700, not 7000

Nowhere else is the Mont more real.
Thanks for the show, Big M. Let it snow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm

Thanks Mayuko
Joe B:

Merci Mayuko! Great show today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Thoroughly enjoyed the show as usual Mayuko! Glad you enjoyed your trip but very happy to have you back!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Dropof Goldensun:

Have a great week Listenerds! Adieu!

Au revoir!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm

A tip: "salut" works as an informal hello or goodbye, and avoids the 'r'

sortir de cette chambre!
Avatar 2:06pm

@Mark R Ha, I wish!!!!! I just started following threads from the names of people I saw at the events I went, & some researching.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm

So, à bientôt!
Avatar 2:07pm

@Rickwaukee! AH! makes sense!!!
Avatar 2:09pm

@Jake It is depressing, this season! Don't forget to keep your butt warm which I believe helps!!!

Salut & merci Ken!!!
Avatar 2:12pm

@Johnzon aw thank you! yah some people can be really naturally condescending when it comes to pronunciation, and then there are many people who are sweet and helpful. Thanks for kind comment!
Avatar 2:13pm

(Following the tip) salut everyone and merci again for listening! Hope to see you all again next week!!!
Mark R:

Good detective work!
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