Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from December 5, 2018 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting December 5, 2018: Deliver! Forget!

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Sylvester Anfang II  Burkelbos   Favoriting Sylvester Anfang II  Aurora Borealis  2009  https://auroraborealisrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/sylvester-anfang-ii    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Softman  500ms_01   Favoriting 500ms  Evening Chants  2018  https://softman.bandcamp.com/album/500ms  *   0:12:40 (Pop-up)
Meitei / 冥丁  Curio   Favoriting Kwaidan  Evening Chants  2018  https://eveningchants.bandcamp.com/album/kwaidan  *   0:17:35 (Pop-up)
Susumu Yokota  Akafuji   Favoriting Acid Mt. Fuji  Midgar  2018  Originally released in 1994. https://midgar-records.bandcamp.com/album/susumu-yokota-acid-mt-fuji-remastered    0:21:16 (Pop-up)
Ground Tactics  Cybernetic Alteration   Favoriting Immaterial Breath EP  Midgar  2018  https://midgar-records.bandcamp.com/album/ground-tactics-immaterial-breath-ep    0:28:16 (Pop-up)
Unearth Noise & Dreamspeak  Encoded   Favoriting And The Light Beams Will Guide The Way  Lullabies For Insomniacs  2018  https://lullabiesforinsomniacslabel.bandcamp.com/album/unearth-noise-dreamspeak-and-the-light-beams-will-guide-the-way    0:36:38 (Pop-up)
I-Lp-On  Alussa / Seattle 1   Favoriting Äänet  Editions Mego  2018  https://editionsmego.bandcamp.com/album/net  *   0:41:54 (Pop-up)
Wata Igarashi  The Reel   Favoriting Sekala EP  Midgar  2018  https://midgar-records.bandcamp.com/album/wata-igarashi-sekala-ep    0:45:22 (Pop-up)
Bonnie Baxter  Impasse   Favoriting Ask Me How Satan Started  Hausu Mountain  2018  https://hausumountain.bandcamp.com/album/ask-me-how-satan-started  *   0:59:58 (Pop-up)
Clavilis Muri  lb   Favoriting Clavilis Muri  GERÄUSCHMANUFAKTUR  2018  https://geraeuschmanufaktur.bandcamp.com/album/clavilis-muri    1:04:53 (Pop-up)
Cannibal Ritual  Lacerated   Favoriting Hunting for Man Flesh  GERÄUSCHMANUFAKTUR  2018  https://geraeuschmanufaktur.bandcamp.com/album/hunting-for-man-flesh    1:13:03 (Pop-up)
vv.  Berlin   Favoriting Berlin / Reverberations From Remembering Yet To Occur (Split with April Larson)  Tectorum Tapes  2018  https://tectorumtapes.bandcamp.com/album/berlin-reverberations-from-remembering-yet-to-occur  *   1:28:09 (Pop-up)
Ben Bertrand  Orion Molecular Coud   Favoriting Ngc 1999  Les Albums Claus  2018  https://lesalbumsclaus.bandcamp.com/album/ben-bertrand-ngc-1999  *   1:31:52 (Pop-up)
Glaring  In Vain   Favoriting Vale / Sleep  Squall  2018  https://squallrecordings1.bandcamp.com/album/dark-vale-sleep  *   1:39:37 (Pop-up)
Nürnberg  Biessensoŭnasć   Favoriting Skryvaj  Squall  2018  https://squallrecordings1.bandcamp.com/album/skryvaj  *   1:45:07 (Pop-up)
Trashlight  Honey Insulation   Favoriting Honey Insulation  Squall  2018  https://squallrecordings1.bandcamp.com/album/honey-insulation    1:47:51 (Pop-up)
Sofheso  0109   Favoriting Archive  First Terrace  2018  https://firstterracerecords.bandcamp.com/album/archive    1:52:13 (Pop-up)
Francis Plagne  First Part (Second Part)   Favoriting Moss Trumpet  Penultimate Press  2018  https://penultimatepress.bandcamp.com/album/moss-trumpet  *   2:03:59 (Pop-up)
Endurance  Slow Fires   Favoriting The Wandering of Days  Third Kind  2018  https://thirdkindrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-wandering-of-days    2:19:11 (Pop-up)
Ursula Bogner  2 Ton   Favoriting Recordings 1969-1988  Faitiche  2018  Originally released in 2008. https://ursulabogner.bandcamp.com/album/recordings-1969-1988  *   2:29:44 (Pop-up)
Akio Suzuki & Aki Onda  Yo Ru No To Ba Ri   Favoriting Ke I Te Ki  Room40  2018  https://room40.bandcamp.com/album/ke-i-te-ki  *   2:26:37 (Pop-up)
RASHŌMON  An Inviting Hand   Favoriting Pathogen  Iron Lung  2018  https://ironlungpv.bandcamp.com/album/x-pathogen-x-mlp-lungs-125  *   2:39:04 (Pop-up)
Lifeless Dark  Outrcy   Favoriting Who Will be the Victims  Not on Label  2018  https://lifelessdark.bandcamp.com/album/who-will-be-the-victims    2:42:01 (Pop-up)
Neckbeard Deathcamp  The Left are the Real Fascists   Favoriting White Nationalism is for Basement Dwelling Loosers  Not on Label  2018  https://neckbearddeathcamp.bandcamp.com/album/white-nationalism-is-for-basement-dwelling-losers    2:45:48 (Pop-up)
Neckbeard Deathcamp  Zyklon /b/   Favoriting White Nationalism is for Basement Dwelling Loosers  Not on Label  2018  https://neckbearddeathcamp.bandcamp.com/album/white-nationalism-is-for-basement-dwelling-losers    2:48:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Marcel! Don't forget to deliver.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05am

Hello Marcel and what was music!

Avatar 12:16am
Marcel M:

Chresti, RW, 2 fast tooplyn. Hello!
Avatar 12:24am
Philthy woman:


Little Booka:

How to make a dull boys night pop
Little Booka:

I’m literally covered in this funk right now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Marcel. Notes are pouring out like a sound factory.
Avatar 12:31am
Marcel M:

Philthy woman, tak, lil' booka, ken, hello! Welcome.
Little Booka:

Avatar 12:31am
Marcel M:

Feeling good tonight. Happy to be here.
Avatar 12:36am

I was going to say, Susumu Yokota, 2018, must be posthumous. That's what the comments section is for (RIP).
Avatar 12:37am
Marcel M:

Yeah I use the year for the actual release I'm playing. RIP indeed.
Avatar 12:37am
Marcel M:

Hello NGH!
Avatar 12:37am

hola hola, Marcel!
Little Booka:

Hey north guinea!
This set really has me just sopping wet with this electric goo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46am

Avatar 12:58am

palabara, Little Booka, salud y skal!

It's a tight call, but Marcel has the best bed music (it's like picking your favorite hypothetical child).
Avatar 12:58am

Ike has gone full blurple!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03am

How was trivia ngh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm pretty certain the bed music is a track that's slowed way down. I try to imagine what it sounds like at normal speed. No idea of the track's name or the artist.

Ken, it's from a David Lynch movie. It's normal speed. I was at a friend's place not too long ago and he was playing it. I kept expecting Marcel to start telling us what songs we just heard.
Avatar 1:06am

wouldn't hausu mountain be 'hausu-jima' in nihongo?

@chresti First time we didn't finish in the top two, but my team is neck and neck in w/ another team out of a dozen overall. (moderator is getting tired of me correcting his geography and history errors, reminds me of grade school, when teachers hated me correcting them.)
Avatar 1:07am

@Ken: That's the original Badalamenti!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Aha ... thanks for the info, friends.
Avatar 1:09am

It was in Fire Come Walk w/ Me and one of the latter episodes of the last season of the original Twin Peaks.

Ken, I think it's called Pink Room but I'm pretty tired.
Avatar 1:11am

This Clavilis Muri sounds like when I try to play my spliced tapes live. New to me, DigDug!
Avatar 1:12am

rw is correct!

ngh, but I would NEVER want to face you at Trivial Pursuit.

Okay, I'd do it but you would slaughter me for sure.
Little Booka:

{ Ohhh just fantastic. }

I can smell the Man Flesh burning.

Fading out here. Thanks as always Marcel! Take care all.
Avatar 1:24am
Marcel M:

Night, RW
Avatar 1:24am

@rw: In Junior High, we had sleepover at school. We had a Trivia Pursuit game against the Teachers (the smart ones w/ Masters and PhDs), and me and my friends, won. They were gobsmacked.

(actually won a free trip to Hawai'i for the next year's geography bee after being the second highest scorer in the that year's nation. We showed up at the geography conference, as hey toad trip to Memphis! , We just drank and partook of ganja and occasionally sat in lectures. The Ivey Leagues and Dukes had practiced all year for the geo bee, we had no idea it existed. I told my friends, let's do this. We were in shorts and tee-shirts, and the other teams wore suits. When I got named as the second highest scorer, I downed a 40 while walking to the stage. Never went to Hawai'i, as I graduated, and it didn't include airfare.) Cool story bro?

This is now my jam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26am

the Pink Room-it is

Cool (and funny) story indeed! Thanks for sharing, man! Definitely would get slaughtered.
Little Booka:

Thanks for this
Avatar 1:30am
Marcel M:

That noise track was in such a perfect frequency. My ears like it a lot.
Avatar 1:33am

Skullfarmer, you should grow Skullflowers (Mathew Bower).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34am

It reminded me of what it sounded like when a TV station went off the air-the Cannibal Ritual
Little Booka:

Great show Marcel! Hails
Avatar 1:35am

@rw: my Achilles heel is contemporary culture (even when I was more youthy)
Avatar 1:49am
Marcel M:

Thanks Little Booka!
Avatar 1:55am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning freaks. Interesting track to step into while getting to my desk.
Avatar 1:56am

Ok, I'm getting oneiric, time to become unconscious, thanks Marcel, and hola Diezel!
Avatar 1:57am
Diezel Tea:

Good night, NGH, bari gisher.
Avatar 2:05am
Marcel M:

Hey Diezel Tea! Night, NGH

Cleaning my teeth and listening to What Was Music. Now that’s how to start the day!

Hi Marcel! Had the pleasure of waking up to your show during that last set. Wowza.
Avatar 2:16am
Marcel M:

Ajay, Lani! Hello! Toothbrushing alarm clock music all morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17am

What up, Marcel? Hanging out, enjoying the ill conceived sounds.
Avatar 2:17am
Marcel M:

Yo Osvi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:20am

off to dreamland I go, on the night time side of the globe (11:18 pm, PST)
Thank you Marcel, I very much like your show!
Avatar 2:21am
Marcel M:

That's nice to hear, Christi, thanks! Sleep well.
Avatar 2:23am

Nice jamz
Avatar 2:29am
Marcel M:

Yo cobra!!
Avatar 2:29am

Just realized I was wearing Marcel's shirt today, got many compliments, gracias y Buenos noches!

Aki Onda is my bud, too bad sleep is happening...
Avatar 2:33am
Marcel M:

Happy to hear it! This year's shirt is gonna be sick as well!
Avatar 2:37am
Diezel Tea:

Very American Tapes kinda mood.
Avatar 2:47am
Diezel Tea:

The album this song was mastered by was the same dude that recorded by old grindcore band's last record. Small uni.
Avatar 2:49am
Marcel M:

I had to play two from these guys. Its so good.
Avatar 2:50am
Marcel M:

Goodnight/morning all! See you next week.
Avatar 2:51am
Diezel Tea:

See ya Marcel. Too bad I could only join for half the show..
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