Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from November 28, 2018 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting November 28, 2018: If it ever were, it wasn't now.

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
GASP  Silver and Shivered when Troubled   Favoriting Sore for Days  Not on Label  1996  https://gasplapsychviolence.bandcamp.com/album/sore-for-days    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
GRIM  Volcano Flower   Favoriting Primary Pulse  Trapdoor Tapes  2018  https://www.discogs.com/Grim-Primary-Pulse/release/12288816    0:07:37 (Pop-up)
Government Alpha  Toxinsanity   Favoriting Insanityranny  Total Black  2018  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/insanityranny  *   0:11:08 (Pop-up)
die Angel  ---   Yön Magneeti Sine  Editions Telemark  2018  https://mirrorworldmusic.bandcamp.com/album/y-n-magneetti-sine  *   0:22:23 (Pop-up)
Like Weeds  Pennygate   Favoriting Not Everyone Alive Survived Childhood  Total Black  2018  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/not-everyone-alive-survived-childhood  *   0:28:45 (Pop-up)
Tashi Dorji  B   Favoriting but a night that ends, as all nights end, when the sun rises  Moone Records  2018  https://tashidorji1.bandcamp.com/album/but-a-night-that-ends-as-all-nights-end-when-the-sun-rises  *   0:38:09 (Pop-up)
Heroine in Tahiti  Bad Auspicia   Favoriting Casilina Tapes 2010-2017  Boring Machines  2018  https://boringmachines.bandcamp.com/album/heroin-in-tahiti-casilina-tapes-2010-2017    0:49:21 (Pop-up)
More Klementines  I   Favoriting More Klementines  Feeding Tube  2018  http://feedingtuberecords.com/releases/more-klementines/  *   1:00:18 (Pop-up)
OSSIA  Dub Hell   Favoriting Devil's Dance  Blackest Ever Black  2019  https://blackesteverblack.bandcamp.com/album/devil-s-dance Out Feb. 8  *   1:18:15 (Pop-up)
тпсб  Quicksand   Sekundenschlaf  Blackest Ever Black  2018  https://blackesteverblack.bandcamp.com/album/sekundenschlaf  *   1:24:19 (Pop-up)
Hatsune Kaidan  Electro World   Favoriting Noisy Killer  Alchemy  2015  https://atelier5-7-5.bandcamp.com/album/noisy-killer    1:28:18 (Pop-up)
Street Sects  Suicide by Cop   Favoriting The Kicking Mule  The Flenser  2018  https://streetsects.bandcamp.com/album/the-kicking-mule  *   1:35:33 (Pop-up)
Portrayal of Guilt  Daymare   Favoriting Let Pain be your Guide  Holy Roar  2018  https://portrayalofguilt.com/album/let-pain-be-your-guide  *   1:36:26 (Pop-up)
Incapacitants  I, Residuum Part 1   Favoriting I, Residuum  Urashima  2018  https://www.discogs.com/Incapacitants-I-Residuum/release/12780375 Originally released in 1997 on Less than Zero records  *   1:41:00 (Pop-up)
Our Solar System  Vulkanen   Favoriting Origins  Beyond Beyond Is Beyond  2018  https://oursolarsystem.bandcamp.com/  *   2:12:58 (Pop-up)
Shiryou  Summon the Decay   Favoriting After the Funeral  Atelier5-7-5  2018  https://atelier5-7-5.bandcamp.com/album/after-the-funeral    2:26:59 (Pop-up)
Druuna Jaguar  Oito Back Story   Favoriting d o l l g r a v e s ゴースト  Atelier5-7-5  2018  https://atelier5-7-5.bandcamp.com/album/d-o-l-l-g-r-a-v-e-s    2:43:44 (Pop-up)
Boris  Journey   Favoriting Unknown Flowers  Fangs Anal Satan  2018  https://www.discogs.com/Boris-3-The-NOVEMBERS-Unknown-Flowers/release/12702938  *   2:48:06 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:03am

tremendous segue in to this brutal opener. I likey.

Hi DJ Marcel
Avatar 12:09am
Marcel M:

Hey mb! Welcome. Hello all out there.

Email me at Marcel@wfmu.org if you want GRIM tickets!
Avatar 12:09am

oooooo BRUTAL yes but i am finding it soooooo incredibly SOOTHING :)
greetings, Marcel and everyone!
Avatar 12:10am

ooooo you have tickets i am emailing you NOW!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14am

Real toe-tapper this one. Love you easy-listening starts.
Avatar 12:17am
Marcel M:

haha.. yes.
Avatar 12:20am
Marcel M:

@slugluv1313: you got it! Need some more info from you :-)
Avatar 12:23am

thank-you Marcel!!!
Avatar 12:24am

hey it's got a good beat and you can dance to it :)
(sez the goofball who truly believes that one can dance to ANYTHING)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25am

Dosage dependent?
Avatar 12:28am

Avatar 12:34am

Picking a pack of peppers (ghost and reapers) and tomatoes as it's getting down to 32F/0C tonight here in FL.
Avatar 12:38am
Marcel M:

Now if this isn't pepper picking music... what is? WHAT WAS?!!?!
Avatar 12:39am
Andrew S:

i notice ghost peppers at the supermarket lately thought they were some extreme hazard frokm what ive read but no warnings or anything on them
Avatar 12:42am
Andrew S:

never really got the idea unless its a contest, why would you you want want your food overpowered like that. i like spicy food im just wondering. cant enhance the flavour if it overwhelms it i wouldnt think
Avatar 12:43am
Marcel M:

I have always thought the same about ghost peppers... and have been wondering if I've confused reality with a cartoon or something.
Avatar 12:48am

perfect pepper picking music :)
i am going to seek out ghost peppers and eat them while listening to Like Weeds . . . anyone with an album entitled "Not Everyone Alive Survived Childhood" has my LOVE
Avatar 12:52am
Marcel M:

Yeah that title caught my eye as well
Avatar 12:52am
Andrew S:

cool title nd im sure wasnt meant to be taken literally but everyone alive survived chilhood by definition
Avatar 12:54am

I only cut 2mmx3mm pieces of ghost peppers (multiples) when cooking, good flavor, but picante AF! (and I like). (and I've developed a tolerance).
Avatar 12:55am

yeah definitely not literal b/c one is "alive" but just thinking of the really f'd up childhoods so many have had, when that time is supposed to be all happy and idyllic :(
Avatar 12:56am
Andrew S:

yeah maybe in microdoses i could handle ghost peppers but it there a point? do they enhance flavour?
Avatar 12:57am
Andrew S:

yeah most of us did but we survived it better or worse
Avatar 1:02am

@andrew: The ghost peppers have great flavor, but, add to your food in very small doses at first. My Carolina Reapers are just super capsaicin hot, w/o the flavor I like.
Avatar 1:05am
Andrew S:

our childhood may idyllic in retrosoect and nearly always is in comparison to our adulthood but its rarley idyllic unles you are talking really young like up to 5 Awareness outside of self starts to kick in arounbf then and your view gradually becomes less idyllic the more you learn
Avatar 1:08am
Andrew S:

cool carolina reapers i see too at the supermrket. ill try them first
Avatar 1:10am
Andrew S:

tiny amounts. Like i know its going to be better thaan the hotsauce shit i mpour on my food should be in the background
Avatar 1:10am

@ ngh -- i was just reading about those Carolina Reapers! "World's Hottest Pepper" this year!
but, also (unlike the the ghost peppers) apparently kinda man-made? a cross of Ghost Peppers and Red Habaneros -- "doesn't just have heat, but excellent fruity flavor to boot. Well, that is before it melts your face off." -- !!!
Avatar 1:13am
Marcel M:

I remember Homer Simpson eating something like that and tripping hard.
Avatar 1:14am
Andrew S:

yeah these guys have contests. Eat the hottest pepper. I bet they have the,m at whatever that groups called the juggalo guys
Bklyn Listener:

great show Marcel! thanks for the noize
Avatar 1:18am

There's a youtube video of me doing a dumbass ghost pepper eating contest. I ate 1/2, 2nd place ate one, and my friend won w/ 3. I had tunnel vision and in the video you can see I can't talk. My friend, got really sick later. (so, very small pieces, they are good). I don't recommend the reapers unless you're a sadist, I thought I'd try growing them.
Avatar 1:19am

@ Andrew S. -- yes, exactly re: childhood . . . hopefully that innocence and happiness can be sustained a bit, even as one ages . . . but damn, thinking of those really young kids who do not get to even experience that (war torn parts of the world, DV situations, etc.) (i have done volunteer work for victims/survivors)
Avatar 1:20am

(I got 3rd place w/ 1/2, 2nd ate 1 full one).
Avatar 1:20am

@ ngh -- omg i did not even know these contests existed! must have a look!!!
Avatar 1:22am

@sluguv: slightly better then a tide pod challenge (just as stupid).
Avatar 1:29am

already 39F/3C down here in Florida land. Gracias Marcel y amigos! hora de dormir!
Avatar 1:30am

oh good lord, i had to look up tide pod challenge b/c i had hoped that it was *not* what it sounded like -- but geez, at least peppers are meant to be eaten!!!
Avatar 1:32am

it is 36º here in Hoboken -- but it is supposed to be cold up here this time of year!
Avatar 1:33am

good grief are the tomatoes ok???
Avatar 1:34am

No clicky star available, *sobs*. Got the bandcamp link, arigato gasaimasu-te!

Tomatoes will die tonight, peppers may survive. (why I picked them all clean. Eggplant's fruits are to small to harvest).
Avatar 1:37am

(Kenzo needs to allow non-Latin alphabets to have the option of said song be clicky-starred [he's working on it, I made the suggestion to him])
Avatar 1:38am
Marcel M:

I fixed the clicky!

Hellz yez


Toooooopsszzzzzzz magoopszz! Loving this sound of a garbage truck crushin a lady!!!
Avatar 1:45am
Marcel M:

Are you still live broadcasting your cat, Opal?


Avatar 1:50am
future transport:

at least this sounds honestly terrible

Yeah for sure YouTube Johnny Scoville. No, not anymore, someone else joined the stream so it became a live split screen and we were showing weird things in our rooms
Avatar 1:51am
future transport:

no talent required

Cool trippy GIF @futuretransort

Marcel! Sounds windy in there. You okay?
Avatar 1:53am
Marcel M:

Someone hating on a harsh noise track on a WFMU playlist page... how delightfully droll.
Avatar 1:53am
Marcel M:

I'm holding on dearly. But fine so far.

what is your special talent @futuretransport?
Avatar 1:55am
future transport:

bad taste is becoming popular

Dudes I'm over here smoking resin out a bowl wondering why I dont just buy weed from a store cuz I live in C.A. #trappedinthatnewyorksttaeofmind
Avatar 1:57am
future transport:

my talent is not being dead
at the moment
Avatar 1:57am
Marcel M:

can you buy it at all hours of the night?
Avatar 1:57am
future transport:

and reducing plastic content

Cool. Glad you're alright. Hang in there!

I don't think you can buy it in most cities here (CA). Not in mine anyway.

I'm out. And tired. And a little grumpy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Thanks Marcel! future Take care everyone. And hang on!

I'm not sure actually, I heard my county has a few new pot fields growing and two new pot stores opening soon in Davis since it became recreational but the store fronts aren't open (there are a ton of online apps that you can get weed delivered like pizza legally)
Avatar 2:00am
future transport:

you all know you arnt going listen to this song over and over , are you
Avatar 2:02am

Damn, there's a new Incapacitants??? le sigh, no longer a completist.... night, y'all..

Honestly @futuretransport this is kewl
Avatar 2:03am

@ ngh -- sez it was originally released in 1997 . . . good night, stay warm!
Avatar 2:03am
future transport:

someone once made an album of recorded silence
it didnt sell that well .. but was a memorable novelty
Avatar 2:04am
Marcel M:

Its a reissue, NGH!

what was taste?

@futuretransport I like your trippy GIF what shape is that??? I'm curious cuz I'm a trippy person myself
Avatar 2:07am
future transport:

iii guess its encouraging that someone with no ability or understanding of what they are doing can eek out an existence .. our president does the same thing

I love that you have the links
Avatar 2:10am
future transport:

Opal .. iii dont know
things just happen
there is someway to trace image sources
How to Find the Source of an Image - Julie Blanner

Omg, I just became interested in a new cult called The Soucr family that release 65 albums in the mid 70s

Avatar 2:13am
Marcel M:

YAHOWA 13 is them right? Did you watch the documentary?

@futuretransport embrace the unknown ;)

Yes and I made a new song called the 14th wife of yod. And my brother sang responses to it and dad said he was the 15th wife
Avatar 2:17am
future transport:

there is a way to transfer the avatar image
to a search like if you have pinterest you can save it as a static image and then drag and drop it to image search
Avatar 2:19am
Marcel M:

This record is a real snap crackle popper.

you gotta press silly putty hard into the vinyl
Avatar 2:24am
Marcel M:

and then take the vinyl and throw it out the window, and then play with the silly putty as you listen to an mp3

deadass step right on it af
Avatar 2:27am
future transport:

Best guess for this image: rainbow gifs
iii cant find it now .. the source may have disapeared but iii did find it in animated rainbow gifs
old ERIC thee hat:

Uplifting is this.
Avatar 2:33am
future transport:

making offensive objectionable noises is a well proven sucksess formula
Avatar 2:34am
Marcel M:

Future Transport... you aren't so much offensive as just boring and dull. Chill out.
Avatar 2:35am

i have GOT to check out that documentary about the Source family -- yow!
(wondering if Micah has played any of their stuff?)
Avatar 2:37am

aww sounds like kitties :)
LOVE the titles too -- Summon the Decay! After the Funeral!
Avatar 2:37am
future transport:

oops sorry
wrong planet
Avatar 2:40am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning, Marcel. Interesting set so far, kudos))

Every plant can EFF our plants WAVES
Avatar 2:44am
Diezel Tea:

Also, @NGH when I get a house hopefully next year with property to plant, you gotta mail me some reaper and/or ghost seeds.)) Also, am I the only on that wants Future Transport to keep on shit talking the playlist? I was scrolling down and thought it was funny. But eh, that's just me.
Avatar 2:50am
Marcel M:

Hello and goodbye Diezel Tea, Eric Opal, Tooplin, and everyone hanging. See you next week.
Avatar 2:52am
Diezel Tea:

Excellent closer choice. But, you still have 9 minutes left to toss in more pain!!
Avatar 2:54am
future transport:

Diezel Tea:
iii guess this is the
everyone has to think the same club
iii was listening to the first frank zappa album before any of you were born and jammming with amps guitars and fuzz boxes back when there was free expression of ideas.. iii dont know what happened to the good old days ..
Another Chris:

Really enjoyed that Boris track. Very soothing!
Avatar 2:56am

wonderful show, Marcel -- thanks again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

Incapacitants, thankyouverymuch.
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