I heard Spaceship Earth has a big lever labeled "DO NOT TOUCH" and, of course, someone messed with and broke it and so it hasn't been operating properly foe quite some time now.
As Ken is still infatuated with the Fabulösen Thekenschlampen: it translates to The Fabulous Bar Slatterns (schlampig meaning untidy, note that Schlampe remains in common use, in contrast to slattern).
Surprised Tampa doesn't have more strip club searches. There are more strip clubs per capita then any other city save Vegas I've ever seen. I know this... uh... b/c of a friend!, yeah, that's the ticket! (don't actually like said places. My wife went to Pumps in Williamsburg multiple times, I never went)
There's an alternate take of Guns - credited to Don Joyce, rather than Negativland - over at Ubu Web. It was originally a commission for New American Radio and then edited and put out on SST Records.
Is that bratwurst train an amusement park ride? Sure looks like fun! Now I'm hungry.
David in London:
@webmaster harry, sadly that is grimly funny.
David in London:
Henry not harry. Apologies.
RFK always gets left out. Even though he got a verse in it, Abraham, Martin and John left his name outta the title. The younger brother always gets the short end of it.
Look, a friend from out of town had a layover. We met for drinks ... one thing led to another and I'm a little behind today. It happens, OK? I'm sorry.
okay now both Channesl seem to be working we're back in The Stomping Ground hello to all the fellow Stompers
Zats, I ran into a hippie older than 60 the prior weekend in Woodstock. He said he listened when Upsala College was the place. Not sure if he tunes in anymore.
Not at all Sebastian, as a matter Female Hippies over the age of 60 who have ponytails get priority seating. I dont know why you have such dark thoughts.
You know, my opinion doesn’t count for much but this whole faux Felder feud is just not funny. I don’t even know where the dead horse that is being beaten is anymore.
I'm noticing considerable sporadic E skip now (very common in June) on 90.1. I used to DX, looking forward to skip season, but now it's more or less a nuisance to me.
Whoever does the ID at noon, be very good with it and do a DXer a favor. Somewhere out there, there's someone DXing FM on 91.1 or 90.1 and would love to log a station of this class -- or even better, 91.9!
@Robert - I'm an engineer and ham. Looked up WFMU on ULS (stalker alert) and asked Ken about the 91.1 tower when I was helping set up an LPFM station. It's a phased array and Ken said he wished it wasn't because that causes picket fencing and only did it because the area was complaining about interference. Never occurred to me that a phased array could cause multipath problems despite the increased gain. Not really anything to do with E skip, but yeah... nerd.
@Ken, ah I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that the multiple bays on the 91.1 tower were causing the problem, not the repeater. Do you mean pirates are jamming you or just interfering?
@rosso it was two bays on 91.1 in West Orange, plus the booster at the same frequency in NY which was messing things up but now the NYC transmitter is at 91.9 so it's not much of an issue any longer.
Legal ID time is coming! When you hear the haunting Love Them From legal ID, say this:
(shocked) WFMU East Orange
(relived) WMFU Mount Hope
(confused) In New York City and Rockland County at 91.9fm
(sobbing untrollably) and online at wfmu dor org
(groggily) Buck Mulligan wiped again his razorblade.
--Ah, poor dogsbody! he said in a kind voice. I must give you a shirt and
a few noserags. How are the secondhand breeks?
--They fit well enough, Stephen answered.
Buck Mulligan attacked the hollow beneath his underlip.
i think i heard this piece yesterday arond 11am..
@-Ken I can't help but notice you played two theme songs today. Are you admitting Matt was on to something?
I played Tuchus for the biggest Ween fan I know, recently. I cranked it and didn't tell her who it was and she hated it. When I told her who it was she didn't believe me.
David in London:
Any minute now Don Felder might hijack this song...
Friend of mine reports one of the most profound, and profoundly rapid, personal connections of his life just happened the other day with a stranger he met and spoke with for the duration of a three hour train ride. Just sayin’.