Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble: Playlist from September 28, 2017 Favoriting

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A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.

Thursday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting September 28, 2017: can i help?

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
elvis  harbor lights ( takes 5-8)   Favoriting a boy from tupelo:complete 1953-55 recordings          *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
the autumns with simon raymonde  time of no reply   Favoriting elsie & jack & nick drake v/a            0:04:14 (Pop-up)
jonathan heron  heron pond   Favoriting skylark  wishing chair        *   0:10:11 (Pop-up)
rotten bliss  two sisters   Favoriting the nightwatchman sings  reverb worship        *   0:13:55 (Pop-up)
nancy lesh  dhrupad in jhaptal   Favoriting nancy lesh cello            0:19:08 (Pop-up)
trio da kali and kronos quartet  tita   Favoriting ladilikan  nonesuch        *   0:23:39 (Pop-up)
rock city  the wind will cry for me   Favoriting Looking Forward: The Roots of Big Star featuring Chris Bell  omnivore        *   0:38:54 (Pop-up)
ariel pink  death patrol   Favoriting dedicated to bobby jameson  mexican summer        *   0:41:59 (Pop-up)
nancy dupree with a group of rochester ny youngsters  james brown   Favoriting the 123's of kid soul v/a            0:44:57 (Pop-up)
sly stone  baby   Favoriting I'm Just Like You: Sly's Stone Flower 1969-70            0:47:37 (Pop-up)
droids  shanti dance pt 1 & 2   Favoriting Cosmic Machine A Voyage Across French Cosmic & Electronic Avantgarde (1970-1980) V A            0:51:04 (Pop-up)
group doueh  zaya koum   Favoriting zayna jumma        at montgomery hall oct 7    0:57:36 (Pop-up)
barbez with velina brown  los cuatro generales   Favoriting For Those Who Came After  important        *   1:06:16 (Pop-up)
philipe eidel  Ichninane Wakhsane   Favoriting transpacific sound paradise presents Islamic electric v/a 2008 marathon premium            1:09:34 (Pop-up)
zinia y veneto  flirt a rio   Favoriting sol y sombra v/a            1:12:57 (Pop-up)
wait. think. fast.  manda una senal   Favoriting dale tiempo          *   1:17:01 (Pop-up)
phil ranelin  vibes from the tribe   Favoriting Soul Of A Nation - Afro-Centric Visions In The Age Of Black Power: Underground Jazz, Street Funk & The Roots Of Rap 1968-79 (V/a)          *   1:20:51 (Pop-up)
fennesz sakamoto  mono   Favoriting cendre            1:23:56 (Pop-up)
esg  erase you (puppy to your side)   Favoriting a south bronx story 2            1:28:02 (Pop-up)
LCD Soundsystem  other voices   Favoriting american dream          *   1:32:58 (Pop-up)
nina simone remixed by postal service  little girl blue   Favoriting Verve Remixed 3 (V/A)            1:38:28 (Pop-up)
katie von schleicher  life's a lie   Favoriting shitty hits  ba da bing!        *   1:43:48 (Pop-up)
patato & totico  dilo como yo antibalas remix   Favoriting verve remixed 4            1:46:28 (Pop-up)
santigold  can't get enough of myself ft B.C.   Favoriting 99¢            1:52:12 (Pop-up)
adalberto santiago  la tierra da   Favoriting adalberto featuring popeye el marino            1:55:32 (Pop-up)
stephane grappelli  that old black magic   Favoriting 1941-43            1:59:41 (Pop-up)
sneaker pimps  6 underground ( fila brazillia remix#1)   Favoriting abstarct vibes 2 more vibes v/a            2:09:41 (Pop-up)
lee wiley  I've Got The World On A String   Favoriting hot house rose            2:15:48 (Pop-up)
the apartments  The Failure of Love Is a Brick Wall (you prayed for me to hit it)   Favoriting a life full of farewells            2:18:22 (Pop-up)
mary lou williams  for you   Favoriting in london            2:22:02 (Pop-up)
colin blunstone  misty roses   Favoriting i don't believe in miracles            2:24:30 (Pop-up)
Antena  achilles enne mix   Favoriting Versions Speciales - Camino del Sol            2:29:36 (Pop-up)
Flash Cadillac and the Continental Kids  she's so fine   Favoriting ost american graffitti            2:34:36 (Pop-up)
captain planet featuring chico mann  aquacero   Favoriting       7"      2:36:28 (Pop-up)
cornershop  6 a.m. juliander shere   Favoriting woman's gotta have it            2:40:14 (Pop-up)
ranny sinclair  with any other girl   Favoriting another autumn    1964      *   2:47:18 (Pop-up)
the dream syndicate  kendra's dream   Favoriting How Did I Find Myself Here?  anti        *   2:49:16 (Pop-up)
colleen  winter dawn   Favoriting a flame my love, a frequency  thrill jockey        *   2:56:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Your Ace From Exchange Place:

Good Morning!
Avatar 9:01am

We got Trouble, friends!
Avatar 9:01am

people are now making meringue from bean water. who knew?

Trouble, Elvis, all. Good morning from Elizabeth, NJ.

Which elvis song is this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

Nice version of Harbor Lights. A favorite song of mine.

Sorry, there title popped up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Adrian in London:

Maira Kalman? Nice. Hello Trouble and listeners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Sem Chumbo:

@glenn: aquafaba is one of those chickpea secrets, I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Sem Chumbo:

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nice night Drake cover
Avatar 9:05am

one of those happy cooking accidents, i guess.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:06am

good morning thursday and all her discontents. ken took some questions last night about the stations, i've decided i will also answer questions. any questions... love life? rodents? Grade point average problems? art problems? let me fix it, how can i help?
Avatar 9:06am
Number Six:

G'Morning Trouble & All!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

omg glenn, it has a name : aqua ferbo or some such. isn't life amazing??
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

today's art work is by the queen: maira Kalman, who i was once so lucky to have on this here radio show...

student loan problems here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Sem Chumbo:

Good morning, Trouble, and Modern World-ers. Let today be the day you discover the wonders of canned bean liquid.
Avatar 9:08am

because really, who ever says to themself "you know, i bet if i put leftover chick pea water into a mixer, add sugar and let 'er rip for 15 minutes, i'll end up with perfect meringue"?

Canned bean liquid!!!mmmmm.it makes for a very relaxing bath.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Ken From Hyde Park:

The amazing WFMU pantry: bean liquid, elk juice, cowbell, etc.

Student loan problems yes

Avatar 9:15am

Nice version of two sisters.
Avatar 9:15am

still student loan problems here as well.
Avatar 9:15am

i'm relatively problem free at the moment. yippee ky.
Avatar 9:17am
Number Six:

@jess: I think they're gonna have to change this station to WFMSpew. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

Oh Trouble, I missed you but that just makes me happier you're here!
Good morning y'all!
Avatar 9:18am

i need a new table saw. should i buy the really expensive one that won't cut my fingers off, or save some money and just act more responsibly?
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Problem: Huge tax cuts for the super-wealthy and I am not among the super wealthy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Sem Chumbo:

@glenn:I never discount the power of human "What If" thinking, to wit: the Yanomomi people of the Brazilian rain-forest who, I suppose, though trial and error, found a tree whose inside bark, scraped and dried and powdered, and thence blown into someone else's nostril via a long bamboo tube, would induce otherworldly shamanic visions. And significant volcanic vomiting. But still, what are the odds?

Glenn: Is there a mid-range model? Maybe you can save some money and keep a few fingers.
Avatar 9:20am

goood morning all !!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

@glenn: the really expensive one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Morning Trouble & all! Cool that you had Maira Kalman on the show, I'll have to look for that. Btw I enjoyed the show w/John Lurie you did a long time ago, found it googling.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:22am

yes those two are 2 of my heroes, so happy to say i had both on as excellent guests. maira was april 11 2012, or aprill12, 2011, i can't remember
Avatar 9:22am

I love the picture this week. Mornin' Folks, this song rules!
Avatar 9:22am
Artem Krapivin:

Good morning to all from Moscow city.

I hate my job problems
Avatar 9:23am

yeah, i'm leaning toward the expensive one. it's just better.

good morning Moscow. I guess it isn't morning there.
Avatar 9:24am

late arrival, oops..(listening to city council forums).. all done, you have my undivided attention now.!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

It's just that accidents can happen even when you act responsibly
Avatar 9:25am

Bonjour Trouble !
Avatar 9:25am

and Troublalistas

You can use aquafaba to make vegan mayonnaise
Avatar 9:26am

oh, i know. i've acquired many responsible scars over the years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am

Greetings and salutations to Trouble and all. Questions? My 2nd-grader is feeling sad because big brother is going to a new school. Any suggestions on how we can help him adjust?
Avatar 9:31am

have the smaller brother start a list of survey questions, as a reporter would. save them for when he gets into that grade....?
Avatar 9:32am

wow, no A/C!
Avatar 9:33am

@steveo : I think annie has a great idea !
Avatar 9:33am

@steveo : I think annie has a great idea !
Avatar 9:35am

blow up big brother's new school [at night or on the weekend, when nobody's there, i'm not a monster, duh.] then the new school will have to send students to the old school, and the brothers will be reunited. problem solved.

estate sales are always a really good idea. they have EVERYTHING
Avatar 9:36am

you should all go to my (former) therapist who can solve all of your problems while yawning through your expensive session.. "mindfulness" .. that was her answer to everything.. so yeah, suck on that.
Avatar 9:36am

Sounds logical, better yet just buy a cheap knife and cut yourself . . . .
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:36am


Pay off our own debts. Don't expect others to do it for you.

Dear Trouble,

I left a small Babybel Cheese in my backpack yesterday. Still sealed. Discovered it this morning at work and put it in the fridge. Will it be safe for me to eat later in the day?


@bobdoesthings: That sounds crap. Sorry you had to deal with that.
Avatar 9:39am

@jake- meh.. she was hugely helpful at first.. but after awhile I was just going desperately trying to think of things to talk about while she gave a gentle smile, yawned, and recommended mindfulness meditation.. then she gave me lip for being 10 mins late one day and I cancelled my sessions.

Yawning while allegedly listening doesn't sound very mindful.

Yeah, she had one job and she’s yawning at a patient? Screw that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am

thanks @annie, i think that could help him understand what happens in 6th grade and why his brother is going there.

@bobdoesthings i had a therapist fall asleep during a session once. a+ guy
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:42am

Glenn, those 'saw stop' saws start around $1,200, not cheap by any means but only a little more than an actual useful tablesaw. how often are you planning on using it? their might be a shop in your area that after taking a safety course and signing like a million waivers you might be able to rent time in the shop.
Avatar 9:42am

@queems - hahaha, wow.
Avatar 9:42am

i think it might and it would help him to structure thoughtful ideas. i was a teacher in another life and one of 8 children..
Avatar 9:43am

man I'm behind on Ariel Pink's newer releases... always enjoy his stuff

@bobdoesthings it was a therapist at pratt's health service center. it was years ago and i forget his name, but i'm calling his ass out
Avatar 9:45am

More songs about James BRown!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am

i love singing kids
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

he sported an afro?
karen eliot:

good morning!
@bobdoesthings -there are some very bad therapists out there. i feel better served by my local bartender.
Avatar 9:47am

@karen - nice pun there.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:47am

great idea annie! here are some books about it : www.nytimes.com...
Avatar 9:50am

Great show ^^
karen eliot:

oh my! a punny day ahead.
Avatar 9:52am

One thing that i found to be useful is www.selfauthoring.com -- but if you don't want to pay you can just do some similiar writing exercises..
Essentially you divide your life into "epochs" and write out positive and negative experiences you went through and write out the narrative of your life as you remember and lived it.. then you do a similar writing exercise for where you are currently at and then a similar exercise for how you'd like to "Design your future" .. sorta self-helpy.. but I find doing some writing/journaling helps put things into perspective, causes you to reflect deeper on your emotional/psychological responses and greater evaluate where you're at and who you are. There's something to be said about writing and coming to conclusions about your own personal narrative - makes it easier to let things go and be a bit more present with yourself... FWIW..
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:53am

dj iceback "wrote" a weekly newspaper when he was young and we sent it out to friends and family. everyone loved it, and it improved his "writing" skills. (he dictated it to me and i sent it out via email) that would be a great project for the two kids to do @steveo

chocolate chip banana pancakes. There's the solution.
Avatar 9:53am
Itzall Ablurr:

Good morning, Trouble and everyone! Work interferes with concentrated listening but I see the link you posted for "Designing Your Life" so I assume you are 100% a fan of it.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:54am

i am@itzall ablurr, wish i could take class with those guys!!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:54am

Trouble, was just thinking about DJ Icepacks news letter, a highlight of my time in grad school... any chance we get a return engagement?
Avatar 9:57am
Number Six:

@jess: best idea so far!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am

Thanks, Trouble. That definitely sounds like a fun project.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am

Good Morning Gang...R*E*S*I*S*T...
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:58am

howdy @patrick!! i think that a return engagement is a super idea, but high school tasks seem to eat up a lot of time. although next semester he has a creative writing class, maybe we can steer project ideas to our benefit...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Your Ace From Exchange Place:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Your Ace From Exchange Place:

Don't worry, Mr. Doueh, that sound is just a phase your guitar is going through.
Mike Wolf:

Avatar 10:00am
Itzall Ablurr:

I am struggling with a book tsunami at home, but it looks like my library has it, so I GUESS I WIN!!! Thanks for the quick reply and recommendation, I look forward to reading it. Also, JAMES Brown!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hef has died. Who's going to publish the nudie magazines now?
Avatar 10:00am

good morning trouble and everyone!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:01am

@KFHP: The flag is flying at half staff at the University of Wisconsin ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

My Favorite Nudie mag is...My Brain!!! IT'S HOT!
Avatar 10:01am

@ken: goodness! its the end of an era.
Avatar 10:01am
Wild Neil:

PEACE All. @ Trouble: I saw a big gray rat in my garage but it won't eat the rat poison nor the peanut butter on the traps I put out. I see mouse poop around also so I need to set mouse traps but THEY are not eating peanut butter, either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Adrian in London:

@djtrouble What sort of British accent though? Geordie? Glaswegian? Thames Valley?
Avatar 10:02am

there was a mouse in my freaking BEDROOM for a while there. it ran all over my prized triangular japanese purple coat. now that coat is tainted with mousefeet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am

It's too bad Monty Hall had to change its name. But Montgomery Hall does sound classy.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:03am

Don't think of hantavirus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am
Adrian in London:

@BronwynB We had a small fieldmouse in our old flat. I was all chilled about it until it started shinning up the shelves towards my vinyl!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am
Adrian in London:

@WildNeil Apparently mice like chocolate. And granola, if the one that's been munching my friend's packets that she leaves on her desk at work is anything to go by
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:06am

General Montgomery Hall would need a mustache over the entryway.
Avatar 10:07am

@brian: now i cant think of anything BUT hantavirus :(

@adrian: i had a giant stash of chocolate granola bars in my room so that explains everything hahaha

My question about the cheese I left in my backpack is a legitimate concern.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

Hey trouble heard 2 young men on CLay this morning. Sound like some world travelers. Love it. much peace and love to you and your fam :) that was sweet as a 30 years listener .. awww ok see ya bicycle calls me.. ((greg zone 5 all hail )) :) artwork amazing.. bye
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am

Just read your photo caption.. I will bike to my favorite garden to start this day's journey. te veo luego
Avatar 10:10am

@jake - I think you'll be ok, but to be on safe side, dont eat it, wrap it in saran wrap, place in a bag, and throw it off a bridge into water with a brick tied to it.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:11am

@jake gould: perhaps. was it very hot? does it have mold on it? if not then probably you will be fine. OR find a mouse and test it first...

@BobDoesThings: So I should give it to a homeless person?
Avatar 10:13am

@jake - what are you, nuts?! that's cruel.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:13am

Let smell be your guide. Most cheese doesn't go off very quickly. That's largely why cheese exists. Now, parm will last a good ten days on a summer's hike.

@Trouble: It’s that snack sized round cheese that is wrapped in red wax and then wrapped in plastic. No extreme heat.
Avatar 10:14am

ooooooh, wow, smoothness
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Sem Chumbo:

Right now I'm mindful that Spring has arrived in the Southern Hemisphere. Why does this music sound so luxurious? Anyone?
Avatar 10:15am

@jake - FWIW - I just did some research.. looks like the only SAFE solution is to pour gasoline over it, place in metal trash can with lots of newspaper and twigs, throw a match in and run away fast.

Larry Flynt is still alive
Avatar 10:16am

well, hizzoner just lifted the Jones Act in order to allow shipments inot PR
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Sounds like a Spanish Nicole Atkins!
karen eliot:

@jake red petroleum based wax right? makes great little sculptures. wax is miraculous. it can come from plants, mammals, insects, and made synthetically. It seals to last.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am
Sem Chumbo:

Send a signal, indeed. Yearning there, a great deal.

Trouble and all, I have a question. I'm desperate to finish a film project which means I need to make large amounts of money in a short amount of time. I am considering working for a company that provides a "foot fetish experience." I would be letting men with a foot obsession touch and lick my feet. I have an "interview" with them tonight. I'm scared but need the money. Should I go? Signed, Footy in Flatbush

@annie: Thank effing God. Has anyone made a comprehensive list of what archaic laws from the 1920s are still impeding our world today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

@?: There is something to be said for compartmentalizing — this is your survival box. Maybe OK, if not very healthy?
Avatar 10:25am

Good morning Trouble and troubleers! I keep sleeping on purchasing this Soul of a Nation record. Top notch stuff here.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:26am

Sounds like movie music.
I'm a sucker for movie music.
karen eliot:

@? maybe try kickstarter. y'all set me up- right? I'm going silent now. have the best day ever!

@? if you are uncomfortable with the idea of people actually touching you, there are places online where you can sell your used socks. similar idea, but nobody touches you.

@?: There are far more people out there who have engaged in some level of “adult entertainment” than not. Meaning as long as you feel comfortable, get paid well and the relationship is kept secret, then why not?

That said, if you are doing something like that to survive and cannot live without it, you are already in a desperate situation and might be delaying the inevitable. Better face your financial situation head on rather than potentially destroying yourself for short-term gains.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:30am

Are there still any practicing Bokononists? (Sole-to-sole.)

@JakeGould: I'm able to pay for my living expenses, just not my movie.

@queems: that's a REALLY good idea. thank you!!!
Avatar 10:32am


@kareneliot: Exactly! There are options out there to crowdfund online. I would recommend you figure out how to make that work for you.

Also, gonna be blunt: Why a “movie” in 2017? How many silly vanity “movies” are out there that could just as easilly been shot on an iPhone, edited in iMovie and then shared on Vimeo, YouTube, etc…

It’s honestly better to start small, test your idea and then expand it into something bigger. Especially nowadays when “movies” versus “video” versus “TV” means crap. Create a short film that is the proof of concept and then use that as the basis of a crowdfunding campaign for a bigger better thing.

Always remember: Nobody in the film industry spends their own money. So you shouldn’t do that either unless there is utterly no choice.

One thumbs-up here for playing stuff from this LCD-S album. Yay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am

This ones got my heart strings tangled up in a big old knot!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:37am

Why feet, and not elbows, say?

@Jake: What I am trying to make is actually a proof of concept film, and I have half of it done and need to finish it. What I need to pay for is lighting, space rental, and food for the cast and crew. I should have started smaller but I didn't and that's why I'm in this situation. Now I know.
Avatar 10:38am
Lixiviated Life:

@?: Follow your bliss. (But wash your feet)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

almost time for the feast of steveo

@? no problem. try ebanned.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

ok not quite, but at least it's getting cooler...
Avatar 10:40am

speaking of on-the-skids film-making, my son has a doc premiering at he catalina film fest this weekend. he's always just worked using his own money, always on a shoe-string budget.. but he gets editing gigs..

perfection in selection. thank you!
Avatar 10:41am

two months steveo....plenty time to prepare.

@? Go with your gut instinct. I love this bartering site. http://ourgoods.org/ often space is available for trading. Lots of generous people out there.
Avatar 10:51am

Antibalas remix! I know Marty McSorley plays Patato & Totico....
Avatar 10:52am

That was a song about bullet proof vests...no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am

@annie true; we don't get it deep and crisp and even much any more, though
Listener Gregory:

Dear Santigold, FYI, I got enough of myself 30 years ago.
Listener Gregory:

FWIW, others got enough of me 40 years ago.
Danny in Bloomingburg:

Thank you Trouble your set is taking me away from this toxic environment
b wad:

Hi TrubbaDub!
Checkin' in from Tel Aviv
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am

I'm with Danny -- loving this set!
Danny in Bloomingburg:

Thanks Steveo!!!!

Oh, and echoing what Trouble said about college education and debt nowadays. 1 million times yes! And here’s an article from the Guardian today that touches on the horrific reality of debt and higher ed nowadays: “Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars” Who knew higher ed would be so bleak?

Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:03am

Grive des bois. Love that call.
Avatar 11:04am

only ten days, though, trouble
Avatar 11:05am

www.as-coa.org... If anyone is interested in attending please register for this event. I wish this was webcast.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am

what if you pronounce it "sharty"?

And to be fair, that Guardian article is about adjunct professors living in abject poverty. But the overall concept is the same.

My boss thought adjunct faculty were paid really well!!
Avatar 11:08am


@sugarwolf: “Adjunct” is a professorial intern. Wait for the professors above you to die and then take their gigs. The circle of life!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:09am
Planet Tyler:

I have a sheepdog thing and she is calm as a 80s housewife on mothers little helper
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:09am

@JakeGould: Not even that. It's more like temp work. Explicitly non-tenure-track, usually.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:10am

hey @b wad! can you hear how fab my skin looks after my dead sea mud bath?

until the woman singer began, I thought for sure I'd hear Joe Frank. Bon jour, Trouble Squad!

@JakeGould: we have a client who is a professor in NJ and he pretty much told her yeah, no to that belief

yesssssss 6 underground
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:11am

I've heard of fish pedicures. Do they do fish facials, as well?
Listener Gregory:

Some adjuncts stay in that position permanently because they have other jobs, and they teach only one course a year or so. E.g., human resources director who teaches one class in a business school.
Listener Gregory:

But, no, adjuncts don't usually move into permanent positions at their universities.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am

this song made a sound like my slack notification sound!
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@brian - for a second i thought you meant people do spa treatments on their pet fish.. pampered high maintenance fish
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I did the adjunct thing for 2.5 years. Then I started working part-time in the field I got my degree. I was making more money so I made it full-time and quit teaching.

@ListenerGregory: Sometimes they do. Sometimes people win Powerball. Same difference.

@βrian: Fish pedicures? More like fish that eat the dead skin off of your feet. You’d have to submerge your whole head in water and let fish chew on your skin for that to happen.
Listener Gregory:

@Jake Right.

@ngh: are you still in florida?
judy from croton:

What a sad and beautiful song. His voice especially.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:21am

Bring a snorkel.

hey the thing made me do math to make a comment.... i hope it's on the final
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Adrian in London:

@Judy from Croton: the singer's son died as a child.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:23am

My equation always seems to be 665 + 1.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:24am

I adjuncted for many years at many different schools. soul sucking
Danny in Bloomingburg:

I can relate Trouble. Verizon laid me off said my job was redundant. Next month my job was posted on dice.com but in Chennai
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some of my teacher friends at SUNY-Oneonta are mostly adjunct; they know their days are numbered..... it almost always results in lower pay for them.. expendable
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Itzall Ablurr:

What became of Cornershop? Such a great band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am
Greg from ZONE 5:

So much gold today, Trouble!
Avatar 11:44am

Cornershop are alive and well and constantly creating and Tjinder's label releases a bunch of good stuff. Great band

I'm an acupuncturist stuck in a crappy office job on Wall St. anyone want a treatment? I'm really good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am

Troubled Times Are Times to Invest in Gold
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:45am

merci @greg! i'll be shopping at the wfmu mini record fair this saturday , hope you will too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Shopping AND working!
Avatar 11:46am
I am the Upsetter:

"I was happy in the haze of a drunkin' hour, fight the power." The Cornershop.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:51am

good on you @greg!
Avatar 11:52am

thanks for the great show today trouble! closing the chat page..
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:53am

thanks for sitting in @annie!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Music to resist by ... Thanks, Trouble!
Mark Williams:

i'll be seeing Colleen play in a month or so. This transition into singing has worked nicely.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:56am
Passaic River Blues:

An extremely strong closing, Trouble. Thank you, as always.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Adrian in London:

Thanks Trouble, lovely show.
Avatar 11:57am

Thanks Trouble!!!! till next time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Trouble!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Sem Chumbo:

Thank you, Trouble. An aural delight as always. See you and all next timer.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:59am

Underwater Theme Park coming up:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm

what that's it? thanks, Trouble!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Trouble!
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