Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from February 3, 2017 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 3, 2017: The Robart Affinity

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Saleh Abdul Baqi  Ya Rabbat El-Hussen   Favoriting V/A: The Music of Islam  Celestial Harmonies  1997    Volume 11, Music of Yemen  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Edward Ka-Spel  Hotel Rouge   Favoriting Khataclimici China Doll  Streamline  1995      0:04:47 (Pop-up)
Taylor Deupree  Fenne   Favoriting Somi  12k  2017      0:11:08 (Pop-up)
Charles Amirkhanian  Muchrooms   Favoriting Lexical Music  Other Minds  2017    '79  0:21:21 (Pop-up)
The Necks  Blue Mountain   Favoriting Unfold  Ideologic Organ  2017      0:26:16 (Pop-up)
William Winant Percussion Group  Simfony # 13   Favoriting Drums Along the Pacific  New Albion  2003    Music by Lou Harrison  0:46:42 (Pop-up)
Sourdure  Les Quinzes Segments   Favoriting La Virée  Tanzprocesz/Astruc  2015      0:55:19 (Pop-up)
Joe Jones  A Garden Party - Part 2   Favoriting A Garden Party  Edition Telemark  2016  LP  Recorded in Erik Andersch's garden in Düsseldorf, Germany, 26 June 1983.  1:12:40 (Pop-up)
Hans Hansen  Passaics Monumenter   Favoriting V/A: Electronic Music Produced At DIEM 1987-2012  Dacapo  2012    '99  1:34:39 (Pop-up)
Anne Gillis  Rymoborus   Favoriting Rementact  Rangehen  1989      1:42:47 (Pop-up)
Peter Sellers  Party Political Speech   Favoriting The Best of Sellers  Hallmark Music & Entertainment  2012    '58  1:46:28 (Pop-up)
Zeena Parkins  Mouse   Favoriting Three Harps, Tuning Forks & Electronics  Good Child Music  2016      1:49:44 (Pop-up)
Johann Mazé  Tube 2   Favoriting   Soundcloud  2017      1:56:03 (Pop-up)
Egidija Medekšaitė  Oscillum   Favoriting Textile  Music Information Centre Lithuania  2017      2:08:57 (Pop-up)
Matthew P. Hopkins  W & W   Favoriting W's  Albert's Basement  2015  7"    2:20:29 (Pop-up)
Arrigo Lora-Totino  Poesia Liquida And Liquimofono   Favoriting Fonemi  Alga Marghen  2001  LP  '68  2:25:15 (Pop-up)
Thollem/Oliveros/Cline  Outside Accord   Favoriting Molecular Affinity  Roaratorio  2016  LP    2:32:00 (Pop-up)
Nebulo  Petits Écarts Grand Écart   Favoriting Zellige  Phinery  2016  Cassette  aka Thomas Pujols  2:51:01 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Uncle Michael:

This is lovely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
Tommy in Neversink:

I dig this

Thanks Daniel!
Avatar 9:06pm
Scraps deSelby:

dig dig h'lo hey
Avatar 9:06pm

Gorgeous start.
Eric Hat:

Daniel! Happy Friday. Been looking forward to this all week.
Avatar 9:10pm

Every time I try to listen to E Ka-Spel's albums (or L Pink Dots) it goes past me; yet FMU djs seem to find the individual cuts that make my ears perk up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks, Unc Michael, Tommy, JakeG, Scraps, geezerette, Eric! Halloooo, all!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm

Greetings Daniel, Bluminaries
steve from g-berg:

excellent first 3, hello all.
Avatar 9:16pm

Avatar 9:17pm

Puts me in mind of Music For Airports
Avatar 9:21pm

It's like a musical benediction.
Avatar 9:24pm

Domini, domini, domini. You're all Catholics now.

In terms of musical taste, at least.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm

nice Start Daniel and everyone happy weekend... groovy sounds . but I think I'll stick to what I'm having and not what Charles is right now ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
Uncle Michael:

Charles and my Uncle Jim co-founded the Other Minds music festival in San Francisco. Charles is pretty cool, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm

good stuff yea indeed !
Avatar 9:28pm

I like all non-poisonous mushrooms. Mmmmmm....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

i thought it was my reception and switched to internet listening, but it was just the fuzzy drumrolls.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm
Daniel Blumin:

Welcome onboard coela! Phanks, steve! Tome, smart choice! U. Michael, he is indeed! All hail Uncle Jim, while we are at it!
Avatar 9:30pm

Fuzzy Drumrolls. Another good name for a band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

now i wish i had some mushrooms for the food i'm about to throw in the oven.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

i prefer sticky drumrolls...yum.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Behold the environmentally friendly mushroom-based packing material of the future, today! www.ecovativedesign.com...

I'd forgotten that, UM. Charles is very cool!
Avatar 9:34pm

I wish I could forward you mushrooms, @coelacanth. I'm follwing Amazon's innovations, but they're not yet there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Uncle Michael:

Daniel, was Lexical Music your own copy, or is the Other Minds label servicing the station now. I have practical reasons for asking.

Yeah, Dean...Jim remains President Emeritus of Other Minds.
Avatar 9:38pm

I never run out of mushrooms, even if they're canned sometimes. But I have a mushroom dinner in the freezer. Not a side dish! Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms. (I'm three-quarters hobbit.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Daniel Blumin:

It's at the station, UM. Not sure if was serviced but there have been a few releases here of late...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
Uncle Michael:

Avatar 9:40pm

(I'm a quadmushroomroon.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Uncle Michael:

Dean, did you ever catch the Junius Courtney big band at Yoshi's?
Avatar 9:42pm

My god this Necks track is great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Daniel Blumin:

Playing three days later this month, Scraps! Gotta get tickets!

Nope. In fact, hadn't heard of the band until just now! But I see in the "about" page that a Jim Newman is in the sax section now and then.
Avatar 9:44pm

Wow, have fun! I'm 3000 miles away
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
Uncle Michael:

He played bari sax for years and years in that band...but that page is old. He retired from that gig some time ago...unless he's resumed.

Necks will be in this neck of the woods (couldn't resist) soon, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Daniel Blumin:

Where are ya, Scraps?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

Scraps Thanx for the thought! if you were in nj i'd implore you to go to the star of india restaurant in kenilworth for their mushroom mataar. my favorite dish in one of my favorite restaurants.
i don't live there anymore though.

Would have loved to have heard a good big band there. Managed to catch Haden's LMO, a few nights of Braxton, David Murray and James Carter, etc., but I don't get there all that often.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Necks have one (!) gig (Los Angeles) on the west coast in March. shop.thenecks.com...

SF Feb. 18 and 19, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Uncle Michael:

Better than me. I've never been there.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Zats, upon further review, two dates in San Francisco in February.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm

Ken that's Amazing! you probably also know that mushroom mycelium (sp?) is the best way to clean up oil spills and toxic waste.
Avatar 9:51pm

Daniel, I am in the boonies way outside Seattle (Snohomish county, no city)

Yoshi's in Oakland is the second or third site. I never made it to the Berkeley site. There was a short-lived SF venue, too, where I heard Nanci Griffith and Zorn's Electric Masada (not together). The sound in Oakland is pretty damn fine, not counting the trains that periodically drone by about 200 ft. from the front of the building!

Much like the subways under Fez under Time Cafe in NYC.
Avatar 9:54pm

Love trains. When I'm living out of audio range of trains, like I am now, it makes me a little bit sad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

hi everyone!

Agreed, Scraps. I grew up in a suburb tract about half a mile from an infrequently used train route. Loved hearing them at night. Now I'm a mile or so from frequently coursed rails. It's great...but sometimes the 3:00 a.m. wakes me up and it's all over for the morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Uncle Michael:

The wind has to blow just right for me to hear trains but I hear their horns regularly.

Trains here are between my house and the Bay. Wind is always blowing just right.

Hi sir. Jump now jumping on the train for Bit
steve from g-berg:

i grew up in Oakland, i heard trains and other things...

Mmmm. Sweet iPhone autocorrect poetry
Avatar 10:03pm

You pronounced it correctly! Thanks for the shoutout!

learning so much about daniel tonight! You don't have an accent whatsoever.

Glad there's a safe space
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hi melinda! All hail Snohomish! Dean, them were the days at Fez! I also used to live in a building by the elevated tracks. Surprisingly, I got used to it... And trains are wunderbar!
steve from g-berg:

well said...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Daniel Blumin:

Greetz, Jeff! Noodle! Something, got here just before the accent cut off...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm

I remember the anti-Soviet prejudice towards Russian immigrants and Russians in general from some of my classmates in the 80s. It seemed stupid even then. Damn Cold War.

impeach the oligarch!
Avatar 10:15pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

It's ridiculous to me that the people who are most against immigration are ones that rarely, if ever, come into contact with the persons being discussed.

My father tried to tell me "They (muslims) don't want to assimilate!"

I had to counter him and explain that I am surrounded by muslims every time I leave the house. I regularly see teenage girls with headscarves, wearing jeans and listening to their iphones and using slang like any other teenager. That my favorite place to eat in Manhattan is a Kashmiri place that I go to every year after ComicCon, and they don't bat an eye to me in my cleaveagey outfits, while there's guys praying on rugs in the back. Almost every bodega owner is middle eastern, and they are cool dudes.

How many muslims do these people interact with? How many BLM naysayers have black friends or family? You should have to actually interact with a people before you can hold strong opinions on them.

High and playing with my fish tank. Friday night party time
Avatar 10:16pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

I always thought Russian stuff was cool, but then, I took Russian in jr high and highschool. My Gramma learned it with me, as her parent had been from Poland, and what little she remembered was similar enough to Russian that it was easy for her.

Thank you for the minute of real talk among the music tripping Daniel. Just like how all news should be kept: on the bare periphery.
Avatar 10:17pm

My helper was a refugee from Iraq. He was lucky and worked hard too, and eventually (skipping several chapters) he became an American citizen. Good thing too, because he also is a Muslim.

But of course he has a family. He has a sister who has waited a long time to get an interview, because of the very careful screening that supposedly doesn't go on. She was going to get interviewed this month. Now? It's never going to happen. I said, so they're putting it off, maybe a long time? He shook his head. "Never, they said. Never going to happen."
Avatar 10:17pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Jeff-M: Oooh, I'm gonna grab myself another Marinol. Thanks for the reminder.
Avatar 10:18pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Scraps: That's fucking awful.

Only caught one show at Fez, Daniel, and of course it was Mingus Big Band. Pretty special evening.
Avatar 10:21pm

At least they can't take away his citizenship. Though I'm sure they're trying.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Where's the partition to get the Canadian border moved down to the 35th parallel? I'd sign that in a Manitoba minute.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Ken From Hyde Park:


This song is serious business. Curious too hear what else is on here
Avatar 10:24pm

It's not just a north/south thing. It's more urban/rural.... and of course it's not strictly u/r, also

hi daniel!
Pete L:

Great show didnt know Necks are 30 catching up with the Rolling Stones.
Note to self Blumin on best of list. Top five?? Woo hoo.
This non-abrasion is good. Space is the place. Need it
Avatar 10:29pm

Again, this is excellent
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30pm
Daniel Blumin:

Jeff, the other side is good as well, but this one is the bees knees! Hi fabricaguy! Pete, thank you for the ears and the kind words!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Moved Daniel by your courage & forthrightness in testifying. Fox - I think this is the root of prejudice - ignorance: People who hate - xyz - are generally those who have no experience of xyz - & can thus dehumanize them. If they meet them, they realize they are simply human like themselves, & fear & hatred decrease. Of course - Drumpf's election is a symptom of out System's default failure mode (as I see it - w/out going into the many reasons why here & now) - & he lost the popular vote by fully three million. It's not democracy, & it's not how the majority voted. He campaigned on fascist scapegoating, & this is a travesty & a tragedy. What's the point of preaching to the choir & those who will not agree? I guess - not normalizing - supporting each other - apologizing to the world...
Yes this Jones - extraordinary tones.
Avatar 10:32pm

this still Joe Jones? so good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thank yous, Rev! Yes, it's a beautiful record, fabrica!
Avatar 10:36pm

LA, like NY, has people from every country on the planet, Young people date and make friends across any imaginary line that has ever existed. It's sweet, beautiful, and encouraging to see how socially evolved they are.
I think it's often the case that those in more homogenous communities have more fear of others who seem different in any way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37pm
the Master:

Join the Resistance,people-Do Something.
Avatar 10:40pm

Hans Hansen should do a split with Johan Johansen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...also a root problem not addressed: very long-term U.S. foreign policy that puts us in perpetual war for oil - this destroys peace, stability & understanding. Clearly it's failing.
@geez: One theory is that the Republicans see the writing on the wall w/ age, gender & race changing & sealing their fate electorally - & this is why they made their peace w/ their radical populist candidate - & the Dem establishment did not. (The System Failure I said I wouldn't go into...) What does Drumpf care how he leaves the nation & the world? What did Hitler care? They'll leave it more in their image than it was.
Avatar 10:41pm

Oh, and digging the show Daniel! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm
George of Troy:

Good evening, Daniel and crew!
Avatar 10:44pm

@RevRab: last gasp of the confederacy,one hopes.
Stephen Vitiello:

never heard this (Gillis). Beautiful track
Avatar 10:47pm

"John Zorn Puts a Baby to Sleep"

My son's classrooms in Berkeley's public schools typically include kids from families who speak something on the order of a dozen primary languages among them. The elementary school typically includes thirty or so primary languages across all grades. We're white/Hispanic. My son's friends--the kids with whom he hangs out--are predominantly African-American (e.g., a student who is first generation not born in Ethiopia). This is wildly different from my own experience, a function of changing times and of course of locale. Do I see my son necessarily growing up less afraid of "different" others? No. Difference is a relationship that can be and is gamed.

Callback to what Daniel said before, but kids can be mean bastards in the playground. Ooooo, my memories.
Avatar 10:51pm

I was looking for the speaker, half expecting it would be Peter Cook. Close!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, Stephen! Have you seen the box set? Fantastic! George! Greetz!

hi D - haven't but will look :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm
Uncle Michael:

Morpheus beckons.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm
Uncle Michael:

Night all. Thanks for the music, Daniel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Dean: My fear is you're right - the narrative can be rewritten to a changing demographic - as long as it keeps the ruling money Class in power w/out real threats - keeps people Nationalistic, & Militaristic &tc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
Daniel Blumin:

G'night, UM. Stephen: www.discogs.com...

Nice. Sounds like me when do some of my sweet "jazz drumming". Inspirational.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Dean:...but for now - it's clear they're still happy to exploit race hatred to their ends - that this motivates them. 'We all know what 'Make America Great Again' really means. Did 'the future' end up '1984' or 'Brave New World'? Still in transition in method - both, apparently...

Yeah, RevRabNov63, we discern and measure differences along a seemingly infinite number of axes: color, religion, net worth, job, political identification, academic achievement, and so forth. When one criterion becomes less effective--say, color (hypothetically speaking)--then another will suit to divide and conquer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09pm

some kids will be brutal within the same "ethnicity", for sure. maybe not now because it's so much more common, but when i was in grade school having asthma was something that got you tormented. -having glasses too, if you weren't outgoing and either athletic or pretty.
in my elementary school with around 450 students K-6th, there was 1 "black", or maybe another that i never knew; 1 phillipino, 2 chinese, who were twins; and 2-3 others with slightly browner skin than the majority...and 1 boy with long hair. (me) -maybe if there were more "ethnic" targets available, kids wouldn't have been so cruel to the tiny girl with big nostrils; or the boy with long blond eyelashes...etc.
Avatar 11:09pm

what i'm doin' - cleaning/tidying up the Fabrica Recs office/record room while listening to this show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Daniel Blumin:

Now that's a Friday night after my own taste, fabrica!

I won’t go into the story, but I will tell folks the setup of the time I was in 2nd grade and sent to “speech class.” It was because I had what they considered an “odd accent”; I was born in the U.S. but my parents were immigrants.

Anyway, the speech class consisted of 3 kids:

• Me: Immigrant child.
• The deaf girl in class who had those HUGE 1970s hearing aids that looked like headphones.
• A hispanic kid with cereal palsy.

The three of us could have solved crimes, but instead they dumped us in there for “testing” or whatever.

And as for me, I am drinking and drawing.
Avatar 11:14pm

Damn this is really good. Is this from Soundcloud too?
Avatar 🌫 11:14pm
Marcel M:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15pm
Daniel Blumin:

fabrica, this is an actual physical album... Greetings, Marcel M!

Well, there's the question. Are our government leaders cruel because cruelty is simply a normal human response to fear of difference or otherness? Or do we attribute their cruelty to a more affirmative, intentional, perhaps sophisticated strategy to fuck over people to serve their own appetites?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18pm

i have to wait to think i know about the dump; but in the case of w bush, it was purely self-serving - greed.
Avatar 11:19pm

looking it up now... looks like the label website is down. Need this CD!

I don’t think it’s greed. It’s just power. Some people just like to control and dominate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19pm

and reagan, well - he was 1) delusional & 2) a puppet of the bush empire.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20pm

Jake, that's my gut feeling in regard to dump.

With the Trump dynasty, I am worried about Ivanka and Jared. They seem competent and capable.


Think about it, though, Jake. Competent and capable agents of change, even if they're ideologically orthogonal to our own preferences, are superior to the infantile egotist with the nominal power. That's "normal" politics (by which I mean, that's the idealized politics this country has pretended to be the default for a very long time).
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:28pm


Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm

not superior spiritually; therefor not superior.

@Dean: I actually think Democracy still works. Like it or not, Trump was elected fair and square. And while a lot of what he’s done is idiotic and moronic, the only way to show those who voted for him he is a moron is to allow him to hang himself by his own rope.

If Democracy completely failed, then someone like John McCain would never get away with calling Australia to apologize (!!!) for our President.

I believe he’ll be impeached before 2018.

His interactions with Mexico alone are utterly insane. Does he see Mexico the same way Hitler saw Poland? The language is pretty spot on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm

(auto -incorrect told me to misspell "therefore".)
Avatar 11:31pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Well, if rumors are to be believed, it's Jared that keeps Trump from going totally off the wall, but he doesn't work on the Shabbat. That's why the Muslim ban happened on a Friday evening. So brace yourself for tonight through tomorrow for some more crazy actions.

Fox: Been saying that to co-workers all this week. Also, if he sends troops to Chicago… Just screw him to hell.

It is so encouraging to hear somebody announce unequivocally that Trump won "fair and square," Jake. I am sick of the bitching about the EC. Regardless of its defects, it is the law, and the opposition knew as much. I have no authority to predict outcomes, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't remain through a full term.

Oh, I think the electoral college sucks but just needs to be restructured. Much like election day falling on a Tuesday—so farmers can spend the weekend getting to town to vote—the basic voting system is not in tune with the modern world.

The balance of electoral college votes in rural areas doesn’t reflect the fact that rural America has been dying. Jobs went overseas and are not coming back. And that’s about it. How to fix it? Don’t know… But hey…

PS: I think the electoral college though are idiots for allowing a crazy person to be elected. Simple as that. So the system “works” but I think the definition of “unfit” needs to be rejiggered.

The thing is the EC is a fairly methodical process, and compliance with process is an essential component of "rule of law." Criteria for judgments as to fitness don't work as well.
Avatar 11:50pm

Gentleman, I give him two to six months befpre impeachment or resignation. Then we'll have Pence to worrry about. Perhaps worse.
Avatar 11:52pm

I suspect he will all of sudden start acting "presidential" and tone it down until re-election approaches. Then he'll start acting up as the populist again.

All I haver to say is at the end of the day, maybe this psycho power hungry turd can bring people together in positive ways that oppose him. Here in NYC, the rallies, protests and marches are quiet amazing: The cops simply are there to keep the peace. A rare sight to see.

@fabricaguy: Stop being so optimistic. He could have a a stroke, heart attack, slip down some stairs, overdose on hair growth pills… The list is endless.
Avatar 11:57pm

@Daniel:Thanks for a wonderful show!

Everyone, these conversations are such a plus to an already great show. :)

Thanks Daniel! Resist always!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Jake, and you're telling fabs to not be optimistic?!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Thanks Daniel! -'twas lovely.
Avatar 12:00am

g'night mates! thank you daniel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thank yous to fabrica, coela, JakeG, geezerette, and you! Resistance ain't futile. Onwards, freeformists!
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