Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from July 7, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 7, 2016: River Cult

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Artist Track Album Year
Harsh Toke  Mount Swan   Favoriting Earthless / Harsh Toke  2016 
Lee Hazlewood  Six Feet Of Chain   Favoriting Trouble Is A Lonesome Town  1963 
Hank Williams  Lovesick Blues   Favoriting    
Thin Lizzy  Look What The Wind Just Blew In (7/7/71)   Favoriting    
John Entwistle  Thinkin' It Over   Favoriting Whistle Rymes  1972 
Lee 'Scratch' Perry  Music & Science Madness   Favoriting Sherwood At The Controls, Volume 2: 1985-1990  2016 
The Unknown Cases  Masimbabele 89 (Adrian Sherwood Remix)   Favoriting Sherwood At The Controls, Volume 2: 1985-1990  2016 
New Order  Temptation   Favoriting Temptation  1982 
Lee Hazlewood  Dark In My Heart   Favoriting The Many Sides Of Lee  2015 
Killdozer  I Saw The Light   Favoriting    
Pylon  Gravity   Favoriting Gravity b​/​w Weather Radio Live  2016 
Space Dimension Controller  Velvet Gentleman   Favoriting Orange Melamine  2016 
Aphex Twin  CIRKLON 1   Favoriting Cheetah EP  2016 
Merzbow / Keiji Haino / Balázs Pándi  Why Is The Courtesy Of The Prey Always Confused With The Courtesy Of The Hunter? Part II   Favoriting Untroublesome Defencelessness  2016 
Alaric  Mirror   Favoriting End Of Mirrors  2016 
Black Urn  Bushmaster   Favoriting The Pangs Of Our Covenant  2016 
Brujeria  Viva Presidente Trump!   Favoriting Viva Presidente Trump!  2016 
Fernando Yvosky  Barcos De Papel   Favoriting Venezuela 70 - Cosmic Visions Of A Latin American Earth - Venezuelan Experimental Rock In The 1970's  2016 
Masahiko Sato  Belladonna   Favoriting Belladonna  2015 
Camberwick Green  Windy Miller   Favoriting   1966 
Neil Hamburger  The Hula Maiden   Favoriting Neil Hamburger Sings Country Winners  2008 
River Cult  Untitled   Favoriting Live at WFMU  2016 
River Cult  Temps Perdu   Favoriting Live at WFMU  2016 
River Cult  Shadow Out Of Time   Favoriting Live at WFMU  2016 
Sleep  The Suffering   Favoriting Volume One  1991 
Mugwart  Extreme Depression And Fatigue   Favoriting Discography  2004 
Floor  K-Tel Presents   Favoriting    
Schlachtung  Am Abgrund   Favoriting Mahnmal  2016 
Soilent Green  Her Unsober Ways   Favoriting Sewn Mouth Secrets  1998 

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Listener comments!


Avatar 9:06am

good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Chris and all river cultists.
Is Micah an advisor on this episode?
Avatar 9:07am
Jim Devoid:

Totally enjoying this harsh toke!
Avatar 9:08am
Marcel M:

Sick opening.

This is awesome - thanks for playing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning! This doesn't sound like a Beatles cover at all. I am so corn-fused!
Avatar 9:14am
Chris M.:

good morning everybody
Avatar 9:18am

hi folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Good morning. Them's some fancy swimmin' duds in that there picture.

I feel like you probably wouldn't want to go swimming with that hair. That hair looks like it would be ruined by swimming.
Avatar 9:25am

man, i have to try Thin Lizzy. they are obviously more than Whiskey In The Jar.

That pool is full of gin, and the men are drowning at the bottom. Death is about to finish them off.
Avatar 9:27am
Chris M.:

@sphere: first album. it's perfection.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Rest in peace, Phil Lynott and also John Entwistle.
Avatar 9:28am
Chris M.:

@llid: i wish i had a pool full of gin. i'd go diving for pearl onions.
Avatar 9:29am
Wild Neil:

Peace. Missed Harsh Toke. Bummed!

@Chris: Gibson girls!

@Chris M. I'd worry that the pearl onions might dilute the potency of the gin.
Avatar 9:39am
Chris M.:

how did everyone celebrate the fourth of july?
Avatar 9:44am

I didn't.. I did errands, cleaned my apartment, went for a long jog.. and resented hearing constant booms and pops of fireworks.
Avatar 9:44am
Wild Neil:

My wife, my two sons and I went to Ocean City NJ and visited my elderly mom and sister's family. It was awesome as my 5 year old played with his young cousins so nicely.
Avatar 9:45am

due to downpour, ended up eating ribs inside with friends and playing weird European board games.
Avatar 9:45am

I went out for lunch. It was good.

whoa! this show rocks. new fave.
Avatar 9:46am
Wild Neil:

@Sphere-what is a good example of the weird European board game? We play Quirkle in our house...and I want to get Go.
Avatar 9:47am
Chris M.:

@upstatesean: thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I walked into town to watch the parade and then treated myself to a bubble tea at the local emporium. Later, I mowed the lawn just before dark.
Avatar 9:47am

My dad used to drink Gibsons, but he'd get three onions and call them "silver bullets". I used to sit next to him at the bar and get my Sprite with a toothpick full of onions.
Avatar 9:47am

sphere, like Carcassone or MasterMind?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am
Sem Chumbo:

Two wondrous Lee Hazlewood in under an hour. That's mighty cult-y of you, Chris.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am

What's the difference between a Gibson and a Martini?
Avatar 9:50am

this is a Lee Hazelwood song I don't hate! Good job!
Avatar 9:50am

this is the first I'm hearing of using an onion as a garnish with gin.. interesting...
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am

I thought agin with onion was a Gimlet. Or is that with a lime?
Avatar 9:51am

well, we played two games (Mysterium and New Salem). Mysterium is definitely European and its a strange take on Clue mixed with a picture game.

Did a bunch of stuff around the house and then watched fireworks in St Paul. Kinda dull.
Avatar 9:52am

gimlet - lime
Gibson - 2 onions (after Gibson Girls)
Avatar 9:52am

New Salem was the other game and it was probably American-built but European in style. that was a drafting and building game.
Avatar 9:53am

Oh! and I watched a marathon of a show where Idris Elba does extremely crazy things to go fast.
Avatar 9:53am
Chris M.:

folks no, come on. a gibson is a super-dry martini with onions. a gimlet is half gin half sweet lime
Avatar 9:53am
Wild Neil:

@Sphere-wow, that DOES sound like they are weird. I recommend Quirkle, its a lot of fun.
Avatar 9:54am

sphere, I think my husband and his friends have played New Salem. I'm at the point now with the Caracassone app where I have to actually play it with gamers now.
Avatar 9:54am

I'm trying to avoid it, though.

Sprite with onions sounds pretty bad
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Sem Chumbo:

t@llid: not if you poach the sprite in a little white wine first.
Avatar 9:56am

I was a little kid who wanted to be like dad. And the onions never stayed long enough in the pop to make any kind of flavor.
Avatar 9:56am

Wild Neil - if you want to try classic European games, try Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne (?), and maybe Ticket to Ride.

Baby you're a firework.

pop! you're from minnesota
Avatar 9:56am

Settlers of Catan is pretty cool.
Avatar 9:57am
Wild Neil:

I played with fireworks so much as a kid, I am lucky to have ten fingers...
Avatar 9:57am

lovin the pre 10 am bonus drama segment of the program
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I'm from Upper Michigan. But yeah, it's pop. I usually say sodapop to hit all the bases.

Chris M, ITA about Killdozer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am
Ken From Hyde Park:

There needs to be an app that takes any song and creates a Killdozer version.

Sem: might help to caramelize the onions too
Avatar 9:58am

I'm not nationally ranked, though. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Sem Chumbo:

llid: drooling uncontrollably now.
Avatar 10:00am
Chris from DC:

Ken I would buy that app.
Avatar 10:01am

im excited for this River Cult set!!!

KHP it's called "Killdozer" (snort)
Avatar 10:02am
Wild Neil:

Sounds like nice new bass strings...bouncy.
Avatar 10:03am
Chris from DC:

Pylon's a band I really wish I had seen.
Avatar 10:05am
Marcel M:

Loved that Pylon.

this show is fantastic. I've listened to Chris M before, but never took to it like today. why not? who knows! That's the beauty of fmu. lovin all these choices, man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I just packed up my lunch for work. It's berries, lettuce, hummus, yogurt, carrots, cauliflower, maybe some other stuff. The bag seems to weigh five pounds. No wonder I'm not losing weight. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Happy River Cult Day!
Avatar 10:07am
Marcel M:

@Ken: That all seems like healthy stuff tho!

@Greg: ;-)

This is kind of like a disco version of Gymnopedie(sp?). I like it.
Avatar 10:14am

@kenfromHP- drink green tea and take a fish oil/omega3 supplement.. omega 3 balance really helps cut fat and it helps mood.. I take 3000 mgs a day fairly regularly. FWIW...
Avatar 10:14am

Goddamit I miss Pylon. And god bless REM for covering Crazy and getting some money their way.
Avatar 10:16am
Wild Neil:

I know a guy that when his doctor told him he had five years to live told him to drink four cups of green tea a day and he lived another 15 years and dropped 100 pounds or more...
Avatar 10:17am
Marcel M:

Wow... this Merz?Haino/Pandi is sick... gonna have to pick this up.
Avatar 10:17am
Marcel M:

Love Haino's track titles!

Marcel, better wear protective clothing
Avatar 10:19am

Marcel, when do you go on?
Avatar 10:20am
Marcel M:

That is up to the Master of the Realm but I believe the winds point to 11ish!

that's some nice masking in that photo up top btw
Avatar 10:20am
Chris M.:

stay tuned, River Cult at 11am
Avatar 10:21am
Chris M.:

@llid: thanks it wasn't an easy one
Avatar 10:22am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

[crawls up through drainpipe, clings to carpet, nibbles discarded office supplies..]
Avatar 10:26am
Chris from DC:

Yay, Alaric
Avatar 10:26am
Marcel M:

Wow.. this Alaric is awesome. Love it already.
Avatar 10:26am
Wild Neil:

Alaric sounds totally 80's like Killing Joke...
Avatar 10:28am
Chris M.:

been playing Alaric on my show for several years now. new album is great check it out
Avatar 10:29am
Chris from DC:

It really is
Avatar 10:36am

Avatar 10:36am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I'll take it.
Avatar 10:36am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

or rather, that.
That black urn.
Avatar 10:36am

HAHAHAHA this guy....
Avatar 10:37am

oh good it's parody..
Avatar 10:37am
Chris from DC:

Avatar 10:37am

Esta es mi cancion favorita!

I love that Brujeria are touring the US right before the election.
Avatar 10:37am
Marcel M:

hahahhahahah... amazing.
Avatar 10:38am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

AND this.
I'll take all of it.

My how Brujeria has changed since the days of Pete Wilson!
Avatar 10:39am

Marty McSorley better see 'em. He'll have a great story. His last one was involved people dressed up as Mayan gods, a severed head and Clamato.
Avatar 10:40am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

That was so very lovely.
Avatar 10:41am

sorry, Aztec gods.
Avatar 10:41am

paper boats
Avatar 10:43am
Wild Neil:

Brujeria is Spanish for "witchcraft".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am

very nice. hello!

I will be curious to see what kind of stuff goes down outside the shows. Do the sorts of knucklehead bros who get all fired up over Trump even know about that Brujeria song?

Wow! Windy Miller. A blast from the past
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

Trumptonshire! I see what you did there, @Chris.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am
Planet Tyler:

wow! what a strange mash up neil hamburger and american music club!
Layet Johnson:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

By the way, did anyone watch the fireworks on PBS the other night? It was not live, as claimed.
Avatar 10:59am
Wild Neil:

@Polyus-I am voting for Trump and never heard of this song. Obviously it is for the Spanish Speaking crowd, although I would like to find the lyrics and translate them for my own edification. I doubt there are protests about it since Trump followers do not generally try to suppress free speech and heckle other viewpoints and throw water bottles and stuff, although I may be wrong.
Avatar 10:59am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Correct, Ken. Weather was nasty here & there's still renovation scaffolding on the capitol dome. But then, I seem to recall every year PBS shows pre-edited previous footage & pass it off as live. Or maybe I'm imagining that. .. but seems it's happened before.
Avatar 11:02am

yay, Marcel!
Lala land:

Brujeria has a long history of satire with their songs and live performances, for those unfamiliar. Also, nearly fell out my chair at the "don't try to heckle other viewpoints" claim." Keep the politics and lies out of the comments board, please///
Avatar 11:03am
Marcel M:


Last week's show was great.
Avatar 11:03am
Wild Neil:

@Lala-examples please.

wait, who throws water bottles?
Avatar 11:04am

I came up with River Cult's hit slogan "Don't be difficult, listen to your River Cult" ... so in the future you might see me in the Behind The Music segment..
Avatar 11:04am

Back to your corners.

Let's not wreck Marcel's moment here. He's in this band.

oye oye oye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Cool, I know Snug Harbor. I saw Slam Allen's Blues Band there years ago. It's downtown on Hwy. 299.
Avatar 11:05am

what do you play, Marcel? Is that you growling right now?
Avatar 11:06am
Marcel M:

Lol yes. Gtrs/vox
Avatar 11:06am
Chris M.:

@Wild Neil: good luck dude
Avatar 11:06am

@marcel - new song?

Say what you will about The Beatles, but this 1970 concert by Chicago is *really* good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oAoSZ2y1cw

Yeah, Marcel, which one are you? https://rivercult.bandcamp.com/releases
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Go, Marcel!
Avatar 11:06am
Marcel M:

Yep yep. Debut recording right here.
Avatar 11:06am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am
Greg from ZONE 5:


wow Marcel, I can make out the vocals unlike the live RC experience.
Avatar 11:07am
Wild Neil:

Marcel, this ROCKS. OK, I will shut up about Trump for now Cecile. @Illad email me and I will send you links if you are curious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Mike East:

Nice guitar-ing, Marcel!
Avatar 11:08am
Marcel M:

Thanks dudes! Mario did a sick job wow sounds good.
Avatar 11:09am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-thank you for not telling me to shut up or abuse me or insult me. I appreciate that you view my views with humor and not outright hostility.

Neil, just a hint?
Avatar 11:10am

Come on, kids, let's just dig the rock here, OK?
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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V Priceless:

hey Chris M...nice stuff, Marcel!

talk about shredding
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Very good rock . Will this appear on the FMA?
Avatar 11:11am

rev, right on. Also talk me out of buying more fonts. I don't need em.
Avatar 11:11am
Wild Neil:

OK Cecile! This reminds me of Earthless and Wooden Shjips...cool!
Avatar 11:12am

These guys fucking rock!

Heh, Proust ref. There was a brief Proust thread on the board yesterday, somebody's show.
Avatar 11:13am
Wild Neil:

I tried reading Proust once...it was like trying to read The Polish Way...just not my bag...

this is awesome!!!
Avatar 11:14am
Marcel M:

Nice catch, Dean. The song is based on ideas from his book. I'm a big fan.
Avatar 11:15am

hey @bennett

I confess that like Neil I haven't made it through, but my excuse is that I'm waiting for when I have the time, i.e., kids have grown up. I do know the Monty Python episode.
Avatar 11:15am

I have a copy of "How Proust Can Change Your Life"
I've gotten about 2 chapters into it. I'd like to tack the original, but my concentration is soooooo bad.
Avatar 11:16am
Chris M.:

i taught Marcel how to play this guitar solo
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Marcel M:

I read a few books in between volumes. Its a big commitment but very rewarding. I also read it when I was way less busy though.

@Chris: I figured out the tablature seconds before we started..
Avatar 11:16am
Wild Neil:

Great music in what I think is a minor key. Its a cool solo Chris.
Avatar 11:17am

niiiice, Chris.

It is ironic how I can't read blocks of text much any more, when I got my degree in English.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am
Ken From Hyde Park:

No ill effects from the slicing of the hand, luckily.
Avatar 11:17am
Marcel M:

Major key can go take a walk.
Avatar 11:17am
Chris M.:

guys i was just kidding i had nothing to do with it

I often think of two friends from long ago, both acquaintances through work, whose reading habits humiliate my own. One used to read the entire "Temps Perdu" annually, just for fun. Another decided one day to read Thomas Mann's "Magic Mountain." She finished over a weekend.
Avatar 11:18am
Marcel M:

I stared into his eyes while I played it, tho.
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Marcel M:

Magic Mountain is another favorite of mine, Dean. But it took me a month! Not a w/e.
Avatar 11:18am
Wild Neil:

Major key mostly sounds too "nice" although there are some that are kinda cool...Marcel I am impressed if you figure out a tab solo in mere seconds...
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he guided your hands with his mind.
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Wild Neil:

Like an Xman. Chris, what is your super power? Telekenesis?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am
Greg from ZONE 5:

I taught Marcel's guitar how to sound like a UFO full of ghosts.

If your thing is hefty tomes, Marcel, then don't miss "Bleak House" or Rabelais' "Gargantua and Pantagruel." Nothing like Proust or Mann or each other, but both are totally absorbing.
Avatar 11:21am
Marcel M:

Thanks, Dean. I'll check them out.
Avatar 11:21am
Chris M.:

@Wild Neil: great question. i'd just be straight up Wolverine. he's the best one. or if that is already drafted i'll take Nightcrawler

I convinced Marcel to use a Chordbuddy for this band http://cdn3.volusion.com/4n9y2.qupg5/v/vspfiles/photos/Chord-Buddy-BOX-3.jpg?1431939503
Avatar 11:22am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

slide gtr = 67 thumbs up.
Avatar 11:22am
Marcel M:

The ChordBuddy is how Robert Johnson learned the blues pentatonic scale.

So, ChordBuddy = Satan?
Avatar 11:23am

I started Gargantua, I want to finish it.

A former roommate picked my copy and started to read a passage about flowers. I stopped him and said "that's what he's using to wipe his butt". He was horrified.

Bleak House is pretty great.
Avatar 11:24am

wow Chordbuddy is like IRL Guitar Hero.
Avatar 11:24am

I think Robert Johnson used the JamPlay app.
Avatar 11:25am

Marcel, "gargantuan" comes from that book. Dude has some very large appetites.
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Bernie Worrell started with Smule Magic Piano.
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Wild Neil:

If you want to read a thick page turner the NYT bestseller from 2001 Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson is pretty good...if you like that kind of thing...
Avatar 11:26am
Marcel M:

Ah, word.
Avatar 11:27am
Chris from DC:

Merzbow started with the Mel Bay Noise book.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am

Crap! i missed how much?

CeDell Davis uses a butter knife.
Avatar 11:29am
Chris M.:

@Chris from DC: great book but the tabs are almost impossible to follow.
Avatar 11:29am
Marcel M:

Almost over Coel ;-) But will be archived and on FMA.

To help with Rabelais, Cecile, see Bakthin's "Rabelais and His World."
Avatar 11:30am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-how am I doing? I need positive reinforcement...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Speaking of literature, when is the next Literary Guild meet-up?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Mike East:

What's your rig, Marcel? I hear wah (crybaby?), delay (boss?)...what's your distortion?
Avatar 11:32am

uh, okay I guess.

I'm not the arbiter of anything today except "let marcel have his moment". Then I'll take that role.
Avatar 11:32am
Wild Neil:

I'm guessing FLANGER Mike East...
Avatar 11:32am

@marcel/river cult - great set! !!!! !!!!!!!

I'm not hearing any cutlery, at least not yet.

Bravo Marcel!

I think they're mostly danelectro pedals
Avatar 11:33am

Marcel's amps go to 11.
Avatar 11:33am
Marcel M:

I use a few dirts but the fuz is a Swollen Pickle. I have a few delays3 are boss yeah, dm3w and dd3 and an rv3. I have a wah based on a crybaby circuit.

Thanks for hanging all.
Avatar 11:33am
Cheri Pi:

super duper Marcel!
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WHAT? You're done already?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am
Devin B.:

killer set! well done marcel!
Avatar 11:33am
Marcel M:

@Bennett: Its funny, my amp does have 11 markers on it, lol.
Avatar 11:34am
Chris M.:

i specifically requested that River Cult play Bad Company but they totally refused.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am

'sorry Marcel. Fuck work and Fuck this computer!
...so i guess it was pre-recorded!

i'll check the archive; but i'll see you guys when you come back up here.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

What everyone !!d
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Marcel M:

@Chris: Only cover what you can make better.
Avatar 11:34am
Marcel M:

Sounds good, Coel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Per the recent newsletter, the LG meets Aug. 11.
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Wild Neil:

For Ilad-here is a link to what I referred to...www.infowars.com...
Avatar 11:36am

Dean, thanks! I'll look that up and try again.
Avatar 11:36am

They said that they only do Free covers.

aw yeh
Avatar 11:39am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

bunch of yay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am

Alex Jones? Gimme a break, dude.

I'm convinced.
Avatar 11:41am

C'mon Neil. Stop hitting the beehive with a stick.

This has been a set of temps trouvé.
Avatar 11:43am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-Illad asked for information and I gave it. No stick. I did hit a hornets nest when I was a kid, the bee stung my upper lip and flew up my nose. Sneezed it out two days later on the Sunday funny pages.
Avatar 11:43am
Marcel M:

@Bennett: I ain't got nothin' on Kossoff.

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Wild Neil:

I was three I think...
Avatar 11:45am

yay, Steve Brooks!
Avatar 11:49am
Cheri Pi:

Schlachtung baby
Lala land:

oh man, Soilent's best album, haven't heard this track in forever. Fantastic pick and show, as usual!

Title of this album reminds me of this cover of a Bob Ostertag CD: http://images.cdbaby.name/b/o/bobostertag5_large.jpg
Avatar 11:52am
Chris M.:

@Lala Land: one of the best bands! thank you
Avatar 11:53am
Wild Neil:

Is he celebrating Her Unsober Ways, or bemoaning them?
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Chris from DC:

Soilent Green reminds me, almost lunch time.
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Marcel M:

Thanks again for having us Chris, great closing set as well.

Bye all, off to work.
Avatar 11:55am
Wild Neil:

COOL show Chris as usual. VERY eclectic and freeform.

thank you Chris M!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Thanks Chris! Thanks River Cult!
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the grand victory is shutting down!?

yay chris m
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Chris M.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Chris & MM!
Avatar 11:59am

Thanks ChrisM!! great show
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