Favoriting Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine: Playlist from May 26, 2016 Favoriting

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Music to slaughter livestock to; 5,000 factory farmers can't all be wrong.

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Favoriting May 26, 2016: Hello!

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds  Psychic Future   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sonny Vincent and Rocket From The Crypt  Through My Head   Favoriting 0:06:27 (Pop-up)
Sulfur City  Pockets   Favoriting 0:09:20 (Pop-up)
Sonic Youth  (I Got A) Catholic Block   Favoriting 0:13:49 (Pop-up)
Torche  Amnesian   Favoriting 0:16:52 (Pop-up)
Youth Code  Commitment To Complications   Favoriting 0:23:14 (Pop-up)
Kvelertak  Berserkr   Favoriting 0:26:36 (Pop-up)
Menace  London   Favoriting 0:36:13 (Pop-up)
Generation X  Day By Day   Favoriting 0:38:48 (Pop-up)
Hymans  I Don't Need Anybody Like You   Favoriting 0:41:20 (Pop-up)
Undertones  I Need Your Love The Way It Used to Be   Favoriting 0:44:30 (Pop-up)
US Weekly  Walls   Favoriting 0:46:44 (Pop-up)
White Mystery  Cerebellum   Favoriting 0:49:10 (Pop-up)
Thin Lizzy  Waiting For An Alibi   Favoriting 0:53:51 (Pop-up)
Elvis Costello & the Attractions  Goon Squad   Favoriting 0:57:14 (Pop-up)
Gnod  Learn To Forgive   Favoriting 1:05:46 (Pop-up)
Attalla  Haze   Favoriting 1:13:33 (Pop-up)
Midnight  Prowling Leather   Favoriting 1:18:44 (Pop-up)
Bosse-De-Nage  Washerwoman   Favoriting 1:22:07 (Pop-up)
Colombian Necktie  Guiding Light   Favoriting 1:28:05 (Pop-up)
Destruction  Under Attack   Favoriting 1:31:03 (Pop-up)
Megadeth  Hangar 18   Favoriting 1:37:13 (Pop-up)
Voivod  Chaosmongers   Favoriting 1:42:16 (Pop-up)
Evil Acidhead  Doom Furnace   Favoriting 1:50:22 (Pop-up)
Niche  Tough And Mean   Favoriting 1:59:02 (Pop-up)
Psycho Nurse  Not Big & Not Rave   Favoriting 2:04:43 (Pop-up)
Egypt  Queen of All Time   Favoriting 2:05:22 (Pop-up)
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard  Mr. Beat   Favoriting 2:14:32 (Pop-up)
JJ Burnel  Euroman   Favoriting 2:19:15 (Pop-up)
Soupcans  Dob, Hairicide   Favoriting 2:26:07 (Pop-up)
Suicide  Cheree   Favoriting 2:28:37 (Pop-up)
Metal Urbain  Lady Coca Cola   Favoriting 2:32:53 (Pop-up)
Mr. Epp and the Calculations  Mohawk Man   Favoriting 2:36:32 (Pop-up)
James Chance  Design To Kill   Favoriting 2:39:24 (Pop-up)
Dancing Cigarettes  Razor Hand   Favoriting 2:42:21 (Pop-up)
Holywood Squares  Hollywood Square   Favoriting 2:46:35 (Pop-up)
The Dirtiest  Alarm   Favoriting 2:49:06 (Pop-up)
Wire  Pilgrim Trade   Favoriting 2:53:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:05pm

hi Diane. what was your intro music? it's smacking me in the brain but I can't place it. tv show..?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

'ello folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

Unless she played something different as I was a few minutes late it would have been Rocky and Bullwinkle theme
Avatar 12:09pm
Diane Kamikaze:

That is it! It's technically called "Birdsongs of the Mesozoic"... Yay Coe! Thanks for tuning in, all!
Avatar 12:11pm
V Priceless:

hey Diane! Must grab that Kid Congo record....Happy 70th to the late great Mick Ronson, too, for the record!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

Now that I did not know abut the name of the song.
Avatar 12:15pm

steve shelley is working hard for this one
Matt in Hillsborough:

Avatar 12:21pm

Avatar 12:21pm

Can you play some Kvelertak?
Avatar 12:23pm
Cheri Pi:

Heya COE!
Avatar 12:23pm

coe! pi! all!
Avatar 12:24pm

the Google Doodle is dancing in time to this song.
Avatar 12:24pm
Doctor Rembrandt:

Hello all
Avatar 12:24pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 12:24pm

hi, doc.
Avatar 12:27pm

Avatar 12:29pm

I think I'm going to revive my old blog and dedicate it to misheard Kvelertak lyrics.

Yaaaaaa!! Kveleartak!!
Avatar 12:31pm

Like I just heard them say "go to hell little fella"
Avatar 12:33pm
Cheri Pi:

I wonder if Beastwars sent the station mail yet? Has anyone checked the mail today from New Zealand?
Avatar 12:33pm
Chris from DC:

Diane, got your premium the other day. Great stuff.
Avatar 12:34pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

@Cicile & Pi Heyyyooooooo!!!!!!!!
Avatar 12:35pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

@Cecile if that is the incorrect lyrics I like them anyway. :)
Avatar 12:35pm

you should get good old Kid Congo to come back and do 2-3 hours. He was great.
Avatar 12:36pm
Cheri Pi:

Doo eet C$, I heard "If you can fly it you can cry it"
Avatar 12:36pm
V Priceless:

cool...glad to see Thursday programming intact through the summah
Avatar 12:37pm
Doctor Rembrandt:

Yeah!! oi oi oi!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

You have to watch out for those Zorros they can get a bit uppity and full of themselves.
Avatar 12:37pm

aw, no Dr. Gameshow. Those weirdos were starting to grow on me.
Avatar 12:40pm
Scraps deSelby:

H'lo Diane, h'lo kamikaze fun people.

Billy Idol when he was really good. Gotta Darby Crash thing going on there (or vice versa).
Avatar 12:40pm
Cheri Pi:

I could never understand what they were talking aboot on Dr. Gameshow but I faithfully listened.
Avatar 12:41pm
Cheri Pi:

I'll miss their voices.
Avatar 12:41pm
Scraps deSelby:

Ooh, Billy Idol, the first famous fake punk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Rich in Washington:

WFMU show cuts were brutal. A couple of my new faves have gone to radio show Valhalla.
Avatar 12:42pm

hey scraps!

Exactly. They just sounded funny. And Manolo's low energy made three toed sloths look like they were members of Kvelertak or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm
Rich in Washington:

@Dean: I was just thinking the same thing and had to look to see who's playing. I haven't heard Gen X ever sounding that raw before.
Avatar 12:42pm

Rich, shows have a way of cycling back.

I still want Billy Jam back on Friday afternoons, I'm sorry, I'll say it.
Avatar 12:42pm
Chris from DC:

Happily Wm. Berger made the cut.

Generation X didn't blow my mind back in the day, but it holds up well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Rich in Washington:

Long live The Castle!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Looks like Don Felder's time is moving to 11 AM Tuesdays.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Rich in Washington:

My wife got to meet Billy Idol at one of those big tennis show corporate tour festivals and she said he was a really nice man, then went to deliver one of the most energetic sets imaginable at his age.
Avatar 12:44pm
Cheri Pi:

I'm with you on that C$. Earlier on Friday too.

I loved Generation X for the power pop angle, which was as much a function of recording production as the musical formalities, but that live track showed another side.
Avatar 12:45pm
Scraps deSelby:

Any talk over music i'll turn off, mostly. That's just me; I don't expect everything to line up with my tastes. Even FMU.
Avatar 12:47pm
Cheri Pi:

Feargal izatchoo?
Avatar 12:48pm

It's Paul McLoone, replacing Feargal.
Avatar 12:50pm
David Shortell:

I see this "US Weekly" group is coming to NY the beginning of next month.
Avatar 12:53pm

We gonna play a few 'deth songs in honor of Nick Menza today?
Avatar 12:53pm
David Shortell:

White Mystery, on the other hand, may not return to the Brighton Bar -- if their weak reception there last fall is any sign.
Avatar 12:55pm
Jim Devoid:

Avatar 12:57pm
David Shortell:

You use Tony Hendra as an avatar, Jim? I loved his book "Going Too Far".
Avatar 12:57pm
Scraps deSelby:

The O'Neill brothers apparently knew that Feargal was an essential part of the Undertones sound, so they recruited someone who kinda sounded like Feargal. I think that was a mistake. But what do I know? I prefered their second and third albums over the universally prefered first album.
Avatar 12:58pm
Chris from DC:

Nice, haven't heard this in ages.
Avatar 12:59pm
Scraps deSelby:

Emotional Fascism!
Avatar 12:59pm
Cheri Pi:

sounds great
Avatar 1:07pm
Scraps deSelby:

Avatar 1:17pm

Can I hear something from Rust in Peace?
Avatar 1:22pm
Chris from DC:

Avatar 1:37pm

Avatar 1:38pm

so great to hear hangar 18!
Avatar 1:39pm

RIP Nick Menza
Avatar 1:40pm

what? did not know that. RIP
Avatar 1:41pm

Avatar 1:43pm

Avatar 1:44pm


Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:44pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Voivod! !! !!!
Avatar 1:51pm

It's about a punk rock band that accidentally ends up playing a gig at an Aryan compound full of murderous Nazi punks without prior knowledge.
Avatar 1:51pm

It's a thriller. Patrick Stewart is the head skinhead club owner.

Speaking of Rust in Peace, I was reading Lawrence Durrell's poetry last night, in particular "The Cottager," which includes this couplet:

What was bitter in the apple is eaten deep,
Rust sleeps in the steel, canker will keep.

...which brought to mind the NY&CH lyric and eponymous album title, which I've never understood. Anybody know what Neil Young was going on about? Is "sleeping rust" a literary figure with legs?
Avatar 1:54pm

It's pretty much anything anyone who works with iron says, "rust never sleeps" You have to protect and monitor it constantly.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:54pm
Andrew Waterloo:

damn. I missed Voivod
Avatar 1:55pm

Rust = threat of Young's career becoming completely irrelevant.

That sounds reasonable, Cecile. If that was Durrell's intended meaning, then he spins it ironically, as if to say, "Rust sleeps...but it will awaken."
Avatar 1:59pm

that's what it sounds like to me. Like it's lying dormant.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:02pm
Andrew Waterloo:

like the call is coming from inside the house...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Or... you never needed the feather, the magic was within you all along Dumbo
Avatar 2:04pm

It could just be me, but I think that Niche might be Thin Lizzy fans.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:05pm
Andrew Waterloo:

now that you mention it...
Avatar 2:05pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

EGAK! Missed my GNOD! und der VOIVOD!
A full-on rhyming pair of despairs!
Avatar 2:05pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 2:15pm
V Priceless:

another record I need STAT, this....

Shoulda called the album "Blizzard."
Avatar 2:19pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 2:20pm
V Priceless:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Rich in Washington:

holy crap, this is GREAT!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Andrew Waterloo:

yah.. Soupcans are great
Avatar 2:31pm

it's weird typing "I like Suicide"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm

Cory: Try, 'I've always enjoyed Suicide.'

I think I have this 45rpm...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:39pm
Michael 98145:

Down memory lane
Avatar 2:40pm
Scraps deSelby:


Saw several times in the pre-Nirvana Seattle scene.... Lots of people just hated them
Avatar 2:42pm
Scraps deSelby:

Omigod, Buy the Contortions. Thank you!

This guy is channeling my daughter, who daily reports after preschool, "No accidents!"
Avatar 2:45pm

@Stevel, hey dude!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:48pm

Cory: Yo, fellow Hoosier!
Avatar 2:53pm
V Priceless:

thanks DK - always a fun show!

Great show, Great finish!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Michael 98145:

that was fast
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good to know that we can count on a summer with the Fun Machine on the schedule. Have a nice Memorial Day, DK!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
alan from sacto:

Thanks Diane. Thank G-d and you for the show! Have a great week everyone

Always brilliant to hear The Fall, Diane. I hope all is well. I requested Gallon Drunk on your show 23 years and 3 months ago, so I do not think I am pushing it by asking again.
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