Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from May 9, 2016 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 9, 2016: Get Things Done

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Collectors  What Love (suite)   Favoriting The Collectors    1967  pre-Chilliwack   
Pascal Comelade + Les Limiñanas  Why Are We Sleeping?   Favoriting The Nothing-Twist  Trouble in MInd      0:16:59 (Pop-up)
Vivien Goldman  Launderette   Favoriting Dirty Washing 12" EP  99 Records   1981    0:20:15 (Pop-up)
Cold Cave  The Trees Grew Emotions And Died   Favoriting The Trees Grew Emotions and Died 12"  Dais  2008    0:23:31 (Pop-up)
Billy Idol  Eyes Without a Face   Favoriting 7" (@ 33rpm)  Chrysalis  1984    0:27:31 (Pop-up)
Driftmachine  Dogov Godov   Favoriting V/a, The Wire Tapper 40  The Wire      0:32:44 (Pop-up)
Nohelani Cypriano  'O' Kailua   Favoriting V/a, Aloha Got Soul: Soul, AOR & Disco in Hawai'i 1979-1985  Strut  1978    0:37:14 (Pop-up)
Kluster  Klopfzeichen, pt. 1   Favoriting Klopfzeichen    1970    0:51:11 (Pop-up)
Trevor Duncan & James Kirk  La Jetée (English - exc)   Favoriting sdtk, "La Jetée"  Superior Viaduct  1962    1:14:02 (Pop-up)
Iggy Pop / Tarwater / Alva Noto  Out of the Rolling Ocean, The Crowd   Favoriting Leaves of Grass  Morr Music    poems of Walt Whitman  1:17:56 (Pop-up)
Bonzo Dog Band  Canyons Of Your Mind   Favoriting 7" (@ 33rpm)  Imperial      1:20:15 (Pop-up)
Colette Magny  Oink Oink   Favoriting Répression    1973    1:32:24 (Pop-up)
Kermit Schafer  (exc)   Favoriting Pardon My Blooper! Vol. 5  Jay-Gee Record Co., Inc.    Boners. Fluffs. Bloopers. Slips. Spoonerisms. Flubs. etc.  1:51:04 (Pop-up)
Low Jack  New Life   Favoriting Garifuna Variations  LIES      1:56:36 (Pop-up)
Juri Camisasca  Scavando Col Badile   Favoriting La Finestra Dentro  Bla-Bla  1974    2:02:03 (Pop-up)
Argent  Hold Your Head Up   Favoriting 7" (@ 33rpm)  Epic  1972    2:07:42 (Pop-up)
Roberto Cacciapaglia  Part IIC   Favoriting Sei Note in Logica    1978    2:15:50 (Pop-up)
Suicide  Cheree   Favoriting 7" (@ 33rpm)    1978    2:32:32 (Pop-up)
David First  Étude #5   Favoriting Same Animal, Different Cages Vol. 1: Études for Acoustic Guitar  Fabrica      2:37:45 (Pop-up)
Mahagon  Ve Světle Petrolejky   Favoriting V/a, Czech Up! Volume 1: Chain of Fools  Vampisoul      2:42:51 (Pop-up)
Chris Cohen  Torrey Pine   Favoriting As If Apart  Captured Tracks      2:46:21 (Pop-up)
Glen Campbell  These Days   Favoriting Meet Glen Campbell  Capitol  2008    2:50:28 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  I'm Set Free   Favoriting The Ship  Warp/Opal      2:54:03 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:01pm

Matt W., always and forever!
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long time listener,first time lurker
Avatar 3:05pm

good afternoon everybody

Sup peeps! Here early for once!
Avatar 3:06pm

about to have my last class of the semester before summer vacation! school has been eating far too much into my wfmu listening the past few months.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Sem Chumbo:

Pre-Chilliwack. Far out, eh? Scott, nice rarity.That it's CanCon only shines up the achievement.
Hiya, all.
Avatar 3:10pm

I still have school-related nightmares all these years later. Will they never cease to haunt?
Avatar 3:10pm

Hey Scott - did you get my email about a Sex and Broadcasting MeetUp here in the twin cities?
Avatar 3:11pm

is it coming to town officially?
Avatar 3:11pm
V Priceless:

Hey Scott! Wondering if Tomita (RIP) is gonna get any love on FMU...."Snowflakes Are Dancing" is a brilliant record, in my humble.
Avatar 3:11pm

I saw MPLs on the list. Not Madison, sadly.
Avatar 3:12pm

this is, i believe, what is known as rock opera
Avatar 3:12pm

what is this thing called, love?
Avatar 3:13pm
V Priceless:

Avatar 3:14pm

@Cecile - 8 June according to the web site...

June 8 for Mpls. Of course I am out of town that week.
Agent Peter:

Sounds like Butthole Surfers' "Edgar" on ludes dude!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
Scott Williams:

hey everybody! wow, wotta sax eh? one of the dudes in this band played on Electric Prunes' "Mass in Fmi", in case you were wondering. @Lewis: I did not! did you email anyone else?
Avatar 3:15pm

ace sax
Avatar 3:15pm

from the liner notes to the reissue:
"Though The Collectors, as Henderson acknowledges, "was not a hit record, it was quite strong in a regional kind of way. When KSAN [one of the first underground rock-oriented FM radio stations] started in San Francisco, they played it like a single; they played it every day." Yet "What Love (Suite)," "which would bring the house down [at the] Fillmore West, was despised at [New York's] Fillmore East by some...by enough. By the Village Voice, for one, who said the best thing we could do for rock was disband. It was nice reading that review the next day," Bill laughs. But, he adds, "It was quite influential in Europe," where it got a strong reaction in England, Germany, and Holland in particular. "
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There was a Comic-Con in Poughkeepsie this weekend. They were charging admission, so I didn't go. I hope that does not make me a bad person.
Avatar 3:18pm

@Scott - just you - I will send again when I get home. Are you the right person?
Avatar 3:18pm

this sounds like a Twilight Zone episode crossed with the Hampton Grease Band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21pm
Scott Williams:

@Lewis, Liz Berg tends to arrange meetups, drop her a line via www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 3:22pm

why is there not a 99 records box set?
Avatar 3:23pm

@Scott - will do! Thanks!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Lewis is getting things done!
Avatar 3:24pm

@Ken from HP - Roger That!

Is someone actually doing a q&a here with the movie?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm

hello Scott and others
Avatar 3:28pm
V Priceless:

hey fish
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hey, march violets!
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V Priceless:

Billy's put on a few pounds, huh?

Billy Idle
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm

hey V(I)P, how ya been?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Michael 98145:

as sung by the sad giant

Barry Idol

excellent slowdown...johnny hartmann covers billy idol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm
Scott Williams:

Billy Idol slowed down sounds like Julian Cope
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Generation XXL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm

ha! - "Wh'Idol".
Avatar 3:33pm
V Priceless:

'lude mix!
Avatar 3:34pm

relaxed fit! heehee!
Avatar 3:34pm

chopped and screwed

Ivan Rebroff Sings Hits of the '80s
Avatar 3:34pm
V Priceless:

haha....great comments

Amused by this Tomita resurgence I'm sensing at WFMU. I happened to have met the man circa '71 when I was touring with Vicki Carr as a supplemental soprano trombonist. In the event that their full-time soprano trombonist was incapacitated or otherwise unable to fulfill his duties, I would be called upon to fill-in. Otherwise, I would hang out by the sno-cone machine handing out 5x7's of Vicki and generally being a goodwill ambassador for her. I met Isao Tomita this way. He was a HUGE Vicki Carr fan and also he had a penchant for blueberry sno-cones. As we spoke (through his interpreter) I learned that he had just purchased a Baldwin Acro-Sonic organ with Color-Glo keys which he was modifying with a Heathkit package into a workable synthesizer. He told me that he was trying to decide whether to interpret Holtz's, The Planets, or Olivia Newton-John's "Sam." We all know what decision he ultimately made! He was much smaller in real life than one might imagine. 4' 10", tops. Very cordial, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

haha! Great story!
Avatar 3:37pm

what's the word for "Griefkit" in Japanese.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
Scott Williams:

welcome back, Lyle!
Avatar 3:38pm

Lyyyyyyyyyyyyle! (:c)
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

2017 WFMU Marathon Funds Wish List: Sno Cone machine for Monty Hall

Jesus, Lyle, it's Holst!
Avatar 3:41pm

outrigger rock.
Loved the pedal steel solo
Avatar 3:42pm
V Priceless:

yes, fine story, Lyle - I suppose Tomita's with Jack Horkheimer now, hustling stars for real....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

Dean, Lyle was distracted, thinking about Vikki Carr.
Avatar 3:44pm

hey Lyle - Skitch Hederson was not Mitch's dad, which leaves the toot theilman tape in Mitch's Tavern once again mysterious...
Avatar 3:46pm

Scott, you're re-buh ... buh ... buh ... rebuffering a lot!

Tomita ultimately made the album "Snowcones Are Dancing."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Michael 98145:

ditto here, Brian
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

oh i thought it was my pre-historic computer.
Anonymous Coward:

Its liz
Avatar 🧩 3:48pm

Nope, we've been having some network issues somewhere. Looking into it.

And yeah, it's Liz who talks over that.

You got that right Coel-o! Ha! Actually, I am a member of Holst's fan club - The Holsters, named in honor of his penchant for full-bore, aluminum Luger pistols which he loved to shoot during performances, at large, blown-up Man Ray photographs. Those two had a real beef, evidently. I've been told that David Hasselhoff is actually the son of Holst, and that Hasselhoof is presently scoring "The Janets," a three-movement symphony based on the lives of Janet Jackson - Janet Funicello (Annette's sister) and Janet Reno. We'll see how THAT turns out! L

Wow, Chilliwack did "Arms of Mary"!

I call b.s., Lyle. Holst has no fans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm

Avatar 3:54pm
V Priceless:

yeah, and Pluto's not a planet anymore, so there!

Actually, the mini-opera Savitri is kind of cool.
Avatar 3:55pm

Headsign? what?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm

"the 3 Janets"... i had (have?) a pandora station i named "the Saints Louis". Louie Prima, Louis Jordan, Louis Armstrong. -'seems like a better match.

You're thinking "kopf," geezerette. "Klopf" means "knock."

Arms of Mary? That was Sutherland Brothers and Quiver, to be featured on CC8! Scott, glad you got the Bufferin account!

Yes, it was, Lyle...I mean, Clay. Can't resist recommending yet again Leo Kottke's version on his live record from Colorado.
Avatar 3:59pm
V Priceless:

actually, I wouldn't mind tracking down Hugh Banton's take on 'The Planets'
Avatar 4:00pm

oops! Yer right Dean.
No more multi-tasking for me today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

lunch is inside me. back to work. Thanks Scott!
-till then y'all.

Patrick Gleeson did a synthesizer version in '76: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrHWBeTgU9g Why did I think Gleeson had worked with Jefferson Airplane?
Avatar 4:05pm

fascinating pre-Chilliwack history!
i recall seeing their first LP when i was a kid in the early 1970s & being intrigued by the cover art! but really knew nothing of their music
i was not even aware that "My Girl" as *interpreted* on SCTV by The Recess Monkeys for The Pre-Teen World marathon was a Chilliwack song until years later!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
Sem Chumbo:

Thx, slugluv1313. Forgot about that SCTV thing.Great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Rich in Washington:

i didn't know La Jetée had a soundtrack release. Oh yeah. Superior Viaduct.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Rich in Washington:

@slugluv1313: I had forgotten about Pre-Teen World. Excellent!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
Scott Williams:

yeah, it's not exactly a soundtrack - they've just put the entire 28 minutes worth of audio onto vinyl (and the audio stands alone nicely! - kinda like David Lynch's "The Grandmother")
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm
Rich in Washington:

I can think of a few movies that just the audio alone is album-worthy.
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V Priceless:

Neil's solo even funnier slowed-down! Ha!
Avatar 4:24pm

Yay, Canyons of Your Mind.
Avatar 4:24pm

Avatar 4:25pm

I had forgetten about the Recess Monkeys! What a hilariously brilliant cover
John McGreivey:

45 @33: dragging out the goodness? dragging out the pain?
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in the section labeled shirts
Avatar 4:27pm

yay Recess Monkeys! yay Pre-Teen World! glad you all enjoy :)
so much of SCTV absolutely brilliant & priceless!
Avatar 4:27pm

Aldo Nova?
Anonymous Coward:

La Jetée is almost all still shots with narration anyway. I don't think there's any dialog. Good film.
Avatar 4:31pm

nice! that was a great version
Avatar 4:32pm

yep googling
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Slugluv, I rewatched the SCTV Richard Harris MacArthur Park, it still cracks me the hell up.
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V Priceless:

Ozzy is missing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34pm
Rich in Washington:

@Cecile: "Who threw that brick!!"
Avatar 4:35pm

I heard. Sharon booted him out of the house.
Avatar 4:35pm

hahahahh. I know. "I go there to pick up girls"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm
Rich in Washington:

I still can't hear that horn passage without seeing Harris/Thomas frugging frantically.
Avatar 4:36pm

I know!
Avatar 4:37pm

and the girl reading the book onstage.
Avatar 4:38pm

@ Cecile -- excellent! (omg! subconsciously "stealing" from "Pre-Teen World"?!)
i was just thinking of John Candy's amazing Johnny LaRue character, esp. his "work-out" program, hah!
Avatar 4:39pm

I know!

This is wonderful.

Cecile ... I thought my old band (Theatre) opened for Aldo Nova in '81 at the Lansing Civic Auditorium, but that was Aldo and Sammy Hagar. We opened for April Wine there in 1982! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPQgfaB3S1c
Avatar 4:46pm

they're breaking into that warehouse to free INXS from their Don't Change vid, but INXs already left.
Avatar 4:49pm

schools out! im back in wfmu land and will not turn the stream off for the next 4 months... :DDD

Cecile ... good one! Ha! Love that Aldo song.
Avatar 4:51pm

only in the early 80s could a guy named Aldo, with a little bit of a singing/speech impediment and a leopard jumpsuit enjoy the North American dream.
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Chris from DC:

Nice one.
Avatar 4:54pm

Mr. Blooper!
Avatar 4:56pm

All the women sound like Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall

@Cecile - So true!

The care and handling of my privates.
Avatar 5:05pm

era um animal bebê
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I haz vino tinto. leftover pizza, done w/ work & SW show. Lucky luckiness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Michael 98145:

appears to be time dilation day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...☿Mercury & most other planets Retrograde. Typos galore, Monday machine didn't run @ werk - play all @ wrong speeds & Happy Fire Munkey...
Meat Loaf:

Buffering like a bat out of hell over here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm
Scott Williams:

Hey Meat, maybe due to Time Warner cable outages? patch.com...
Avatar 5:26pm

no, because I'm at work and it's buffering a little, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm
Scott Williams:

our Jeff said earlier: "...we've been having some network issues somewhere. Looking into it."
Industry Insider:

One thing's for certain, if things can be rectified, Jeff Moore will rectify them. He is ... The Rectifier. Hell of a man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm
Michael 98145:

freeform seems to be freeflowing right now
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Avatar 5:35pm

this one really has it at 33, i have tried this one!
Avatar 5:38pm

i played the album at 16 to be truthful, but... similar thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...sounds like he's deconstructing 'Valeri' by The Monkees...every guitarist is relieved by this stuff that they aren't the only loony who indulges in it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
Michael 98145:

wow, i have NEVER heard this cover before now
Avatar 5:53pm

me neither-

yeah, that's a hell of a cover...thanks for the heads up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Scott Williams:

if you wanna be bummed way the hell out, watch the GC doc "I'll Be Me".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Michael 98145:

i still mostly have Nico's version in my head ...

so good and mournful that GC cover.
Avatar 5:56pm

me too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah wow version. Jackson Browne musta been a teen when he wrote that...
Avatar 5:57pm

blimey, old men from every direction!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Scott Williams:

yeah JB was 16 when he wrote it. pass for life
Avatar 5:58pm

it's Nico's though!
Avatar 5:58pm
sinister dexter:

love this song ..... hey didn't Joe play it this morning? .....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Michael 98145:

great sets, thank you

Glen Campbell? I remember him as a young tow-headed boy we called "Soupy." This was back circa 1957 when I was on the road with Esquivel in my only gig as a bass trianglist. Soupy was a strong boy - a hay-baler, I was told, and it was he who helped me bring the triangle in from the bus. A bass triangle, in case you didn't know, can weigh upwards to 75-80lbs. Esquivel thought it added additional exotica "zing" to his shows, but the logistical nightmare of dragging it (and me!) from gig to gig had Esky kicking me to the curb by early '59. His career was in the tank by then anyway. I gace Soupy 35-cents for helping me, which was a fortune back then. I think he bought a comb with it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Scott Williams:

thanks everyone! Yeah Joe prob played it this AM - that's OK! see you next week!

Glen Campbell? I remember him as a young tow-headed boy we called "Soupy." This was back circa 1957 when I was on the road with Esquivel in my only gig as a bass trianglist. Soupy was a strong boy - a hay-baler, I was told, and it was he who helped me bring the triangle in from the bus. A bass triangle, in case you didn't know, can weigh upwards to 75-80lbs. Esquivel thought it added additional exotica "zing" to his shows, but the logistical nightmare of dragging it (and me!) from gig to gig had Esky kicking me to the curb by early '59. His career was in the tank by then anyway. I gace Soupy 35-cents for helping me, which was a fortune back then. I think he bought a comb with it.

"Hold Your Head Up" started out like "Argent Outside the Dream Syndicate".
I predict next week's show title as "Not a Big Crier".
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