Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from April 4, 2016 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 4, 2016

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Faust  It's a Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl   Favoriting So Far  Collector's Choice       
Novak  We Died.... Part One (The Survivors)   Favoriting Dumb Records: 1977-1979  Orion Head / Athena      0:06:37 (Pop-up)
Henry Flynt  Double Spindizzy   Favoriting Graduation  Superior Viaduct      0:10:32 (Pop-up)
The Ex w/ Getatchew Mekuria & Friends  Shellelle   Favoriting The Ex At Bimhuis (1991-2015)  Ex    R.I.P. Getatchew  0:16:38 (Pop-up)
Kid Millions & Zhang Shou Wang  side 2 excerpt   Favoriting Beijing 2014  Genjing      0:20:57 (Pop-up)
Chris Forsyth & Shawn Edward Hansen  I First Saw You (exc)   Favoriting Dirty Pool  Ultramarine      0:29:01 (Pop-up)
Jeff Buckley  Just Like a Woman   Favoriting You and I  Columbia Legacy      0:38:14 (Pop-up)
Somatic Responses  Coldway   Favoriting Folding Space  Hymen      0:51:40 (Pop-up)
Flying Lizards  Move On Up   Favoriting Fourth Wall  Virgin    cover: Curtis Mayfield  0:56:51 (Pop-up)
Ilitch  Peripherikredcomando   Favoriting 10 Suicides  Superior Viaduct      1:02:39 (Pop-up)
ZaZa  Zauberstab   Favoriting V/a, NDW: Aus Grauer Stade Muaren - Die Neue Deutsche Welle 1977-1985 Tiel 4  Bear Family      1:06:28 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Stress Infinito   Favoriting sdtk, "Spasmo"  Dagored      1:11:08 (Pop-up)
Scott Walker  It's Raining Today   Favoriting Boy Child: The Best of 1967-1970  Fontana      1:16:42 (Pop-up)
Inutili  Robots   Favoriting Elves, Red Sprites, Blue Jets  Aagoo      1:20:35 (Pop-up)
Charles Bradley  Changes   Favoriting Changes  Daptone / Dunham    cover: Sabbath  1:28:00 (Pop-up)
Nurse With Wound  Finis Terra   Favoriting Lumb's Sister  United Jnana      1:43:40 (Pop-up)
Fog  Check Fraud (Kid Koala's Space Cadet E003 Remix)   Favoriting Check Fraud  Ninja Tune      1:52:47 (Pop-up)
Fleetwood Mac  Closing My Eyes   Favoriting Then Play On  Reprise      1:57:44 (Pop-up)
Bombino  Igmayagh Dum (My Lover)   Favoriting Azel  Partisan      2:02:53 (Pop-up)
The Feelies  Time for a Witness   Favoriting Time For a Witness  Bar None  1991    2:08:14 (Pop-up)
Fat White Family  Whitest Boy on the Beach   Favoriting Songs for Our Mothers  Without Consent / Fat Possum      2:11:49 (Pop-up)
Unloved  I Could Tell You But I'd Have to Kill   Favoriting Guilty of Love  Unloved      2:16:34 (Pop-up)
The Analog Session w/ Alexander Robotnick & Ludus Pinsky)  N5 From Outer Space (Summer RMX)   Favoriting N5 From Outer Space  Medical      2:26:16 (Pop-up)
Prince Rama  Fantasy   Favoriting Xtreme Now  Carpark      2:33:30 (Pop-up)
Outsekt  Star   Favoriting V/a, Zolk Zamily Zassette #1  Zolk Zamily      2:37:08 (Pop-up)
Third Eye Foundation  Closure   Favoriting The Dark  Ici d'Alleurs      2:41:16 (Pop-up)
Pram  Dorothy   Favoriting The Stars Are So Big, the Earth Is So Small...Stay as You Are  Medical      2:51:09 (Pop-up)
Karla Borecky  The Sadness of Things   Favoriting Still In Your Pocket  Recital      2:55:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

YES! Great start…
Avatar 3:04pm

I've been listening to the History of Germany podcast, and the guy uses Faust for the theme music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Faust > Wagner
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Scott Williams:

whenever Faust is in the air, you can't ignore it. welcome buddies!

I had a college roommate who would play Wagner full-blast to drive me out of the room whenever he wanted to study. (I moved out in less than a month)
Avatar 3:07pm
Chris from DC:

I will content myself with Jowe Head this evening, having missed Faust this time around.
Avatar 3:07pm

Hiya Scott and rainy day listeners.
Avatar 3:07pm

agreed, Greg!

Yep, Faust is waaay better.
Avatar 3:09pm

I know I wouldn't have blown out my voice on this song, like I did the children's chorus in Tannhauser
Avatar 3:11pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hi Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
Scott Williams:

Hey there Bronwyn!
Avatar 3:15pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Did you guys get my postcard?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm
Scott Williams:

We did, thank you! It's hanging up in the kitchen as we speak
Avatar 3:20pm
Chris from DC:

Oh no.
Avatar 3:20pm

Ah yeah, Dutch-Ethiopian punk jazz.
Avatar 3:21pm

Didn't see til now the note; Getachew passed.
Avatar 3:23pm

I never really clicked with The Ex but I really miss Dog Faced Hermans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

I didn't see Katherina on Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Drummers list, but she is #1 in my heart.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Kid Millions either…

hey scott, been missing ya show for a few weeks! good sounds
Avatar 3:28pm

Just saw Kid Millions two weeks ago. Always fun!

Henry Flynt, now there's a story. I wonder how many people know that he was Henry Ford's grandson? Taking his name from Henry Ford and the city of Flint (Flynt) - Henry Flynt (real name, Archibald Ford) tried to make a go of music, but never really cobbled together anything but the most tenuous of careers and music that appealed to no more than a few crazed zealots. I met him at a Shakey's Pizza in Pontiac, Michigan, circa 1979. By that time, I was already an "old man" in a rock music context, but I was on the road playing 4th 'bone for a version of Buddy Miles Electric Flag. Buddy was no longer in the band at that time. He had been replaced by his cousin, Minnie Miles. She weighed no more than 80 lbs and stood 4'-9" in high heels, but she was a severe taskmaster and a frenetic, nervous little drummer. Anyway, Henry Flynt wasn't doing so well at this time. As I recall, he was trying to make a living as a drawbridge oiler, but things were not going well as openings in that field were few and far between. One would think his famous family might have stepped in, but they had shunned him some months earlier when he refused to head up a new automotive division developing what would become the ill-fated Pontiac Sunbird. When I met Henry Flynt at Shakee's, he was the Assistant Manager. However, he had little interest in pizza and he could more often be found going table to table selling a little money-making gadget he called the "Flynt-Roller" which removed threads and other debris from one's fine clothing. I bought one and kind of shoo'd him away as he was not a pleasant man to deal with. He had a very high, nasally voice and he tended to poke people in the chest when making a point. To be honest, I never saw him after that. I never heard of him until now, on this playlist. Another footnote in musical history.

And Lyle's secret is out (accidentally) ... sigh. It was me! Good show Scott.

Lyle was Clay all along, that makes a lot of sense in retrospect
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm
JP from KC:

It's ok, Cliff. In a way, we wera all Lyle... in a way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm
Scott Williams:

Thanks CP! Whoops - Lyle's fun, keep him around
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Lyle, @Clay - Paul Harvey's voice is in my head for this: "And now you know the rest of the story!"
Avatar 3:33pm

i liked the tao of lyle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

No way is his real story better than his fake story.

He can now be a regularly-occuring character on the Clay Pigeon show! Or he could kibbitz with Fabio (if you can get him to play along)
Avatar 3:35pm

what's next? will irwin out himself as the old codger?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Will it finally be revealed that "Ken & Andy" are actually just one guy doing characters?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm
JP from KC:

It's just a little disappointing. I didn't think we'd ever know who Lyle was until the day a news story was released about a man in his 90s dying after the floor of his apartment collapsed under the weight of his massive vinyl and brass instrument collection.

I felt that way when Jandek surfaced.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
JP from KC:

I'm with Cliff, though. Now that we all know, it seems like it should've been more obvious...

I felt that way when Jandek surfaced.
Avatar 3:41pm

Who's Lyle? I'm lost.

Weird computer issues today. Sorry for double-post. Mercury Retrograde? I need Feen-A-Mint or something.

Oh I knew it was somebody much younger yanking all our chains, but it didn't occur to me it'd be somebody working at the station
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
JP from KC:

I figured we were being had, but like Fox Mulder, I wanted to believe.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There should be an email address like "lyle at wfmu.org" where listeners can send leads and ideas for stories like that. Then some kind of blog area where the curator could put the compilations. "Musings From Lyle" or some such title.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
JP from KC:

Well played, Dean. Well played...
Avatar 3:47pm

I knew it! I knew Lyle was Clay!!!!
Avatar 3:48pm

I just didn't have any hard evidence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49pm
JP from KC:

See what you've done, Clay? None of us are ready to let Lyle go. He must live on!
Avatar 3:50pm

Crap, I'm dogsitting and need to walk my friend's dog, and my last pair of water-resistant shoes died last week, and it's beautifully chilly and wet outside.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@TDK60 - A commenter with handle Lyle would randomly post amusing anecdotes on the message boards. Example: www.wfmu.org... at 1:53 AM.

Hey so Chris Forsyth/Solar Motel Band are touring with Heron Oblivion pretty soon. That might automatically qualify as my show of the year. Too bad they aren't hitting my backwater.
Avatar 3:54pm

Lyle is pretending to be Clay pretending to be Lyle. That's my theory anyway.
lloyd michigan:

Dogs don't need shoes.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@geezerette - If Clay can come up with an alibi, however flimsy, I'll believe that.
Avatar 3:59pm

Flimsy works for me Ken.

Anybody make it to the Troubadour for Guns 'n' Roses?
Avatar 4:01pm

@lloyd m.:
They don't need them but they really,really like them.
Avatar 4:01pm

flying lizards are six kinds of awesome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
JP from KC:

And if he can't come up with one, we'll do it for him. Just to keep Lyle alive!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Barney Grubbs:

my 9 yr old daughter heard the original Curtis Move on up for the first time over the weekend--she didn't want it to end. First time that has happened in a while. I will have to try the flying lizards version out on her.
Avatar 4:03pm

Thanks Ken for the orientation. My life is now back in order.
Avatar 4:06pm

Did you go? What was that like?

I was told by a friend that I'd better check out the AccuPlaylist. Can I just say ... who the hell is LYLE? And who is saying it's me??? As for G'NR at the Troubador, that is VERY exciting! I guess the reunion will all implode before long, but they said that about Trump, too.

@geezerette: No, and I was kinda joking, figuring odds are against anybody having gone. I confess I peaked at some clandestine YT videos. They did not seem to be in top form, but maybe you had to be there.

Seriously, though, word is Metallica is playing a record store here in town in the near future.
Avatar 4:08pm

Yay Clay!!! Keep it going man!!!

Lyle's this guy that's been telling fantastical stories, I'll be he was pretending to impersonate you to gain some credibility Clay
Avatar 4:08pm

nice save attempt, lyle. er, clay.
Avatar 4:09pm

Assuming that would be Amoeba.

Close. One block north, Rasputin.
Avatar 4:10pm


Hey, it's that crazy German New Wave comp again! I love this stuff.
Avatar 4:16pm

I once heard a BBC presenter make reference to a band called "Meta-Licker."
Avatar 4:17pm

We used to play this one in the kid's nursery during nap time.
Avatar 4:19pm

okay, can i just say that creme fraiche mixed with maple syrup is beyond fabulous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm

Rainy and Brainy
Tommy Haynes:

It's snowing today ..in the WMFU area
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:25pm
Matt from Springfield:

The Jim Morrison Robots??

Hi Scott and folks! No snow here - humid, overcast and sprinkling!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

Aw man, missed Flying Lizards! "Move On Up" is great - their "Sex Machine" also kicks ass!

"Go ahead!"
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:30pm
Matt from Springfield:

And I agree - Lyle should record parts for the Dusty Show, talking about his past experiences from the rock world! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
Rich in Washington:

I feel kinda dumb admitting this, but the first time I heard this track on the radio, I thought "Black Sabbath's Changes was a cover song?". He pulled it off so convincingly.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:34pm
Matt from Springfield:

Considering the Daptone label, I'm not surprised - they take "authentic" to the next level!
Avatar 4:36pm

Wonder what Lyle thinks about new Miles Davis & Chet Baker movies. I'm sure he worked with both of them,maybe at the same time. :)
Avatar 4:39pm

Scott Walker, thy name is anathema. Sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

ISB was at FMU? Jeez oh man!

I didn't know Dalek still existed.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:45pm
Matt from Springfield:

I want a Dalek for--April.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
Scott Williams:

@Z5Greg, indeed they were! Well, Mike Heron & Clive Palmer, anyway - no Robin. @Polyus, funny I was wondering the same thing pretty recently - they are!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:52pm
Bas NL:

Hi Scott! Great track by NWW!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Scott Williams:

Hello Bas!

Yep, I also heard this one on Daniel Blumin's show, good stuff
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Matt from Springfield:

You'd literally go to the end of the earth (finis terra) to find this!

Also: totally dig the "United Jnana" label name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Scott Williams:

Awww, that Blumin beats me to every punch - even birth! just barely...
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

Scott: does Daniel B. have almost the same birthday as you?
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

Jnana is a Hindu concept of "knowledge", but what really wow-ed me was the common Indo-European roots for knowledge across many different languages:

"The root jñā- is cognate to English know, as well as to the Greek γνώ- (as in γνῶσις gnosis). Its antonym is ajñāna "ignorance"." And even Latin coGNition was borrowed from that same Greek/IE "gno". Amazing stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
Scott Williams:

@Matt, yep
Avatar 5:00pm

Matt,so interesting,kind of encouraging even.
Avatar 5:00pm

Yes, and the french 'cogner' which means to bang or strike against .....
Well, maybe not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Been following all the remembrances of Getatchew Mekurya and his show with the Ex at Lincoln Center in 2008. I was there too, and endorse what everyone else has said about what a great show it was.

One thing I remember is how a huge number of Ethiopian nationals turned out to see Mahmoud Ahmed and Alemayehu Eshete (who were also great --Mahmoud particularly knocked me out) and then left, allowing all of the FMU listeners and other off-off-mainstream rock rooters to stream into the good seats for the Ex.

I am not smart enough.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

"encouraging even" - YES! My feeling exactly!

@Brian: To "bang ones head" with knowledge, of course. Sometimes it don't go in easily...

Then Play On ... what a frickin record. The Green God w/Kirwan.
Ghost of DuBrow:

Metal health will drive you mad.

"glimmer", "glamour", "grammar", and "grimoire" are all historically related as well.
Avatar 5:04pm

Je me cogne la caboche contre le mur.
Diem Changes:

Carpe Brute!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
Bas NL:

I have seen Bomino on stage three times now... i can't get enough of his incredible sounds.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
Matt from Springfield:

So jealous Bas! I'd like to see him after hearing this!
Avatar 5:09pm

Ekkert nema tími yfir sjó
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Kub: Sound like they mean it - no?
@Bas NL: 'African guitar' (stupidly broad of me - but yerknow...) totally beguiles me...
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Bas NL:

(That's Bombino,, My 'b' key flew out of my keyboard!)
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Matt from Springfield:

@Cliff: Hmm, I could see that. "The word grammar is derived from Greek γραμματικὴ τέχνη (grammatikē technē), which means "art of letters", from γράμμα (gramma), "letter", itself from γράφειν (graphein), "to draw, to write". And so graphics, grapheme, and photograph also come from that root.
Avatar 5:11pm

Hey Cliff! Yeah anything that reminds us how alike we are is a very good thing. A lot of language lovers here,one of the great things about the people FMU attracts.

This Bombino thing is gorgeous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
JP from KC:

I'd like to see him, too, but instead of on stage, how about from across a Bedouin bonfire in the desert as you drink a strong homemade liquor out of a handcrafted leather canteen?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So this is TheFeelies: I need edumacatin. Seems a GunClub groove...
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Matt from Springfield:

Sounds a bit like early Dylan x hard blues.
Hey RR!
Avatar 5:13pm

Matt,I love that! I draw a lot and I'm always trying to decode tagging. Visual language.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Bas NL:

Bombino learned to play guitar by listening and playing along with to Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix..
Avatar 5:14pm

Hey JP,is that ever a great fantasy.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Matt from Springfield:

Visual language is not only efficient communication, but an art! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

Matt, yeah, I was thinking "Subterranean" too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...by way of 'Rock'n'Roll' by VUs...
@BasNL: Aw - love the source-influence-back to source thing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...as long as yer not somewhere in the desert someone declares jihad on all music er something...
Avatar 5:16pm

Matt,high five!
Bas NL,nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
JP from KC:

Thanks, geezerette! I can't help it. The incomparable diversity of this station gets the creative juices flowing. Every once in a while, and probably more so on this station than anywhere else, the music just takes you places.

Rev. Rabbit: Which is why Tinariwen are exiled from Timbuktu.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Bas NL:

@Rev. R Let's hope not indeed!
Avatar 5:18pm

Helloooo!!!! me dig

This is amazingness
Avatar 5:20pm

Yep! Thank you Scott and all the other DJs!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Bas NL:

One expects less after each track, but alas..
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Matt from Springfield:

@Cliff: Ugh, the state of the world...it's all cyclical I know, but sure sucks to be at the bottom of a cycle...
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:22pm


loving this, Scott! hi to you and to all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Scott Williams:

Glad you're into it, everyone!
Avatar 5:24pm

Glad to have this beautiful distraction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Great book has a pocket history of collective 'Festival' - & the Conservative Religious elements opposed to it - is 'Dancing in the Streets' by Barbara Ehrenreich.
Yeah - hella set.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
Matt from Springfield:

And sometimes, you just need to hear Kebekelektrik (always a good exit button).
Avatar 5:27pm

@Rev Rabbit Nov63 Looks like a cool read!
Avatar 5:28pm

Rev Rab, hadn't heard of that book,sounds great. Thanks for tip.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah - chapter deals w/ Conservative Religion goes a long way towards explaining how Islam can have both Sufi Dervishes & violent extremists. She suggests Christianity similarly probably started out Ecstatic - & eventually there were Calvinists...The Conservative movements were usually together w/ Imperialists & Militarists...
Avatar 5:33pm

this is banging
Avatar 5:33pm

Oh those Chimp genes...

It's not dead air, it's an impromptu performance of John Cage!

And yay, Prince Rama :D
Avatar 5:37pm

Collapsing New Krishna
Avatar 5:37pm

hahaha Cliff! :)
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:37pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yes, the concept is to listen quietly to your surroundings instead--and 10 seconds later have your surroundings interrupted with a flood of sound! I like it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38pm

Nice, Prince Rama put on a trippy good show

Cecile: Haha, yeah I can hear that, maybe with more banging on metal things
Avatar 5:40pm

Cecile that sounds like a band name!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm
Michael in Seattle:

@RR, aren't we all now awash in Christianity because Constantine believed the cross gave him power in battle ??
Avatar 5:41pm

The song reminds me of Fad Gadget's Collapsing New Buildings
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Michael: Oh - the Witches & NeoPagans all say the Patriarchal Monotheists were all originally about War Gods anyhow.

You mean Collapsing New People.....whereas I thought you meant the band whose German name translates to Collapsing New Buildings
Avatar 5:47pm

hey people

Apparently Fad Gadget did a collab w/Einstürzende Neubauten and he named that song after them so I wasn't that far off :)
Avatar 5:48pm

W00! Third Eye Foundation!

what are the strings that this TEF song is sampling - it's from a soundtrack, correct?
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:49pm
Matt from Springfield:

Patriarchal types - so vicious towards women, and ultimately, deathly afraid of them.
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Scotty!
Avatar 5:55pm

beautiful show today, scott! a grey skies soundtrack of the first order.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

Oh, does Björk have her own line of prams out now?
Avatar 5:55pm

Ditto !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Scott Williams:

Aww, thanks Monica! And you too Greg! And you too, everybody! stay warm and colorful

Yep, thanks for the show today Scott!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Bas NL:

Next week, same time! Thanks Scott!
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Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

grazie, Scott! molto clicky stars!
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Matt from Springfield:

Beautiful Karla Borecky, beautiful conclusion!

Thanks Scott and everyone, great show, great afternoon!
Have a good evening!
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