Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from January 7, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting January 7, 2016: Best Of 2015

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Artist Track Album Year
6Blocc  Brain Damage (6Blocc's Lunar Step Flex)   Favoriting Dark Side Of The Boom  2015 
New Order  Nothing But A Fool   Favoriting Music Complete  2015 
Chris Connelly  Mistreated & Wild   Favoriting Decibels From Heart  2015 
Wand  Sleepy Dog   Favoriting 1000 Days  2015 
Sacri Monti  Glowing Grey   Favoriting Sacri Monti  2015 
Elder  Compendium   Favoriting Lore  2015 
High On Fire  The Falconist   Favoriting Luminiferous  2015 
Acid King  Silent Pictures   Favoriting Middle Of Nowhere, Center Of Everywhere  2015 
Open Hand  Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)   Favoriting Electric Ladyland [Redux]  2015 
Onra  We Ridin' (Feat. Daz Dillinger & Olivier Daysoul)   Favoriting Fundamentals  2015 
Pimp C  Wavybone (Feat. A$ap Rocky, Juicy J, Bun B)   Favoriting Long Live The Pimp  2015 
L'Orange & Kool Keith  Dr. Bipolar   Favoriting Time? Astonishing!  2015 
Czarface  Nightcrawler (Feat. Method Man)   Favoriting Every Hero Needs A Villain  2015 
Bixiga 70  Di Dancer   Favoriting III  2015 
Kamasi Washington  Final Thought   Favoriting The Epic  2015 
Windhand  Crypt Key   Favoriting Grief's Infernal Flower  2015 
Mekons & Robbie Fulks  Go From My Window   Favoriting Jura  2015 
Deaf Wish  They Know   Favoriting Pain  2015 
Momus  Old Nick   Favoriting Glyptothek  2015 
Spencer Moody And The Anzalones  Bird On A Wire   Favoriting Spencer Moody And The Anzalones  2015 
Yonatan Gat  East To West   Favoriting Director  2015 
Coil  Fire Of The Green Dragon   Favoriting Backwards  2015 
Entrails  Beyond The Flesh   Favoriting Obliteration  2015 
Unrest  Identity In The Internet Age   Favoriting Grindcore  2015 
Organ Dealer  No Answer   Favoriting Visceral Infection  2015 
Captain Cleanoff  Rage Of Odour   Favoriting Rising Terror  2015 
Bosse-de-Nage  At Night   Favoriting All Fours  2015 
The Nepalese Temple Ball  Knee Deep   Favoriting Arbor  2015 
Jute Gyte  Forces Of Self-Shedding   Favoriting Ship Of Theseus  2015 
Horna  Nekromantia   Favoriting Hengen Tulet  2015 
Yellow Eyes  What Filters Through The Copper Stain   Favoriting Sick With Bloom  2015 
Gorgoroth  Radix Malorum   Favoriting Instinctus Bestialis  2015 
The Bevis Frond  Waiting For Sinatra   Favoriting Example 22  2015 
The Bevis Frond  Hot Sauce Or Nothing   Favoriting Example 22  2015 

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Listener comments!

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Wild Neil:

Happy New Year Chris M and all listeners!
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Marcel M:

Morning imaginary Chris and imaginary friends.
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Wild Neil:

Interesting use of flanger on this.

should we be exercising to this?
Avatar 9:04am

Good morning, Chris and other Brain Damaged listeners..

Morning Chris M.! Very much enjoying waking up to this set.
Avatar 9:06am
Chris M.:

good morning and welcome to the best albums of 2015 show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Good morning and Happy New Year...FREEFORMERS OF THE WORLD!

Happy Imaginary New Year, Chris and Imaginubians!

Sounds good, Chris
Avatar 9:12am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-Is that monster vomiting up a bunch of people, or is that the curliecues from the imaginary raido logo?
Avatar 9:13am
Chris M.:

@Wild Neil: yes
Avatar 9:16am

Watching Goodday Sacramento on the Ipad, listening to WFMU from N.Y. on the desktop PC, and playing/practicing Stratocaster in Colorado. Is this multi-tasking or ADD?

@Utopiast: it's typical
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...he consumed them on NewYearsEve, hence the jester cap & confetti streamers & such...the kitties just happened to be there - no black kitty profiling...their blood alcohol (&tc.) was too much for him...really it's all quite explicit & obvious...
Avatar 9:18am
Wild Neil:

Wand sounds like a Brian Eno record...
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@P90 Probably so. These modern times...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...upchuck streamers, double screeners, gittar screamers...

Notice also that the Buddhist patriarch Bodhidharma makes an appearance as the the last of the barfed, and the only one who doesn't seem thrilled with it all, which is in character...

These jams doth soothe.
Avatar 9:28am
Howard F:

Great set Chris! It amazes me how each 'FMU has there own niche/specialty. It really gives "radio personality" a true meaning!
Avatar 9:29am
Chris M.:

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Howard F:

your welcome! who's the artist on the webpage?
Avatar 9:34am
Chris M.:

@Howard F: my niece drew it for her pre-k class the other day. pretty good for her age!
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Howard F:

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Howard F:

It's really cool.
Avatar 9:37am

Oh yeah, High on Fire!
Avatar 9:37am
Wild Neil:

I GET IT. Its a 2015 show. Cool!

did anyone cover bye bye blackbird last year?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am

Go Chris!
Avatar 9:44am
Chris M.:

@sinuendo: apparently i missed some great versions of bye bye blackbird last week so i'm going to have to keep re-doing that show until it's perfect.

More doodles by Chis's niece:
Avatar 9:56am
Howard F:

@?: thanks!

Talcum Heir?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am

good morning Chris and hello figments
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

Avatar 10:10am

Bonjour Chris and imaginary friends
Donald Trump:

I thought this was saying adopted by a polak

"All I talk is money, ho" -- I love how you are playing the intellectual high points of music in 2015. Too bad that's the hip-hop that the money men still push out to the kids while serious minds like Killer Mike go mostly ignored.

This one is cool though. Unlike those A$AP morons, these guys occasionally use words longer than 3 syllables....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Money is the reason most people get up' - you know it.

Can you remix remix of a remix?
Avatar 10:17am
Chris M.:

@Ike: Killer Mike didn't put anything out in 2015. Run the Jewels 2 was one of my favorite albums of 2014 and nobody played them more than me on this station. i'm sorry you don't like most of rap music but you're completely a hypocrite about this.

OK Chris. That comment was about Pimp C and A$AP not "most of rap music" BTW. But whatever.
Avatar 10:23am
Chris M.:

@Ike: this isn't the first or second time you've complained about me playing a rap song you find dumb or offensive. check out RTJ's Love Again and wake me up when you think you can criticize what i've played.
Italo Disco Fan:

Anyone know why the Rolling Motion program has disappeared from the program schedule? It should've been on at 3am this morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, Chris & all!
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@ Italo Disco Fan : I was wondering the same question.
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Wild Neil:

@Italo Disco Fan-hey, my wife and I both like Disco Polo! (Poland's version of that...)
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Got my brother Kamasi tix for Christmas…and the other brother Robyn Hitchcock tix. Gonna be a good winter.
Italo Disco Fan:

what station Neil?
Avatar 10:26am
Chris from DC:

Heard a lot of good things about this record but have not heard any of it as yet. This is great.
Avatar 10:26am

I think rap has room for both ignorant party jams, and thoughtful work. I wouldn't call Killer Mike ignored by any stretch of the imagination. Also, he has had his very ignorant moments at times.

And one of raps best minds, Kendrick Lamar is the biggest thing since sliced bread. Cream gonna rise to the top.
Italo Disco Fan:

I fear Rolling Motion has been FIRED!
Avatar 10:27am
Chris M.:

@Greg from ZONE 5: you have the luckiest brothers!
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The Windhand record might be my favorite of '15, so crushing.
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hey Chris and friends. woo hoo i got a rare Thursday morning off!
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Wild Neil:

@Italo Disco-oh, we just have some CD's...no idea what station!
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Chris from DC:

I'd also include Dorthia Cottrell's solo record with my favorites, along with Windhand. Beautiful stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Greg from ZONE 5:

To say nothing about the matching IBJ sweaters for Sunday!
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Italo, sometimes life happens mid-schedule. I would just email Rolling and ask them what's up? 99% that's that happens - they just can't do it for whatever reason.
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But if you talk about Drake, well, that guy is horrible and I take back everything I said about cream and party rap being a good thing.
Avatar 10:29am

hey, Chris M, did Horrendous make your best of?

I think Jack Endino deserves a lot of credit for this Windhand record. The style hasn't changed, but he really gives them a new feel. I like the vocals higher in the mix.
Avatar 10:30am
Chris M.:

@Cecile: it was a runner-up
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awwww. How about the Torche record?
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Italo Disco Fan - do you listen to Intergalactic Classix on Intergalactic FM? check that out if not...
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@Polyus - I agree, Dorthia was dialed back too far in the mix on "Soma". I believe they intentionally did that, but I can't for the life of me why you want to bury vocals as good as hers.

And co-sign on her solo album, another good '15 release.
Avatar 10:31am
Chris M.:

@Cecile: sorry i only liked a couple songs on that. i'm much more of a Floor fan.
Italo Disco Fan:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Happy New Year, Chris M. These are mighty fine selections this morning.
Avatar 10:33am

*grumble* I hopes you have some more good hard rock on your list, bruh.
Avatar 10:35am
Wild Neil:

At Italo Disco: maybe try this. Press the red square button then find WMP player, that worked for me...www.polskastacja.pl...
Avatar 10:35am
Chris M.:

@Ken From Hyde Park: thanks!
@Cecile: we'll see
Avatar 10:36am

this is doing it. thanks, man.
Avatar 10:39am

now not so much.
I'ma gonna bail for a while. Maintain the twee!
Avatar 10:40am
Chris M.:

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Chris M.:

i wish someone would explain to me why i have the comments open
Avatar 10:41am

I just updated to a recent version of iTunes. It's heinous! Lord-of-the-flies depraved, even.
Avatar 10:42am

hey, I'm not putting you down for your taste. It's just not my mood. I used to always say that to Faye. WFMU isn't all about my taste. That wasn't meant as a dig.
Avatar 10:42am

It sucks monkey balls, Brian. That's all I can say.
Avatar 10:43am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-you are doing a hell of a job, man. Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Andrew Waterloo:

somebody has to suck those monkey balls. May as well be Apple.
Avatar 10:43am

what Wild Neil said. I just need my head hammered today.
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More like Mastodon balls. The icons are bigger than my head!
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@AW - "we work hard so you don't have to"
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I am still bitter about the runaround I have to go through just to shuffle my music library on my iPod.
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Yes, loving this noise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Andrew Waterloo:

Yonatan Gat was one my highlights for live shows this year. Actually, a good year for seeing stuff live.
Avatar 10:45am
Wild Neil:

Hey should I have a more "ironic" icon? Hey did you all get my "irony"?? This is really me in the woods, for real. With sunglasses. I wish it was warmer...this cold virus is killing me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Andrew Waterloo:

@Cecile. it should be "we work hard so you can work hard"
Avatar 10:47am

ha, or "we work hard so you can work harder!"
Avatar 10:47am

I didn't think it was ironic. I though it was apropos, Neil.
Avatar 10:48am

i dont know if i went to a single live show outside Monty Hall this year. that said my favorite show at ol Monty was Brian Dewan, which I'm still thinking about months later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Working hard or hardly working?
Mark R:

Digging this Yonatan Gat track. Have to admit they're new to me. Thanks for expanding my horizons. Love this Coil song, too. THEM I've heard of.
Avatar 10:50am

I saw Neurosis AND Bianca Del Rio this year. That pretty much made it a good year.
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Wild Neil:

I was being silly about the irony thing.
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Chris M.:

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Chris from DC:

I like this Coil, but the Drew Macdowall album was next level.
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big yay for Coil
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John Prine: "... She called everybody Coil."
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Wild Neil:

I almost saw King Crimson in Toronto, , but could not afford it.
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Andrew Waterloo:

I did see King Crimson in Toronto.
Avatar 10:55am

(To have and have not.)
Avatar 10:55am
Wild Neil:

@Andrew-I am genuinely happy for you. Glad you got to go....
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Andrew Waterloo:

I'm glad I went :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Greg from ZONE 5:

I didn't like Chopper :(
Avatar 10:57am

that's so cool, AW
Avatar 10:57am
Wild Neil:

Did King Crimson play anything unexpected?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am
Andrew Waterloo:

Wild Neil. I honestly wouldn't know. The three drummers were fun to see.
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did they play older, good stuff?
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Chris from DC:

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Andrew Waterloo:

Yah, they did a great job on Court of the Crimson King

Imaginary Radio makes me so, so happy you guys.
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yay! Black Met-tal!
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Chris M.:

thanks, Blinda!

Guns n Roses, L-A!
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Chris M.:

@Cecile: you perfectly well this is death metal. or do i have to revoke your license?
Avatar 11:03am

I get them all mixed up. They didn't have this when I was growing up, you know.

Rust Belt metal.

Thank YOU Chris M.!!!! I miss your show on Mondays bc I need it so bad on Mondays, but since you moved to Thursdays, the Thursday lineup is PERFECT. STUPID perfect.
Avatar 11:04am

Well I'm glad that unsane titled their record with the genre so I won't feel like an idiot.
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Avatar 11:04am

Blinda, I have to agree wholeheartedly.
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Chris from DC:

Any Abyssal? Brilliant record.

Hey at least I don't comment about it every time I wander away and then come back. :) (j/k Cecile pls don't kill me, u know I love ya)
Avatar 11:05am

i unfortunately rarely get to listen on Thursdays cuz of work, but the extreme metal primer was one of my fav fmu specials of the year.

Ok is this song "grindcore"? What's the difference between "grindcore" and "death metal"? Explain it to me like I'm your dad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am

Avatar 11:06am

That's right Ike. The void I leave in my departure is so obvious that it shouldn't even need to be mentioned. You miss me. That is enough for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Music to scare kids and old people by!

@Steve: was that a premium? How do I listen to this extreme metal primer?

Grindcore is all, like, GGGZZZZHHHH, GGGZZZHHHH!!!, but death metal is all, like, HHHHHAAAAAARRRRR!!!
Avatar 11:07am

this is what rev rab said about it:
Death metal - I will kill you!
Black Metal - Hail Satan!
Blackened Death Metal - Satan will kill you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

(>L < ))))

grindcore is punk. death metal is redneck.

Like Guy Lomabardo or Lawrence Welk.
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Chris M.:

@Blinda: wfmu.org...
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Blinda, Diane did a show with one of the guys from Decibel who explained it all to us.
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@Blinda: I think it's this show:

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Blinda - wfmu.org...
Avatar 11:09am

oh! Chris I missed that show. I will have to listen and catch up. Can I get extra credit?
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Chris M.:

@Cecile: "the guys from Decibel" you are banned now

If Cecile is banned I'm burned at the stake for asking this stuff
Avatar 11:10am

Why? He was nice enough. But he didn't answer any of my flippant questions about the Finnish metal issue.

@Cecile@11:06/11:07: Bwahahaha!
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Chris from DC:

Oh yeah, Bosse-de-Nage, good one

Grindcore features a slightly higher percentage of sweatpants worn by band members. Only slightly though.
Avatar 11:11am

If you ban me, I will only grow stronger.
Avatar 11:11am
Chris M.:

@Blinda: no chance! :)

Wait the "Finnish metal issue"? Please elaborate!!

Also, Chris, don't feel like you're alone. I also harass Irwin when he plays overproduced mainstream country. I'm kind of a pain in the taint like that. + co-sign on "WFMU isn't all about my taste" (but I adore the ability to gripe about it, it's so cool to be able to do that).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am
Devin B.:

I love Thursdays.
Avatar 11:12am

this guitar break is kind of gorgeous

@Devin B. YES.
Avatar 11:13am
Wild Neil:

Finnair is awesome! Also, they have smoked reinedeer meat at the Helsinki airport which is like sushi with hooves...wow! But the stuffed reindeer there is like the size of a large dog. Weird!
Avatar 11:13am
Wild Neil:

Bosse-de-Nage sounds a bit like Fields of the Nephilim-who are deeply evil in my opinion...
Avatar 11:14am

It was an issue about Finland and metal. The best part was the guy from Korpiklaani hating on everything that wasn't done by his friends.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am
Andrew Waterloo:

Grind core is more punk, bursty, blasty, and usually characterized by shorter songs with less structure. Death Metal is more thrash metal, more focus on longer staccato riffs, guitar solos, more song structure.

@Wild Neil: sounds like they are harvesting those reindeer too soon.
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I just have to go. That country has touched my life in more ways than whatever the DNA test tells me my real ancestry is.
Avatar 11:15am
Wild Neil:

They might just be really SMALL anyway....
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Speaking of Finland, I miss listener Caryn for her wit and insight. Happy New Year, Caryn, wherever you are!
Avatar 11:15am

I agree about the redneck comment. Hit's the nail on the head re why it's so hard to take seriously.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15am
Andrew Waterloo:

Are red-nosed reindeers considered inedible or a delicacy?

How they pull that big sleigh?
Avatar 11:15am

this is a toy stuffed reindeer, right? Not a whole one to eat?
Mark R:

I've been told that even Station Manager Ken has said he has to turn the station off sometimes. You're most likely not going to like everything everybody plays. Some people's shows you may choose to skip. My own method is usually to stay tuned--if I'm not digging what's happening at the moment, chances are, I'll hear something I like soon. If you're going to have your taste expanded, you're going to have to hear some stuff that's not right up your alley sometimes. Otherwise, you end up on the classic rock station.
Avatar 11:16am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-by a taxidermist was what I reckon...
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My method is to tune out and MAKE A HUGE GODDAMN DEAL ABOUT IT IKE.

Oh, ok. that's not so bad, Neil.
Avatar 11:17am

not that I wouldn't have dug in if it were offered. It would be rude to refuse.
Avatar 11:17am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-it was NOT located at the smoked meat stand, it was in the corridor at a newsstand or gift shop or something....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am
Andrew Waterloo:

Sometimes I'll just switch to something on Youtube or my own MP3 collection and remain in the comments and see if anything interesting shows up on the playlist.

oh my gosh you guys, learning about the various heavy metals from you all is SO, SO, SO FUN!! Sorry for the caps and exclamation points but it's really how I feel!!
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I think it would have been awesome if it was, Neil.
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Wild Neil:

I am a redneck with a thick skin. But NOT white trash. No way!
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EXCLAMATION POINTS ARE REALLY METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The fact that there are shows on FMU that I have to turn off is one of the things I *love* about it. Someone out there digs it, and it's great that there's an outlet for any type of music/sounds here.
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This is the greatest cognitive dissonance between band name and sound ever.
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Wild Neil:

I have a love/hate relationship with FMU. Sometimes I force myself to listen anyway as a zen exercise.
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Each exclamation point has it's own distinct character, you see.
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Ken always says, we're not doing something right if you don't turn off FMU at least once a day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am
Andrew Waterloo:

PKNY, the way I see it, if radio station is going to make somebody happy, I will not be that person.

that's what I loved about Kenny G's show...equal parts huh? AAAH turn it off and OMG THIS IS GENIUS. It was like a tiny representation of FMU.

@Wild Neil what's the difference between a redneck and white trash?
Avatar 11:22am

It promotes promiscuous listening. That's ok. I invariably duck under the covers with WCBN.
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Blinda, altitude.
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Chris M.:

@Blinda: death metal and black metal both evolved primarily from early thrash (black metal also came from much more specific things like 80s satanic metal). grindcore evolved from extreme hardcore punk and took it into metal territory. but they all became distinctly different from each other as musical forms.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Andrew Waterloo:

Redneck is an embraced lack of sophistication. White trash is complete lack of personal dignity.
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oh, never mind, I thought you said hillbilly. That's the difference.

The difference is the arrest record.

Beg to differ, Andrew. I have a modicum of personal dignity.
Mark R:

I did a fill-in for Infinite Distortion a couple of months ago and played a bunch of stuff like this. I never listen to this kind of music, it was fun for an hour!
Avatar 11:25am

I use the 'gotta turn off the livestream' moments to either catch up on stuff via the archive, or try to chip away at the huge 'stuff to listen to' Spotify playlist I've compiled over the years.

@Chris - any chance new records by False and Obsequiae made your list?
Avatar 11:26am
Chris M.:

@Polyus: False didn't make the cut. haven't heard Obsequiae i don't think?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am
Andrew Waterloo:

@Dean, are you wearing pants that have no holes and are in no way snap or stretchy?
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I am wearing stretchy pants.

@Andrew: Today, yes.
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Wild Neil:

@Blinda-Rednecks are mildly nationalistic, proud of their self-sufficiency, have some kind of marketable skill and are proud of it. Rednecks are often, but not always religious in the Judeo Christian tradition. Han Solo is a redneck.

White trash are generally Jerry Springer material.

But we don't want the Irish!
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Marcel M:

Gotta run. Awesome show Chris.
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Wild Neil:

The Irish are awesome.
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My stretchy pants are broadfalls.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Is there any relation between gutbucket and boogie-woogie?
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Wild Neil:

I am a little odd in that I am a Catholic redneck.
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Chris M.:

thanks Marcel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am

This song is about NJ, I'm sure of it.
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Love this Elliot Sharp, by the way.
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Wild Neil:

Rednecks are often Veterans. White trash are not in that they probably could not get accepted.
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I think gutbucket is an adjective for the place, boogie-woogie is the music.
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Andrew Waterloo:

I come from a redneck family. It's not something you can simply shake off.
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I don't know what kind of family I came from. Maybe aggravated hillbilly intelletuals.
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Wild Neil:

My dad was a farmer who dropped out of eighth grade in 1932 to work on the farm. He read four newspapers a a day and collected world coins. He was a real ladies man in his day.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I'd rather listen to WFMU "Who likes this?" programming than commercial radio "Who likes this?" programming.
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Wild Neil:

@Cecile-Hillbillies are mountain folks I suppose.
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Andrew Waterloo:

When I go home for Christmas I go home to the people who make it well known that they are happy with their $5 bottle of wine, for no particular reason.
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Wild Neil:

This is the sound of my mind being forced open with a crowbar.
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pursuing sophistication in the most unsophisticated way possible.

Neil, he sounds like my grandpa. He had mountains of books and papers in his house, loved to learn. At the same time, he'd get thrown out of bars when he'd visit us because he was a pool hustler and took everyone for their money.
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My dad was an artist at finding a $6 dollar bottle of wine. It used to be $2, but it crept up.
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Andrew Waterloo:

Lucky Peach had a interesting article about Appalachian mountain people and saphron.
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Wild Neil:

@Andrew-I think $5.00 is the threshold where it stops being Boone Farms and starts being actual grown-up wine. Just a guess....
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Here in smalltown NorthNewEngland - it's so North of NorthEast of Nowhere - so out of the loop & so non-populous - there isn't even a word for the people...
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Wine from countries you didn't even know made wine, but still delicious.
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Boone's Farm is actually more expensive than some good wines of my acquaintance. It must be the name...
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Some say, there is wine made in Wisconsin. Maybe, but I've never been in that basement.
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Rev Rabbit - they're called woodchucks.
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Andrew Waterloo:

there is a difference between being a connoisseur of cheap wine, and feeling ill will toward anyone who isn't happy with your box of wine.

I eschew most domestic (US) wines. I live a short drive from California's wine country, yet I've never been there to sample the wares. I'll stick to France, Italy, and Spain.
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I had good mead and fruit wine at White Winter Winery in Iron River, WI. It was everyone's Christmas present this year. They have a black mead that is not sweet at all, more like a nice Cab.

Good point, AW!
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or just yanks
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Wild Neil:

@Dean-Argentinian Malbec is quite popular and quite good now...you can get a good $12.00 bottle no problem...I would avoid the ones that say they have notes of tobaccoo, however and stick to the plums and berries tack...
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Good U.S. wines are stratospherically priced. So yep: France, Italy, and Spain. Especially from the marginal areas.
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I think one of the best alcoholic beverages I ever drank was peach wine from my pa-in-law's friend Stirch. it wasn't real sweet and so many flavors, I thought, this is what $1000/bottle wine tastes like. Unfortunately, Stirch never got to that level again.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@crateslinger: Yeah - but that almost sounds like the old farmer types who are actually kinda worthy & kewl in their way...I mean the people who are our equivalent of white trash (somewhere else's term). Also - the Yuppie/Hillbilly (not our own term either) hybrid...
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I had an excellent sparkling from Mawby, once, in Michigan. But they import their grapes, so that doesn't count.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

I once bought an unopened bottle of pineapple wine from an estate sale. I have no idea how old it was. I drank the whole thing and lived to tell about it.
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A term for New England redneck is Woodchuck, but they don't shun that word so if you're looking for a pejoritive, you can say Townie, or in the real sticks, Dirthead. They hate them last two tho.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Surely it's gotten easier to get a decent bottle o' wine @ an affordable price - & the coffee's gotten better too? Broadly speaking?
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it sure does. They made it there.

@Wild Neil: I work from time to time with a wine country attorney and independent wine scholar who traveled to Argentina a year or so ago to sample the Malbecs. He recommended them heartily, too. The main reason I avoid Argentina, Chile, etc., is simply the difficulty of making a choice. There are good, cheap French wines I can rely on. Also, it's the plum quality of many California reds that I've grown tired of.
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Wild Neil:

Walmart sells Café Buselo which is AWESOME Cuban coffee...and its DIRT CHEAP.
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I like Riesling, and it's still a good deal. You can get ones that aren't real sweet at all.
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Wild Neil:

This is the sound of my mind being burgled...ak!

Best white wine I've had in a long time: Favaro Erbaluce. It's not dirt cheap, but at twenty bucks a bottle a real showstopper.
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There are fewer distinctly horrible wines out there, but the relentless jammy sameness of what remains wearies the soul. Not unlike some, eh, "redneck" music, don't you know.
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Andrew Waterloo:

The homemade alcoholic beverage I've ever had was a Limoncello I had in Italy. So good, so syrupy, so lemony.
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I wish Gorgoroth, Cynic and Torche would play at Pride somewhere. it would be great.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- analogous to IPA bitterness for its' sake?...
Mark R:

OK so this group is unfamiliar to me, but I believe the name "Gorgoroth" (which I don't know what it means) sounds like their music.
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Chris from DC:

Digging this one very much.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

*own sake...
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Andrew Waterloo:

the IPA thing has gotten a bit old.
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All I know about wine is only buy it if it says, "Mis en bouteille au chateau", so if it ain't french I don't know what to do.
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there was a pretty interesting recent episode of Stuff You Should Know podcast about wine fraud... people selling wine they claim is hundreds of years old, owned by historical figures, etc.
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@Andrew: Yes. I had a limoncello made by a chef whose family is from Capri. His was bitter, oily, and obscene. "You will either love this or loathe it, " he warned. It was love for me.
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I like exactly one IPA these days. The rest are damn near undrinkable.
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Oh, Satan! They do love that guy, don't they?

@Rev: Not quite analogous. Bitterness is a necessary, but not sufficient, characteristic of an IPA or pale ale. Gratuitous extremes of IBUs are, of course, part of the marketing plan, but lord, Knee Deep's Simtra, a very bitter triple IPA, is a glorious mouthful. The plummy quality of so much California red wine--last I tried them--is just reminiscent of ... fruit.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

I walked past a store yesterday called "Skin Laundry", and I was like "How is this a place for ladies and not a metal band?"
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All I can find these days, are "Art School" IPAs. Iconoclastic palate assassins. Not for me.

*Nick ambles to the podium to accept his award*
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Chris M.:

@Greg from ZONE 5: i really want to hear that band
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I like Fulton's "Sweet Child of Vine". It had a bite, but drinks like what they call "session beer" now. "Session beer" is what we used to call "beer".

We can thank Dogfish Head for that, @βrian. They were pioneers, but damn, I've never gotten them.
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Andrew Waterloo:

Yah, the IPA game has become more of an IBU arms race with a quirky randomness outlier.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Chris M. Smell ya later!
paula pc:

huh what??? was asleep when this came out --- THANKS for noting, Chris!!!!
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If I drink an IPA and have to use my inhaler within 2 minutes of drinking it, it's way too hoppy
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Greg from ZONE 5:

You should hip Jonesy to this song. He'll play it every week!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes Thx ChrisM.
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excellent show, glad i finally got to listen for once!
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"Session beer" vs "seizure beer?"
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Chris from DC:

22 albums and still going strong.
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Wild Neil:

Great show Chris!
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exactly, Brian.
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Mike East:

I don't mind an IPA, but I stay away from the ones that have labels that look like they're daring you to drink it.

@ Greg from ZONE 5 hahah too true.

Well, now that they mention hot sauce, has anybody suffered/enjoyed Bigfat's 8o8 Naga Jolokia? Ow.
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yes, like the hot sauces that make you sign a waiver.
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Coming up: Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie
on the Drummer stream.

The 7o8 7 Pot Citrus is less hot, but still a burner, and worthy of the name, really full of flavor. The 8o8 is a sinus clearer.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks much, Chris!
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thanks, Chris!
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