Favoriting Therese: Playlist from September 14, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting September 14, 2015: Featuring Vans Halen, Morrison, and Dyke Parks

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
Van Halen  Romeo Delight   Favoriting Women and Children First  Warner Bros.    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Them  In the Midnight Hour   Favoriting Them  Fallout    0:03:53 (Pop-up)
Nils Lofgren / Grin  Direction   Favoriting The Best of Grin featuring Nils Lofgren  Epic    0:06:34 (Pop-up)
Galactus  Live with Me   Favoriting Ultimate Bonehead! Vol 3 (V/A)  Belter  *   0:10:36 (Pop-up)
Obnox  Probability (Oi Division II)   Favoriting Wiglet  Ever/Never  *   0:14:04 (Pop-up)
Creedence Clearwater Revival  Someday Never Comes   Favoriting Chronicle, Vol 1.  Fantasy    0:17:05 (Pop-up)
Royal Headache  Carolina   Favoriting High  What's Your Rupture?   *   0:20:31 (Pop-up)
The 6ths  All Dressed Up in Dreams   Favoriting Wasps' Nests  London    0:32:09 (Pop-up)
Van Dyke Parks  Come to the Sunshine   Favoriting Arrangements Volume 1  Bananastan    0:35:29 (Pop-up)
Kathryn Calder  My Armour   Favoriting Kathryn Calder  File Under: Music    0:37:43 (Pop-up)
Usha Uthup & Chorus  Hari Om Hari   Favoriting Bombay Disco: Disco Hits from Hindi Films 1979-1985 (V/A)  Cultures of Soul    0:42:01 (Pop-up)
Miss Kittin and the Hacker  Nightlife   Favoriting Lost Tracks Vol 1  Dark Entries  *   0:48:26 (Pop-up)
Dam-Funk  We Continue   Favoriting Invite the Light  Stones Throw  *   0:52:30 (Pop-up)
Public Image Ltd.  The One   Favoriting What the World Needs Now  PiL Official / Cargo  *   1:11:56 (Pop-up)
Wetdog  Message   Favoriting Divine Times  Upset! the Rhythm  *   1:14:58 (Pop-up)
Swell Maps  Secret Island   Favoriting Jane from Occupied Europe  Mute / Sire    1:18:29 (Pop-up)
Self Defense Family  Everybody Wants a Prize for Feeling   Favoriting Heaven Is Earth  Deathwish  *   1:22:58 (Pop-up)
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers  Even the Losers   Favoriting Damn the Torpedoes  Backstreet / MCA    1:26:07 (Pop-up)
Destroyer  Forces from Above   Favoriting Poison Season  Merge  *   1:30:04 (Pop-up)
Low  No Comprende   Favoriting Ones and Sixes  Sub Pop  *   1:35:27 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch  When the Teardrops Fell   Favoriting Santa Barbara Honeymoon  Drag City    1:40:24 (Pop-up)
The Well Wishers  When the Time Comes   Favoriting A Shattering Sky  Self-Released  *   1:57:14 (Pop-up)
Atlantic Thrills  Bed Bugs   Favoriting Bed Bugs 7"  Almost Ready  *   2:00:35 (Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo  My Heart's Not in It   Favoriting Stuff Like That There  Matador  *   2:03:07 (Pop-up)
Shayne Carter & Peter Jefferies  Randolph's Going Home   Favoriting Randolph's Going Home / Hooked, Lined And Sunken 7"  Captured Tracks / Flying Nun  *   2:05:49 (Pop-up)
Pridjevi  Pozuri Polako   Favoriting Pridjevi  Trouble in Mind  *   2:09:44 (Pop-up)
Novella  Blue Swallows   Favoriting Land  Sinderlyn  *   2:13:41 (Pop-up)
Pigeons  Buoy   Favoriting Buoy 7"  Soft Abuse  *   2:19:27 (Pop-up)
Bruce Springsteen  Incident on 57th St.   Favoriting Live at the Main Point, 1975  Leftfield Media    2:24:24 (Pop-up)
Heldon  Perspectives 1 bis complement   Favoriting Perpectives  Souffle Continu / Urus  *   2:40:24 (Pop-up)
Ataraxia (aka Mort Garson)  Astral Projection   Favoriting The Unexplained: Electronic Musical Impressions of the Occult  Fifth Dimension  *   2:45:59 (Pop-up)
Second Layer  Save Our Souls   Favoriting World of Rubber  Dark Entries  *   2:50:41 (Pop-up)
Paul Williams  The Hell of It   Favoriting Phantom of the Paradise (soundtrack)  Shout! Factory    2:54:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:04am
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hi Therese!

HELL YES!!! VH#1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05am


Good Morning, T !
Avatar 12:05am

I'm so excited that we'll get to keep starting Mondays off with you until next summer (if not longer)!

Therese! I was just thinking about Van Halen 30 seconds before you opened the show. You think that means something?
Avatar 12:13am

This is like an alternate "Dazed & Confused" soundtrack!
Greg from ZONE 5:

Hey T-Mobile! I'm still awake for some reason!
Avatar 12:19am
pacific standard simon:

This CCR is such an awesomely perfect song.

CCR is indeed awesome.
Avatar 12:21am
pacific standard simon:

It's rock, and it's a ballad; it's Harry Chapin, and it isn't.

Pretty ballsy move with that Van Halen from “Women and Children First.” What a cruddy album that has a few moments of hope.

@Greg from ZONE 5: Be careful when you say T-Mobile… You might beckon that company’s odd CEO who dresses like a cool/sad uncle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28am

HI Therese and to many of my friends and all a Happy New year to you too !

now i'm seeing images of tower bin cards for vertical horizon and veruca salt
Avatar 12:31am
Bronwyn Bishop:

Sir George Ivan Morrison
Avatar 12:31am
pacific standard simon:

I don't remember the name of the author or the title of the book, but I remember it had a blue cover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Cool mixing of old and new songs tonight.
Avatar 12:32am
pacific standard simon:

Van was clearly a red diaper baby.

this 6ths album was the summer jam of 1995

Hello hello
Avatar 12:36am
pacific standard simon:

Would you like a piece of my tangerine?
Avatar 12:37am
Bronwyn Bishop:

Van Dyke!!! The best Van!!! I was hoping you'd get to him!
Avatar 12:37am
Bronwyn Bishop:

I was literally just thinking this afternoon about how I'd never heard any VDP on WFMU...
Avatar 12:38am

I always liked when people would come in looking for music by bands that had a name that sounded like a person's name (Matt Bianco and Franz Ferdinand for example) and would be baffled when it wasn't filed under the last name.

now that i think of it, we definitely employed many people who would have filed van morrison after van halen
Avatar 12:38am
pacific standard simon:

Where's the Jethro Tull?!
Avatar 12:39am
pacific standard simon:

Van Dyke Parks has definitely been played a lot on FMU -- you just have to look for the usual suspects.
Avatar 12:40am
Bronwyn Bishop:

Yeah- I haven't been listening for that long, though, comparatively.
Avatar 12:40am
pacific standard simon:

I thought this was Neu! at first.

BGZ, I remember Led Zeppelin got that a lot in the '70s.

And that reminds me, my friend Erik went into the record store and asked the clerk if they had that song that goes, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."
Avatar 12:43am
pacific standard simon:

@rw - that's probably because there were a lot of kids who never heard them referred to by their full name -- it was always "Zeppelin!" and "Stones!"
Avatar 12:44am
pacific standard simon:

Avatar 12:45am
Bronwyn Bishop:

This is awesome
Avatar 12:45am

I was manager of the music and video departments at a few Borders locations. At one store the music department had this weird L-shape that was caused by a stock room. People would come up to the info desk asking why pop/rock ended in the middle of the Rs. The Rs continued around the corner, but they generally didn't look around.

Some of the people that shopped for classical music were very particular. One guy came up and had a fit because things weren't filed on the shelf by some catalogue number classification that only diehard classical music people know about. He ended up telling the store's general manager that I was rude to him. I asked if the guy had been crying. "If he wasn't crying I wasn't rude to him."

pss, no, I mean people thought Led Zeppelin was a person.

my mom took me into a record store and hummed kashmir to the guy at the counter when I was 14

classical people were the worst...they would just call and spit out some catalogue number from the swann cd guide, like you immediately knew what they were talking about

MONEYBAG$, your mom sounds awesome. Did the guy at the counter know the song?
Avatar 12:50am
pacific standard simon:

@rw - Well, Darwin weeded out those dullards, maybe.

we left with led zeppelin III, so that should tell you the quality of the store
Avatar 12:52am
pacific standard simon:

@ BadGuyZero - I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

my favorite moment on the other end was when this straight laced guy uncomfortably asked if I knew a song with the refrain, "I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine". but i did know it was buckcherry. under B, not C
Avatar 12:59am
pacific standard simon:

I just learned that Rico, the Jamaican trombone player, died recently. Sad face.
Avatar 1:02am

Squeaky Chair!
Avatar 1:02am
pacific standard simon:

Feelin' groovy, Therese?

My chair is stable and more or less comfortable but my dog likes to sit underneath and sometimes I accidentally roll over him which makes him yelp but doesn't make him move. There's a nice comfortable pillow for him three feet away. It's adding unnecessary stress to my life. I think I'm going to try moving the pillow a little closer...
Bob in DC and/or Virginia:

Yay! So glad we get to keep you, Therese!
Avatar 1:12am
pacific standard simon:

Not as many changes on this schedule as I usually expect. Wish certain DJs were returning, or at least joining an alternate stream.

@rw: Have you considered counseling? Counseling for your dog?
Avatar 1:13am
pacific standard simon:

@rw - try eating more beans -- that should convince the dog.
Avatar 1:16am

Have you tried leaving treats on the pillow?
Avatar 1:17am
pacific standard simon:

Actually kind of interested in Johnny's new book. Curious to see if time has mellowed his punk rhetoric. From the sound of his lyrics, I'd say the chances are good.

Moving the pillow seems to have worked, at least temporarily. It's like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders!
Avatar 1:23am
pacific standard simon:

Quit draping the dog over your shoulders!

Dogs aren’t throw pillows.
Avatar 1:43am
pacific standard simon:

Hm. Before the voice came in, this sounded like Nick Drake. Interesting comparison.

Therese, your spontaneously generated show is sounding great.
Avatar 1:50am
pacific standard simon:

Have you ever tried playing a set of only records from one label? Has any DJ? I guess that, even now, that might raise the old specters of payola.
Avatar 1:51am
pacific standard simon:

I'd be concerned if the hamster was driving.

Hi Therese.....I have ADD too, so I know how a lot of this stuff feels.
Avatar 1:53am

Robert Fripp has taken control of the FMU transmitter.
Avatar 1:54am
pacific standard simon:

It would be way cooler if the "skipping CD" effect got stuck on a George Carlin track.
Avatar 1:55am

J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets!
Avatar 1:56am
pacific standard simon:

Life goes on. That's the lesson of life.
Avatar 1:56am

There was a guy in Cleveland who passed away a couple of years. He noted in his will that he wanted the Browns to send several players to act as pallbearers so that the team could let him down one final time.
Avatar 1:57am
pacific standard simon:

Until it doesn't. That's the lesson of entropy.
Avatar 1:59am
pacific standard simon:

Again, BGZ, I admire your broadsheet publishing.

Therese, the thing about cute animal videos is if this cute dog nodding off was a human on a heroin nod? Not so cute. youtu.be...
Avatar 2:03am
pacific standard simon:

I'm not sure that that video is cute as a dog. As an elder dog owner, I find it a little worrisome.
Avatar 2:06am
pacific standard simon:

My Knot's Art, Innit?
Avatar 2:08am

My Knott's Berry Farm Innit?

“Knott’s Berry Farm” actually was a berry farm at one point. And it didn’t refer to any skin tags or hemorrhoids that Don Knotts ever had.
Avatar 2:27am
pacific standard simon:

You say Polāko, I say Polăko.

And, yes, it did take me that long to work out that joke.
Avatar 2:27am
listener mark:

Avatar 2:30am
pacific standard simon:

I remember having Knott's Berry Farm Preserves when I was a kid, and visiting the place after it became an amusement park.
Avatar 2:32am

'75... philly...tuff!
Avatar 2:32am
pacific standard simon:

Is Springsteen's "Spanish Johnny" any relation to Jonathan Richman's "Hippy Johnny"?
Avatar 2:36am

not philly..sorry.


Wonder if they are related to Stagger/Stacka/Stagga Lee.
Avatar 2:39am
pacific standard simon:

Joe McGasko moves to real soon now!
Avatar 2:40am

Play both at the same time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42am

hello Therese and all
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listener mark:

Which path are we on?
Avatar 2:44am
pacific standard simon:

Wir können Helden sein.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44am

i like this path. i need to get my other helmet though.
Avatar 2:46am
pacific standard simon:

The cantaloupe helmet?
Avatar 2:46am
listener mark:

I'm allergic to some types of lube.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47am

yes- the musk-a mel helmetta
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55am

i feel safe now- even though it's more like a yamaka than a helmet.
...plus it's tasty.
Avatar 2:56am

Avatar 2:56am
listener mark:

This is why I love'FMU.
Avatar 2:58am

The theater that was "Paradise" is a couple of miles down the street from where I live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good night, Therese. Have a good week.
Avatar 2:59am
listener mark:

Thank you, Therese.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59am
! I X Key !:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59am

Thank you Therese!
Avatar 3:00am

Have a great week everyone! See you next time.
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