Favoriting Mike Lupica: Playlist from January 4, 2003 Favoriting

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Favoriting January 4, 2003: WFMU's umpteenth annual After-The-Fact Holiday Party

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  Like the title states, this show was recorded during WFMU's holiday party, which goes down annually -- usually a few days after New Year's. Always a rip-roarin' good time, the love room remained packed with revelers and people itchin' to get their dance on well into the wee hours, so it was all I could do but talk as little as possible, be entirely self-indulgent by choosing songs based on the wild gesticulations of the dancers on the other side of the Studio B glass, and not keep track of or even announce a single blessed thing I played all night. The end result as it applies to you: an exceedingly high energy archive of Hip Transistor that's probably pretty annoying to listen to if you're interested in finding out about the music, but good to listen to if you're trying not to fall asleep at your desk. Someday, maybe I'll get around to listening all the way through and typing up a playlist, but in the meantime, just email me with any questions about the music from this show. And thanks to Bronwyn C., Colleen and Therese from WSOU, Brian and Carrie, Rich and Tamar, Scott and Maria, Jim C., $mall ¢hange, Lou and Diana, Zoe, Danny Gaeta, Cosmique Cowboy, Terre T., Tommy Paradise, Listener Stan, David L., Jenmeansgo, Evan Davies, and Chris T. for the in-studio, online, and dancefloor support. Sigue Sigue Sputnik represent!

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