Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from February 13, 2015 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting February 13, 2015: Friday the 13th: Part You
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Sick City Four (minus two)  Friday the 13th   Favoriting none  Sick City Four  2013  MP3     
The Jazz Kissingers  Phoning it In   Favoriting The Jazz Kissingers  Jazz Kissingers  2015  MP3    0:06:29 (Pop-up)
PJ Harvey  The Devil   Favoriting White Chalk  Island  2007  CD    0:09:31 (Pop-up)
Bob Bellerue  Side A   Favoriting Damned Piano  Anarchymoon Recordings  2015  LP    0:12:28 (Pop-up)
Bob Bellerue  Issues   Favoriting Issues  Bob Bellerue  2015  MP3    0:29:15 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bob Bellerue 

B   Favoriting

Damned Piano 

Anarchymoon Recordings 




0:38:56 (Pop-up)
Unearth Noise  The Dark Arts   Favoriting The Dark Arts  Unearth Noise  2015  MP3    0:43:15 (Pop-up)
The Jazz Kissingers  3/8 in F   Favoriting The Jazz Kissingers  Jazz Kissingers  2015  MP3    0:50:38 (Pop-up)
Brian Allen  Friday13   Favoriting Friday13  Brian Allen  2015  MP3    0:53:49 (Pop-up)
CHANGES TO blind  Friday the 13th   Favoriting Friday the 13th  CHANGES TO blind  2015  MP3    0:55:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bob Bellerue 

B   Favoriting

Damned Piano 

Anarchymoon Recordings 




1:03:10 (Pop-up)
Tom Shad  Friday 13th   Favoriting Friday 13th  Tom Shad  2015  MP3    1:11:50 (Pop-up)
Floyd Willems  Protect the Cats, It's Friday the 13th   Favoriting Protect the Cats, It's Friday the 13th  Floyd Willems  2015  MP3    1:14:33 (Pop-up)
Hyena Sparerib Orchestra  My Thirteenth Friday   Favoriting My Thirteenth Friday  Hyena Sparerib Orchestra  2015  MP3    1:18:20 (Pop-up)
pHoaming Edison  Thank God It's Friday   Favoriting Thank God It's Friday  pHoaming Edison  2015  MP3    1:21:36 (Pop-up)
Moist Paula  Riskily, she named her 13th child "Friday"   Favoriting Riskily, she named her 13th child "Friday"  Moist Paula  2015  MP3    1:24:36 (Pop-up)
Rick Morris  David Lynch's Driveway   Favoriting David Lynch's Driveway  Rick Morris  2015  MP3    1:26:45 (Pop-up)
Heather McIntosh  Sketch of a Theme for a Thing   Favoriting Sketch of a Theme for a Thing  Heather McIntosh  2015  MP3    1:28:33 (Pop-up)
Musci  Holograma maligno de Oscar Ivan Zuluaga   Favoriting Holograma maligno de Oscar Ivan Zuluaga  Musci  2015  MP3    1:31:23 (Pop-up)
Sean Seanbelly Sewell  Indozombilly   Favoriting Indozombilly  Sean Seanbelly Sewell  2015  MP3    1:33:33 (Pop-up)
Chester Hawkins  Parasomnia   Favoriting Parasomnia  Intangible Arts  2015  MP3    1:36:10 (Pop-up)
Black Sabbath  Black Sabbath   Favoriting Black Sabbath  Warner Bros.  2004  CD  Originally released February 13, 1970 (thanks for the tip, Vincent Priceless!)  1:42:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bob Bellerue 

C   Favoriting

Damned Piano 

Anarchymoon Recordings 




1:49:22 (Pop-up)
Morris Shakespeare  Pharmakoi [for Scott]   Favoriting Pharmakoi [for Scott]  Morris Shakespeare  2015  MP3    1:55:13 (Pop-up)
Manfred Eicher Haunts My Dreams  Stolen Content   Favoriting Manfred Eicher Haunts My Dreams  Stolen Content  2015  MP3    1:59:27 (Pop-up)
Vincent Priceless  A Beckoning Through Mist   Favoriting A Beckoning Through Mist  Vincent Priceless  2015  MP3    2:02:53 (Pop-up)
Chester Hawkins  Bleak Mass   Favoriting Bleak Mass  Intangible Arts  2015  MP3    2:06:57 (Pop-up)
Alon Nechushtan  Blue Michael for Friday the 13th   Favoriting Blue Michael  Alon Nechushtan  2015  MP3    2:15:01 (Pop-up)
Astral Knife  Sick As Can Be   Favoriting Sick As Can Be  Astral Knife  2015  MP3    2:16:59 (Pop-up)
nonnon  Wassles   Favoriting El Socialismo  nonnon  2015  MP3    2:23:06 (Pop-up)
Ben Richter  Yon   Favoriting Yon  Ben Richter  2015  MP3    2:27:12 (Pop-up)
Sean Seanbelly Sewell  You Hate the Freak Show   Favoriting You Hate the Freak Show  Sean Seanbelly Sewell  2015  MP3    2:30:02 (Pop-up)
Chuck Bettis  Thirteenth Nocturne   Favoriting Thirteenth Nocturne  Chuck Bettis  2015  MP3    2:33:56 (Pop-up)
Frequent Animation  NIght Bird   Favoriting NIght Bird  Frequent Animation  2015  MP3    2:37:44 (Pop-up)
Horsey  The Moon is Meat   Favoriting The Moon is Meat  Horsey  2015  MP3    2:40:29 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bob Bellerue 

D   Favoriting

Damned Piano 

Anarchymoon Recordings 




2:53:38 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed  3   Favoriting Metal Machine Music  Great Expectations  1975  LP    2:48:47 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD    2:56:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

man, I might miss this cause o' work. hey kurt!
Avatar 3:01pm
V Priceless:

hey kurt! hey common! happy friday the 13th!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm

This isn't Kurt! This is K. CONRAD GOTTSCHALK! He is a doppelganger, an imposter! Bring back the real Kurt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Webhamster Henry:

It's Gott Kurtschalk.
Avatar 3:04pm
Philthy woman:

Avatar 3:04pm
Philthy woman:

sorry Common...we will certainly listen again in archives
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

boy howdy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

'lo all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

hey philthy!
Avatar 3:06pm
Philthy woman:

Hi Common! Glad your here. Sometimes we all gotta tell the boss where it's at
Avatar 3:07pm
Mark Helsten:

Hi KC! good to be back!
Avatar 3:09pm
Philthy woman:

Haha! I just hung up on the healthcare market place hold muzac to listen to this, the system was saying similar things to me.

Brain ... really digging this PJ Harvey.

Brian I mean, sorry.

Avatar 3:16pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hey everyone! happy holidiays.
Avatar 3:16pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 3:18pm
Philthy woman:

You too Kurt! So diggin this already

This Bob Balaban is spooky.
r i s k y:


That Damned Piano side was spectacular. This Issues sounds through my cheesy PC like Annea Lockwood's Glass World.

And now Dockstader.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm
Mike East:

wait a minute...I know Bob Bellerue - he's from Issue Project Room, right?
Avatar 3:45pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

wait, whut? not THE commander tom, of noom fame?
Avatar 3:45pm
Philthy woman:

I'm drowning in quick-mud
Avatar 3:50pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

oops, not commander tom, the file is mistagged. hold on.
Major Tom:

Beware of Ground Control disorder.
Avatar 3:51pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

however, mike east, yes, that bob.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Mike East:

nice, Kurt. He's a nice dude. Orders backline from us on occasion. Had no idea he was a composer. Thanks for playing!

stay high

Happy Friday/13, K. ("Kosher for Facebook") Conrad and all Mino-toreadors!

enjoying the show - thanks for playing the Unearth Noise tune!

"Sargent Tom"? "Ensign Tom"? "Herr Gruppenfuhrer Tom"? "Rear Admiral Tom (of Finland)"?...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm

Serpent Tom!
Avatar 4:01pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

BAAH! CTb! Called away to meeting! Nooooo!
Nate K:

This is great. All of it.

Many things sound "like" many other things.

Avatar 4:14pm

keep on truckin'
Avatar 4:15pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

closest the dead have ever come to be played on my show. (unless maybe i played the oswald thing dean referenced.)

A bunch of us envelope stuffers were sitting around the 4th floor today, speculating about whether or not you were going to do one of your weirdo Friday the 13th shows. Thank you.
Avatar 4:16pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

at this point i don't think i have a choice, do i?

No, we were going to come storming into the studio with torches if you didn't, I think.
Jack Sheldon:

Is this Rise II ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm

I have the whole warehouse where I work lisenin'. hee!

I've been thinking a lot about making a move to country music. That's where the melody's gone. They dance there, too. And they stand for wholesomeness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

Wholesome and yet soooo sexy.
r i s k y:

Riskily.... I like it!
Avatar 4:25pm
V Priceless:

BTW, today is the 45th anniversary of the release of the first Black Sabbath album!
Avatar 4:27pm

oh no, no, please god help me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm

that's an anniversary I can celebrate, V P!
Avatar 4:28pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 4:29pm
V Priceless:

yeah, I freaked when I read that today!
B Pea:

i can dance to this one!
Avatar 4:31pm
Mark Helsten:

Also a Friday the 13th for Sabbath release... cool, and makes sense...
B Pea:

in a spooky, skeleton decorating the tree blowing around kinda way
B Pea:

eye like it when people in Canadia think stuff makes sense

Those wacky Canadia-ians!

I hear nothing on this show that gives me the warm feeling country music does. I see no clothing that matches the boots or hats that are fun to wear and give me a feeling of belonging like when I'm part of a line dance or a boot scooting group. Yet, I keep listening to Chalky. Something country about him at his core.
Avatar 4:36pm
Mark Helsten:

We are all about sense.
Avatar 4:37pm
Mark Helsten:

Avatar 4:37pm
V Priceless:

ok Rev! Woo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:38pm

woohoo! rev!
Avatar 4:39pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i am from corn fields.
B Pea:

the tundra is a frozen and the corn she's a all dead
Avatar 4:43pm
Mark Helsten:

That was practically Krautrock, Chalky...
Avatar 4:44pm
kirk from beer city usa:

this black sabbath record is only a few months older than me.
B Pea:

holding up lighter and startin to sway
Avatar 4:45pm
Mark Helsten:

Inverting the cross on my office wall.
Avatar 4:45pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Back from meeting in time to have missed Parasomnia..!
Avatar 4:45pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

kraut and prog fans are so cute the way they always redefine things to be theirs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm

loved it rev!
Avatar 4:46pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

rev t, your other submission is still up and coming.
Avatar 4:46pm
V Priceless:

Ha! Great! THANK-YOU, Master Gottschalk!
Avatar 4:47pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

The artist name on that is technically "chester hawkins" but it's almost the same thing.... multiple personality disorder, 'n stuff... (RIP BSI)
Avatar 4:47pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

ah, thankies boss KG!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm

BSI lives!
emma g balla:

sabbath sounding really good
Avatar 4:48pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ah, i'll change it. i saw yr tag but i thought i knew better...
Avatar 4:50pm
Mark Helsten:

"theirs", indeed...
Avatar 4:50pm

I didn't like Black Sabbath all that much back then. Still don't much, but after 45 years I can see their place in music history. And the chunky sound they created.

Chunky magic, TDK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm

it's not halloween but it is f the th and B Pea mentioned skeletons so can we hear Skeletons by Invisible Boy Clams?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Never fear. Next Friday the 13th is in just four weeks. During the marathon times.

May I request some Chadbourne, Kurt?

How about the Skeletons?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

this is great, kurt! thanks! beeeeeersies everyone! to the archives!
Avatar 4:58pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

dunno if i have time for requests, fred. still a lot of submissions to get through!
Avatar 4:59pm

grrr..., missed the the rev...., only got here in time for Sabbath.
Avatar 5:00pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

another rev coming up soon!
Avatar 5:04pm
V Priceless:

more Sabbath fun: when I purchased my beat-up old Mellotron M400 back in the mid-90's, I was impressed to discover that someone had actually made a tape loop of the intro thunder and bell tracks from the song "Black Sabbath" on two separate keys - you'll hear them both in the mix at some point! Thank-you, Kurt!
Avatar 5:05pm

If there's time in this show, or if you do another similar show for scary/eerie music, could we hear something off Univers Zero's 'Heresie' album (the 1st track)?
Avatar 5:06pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Jeezus, that Univers Zero release is solid.
....as is this beckoning, VP. Deep yay.
Avatar 5:07pm

Kurt, did you give an oblique "Children of the Corn" reference up there somewhere?
Avatar 5:08pm
V Priceless:

thanx and back at ya, Rev! Much Respect!
Avatar 5:08pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

HAHA! not intentionally! but yeah, we used to make that joke a lot when i was a kid so probably deep in the recesses somewhere.
Avatar 5:08pm

Vincent P.! I didn't know you created sound!

@V. Priceless: YOU've got an original Mellotron 400?!!
Avatar 5:12pm
V Priceless:

indeed, P-90! I'm a bit obsessed with that thing!

@TDK60: don't we all? ; )
Avatar 5:13pm

Thought it'd be this one.
Avatar 5:13pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Much appreciated, Sir Kurt.

I got a Kimball organ with a foxtrot drum setting.
Avatar 5:15pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

and yet you didn't send me a track, butch?

This foxtrot drum? http://cache1.asset-cache.net/gc/84843171-photo-of-peter-gabriel-and-phil-collins-and-gettyimages.jpg

I got the Color-Glo keys but the red doesn't work so my learning was hindered from the beginning. I ended up playing bass, but now my band wants a woman bass player.
Avatar 5:19pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

there's ways to make yourself a woman bass player, you know.

I was kidding about the country, Chalky. Love ya!
Avatar 5:20pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

no wuckers. i love country!

I can't go that Wanda Carlos route.
Avatar 5:20pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Closest I ever got to a mellotron was one of the old Optigans. Not as marvelous, but had its own charm. God I miss that thing.
Avatar 5:21pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i'm just saying there's options

I did dress up like Arlene Galonka once.
Avatar 5:23pm
V Priceless:

@ Rev - would love to get my hands on one of those! Did you do any recording with it?
Avatar 5:23pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i dressed like agnetha fältskog once, for about six years!

She the brunette Abba woman?
Avatar 5:24pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

no, the blonde. duh.
Avatar 5:24pm

I used to fool around with an Acetone electric organ and was easily amused.

@Veepee: does it run (well)? I know how hard they are to find in half-decent condition, how tricky they are to service/repair, etc. I mean beyond their famous un-reliability onstage... I assume you wouldn't try to use it "live." Even in the seventies, They were hard to find, I went and looked at a few with a buddy of mine who wanted one, he was handy enough to do minor repairs or even a rebuild, we never saw one in good enough shape to take a chance on. The plan, as I recall: he wanted to get the Mellotron into tip-top running order, and build a nice new wooden cabinet for it that would also incorporate a scratch-built Theremin, with the controls mounted on top...

Oh the blonde, because the other one did some good work with Phil Collins. Something Going Wrong or something like that.
Avatar 5:26pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@VP 5:23: I did record with it, but we're talking mid 1980s era, when my recording gear was crap & the overall sound was more about lo-fi noise. Mostly I distorted the hell out of it with an ancient Norelco reel-to-reel...
Rick Morris:

thanx for the plays, man. proud to be part of the show.
Avatar 5:26pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

he produced an album for her even. it wasn't bad.
Avatar 5:26pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

in other words, "for archival interest only" and that's on a good day.
Avatar 5:27pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks for submitting, rick!

You know that Phil Collins was a good drummer. Folks pick on him, but he could play those drums.

Frida Lyngstad

This sounds like the Craftwork boys!
Avatar 5:29pm

I really liked that nonnon. (it's like a sober autechre, and I mean that in a good way)

This Phil Collins? http://cache1.asset-cache.net/gc/84843171-photo-of-peter-gabriel-and-phil-collins-and-gettyimages.jpg

Gotta run, Chalky. Great show! Play some Kanye!
Avatar 5:31pm
Mark Helsten:

Alright Sean! I missed the last one...
Avatar 5:32pm

Kurt thanks for the tunes and the audience interaction. Later...
Avatar 5:32pm

RTD, I just got an Akai 3000D Reel Deck for free. I'm gonna play with delay effects, and tape loops on carts. Just to be old school.
Avatar 5:34pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@carm: holy crap, that's a bloody happy-box right there. Proper tape-loops are the bee's knees. I haven't got the hardware for it anymore, else....
Avatar 5:35pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

WHOA! Bettis!
Avatar 5:36pm

Cool, Bettis...!
Avatar 5:41pm
V Priceless:

Yo common! woo!
Avatar 5:43pm
V Priceless:

@ P-90 - It's an old one, early 70's, and it's complete and works, but at times I have to bang the cabinet to get the fly wheel to start! Ha! Streetly Electronics in the UK - the original Mellotron people - still making new ones and doing repairs/restorations!

@ Rev - very cool - I wish I still had my four-track reel-to-reel too. Thought of hunting down a used one, but concerned I wouldn't be able to find tape media any longer! Optigans are out there - a local one just sold on ebay for $ 200, which is a bargain, as you wouldn't wanna pay to ship the bugger.
mike east:

Cool, home in time for common. Nice sounds, mate!
Avatar 5:45pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Horsey = Common?
ROCK. clicky.
Avatar 5:48pm
V Priceless:

thank-you, Kurt! Fun show! Great vibe!

I actually recognize this piece. Is it from track three of the eight track?

@V.P: Cool! Now that you mention it, I remember reading some where that Streetly was making new ones again...I bet the new ones still need a "kick-start" now and then...
Avatar 5:52pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

horsey=common, yes!
Avatar 5:53pm

Hey Kurt, just showing off FMU to a friend here in WV, couldn't of picked a better moment. THanks!
Avatar 5:54pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 5:54pm
Mark Helsten:

Great show and thanks!

Yo Whooda!!! In WV now, ol' buddy?
Avatar 5:55pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

lou reed did everything thurston moore did, only backwards and in high heels!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Whoda - Let them know that the next show is nothing like this one. And the ones after that are not like those preceding them, either.
Avatar 5:56pm

Lou's dead now, but his music lives on, in super hi-fi stereo.

@Kurt: that's the Quote of the Week, right there
Avatar 5:57pm
Philthy woman:

Yes! Common + Myself+ James Tressel= HORSEY.
Avatar 5:57pm
V Priceless:

what P-90 said!

If Lou Reed is Ginger Rogers, then Butch can be the woman bass player.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the week? - hell - that's a keeper...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

(Whooda, not Whoda. Sorry.)
Avatar 5:58pm
V Priceless:

nice work, Philthy w.!
Avatar 5:58pm

I like the part in the interlude when she says, "yeah!"
Avatar 6:01pm
Philthy woman:

Thanks. V. And thanks Kurt for playing us and along with all this swell and swelling music
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