Favoriting Faye: Playlist from October 18, 2014 Favoriting

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Quiet countenance, courageous compass. Girlish charm and boyish good looks! Off-kilter pop punk-tuated with mixed media.

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Favoriting October 18, 2014: 52 Windows

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Kicking Giant  Love Science   Favoriting Halo  Spartadisc  1993  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Times New Viking  Let Your Hair Grow Long   Favoriting Busy Making Love & War 7"  Columbus Discount  2005  0:04:01 (Pop-up)
Johnny Guitar  Bangkok by Night   Favoriting Shadow Music of Thailand  Sublime Frequencies  2008  0:07:31 (Pop-up)
Boston Spaceships  How Wrong You Are   Favoriting Zero to 99  Guided By Voices Inc.  2009  0:09:43 (Pop-up)
Watery Love  Leave Me Alone   Favoriting Die With Dignity 7"  Siltbreeze  2012  0:12:29 (Pop-up)
Wham-O  Blue   Favoriting Confused Over Explosions/Implosions  Union Pole  199?  0:17:14 (Pop-up)
Martyr Privates  You Can't Stop Progress   Favoriting Martyr Privates  Bedroom Suck  2014  0:21:17 (Pop-up)
The Olivia Tremor Control  Fireplace   Favoriting Presents: Singles And Beyond  Emperor Norton  2000  0:24:02 (Pop-up)
One of You  You Kill   Favoriting One of You  Scarab/Little Axe    0:27:17 (Pop-up)
The Jean Paul Sartre Experience  I Like Rain   Favoriting Love Songs  Flying Nun  1986  0:38:01 (Pop-up)
Wild Angels  She's Black and White   Favoriting She's Black & White 12"  Supreme International Editions  1987  0:42:27 (Pop-up)
Carsick Cars  Xiong Mao   Favoriting Carsick Cars  Maybe Mars  2008  0:46:20 (Pop-up)
The Holidays  SECRET TAPE   Favoriting SECRET TAPE    2014  0:51:36 (Pop-up)
Palo / Ona  Urban Song   Favoriting Star of the Sea  Little Brother Records  1999  0:55:03 (Pop-up)
The Pheromoans  Auto-Free Top   Favoriting Bar-Rock  Monofonus Press  2011  0:59:24 (Pop-up)
REBECCA  Love is Cash   Favoriting The Best of Dreams    1990  1:08:58 (Pop-up)
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark  VCL XI   Favoriting Organisation  Virgin  1980  1:13:25 (Pop-up)
Joe Dassin  Bip-Bip   Favoriting Le Meilleur De Joe Dassin  Columbia  1995  1:17:17 (Pop-up)
Power Mystery  Young Flower   Favoriting Young Flower  No Label  2014  1:19:31 (Pop-up)
Adultchild  B TL B TL   Favoriting B TL B TL  Pastel Music  2006  1:29:25 (Pop-up)
Memphis  Apres Ski   Favoriting You Supply The Roses  Swamplands  1985  1:51:48 (Pop-up)
Ben Lawless  No Angels   Favoriting Ben Lawless/Squinchy Split  Old Gold  2014  1:55:33 (Pop-up)
Ipps  Bring it All Down, Bury the Devil   Favoriting Everything is Real  Superdreamer  2014  2:00:47 (Pop-up)
The Droughts  The Portal Shrinks   Favoriting To Fall Under the Shade  Clovertrack  2014  2:03:13 (Pop-up)
Sulphur Lights  Little Pills   Favoriting Metals Stones Elements: Martha's 2014 WFMU Premium  WFMU    2:05:33 (Pop-up)
Handsome Boy Modeling School  Holy Calamity (Bear Witness II)   Favoriting Magnetizing / Holy Calamity  Tommy Boy  1999  2:07:51 (Pop-up)
Vega Intl.  Arm Around You   Favoriting Master Mix: Red Hot + Arthur Russell (V/A)  Yep Rock  2014  2:11:53 (Pop-up)
Parade Ground  Moans   Favoriting The Golden Years  Dark Entries  2011  2:18:18 (Pop-up)
Inca Ore  Sirens   Favoriting Ballet Chop  Ruralfaune  2008  2:22:20 (Pop-up)
Thelonious Monk  Epistrophy   Favoriting Monk's Music  Riverside  1957  2:27:40 (Pop-up)
Warthog  Expiration   Favoriting Expiration Feral 7"  Iron Lung  2014  2:41:40 (Pop-up)
Olekranon  Fane   Favoriting Aphelion  Inam  2014  2:43:02 (Pop-up)
Kelpe  Bread Machine Bred   Favoriting Ex-Aquarium  D.C. Recordings  2008  2:46:13 (Pop-up)
Penelope in Stereo  Subway   Favoriting Little Darla Has A Treat For You Volume 12 (V/A)  Darla  1999  2:50:33 (Pop-up)
The Modern Lovers  Astral Plane   Favoriting The Modern Lovers  Home of the Hits  1975  2:56:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03pm

Hi, Faye
Avatar 9:03pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Good evening Faye.

Stressful dog thing.
Avatar 9:06pm

Phillip In Brooklyn:

Good evening Faye:-)
Avatar 9:07pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

love the tail wag
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...No Country for Old Men
...No City for Young Dogs...
- How good is Faye? Faye is really really good...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:


Oh, I should say hello. HELLO!
Avatar 9:12pm

when i step into a crowded trader joe's I start to sweat and feel exactly like the gif of this week inside
Avatar 9:12pm
Bad Ghost Zero:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

Hi FAye, hi everyone... looks like tonight's gonna be a night where I fav every song...
Avatar 9:15pm

KK in the house heyyyy hi2u BGZ
Avatar 9:16pm
Richard from Venezuela:

I fav the first two.
Avatar 9:17pm
party sub:

hell yeah Watery Love
hi Faye
Robert Ypin:

HEAT, i relate so much to yr comment. there are days when i dread going to grocery stores. today i went to trader joes and i surprised myself with my effortless and authentic conversation with the cash register dude, then it dawned on me that i'd had two beers with lunch (had lunch in clubhouse after a round of golf)
Avatar 9:21pm

hey faye and children.
Avatar 9:22pm

ROBERT - one of my credit card used to always decline there for absolutely no reason at all so the line would be piling up behind me while I dug around for something else to pay with - beautiful life moments

@HEAT, within 10 minutes of being in “Bed Bath & Beyond” on 6th Avenue in Chelsea (specifically) or any IKEA anywhere, I start to get panicly. Damned retail environmental design.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

sky is solid Black
& so is small five-legged Creature - front&center

towers & windows are immovable rectilinears
...as are grinding teeths
- here - only unblinking eyes are Round - & wide.

Nothing Moves
- but our own anxious Palpitations...
Cooh John:

Good evening Faye and fellow children. Greetings from Columbus. Thanks for playing TNV. I have panicked in Walmart.

Okay, I looked up “One of You” for all of you. littleaxerecords.bandcamp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

Panic! At the Grocery
Avatar 9:30pm

Hi there Faye and everyone. I panic everywhere. I'm panicking a little bit right now.
Avatar 9:33pm

I purchased some of those Philip Starck design thingees in Target some years back. Taking that designer idea a step further, having starchitects design retail environments might be something that gets me back into the mall parking lot.
Avatar 9:33pm

Faye Faye! Hello : )
Avatar 9:36pm

"instead of going out" as if we..well.. I, had anything going on.

“…having starchitects design retail environments might be something that gets me back into the mall parking lot.” Nope. Ever look at the WTC site? No guarantee that a star architect means much of anything.
Robert Ypin:

good point drewo. it would be cool to see how a retail environment could be designed to be more enjoyable for the shopper. as a side note, i felt zero panic last thanksgiving when i shopped at mall of america. (smells of cookies, plastic, roasted nuts; a mix of hundreds of far reverbing voices; energy, quickest facial recognition glances). i actually felt something more like euphoria the whole time. one of many great memories from the last 12 months
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm

I panicked at the Menlo Park Mall last Xmas. All the stores were decked out for mass consumption and all of the Bank of America sponsored branded TVs were showing images of students being pepper sprayed by police saying "Keep your children safe indoors" and I was too god damn stoned to deal with reality at that moment.

@KK, wow! That stinks! I miss the old 1970s malls ( I don’t believe I typed that) like Kings Plaza in Brooklyn where the whole place would be decked out of the holidays but no heavy handed corporate presence.
Avatar 9:45pm

hmm my gut instinct tells me the architecture matters little for the consumer's experience and more about getting you to buy more.. What would help consumer spaces is more helpful staff .. human interaction.. people who know what they're selling you... when I read this stuff about design in consumer spaces.. reminds me of IKEA where they have some swedish term for their giant bins.. basically they fill these huge bins with stuff to give the idea of over-abundance and to give the impression the stuff in the bins is super cheap.. hence why they pile them up.. it has a subtle psychological impact on the consumer..
Avatar 9:46pm

y'all should read Junkspace by Rem Koolhaas

Rem is correct. www.iconeye.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

In 'City of Quartz' - a large Liberal history of Los Angeles - author describes park benches designed to be too uncomfortable to sit on for long - spikes in dumpsters to prevent homeless from getting subsistence from their waste - surveillance cameras ubiquitous - sprinklers timed to go off @ night, not to water anything, but to keep people off :
- Essentially, an Architecture/Environment Hostile to actual Humanity.
...I thot: even Berlin in 1939 or Soviet Russia probably had - yerknow - a *parkbench*...

Now all the hipsters like the beer gardens instead of food courts and “flea markets” that are really just outdoor malls with the same vendors.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

@Jake There was an indoor flea market in north jersey my family went to all the time but I can't remember the name of but it was great. @Bobdoesthings & @RR wow that's really fascinating and frightening - excellent horror fodder. @Faye will definitely check it o-u-t
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...that's maybe (?) '1984' to 'Junkspace''s 'Brave New World'...
Avatar 9:52pm

then read No Logo by Naomi Klein.. let's start really hating things!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Joe D.:

I really want to own this SECRET TAPE
Avatar 9:55pm

it's fucking amazing

Well, there are flea markets in NYC like the Hell’s Kitchen Flea or the now defunct Chelsea Flea. But when I say hipster flea markets, I mean stuff like the Brooklyn Flea. Which I don’t hate, but it’s so curated I can’t even anymore.
dave in Vermont:

This shown is really good.
Avatar 9:57pm

ty dave
Avatar 9:58pm

digging the palo/ona. coooool
Avatar 9:58pm

I thought it was an old Magik Markers track at first.. but nah. isn't.
Avatar 10:00pm

oh true true sounds like magiks
Avatar 10:04pm
listener mark:

Hello! IKEA sells pancakes in their cafeteria and who doesn't like pancakes?
Avatar 10:06pm

also .. swedish meatballs.. which are comparable to my mother's.. who is only half swedish.. still great tho .. so.. there's that.

Listener Mark: Ikea food get’s me ill. Every have the $1.99 swedish meatballs?
Avatar 10:06pm

All of the things!
Avatar 10:08pm
listener mark:

@JakeGould No, never the meatballs! I just like the Ligonberry sauce.
Avatar 10:08pm

I love the meatballs! although. yeah... junk food meatballs with processed gravy sauce.. yeah.. perhapps not the greatest.
Avatar 10:09pm

In further Chinese-rocker news - Second Hand Rose coming up on Mary Wing's show next.

Avatar 10:09pm
listener mark:

End of the world? That's the name of my retirement plan!
Avatar 10:10pm

@yukamichi you know this band?
Avatar 10:11pm

I don't believe I have ever heard of them before.

This song is the sound of my soul
Avatar 10:12pm

Eli you rule

Wow, it's been a loooong time since I've heard this.
Avatar 10:14pm

this sort of sounds like Material Girl.. right?
Avatar 10:14pm

tell me about it bloumejune! I'm so curious

AS from MP:

what year is this OMD?
Avatar 10:17pm

record says 87!

Yes, it does sound like Material Girl. 1985
It was very popular in Japan then. I think it was used in a commercial or drama
AS from MP:


Avatar 10:20pm

ahh!! thanks! I can't wait to watch the video
Avatar 10:25pm


I only realized in the past year or so that Joe Dassin was Jules Dassin's son.
Avatar 10:25pm

whoaaa I didn't know that! Hi sugarwolf! :)
Avatar 10:26pm

@sugarwolf -- cool "deal with it" gif. hehehe

I wonder if there is a way to get squirrels to listen to this show. they must get bored on saturday nights.
Avatar 10:28pm

@nate - do you have a large spool of speaker cables? cause it's totally doable.. FINALLY! Someone is brave enough to speak out for these poor bored to death squirrels..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
Gaylord Fields:

Faye, your show is the perfect salve for my aching back!
Avatar 10:32pm

pleased to help, Gaylord!

I'm playing Faye's show to the squirrels right now, but they don't seem to be paying any attention.

Korean is prettier than French!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Gaylord Fields:

@sugarwolf: Perhaps the only argument you can make in support of the Hollywood blacklist is that it made Joe Dassin's career possible.
Avatar 10:33pm

I agree :x
Avatar 10:34pm


@bobdoesthings - I don't, might have to use crowdfunding
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Faye: I didn't think you were agreeing with my crackpot theory, but it's good that you clarified.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37pm

night everyone, and thanks Faye for the excellent show tonight!
Avatar 10:37pm

@nate - nonsense.. I got a spool a year ago and only needed 20 ft of cable. I'd be happy to donate the other 80ft or so for free.. if it'll do some good in your neighborhood.. these squirrels need something to keep them off the streets.

Irwin was playing some Amanda the Power Child the other day and a squirrel tried to jump through the window screen to attack the speaker.
Avatar 10:39pm

thanks @bobdoesthings. my BFFLYLASOMG who loves M.E. Rodgers as much as I do made it.

I think I need to advocate for squirrels in my neighborhood. In my old place, I had a tree & always had squirrels napping near my window. Now here in Bay Ridge, no squirrels… No rodents… But like 32+ stray cats in a 2 block radius of my domicile.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...as long as them squirrel buggers can pledge in bitcoin...
Avatar 10:41pm

@sugarwold "my BFFLYLASOMG" --- what?

The nice thing about BitCoin is when I occasionally look for computer parts on Craigslist I am guaranteed to see some sketchy listing for someone selling BitCoin miner systems. What a world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm
Chop Scott:

Faye! I'm listening--thanks for the ever solid company. Cheers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

VCL XI = 145 11, per my calculations.
Avatar 10:44pm

inspired by the climate and landscape of arizona.... hmm.. sounds dry.
Avatar 10:47pm

I like Lloyd Cole
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There's tonight and then just one more Saturday this month. 18th & 25th and following that is November 1st.
Avatar 10:51pm

the khlam one.. well.. if you like Khlam..!
Avatar 10:51pm

so many good premiums!

Ken, “…named after a misreading of a valve from the diagram on the back cover of Kraftwerk's Radio-Activity album; the name of valve is actually written with Arabic numbers, VCL 11, and not Roman numerals…” en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for that info, Jake"SmartyPants"Gould.

My pants are smart, Ken. Very smart.
Avatar 10:57pm

total curiosity question.. does anyone roll their own cigarettes - if so, what brand you get? I've been getting the Peter Stokkebye "Amsterdam Shag" blend... use to get BaliShag and Drum..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Gaylord Fields:

@bobdoesthings: it stands for "Best Friend Forever Love You Like A Sister Oh My God" (I feel like Barbara Billingsley in the "I speak jive" scene in Airplane).
Avatar 10:59pm
listener mark:

Subliminal messages! Dens Yenom!
Avatar 11:00pm

@GaylordFields - wow.. thanks! I got the first and last parts.. but the middle.. man.. I had no idea.

“I'm not modeling! Modeling just sucks! They made me take off my top!”
Avatar 11:13pm
Danne D:

Hi Faye :)
Hi Faye Fans :)
How are all you good people doing tonight? :)
Avatar 11:14pm

Hey Danne D!
Avatar 11:14pm
Danne D:

And Faye your show is a delight as always :)
Avatar 11:16pm

hallow ty dd


For you old people who are near death thus do not understand that, “Shut the fuck up! I don’t believe you said that just now! Oh my God!”

Jake, did you just call me old?

Yes I did.

Avatar 11:24pm

whoa.. I accidentally clicked the Khlam premium from Ken.. "Every Night" is really trippy over this Parade Grounds track.. always so fun to have two tracks line up and feel like they belonged together..
Avatar 11:27pm

or rather.. inca ore track.. whatever

I was about to say, “Milt Jackson” but it’s Monk.
Avatar 11:30pm

welcome to the satisfaction of the DJ bobdoesthings
Avatar 11:31pm

@Gaylord, you are so smart S-M-R-T
Avatar 11:34pm
pacific standard simon:

@bobdoesthings - I used to roll my own cigarettes, before I had a heart attack and was forced to quit. American Spirit, BTW.
Avatar 11:38pm

@PSS - Thanks.. which one did you get? I always found the organic AS stuff to be way too harsh for me..
Avatar 11:42pm
pacific standard simon:

Just plain old AS in the big can -- was it yellow and blue? long time ago -- I had two cans when I went into ICU, which were donated to the final solution to the homeless problem by the time I got out.
Avatar 11:42pm

or maybe it was their pre-rolled.. the red packs i think.. I alwyas really wanted to shift to American Spirit.. if for nothing else than that it's an all-american company.. but I never really cared for their products..
Avatar 11:43pm

@pss -- well either way- fuck it all- good that you quit!
Avatar 11:44pm
listener mark:

Good night Faye! The pancakes were delicious!
Avatar 11:44pm

not congrats on the heart attack.. but ya know..
Avatar 11:49pm
pacific standard simon:

Hand-rolled was always a problem when someone wanted to bum one off you on the street. Either they'd be pissed that there wasn't a filter, or they'd be pissed that it had your spit all over the paper. Handing them the works wasn't an option.

Drivin' & listenin', enjoying yer show. Nuff said...
Avatar 11:50pm

hey greetings FXO!
Avatar 11:50pm

@pss- haha yeeeeup.. one of my reasons I love rolling my own.. people are much more hesitant to ask for something you personally licked the glue strip to
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm

I was just driving and listening too. Now at home & listening. Good sounds. Groovy. Dig!
Avatar 11:51pm

OR- Even better.. they ask for one and you hand them enough tobacco inbetween a sheet of paper.. and tell them to roll it!

Liking this last 15 minutes a lot so far.
Avatar 11:54pm

GREAT SHOW FAYE! much love. thanks for all
Avatar 11:55pm
Danne D:

Thanks for a great show Faye :)
Have a good night everyone :)
Avatar 11:56pm
pacific standard simon:

Show is always groovy -- goes without saying -- just can't make it every week.
Avatar 11:57pm

ill see ya on the astral planeeeee man
Avatar 11:58pm
pacific standard simon:

This is the best part. :)
Avatar 12:00am
pacific standard simon:

I used to try to meet Diana Rigg on the astral plane -- didn't work.
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