Favoriting Frank O'Toole's playlist September 15, 2014  Favoriting email the Program Director
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it's gonna be a doozy... (webcast)

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Track Artist Album / Format Label Approx. start time
Favoriting Get Happy / MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Mr. Lucky   Jane Horrocks / Henry Mancini  fxo mix - mashup (CD-R)   no label   
Favoriting Miss Gretchen   Gerald Wilson & His Orchestra  "Detroit" Lp (CD)   Mack Avenue  0:13:39 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Blues On Belle Isle   Gerald Wilson & His Orchestra  "Detroit" Lp (CD)   Mack Avenue  0:21:45 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Land Of Dreams   Kalima  "FAC: Dance 02 (Factory)" compil. Lp (CD)   Strut  0:26:45 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Witches of Ulster   Marco Benevento  "Swift" Lp (CD) *   The Royal Potato Family  0:32:08 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Hey Stranger   Chris Butler  "Easy Life" Lp (CD) *   Future Fossil  0:37:57 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Life Is Hard   Sleepyhead  "Wild Sometimes" Lp (CD) *   Carrot Top  0:42:47 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Daly's Tune / FMU Locked Groove   Tommy Daly  fxo mix - mashup (CD-R)   no label  0:45:10 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Revelations- It's Grand Climax at Hand!   DJ Female Convict Scorpion  "How Metal Is Time Travel" Lp (CD) *   no label  0:50:36 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Electric Ladyland Drum track (with Dave Mason on bass)   The Jimi Hendrix Experience  "The Southeby Auction Tapes" Lp (CD-R)   no label  0:55:56 Pop-up)  
Favoriting How Metal Is Time Travel   DJ Female Convict Scorpion  "How Metal Is Time Travel" Lp (CD) *   no label  1:02:23 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Sign In Strange (backing track)   Steely Dan  "Tracks-Bob Brainen's 2013 FMU Marathon CD" Lp (CD-R)   FMU  1:07:33 Pop-up)  
Favoriting The Symphonies: Dreams, Memories, & Parties   Emily Wells  "Symphony 9" Lp (CD)   creative control  1:10:56 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Roll Plymouth Rock, Barnyard   Brian Wilson  "Smile" Lp (CD)   nonesuch  1:15:19 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Old Master Painter / You Are My Sunshine   Brian Wilson  "Smile" Lp (CD)   nonesuch  1:19:57 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Cabin Essence / On A Holiday   Brian Wilson  "Smile" Lp (CD)   Nonesuch  1:21:25 Pop-up)  
Favoriting My World Fell Down   Sagittarius  "Nuggets" compil. Lp (Vinyl)   Elektra  1:26:40 Pop-up)  
Favoriting These Girls   Garfunkel & Oates  Nattynim Mix (MP3)   no label  1:30:28 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Arab Strap (Belle & Sebastian)   Choir! Choir! Choir!  "David Goldman's Album" Lp (MP3)   no label  1:33:58 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Century Of The Self   Dilated Peoples  "Directors of Photography" Lp (CD) *   Rhymesavers  1:37:25 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ:Take Whatever/ FMU Locked Groove   The Phenomenal Guitars  fxo mix - mashup (CD-R)   no label  1:41:45 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Dawn In Luxor   Shabazz Palaces  "Lese Majesty" Lp (CD) *   Sub Pop  1:47:44 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Caravan   Dizzy Gillespie  "Re-Bop ; The Savoy Remixes" compil. Lp (CD)   Savoy  1:51:50 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Life On Mars   David Bowie  Ph Remix (MP3)   no label  1:56:49 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Ambivalent   Debbie Schwartz  "A Garden Of My Own" Lp (CD) *   Twin Lakes  2:00:40 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Velvet Sunrise   Spanner Jazz Punks  "Rare Episodes: Frank Zappa, Unmined Nuggets" compil.Lp (CD) *   Cordelia  2:06:11 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Why?... and We Repeat... Why?   Taj Mahal  "Music Keeps Me Together" Lp (Vinyl)   Columbia  2:12:18 Pop-up)  
Favoriting In Love With Useless (The Timeless Geometry...)   A Sunny Day In Glasgow  "Sea When Absent" Lp (CD) *   Lefse  2:17:29 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Mr. Sandman   The Chordettes  fxo mix (CD-R)   no label  2:23:30 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Golden Monkey   FREE-MAN (ex -Ween)  "Free-man" Lp (CD) *   Partisan  2:25:26 Pop-up)  
Favoriting All Of A Sudden (It's Too Late)   XTC  "English Settlement" Lp (Vinyl)   Virgin  2:29:26 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Yellow Krap   Ken Nordine  Minge Warbler remix (MP3)   no label  2:35:30 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Diga Diga Doo   Mills Brothers & Duke  JPOD remix (MP3)   no label  2:42:03 Pop-up)  
Favoriting I Can't Stand It   The Chambers Brothers  "The Time Has Come" Lp (Vinyl)   Columbia  2:47:12 Pop-up)  
Favoriting MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Why?... and We Repeat... Why?   Taj Mahal (reprise)  "Music Keeps Me Together" Lp (Vinyl)   Columbia  2:49:42 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Everywhere   Gerald Wilson & His Orchestra  "Detroit" Lp (CD)   Mack Avenue  2:52:05 Pop-up)  
Favoriting Dance Macabre   The Westminster Philharmonic Orchestra  "The Bride of Frankenstein (Score by Franz Waxman)" soundtrack Lp (CD)   Silva  3:01:40 Pop-up)  
Favoriting end theme(s)   Alfred Hitchcock Vs. The Nelson Riddle Orchestra  fxo mix - mashup (CD-R)   no label  3:02:24 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:06am fxo:

hello, campers. Here we be.
Avatar 6:11am mauri:

good day frank. jäzzy jäzz lift off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12am Konin:

Showtime! Morning, Frank/all.
Avatar 6:13am fxo:

good afternoon, mauri & Konin.
  6:20am P-90:

Guten TZAG @ fxo & Co.
Avatar 6:22am fxo:

Guten TZAG, back atcha. Again, what's the translation of that term of endearment? Jus' axkin'.
  6:30am P-90:

Guten Tag is "good day" in German, a common morning greeting. We started saying TZAG for "time zone-appropriate greetings", cuz now we've got folks from all over the planet listening to this here New Jersey radio station-- -a Helluva thing
Avatar 6:33am fxo:

"Guten Tag is "good day" in German.

thanks "P". what's up with the "Z"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35am Sem Chumbo:

Howareyaknow, dear? That's a common greeting here on the real east coast. Hiya, Frank, and Exciting Moments worldwide.
  6:37am P-90:

"The Real East Coast"? i.e. of the Bay of Fundy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am Sem Chumbo:

The East Coast of North America, I speak now of St. John's, Newfoundland, in a half-hour time zone, the homeland.
*Howareyounow,bye? is a variant. Hello, P-90.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am Sem Chumbo:

Susan Sarandon stole my heart in that.
Burt: You should have seen the Atlantic in the 40's!
Avatar 6:45am fxo:

our moments are somewhat exciting...
Morning Sem. What Susan Sarandon could do with lemons...
  6:46am david from kst:

,,,,hey DJ FrankOT!,,, have You read John Water`s book "Carsick"?At 2 chapters in its already nutso !!,,,,,Good Show Mon!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am maestroso:

G'morning FXO, a fine morning it is here in Livingston.
Avatar 6:48am fxo:

thanks for the tip, david.
  6:48am david from ks:

,,,sorry thats david from ks
Avatar 6:48am fxo:

mornin' to you, 'stroso.
  6:49am P-90:

Bob Rafelson's "The King of Marvin Gardens" is the other gem from that period, with Nicholson, Bruce Dern, and the always-flawless Ellen Burstyn.
It's the ideal double bill w/"Atlantic City"
Avatar 6:50am kat330:

Hello, Mr. O' and gathered all! That first set was excellent sandwich-making music, esp. the Gerard Wilson tracks. Philo can expect a superior lunch today.
  6:51am P-90:

Yes, Bob (The Monkees) Rafelson, that Bob Rafelson
Avatar 6:52am kat330:

@Sem: Burt was most excellent, too. A scene that sticks in m mind is -- ohh, shoot, I see that Frank already co-opted the lemons bit. :)
  6:52am P-90:

Hi Kat330! Pray thee, what's on the sandwich board for today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am duke:

good morning all and sundry
Avatar 6:54am fxo:

fun kind of movies, eh?
Burt was stellar in the movie. Rafelson, hooked up with Jack, had a nice journey.

thanks kat330. And Philo will have a nice meal, as well.
morning, duke.
Avatar 6:57am kat330:

Nothing remarkable: Turkey, cheese, romaine, tomato, cuke and hummus on whole wheat (to be wry, sometimes I choose rye).
  6:57am P-90:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59am Sem Chumbo:

@P-90. Agreed.
@kat: ah, hummus. Staple around here, with rather a lot of garlic ( I grow about 300 head/year.)
Avatar 7:00am Philo Gristle:

Morning Frank & Gang!

P-90: Much as I like Rafelson's Marvin Gardens (and 5EP), and I may be in a minority on this, one my favorite flicks by him is "Mountains of the Moon." Great old-fashioned adventure.
Avatar 7:03am kat330:

@Sem: 300 /yr?? One a day keeps the doctor away. Bet you never get a cold no matter how polar vortexed you are. Oh, I should have noted the cheese is Swiss.

@Frank: I really do appreciate and adore these studio tracks you find and spin.
Avatar 7:06am fxo:

thanks kat330, 'ppreciate it.

with Rafelson, Jack, with the Monkees, Zappa, et al, with "Head". a fave rave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I is a garlic-eatin' fool
...hard to know online who's rye & who' wry : )
...(life's too short for whitebread is my general feeling)
- but just to be clear Frank:
T*Z*AG = TimeZoneAppropriateGreetings
...which I'm always prepared to extend to SusanSarandon...
  7:07am P-90:

Rafelson's most def an important director in that generation.
The thing about "Marvin Gardens" is that it was made 7-8 years before "Atlantic City", so while the latter movie shows the crumbling, squalid remains of the fabled resort as it was coming apart at the seams just prior to the casino era, "Marvin" contains quite a visual record of the faded but intact "old" AC just before it really went to shit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am Sem Chumbo:

@kat: some of it I trade for free range duck eggs and other country yummies. Fifty are set aside for the next year's crop, planted on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. But eat garlic, daily.
Avatar 7:09am Philo Gristle:

I wish somebody would put out on decent dvd the flick with Frank's first music score, "The World's Greatest Sinner," even if I'm much more interested in it because of Timothy Carey as the rockabilly preacher God Hilliard...
  7:10am P-90:

Timothy Carey is a (albeit minor) national treasure.
Avatar 7:11am Philo Gristle:

One of the greatest pleasures in watching old(er) movies is simply seeing the world that was...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13am Sem Chumbo:

re Zappa, via wikithingy: "...The film features a score composed by a young, pre-Mothers of Invention Frank Zappa. At about the same time, Zappa appeared on The Steve Allen Show, playing a "bicycle concerto" by plucking spokes and blowing through the handlebars. In the interview portion of the program, Zappa talked briefly about scoring the soundtrack for the film, which he called "the worst film ever made," even though the general public wouldn't have the opportunity to see the film he was talking about for another 50 years."
Avatar 7:14am kat330:

@Sem: I don't believe I've ever had a duck egg. Very different flavor from a hen's egg?
  7:15am P-90:

That Zappa/Steve Allen show clip is on the YouseTubes.
At least it was...
Avatar 7:15am kat330:

@Philo: Yes, like in many 20th c NYC films seeing the Twin Towers always brings a lump to the throat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am Sem Chumbo:

@kat: richer, and denser, I'd say. So much bigger than even *large* chicken eggs, you have to adjust recipes for the amount of white (thus, water). Rarely use anything else here.
Avatar 7:16am fxo:

what's a hen weigh/ way?
Avatar 7:17am Philo Gristle:

I bet even Teddy Roosevelt couldn't eat a dozen of those for breakfast every morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am Sem Chumbo:

Lots of *Smiles* this morning, thanks, Frank.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...rye as SteveAllen was - he had all the Hipsters on - from Kerouac to BlueCheer...
Avatar 7:18am kat330:

Nice slide whistle touch here! Philo got me one I've used in a few tracks since b'day 2013.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am Sem Chumbo:

@Philo: especially if they were balut-style ;-P
Avatar 7:19am kat330:

@fxo: Depends on how many layers.
Avatar 7:20am fxo:

my layers of sarcasm?
Avatar 7:21am Philo Gristle:

@Sem: After googling Balut-style I wish I hadn't! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...w/ hen layers - Franks' World feels - Down...
- me too Philo...
Avatar 7:22am kat330:

Of rye-ness. Wry-nosity?
Avatar 7:22am Philo Gristle:

Speaking of films, I sadly note the passing of Theodore J. Flicker who did one singularly wonderful film, THE PRESIDENT'S ANALYST, and some other good ones.
Avatar 7:23am kat330:

Sagittarius? Guess they were riding on the Mamas and Papas coattails.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- named Flicker - & did movies ?
- 'President's Analyst' - like ThePrisoner w/ laughs - completely essential.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am Sem Chumbo:

@Philo: I had no idea Mr. Flicker had anything to do with bringing a minor CanLit joy to the screen. wikithingy:...although he cites Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang (1978) among his personal favorites.." Mordecai Richler's kids tale written for one of his sons.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Sagittarius wigkey :
...noisy bit by Firesign !
Avatar 7:29am fxo:

Sagittarius was a project, from Curt Boettcher & Gary Usher (who wrote songs with Brian Wilson, and also produced The Byrds.
Avatar 7:31am Philo Gristle:

@RR Clearly he had no choice in his career path!

@Sem I didn't either, until I just noticed it in the same spot you did! Admittedly, I've not even seen (or read) the more famous Duddy Kravitz.
  7:31am P-90:

Theo. J. Flicker? Sorry to lose him, he was brilliant.
Avatar 7:32am kat330:

Thanks, Frank!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32am Sem Chumbo:

@P-90, not least for his co-creation of the wacky ensemble show Barney Miller. High-larious consistently ( at the time, anyway.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

P's Analyst: ...'you know - all over the world - people hate the Phone Company !'...they knew sumthin', yerknow...
Avatar 7:36am Philo Gristle:

Well, thanks for the lovely sounds as always Frank! Work beckons and it's a cooler morning so need to warm up the bike. Cheerio, owl!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Ta Philo.
Avatar 7:39am kat330:

Belated thanks, RR on the Sag. link (I've been multi-tasking and missed a lot).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- de nada kat; the track is known to us Nuggets-heads...
  7:43am P-90:

The story of Flicker and Barney Miller is very well-known in Hollywood. He was involved in dreaming up the characters and writing the pilot; after that he has no formal role in producing the show. But the show became a hit, and because he was a "creator" of the show, he wound up with a huge payout that went on for years and years. His story is given as an object lesson for writers in how important it is to get one's self into the "creator" of a series position, that's where the big money is. Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld each made hundreds of millions from their "creator credit" on their show
Avatar 7:46am fxo:

Flicker (I think) also started Second City.
Avatar 7:46am kat330:

It's appeared on a few fxo playlists in the past months, and I always enjoy that "Lese Majesty" LP title. First time I saw it here was just days after I wrote lyrics using that very term and thought it was quite a synch.
Avatar 7:50am fxo:

sync or swim...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am Parq:

Digging these last two remixes.
Avatar 7:53am kat330:

I mean, how often do terms of heraldry come up in a given day.
Avatar 7:54am fxo:

thanks, Parq.
  7:55am marmalade kitty:

good morning fxo & co
Avatar 7:56am kat330:

@Parq: Have you considered renting out your prime handle for a cool million $$?
Debbie Schwartz' vocals remind me of Roseanne Cash.
Avatar 7:57am fxo:

hey, MK.
Avatar 7:59am kat330:

Do you think anyone will actually pay a million dollars for a primo parking space in Manhattan? It surely would be cheaper to use a door-to-door limo service. I can't imagine who'd do it except someone expecting to capitalize on it by selling out "shares" to the space to others. Like The Donald.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...waiting for the happy day they do biometric laser scans of yer retina to see if you have Credit enuff to breath oxygen for a little while...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03am Parq:

Kat, on my second date with Missus Parq, we were seated at a windowside table, and we noticed the parking space outside the window was empty. We avidly discussed going out and holding it, co-oping it and making a killing. Ahead of our time, as is too often the case.
Avatar 8:03am kat330:

@RR: What oxygen? By that time, very little of it left.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- precisely.
  8:08am marmalade kitty:

people seem passive enough sometimes to allow that kind of eventuality!!!!?
  8:08am P-90:

"More than a few apocalyptic, dystopian moments..."
Avatar 8:09am kat330:

@mk: They don't call it the "boob tube" for nothing. Makes for a passive public suckling at the teat of conspicuous consumption.
Avatar 8:13am KRYPT:

Hah, I am currently in Glasgow alas it is not sunny, great band though. I wonder if it's sunny in Philadelphia?
Avatar 8:16am fxo:

"boob", "apocalyptic", "passitivity"... ooh, my brain hoits!

KRYPT: Philadelphia is the same weather in Jersey City.
Avatar 8:16am kat330:

@KRYPT: I think the group wanted an ironic name for a rare event. :) So how you voting on Thursday?

oooh, the Chordettes! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17am Parq:

Krypt, keep in mind that, even if it's sunny, it's still Philadelphia. (Hah. I kid. I actually really enjoy the time I spend in the CBL.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am Jeroen Kuster:

he Frank
as always a great show thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am common:

morning! it is.
Avatar 8:20am fxo:

hello, Jeroen & common.
Avatar 8:20am kat330:

@fxo: Will be off keyboard for several here -- it's stretching, dumbbells and tramp time -- but listening all the same.
Avatar 8:20am KRYPT:

I Just ask cos Philly is where they hail from, kinda stupid rhetorical question, forgive me. Hi everyone btw, @kat330, it is ayes from me:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am Ken From Hyde Park:

@FXO 7:16 - I pulled the "What's a henway?" joke on my daughter and she completely fell for it. We laughed immensely. A week later, I pulled the "What's a piecost?" gag with equal hilarity.
Avatar 8:39am fxo:

Ken From Hyde Park: I used a million of 'em, in the past, and now my brain hoits!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am Sem Chumbo:

Much appreciate this morning's show, fxo. See you, and all, next week if the gods allow. Take care.
Avatar 8:50am fxo:

thanks alla yez. Glad you heard this webcast. This will be at the WFMU.org, in a few hours, whenever, wherever you want. I'll have my next webcast, next Monday, same time zones. I appreciated the comments.

Peace from, and, for our world.
Avatar 8:54am northguineahills:

Thanks Frank!
Avatar 8:55am kat330:

Wow, a bunch of greatness while I was otherwise engaged!

Thought the beginning of this was like the "Danger Man" theme.
Loved the Nordine. Think instead of "women are revered" from last week, though, he actually meant "women are reviled." Current news shines a light on that.

THANK YOU, fxo! A great list today, beginning to end!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am Parq:

As usual, Frank, your show is the only good thing about a Monday morning.
  8:57am marmalade kitty:

fxo, if you check out too soon we catch JM-AM... ;)
Avatar 8:57am fxo:

thanks northguineahills, kat330, Parq, MK.
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