I am just kneeling in front of the Can Studio Equipment that now is part of a mediocre Rock'n Pop Museum (Gronau, Germany close to the Dutch border). But... there is an endless videotape playing a 1970 Can Concert in my hometown Soest. You can watch it here....www.youtube.com...
Morning, Ken. I went on amazon yesterday and there was a pop up showing that they will now take 0.5% of any purchase made on their website and donate it to a charity of your choosing. I did a quick search and saw that Auricle Communications was on the list, so now anytime I buy something on amazon, WFMU gets a little bump. Might wanna let the masses know.
Asheville Jon - I do love me some cassettes but a worse format for the freeform DJ was never conceived of. Dan - how do we do that without shilling for Amazon though?
Someone on Dan Bodah's comment thread Mon. night turned me on to the YouTube performances by Poopylungstuffing. She's one of TWO contemporary female singer-songwriters named Olivia Dvorak who play strings.
But the Dusty shows on cassette are all pre-produced. That's the problem with cassettes, you can't use them live cause you cant easily find separate tracks.
i know the dusty shows were pre-produced. it was a pita to use cassettes when i did radio, but not an impossibility. i would think that in this modern era with all the technology available, a superhuman radio personality such as yourself could just use mind control or something to access tracks easily. maybe you could employ the powers of chuck norris for such a show in the future.
In order to make it complete:
Here's the Kraftwerk 1970 live in Soest www.youtube.com...
I heard through certain channels, that it's the German (and French) TV people themselves, who put their stuff "illegally" on YouTube. Just in case you wonder abou the good quality.
If FMU goes to an all-cassette format might I suggest as a future premium a WFMU Pencil, not designed for writing, but for re-spooling the cassette tape.
i must say, when i was a little school kid... good old Beatles provided some hard to take lessons in musical tastes, but all in all worthwhile. "Come Together" was a long-time-un-favourite.
Ken if for some crazy reason you could help me get tickets (I will pay obviously) or any contacts to the Primavera Music Festival I would love to go! I'm sad WFMU won't be there this year.
the structure and even the sound of come together are quite divergent compared to most of the beatles repertoire. it has always been a polemic track for that.
I used to hate "Drive My Car" even more ... until I got into R&B and then with the help of the classic "loudness"-button on my old stereo it was a relevation: gee, what a bass player!
I'm ignorant: in the belovèd "Down at Mississippi" by RIAA, what's the rap that's being played against Howlin Wolf's version of "Down in the Bottom"? Thanks.
Maxwell's Silver Hammer--it goes on forever, and finished off the band--John hated it. "That’s Paul’s. I hate it. ‘Cuz all I remember is the track – he made us do it a hundred million times. He did everything to make it into a single and it never was and it never could’ve been, but he put guitar licks on it and he had somebody hitting iron pieces and we spent more money on that song than any of them in the whole album. I think." Even George called it "fruity."
It seems to me like Dva do not sing in Czech.
I have the LP now.
On the lyric insert there are two translations:
One to English and one to what seems Czech ..
Yeah, everybody needs to keep listening through into Duane's show (as if anybody wouldn't, given the choice) for the Arto Lindsay set.
Imagine, if you will: an angelic song in Portuguese... punctuated by great crunching improvised guitar explosions which hit you like steel-jacketed granite.
It could be like that. You'll have to listen and find out. But if it were like that... it'd be pretty great.
I've always hated "Hey Jude, but that doesn't mean it's bad; I don't love "Obla-di... " but its their only calypso and it's decently constructed. I'd say that "Good Night" is a strong contender.
Related: is "Across the Universe" Lennon's attempt to shew that he could write a better George Harrison song than could Harrison?
@dc pat- just my opinion. I'm not saying it's a terrible song, for me it grates on my nerves. I use to like the Beatles but now, not at all. However, my husband loves them. In all honesty, he'll put on White Album, which I kinda like but can only listen to a few songs.
I tend to steer clear of Beatles conversations but I'll admit to digging "i want you (she's so heavy)" -- it's ponderous as hell. Pretty much the anti-ob-la-di-ob-la-da...
don't need much than 'letter from an occupant" to prove that the new pornographers are the best damn thing in pop music. everything since then has just gilded the lily.
@Viv: yep, I hear you. It's kind of hard liking a group that's so fucking famous/popular. But the Beatles are part of my family I guess...no getting rid of them.
My dad bought very few pop/rock albums during the '60s (mostly Simon and Garfunkel) but he did pick up the "White Album" and Abbey Road. I once asked him why he bought them when he didn't generally care for that kind of music. He said he wanted to see what all the fuss was about -- and after listening to both, determined that it was about nothing.
Paul never could grow up because he's stuck trying to get the approval a fourteen-year-old boy might still want from his mother if he hadn't at that point started to rebel...and it's harder to rebel against a very sick parent. It's how he later became `everybody's mother's favourite Beatle`.
At that age, Lennon had already constructed a defensive shell rooted in the knowledge that he would never get that approval, even as he retained a core desperate for it.
Oc....to...pus's....Garden goes near the bad end of the tolerability range for the lads' music. Of course, it might belong in a whole different category of assessment.
About those Beatles... thinking about it, I realize I don't have many defined critical opinions about their songs. There are some of their songs I've definitely gravitated toward over the years, and others I tend not to play, but somehow they've managed to be so much a part of the social and musical fabric I grew up in that it's hard to see them from enough distance to even develop the same sorts of opinions I have about most other music.
Probably another of the many reasons I'd be a terrible music critic.
"EXCERPTS | A collection of Animated GIFs excerpted from out-of-copyright/unknown/historical moving images. A digital curation project for the diffusion of open knowledge."
About your hiccuping grey or harbour seal: it looks like one of the fat phoques (as we semi-bilingual locals like to say) I see most days, taking a breather from chasing escaped farmed salmon from the pens not far from here. As @glenn mentioned, these things are fish vacuum cleaners, taking a belly bite from every fish and moving on:-(
I just have a lack of enthusiasm for the Beatles. I think it's partially because I've never shared the level of excitement that most people have for them.
@still b/p: by some rational, critically-distant judgement, yes, Octopus's Garden is probably a thoroughly ridiculous song... but I have such a great memory of a gangly friend at a party decades and decades ago galumphing around the room to it with such complete joy, that the song still brings me a smile completely independent of its musical merits or lack thereof.
One of the oddest things (that was back in the 80ies) , was to have people from the British hardcore-punk scene for a visit and they appeared to be absolutely fond of PIKNK FLOYD "THE WALL". They continued to ask "Can we put on THE WALL please?"
Do you guys think there's enough market for listeners interested in lossless quality music? I have the impression kids today don't care about quality especially when listening to music via their smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.
I don't think there's a market that involves paying a premium for it. They've tried it before with SACD and DVD Audio and the response has always been crickets.
Bren't Lewiis Ensemble has something ... yes ... trippy ...
F☇F☇ (:
Yeah, Andrew. I suspect the listener segment that cares about lossless is shrinking year by year, and it is mainly composed by lonely hippies audiophiles.
@F<F< (:, I suspect that the listener segment that cares about lossless, just like the one that cared about constant bit rate has always been composed by lonely hippies, over zealous nerds, and audiophiles.
@glenn: Thanks. The comment made me think of old presidential campaigns in the Philippines, where the candidates and their spouses were expected to sing full-on duets in evening dress during campaign events.
Neil Young not lonely? Neil COINED the phrase "lonesome hippy," in the song "Roll Another Number"
F☇F☇ (:
Still I think the Pono project has a chance to pivot and perhaps build something valuable for the new generations out of the music player that looks like a Toblerone.
I don't see where some special weird pono thing fits in the world, although I can't say I completely understand what they're trying to do.
There already exist good-sounding portable and home music playing gizmos which play the lossless recordings (usually delivered as flac files) which are commercially available increasingly broadly. hdtracks.com keeps adding mainstream labels, and I see some labels' digital-download stored adding flacs as an option.
That seems like progress; I just don't know how many of The Kids will care. Some, maybe.
F☇F☇ (:
Really?! And I thought the phrase was coined by Andy Breckman!
The WFMU Movie has been retitled "Sex and Broadcasting," and will be release in a few months. It's a;; done and it's great, but the filmmaker is trying to line up distribution and a film fest for it to premiere at .
@ Guido - true and alcohol. Neil admitted to having a hard time wrting songs without weed. I'm halfway through Neil's book 'Waging Heavy Peace'. Ken, your review of the book is correct - he does bounce around quite a bit.
Yeah Chris, I noticed that myself... not sure what is wrong.. Prashanth, my show's not available as a podcast but you can download it via the WFMU app, or you can email me and I can get you more info.
every now and again a track you play pierces the attention I am giving the work at hand, and the music comes clearly to the front of my consciousness. This Mingus cut does exactly that.
if physics are still to be trusted, this fat seal should have slipped on the right side long ago. and his ribs would hurt so much. poor boy.
@sans plomb, reading yr name without knowing much portuguese and noticing the giraffe, i was pretty sure you were kenyan...
...and as the hippie audiophiles age, we will generally lose the ability to tell the difference, unless the compression lossage constructively interferes with our ears'/brains'.