Frank O'Toole's playlist
April 7, 2014 ![]()
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Listener comments!
6:03am : hello from Jersey City. I'm glad we're here.6:04am : Good morning!![]()
♥ 6:04am :
! Good morning (o:![]()
6:05am : I love Mondays (and my happy pills).6:06am : good morning Frank!6:06am : Good morning once again, fx o't![]()
♥ 6:07am :
Me too, & I also love that it's 13 degrees Kelvin on dwarf planet Haumea![]()
♥ 6:08am :
im happy that you have em, whooda![]()
6:09am : :)![]()
6:09am : guten morgen friends. Glad we're all together. Chilly outside, eh? How's bayou?![]()
♥ 6:10am :
A glorious sunrise here, birds singing in every tree. Good morning, fxo, and hello all.6:10am : @ ! IXK ! :
you've got friends on Haumea too?
6:11am : Gotta' get some Z's DJ FXO. I am Audi here.![]()
♥ 6:12am :
wicked warm here! actually melting! the windows open pleasingly more of the time! it!s amazing how thnigs uncover things during spring cleaning, & it!ll weigh about 20 lbs less in here in no time!6:13am : nicely not-too-cold and Springlike here in Manhattan![]()
♥ 6:14am :
Every year, money is made with spring cleaning! From uncovering from cleaning! So far this year how much I!ve made is up to 76 cents! This is only barely the beginning of spring cleaning time!6:16am : great idea: MIA vs. Lourde![]()
6:21am : Good morning, Frank! Hi, everyone! What a boffo arrangement that was of "Birth of the Blues"! (Showertime now, be back later.)![]()
6:29am : Good mixes make good mornings :) Hi fxo and listeners. Glad to have my speakers blaring while I work.![]()
♥ 6:34am :
6:36am : Blake Babies?![]()
♥ 6:40am :
Tyger Tyger?6:40am : @ fxo: she calls herself "MIA" as in "missing in action" acronym6:48am : good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
♥ 6:48am :
!6:49am : @ marmkit: good morning!
how's the weather out your way this a.m.?![]()
6:51am : update, no sun (JC), but yonder the light has broken.6:51am : the residual saharan sand has subsided, there is a chink of blue sky!![]()
♥ 6:54am :
from blue hour to golden![]()
7:00am : Showers outside while showering inside here in So IN. But yesterday was perfect. Grilled yellow fin in the evening, nice and warm.![]()
7:02am : His phrasing and accent really remind me of Nik Turner.![]()
7:03am : fresh, as a daisy...![]()
♥ 7:07am :
G'morning FXO, dawn is breaking and headphones are singing.7:07am : I typed hahaha on my phone earlier and it autocorrected to jagbags![]()
7:11am : This time of year, our robins become my alarm clock. They begin chirruping well before dawn though. Usually awakened at 4:30 am by the red-breasted worm anglers.![]()
7:13am : I sit corrected, tugboat.
Morning 'stroso, as well as, kat & Philo.![]()
♥ 7:14am :
In the shower, too? Awesome!![]()
7:15am : And being on the farthest west end of Eastern time, our dawn is realized probably a full hour later than youse in NYC.![]()
♥ 7:17am :
get the news & time first?![]()
7:17am : @Key: Easy worm pickings when it's wet outside, so probably even louder robin singing.
Love this title.![]()
7:25am : Silent Night in the mix.![]()
7:27am : Hi frank and everyone else![]()
♥ 7:29am :
Listening and digging it very much, Frank.
Góðan dag, @Sigudur. Þú ert vel, ég vona!![]()
♥ 7:32am :
good morning @sigurdur![]()
♥ 7:33am :
7:33am : thanks Sem, X Key, & Sigurdur, and everyone else who's on our wavelength.![]()
7:33am : Já sæll ertu, juju eg er ægettur, en þú![]()
7:35am : This was the first toon of the newest NYer to make me chuckle (as Chast is wont to do):![]()
7:35am : yes, what he / she said. You too.![]()
♥ 7:36am :
@Sigudur: Góður dagur til að vera á lífi!![]()
♥ 7:36am :
clicky-stars don't happen the same on other planets without atmospheres as they do on ours![]()
7:38am : thanks kat, for the New Yorker reference![]()
♥ 7:40am :
lololol on that NY cartoon yes hooray wowowie zowie one![]()
7:42am : Welcome! A great Gahan Wilson uncaptioned at the end of this week's, too. Hm, something like Is that a bathtub you're wearing or are you just glad to see me? -- something to do with a Cialis commercial. ;)![]()
7:49am : Ooo man, last night right before going to bed, i ate these banana/choclate bars. And 2day i cant stop farting, also that my farts smell like banana something.... Just feelt like sharing for some reason.7:52am : Not as good a morning for me, I'm afraid. Yesterday unaccountably drowsy all day, slept most of it, then last night a persistent itch on one side of the back. Still sl itch now, suspecting shingles, sure hope it's not. Had it 2 yrs. ago, insurance won't pay for the expensive vaccine.![]()
7:56am : Hopefully something will rob the pain robert![]()
♥ 7:56am :
Colder here than in Jersey City & colder in Yelllwknife, CA, & in Resolute, CA8:04am : Thanks, Sigurdur. Started taking L-lys, whose benefit in herpes simplex is unknown but in herpes zoster is only suspected on general principles.8:05am : No, I meant its benefit in herpes simplex is KNOWN.![]()
♥ 8:05am :
@S did youuuu eat too big bites not chewing enough? are you used to bananas & the other thing? which side??! where?!
& aw geez
& you, too!![]()
♥ 8:06am :
I <3 4Tet![]()
♥ 8:07am :
Hello fxo, rain, gusty winds & Monday, shudda stayed in bed.
@! I X Key ! Are you feeling Lilliputian today with tiny planets?![]()
♥ 8:13am :
@B of course![]()
♥ 8:15am :
8:19am : Is anybody down for a relative old piece of writing of mine?![]()
♥ 8:21am :
The asteroid Vesta doesn!t have quite enough mass to pull itself into a sphere, but the heavenly body with just more mass than that that we have seen, Lars!s moon, is large enough to pull itself into a sphere, so the mass required to pull oneself into a sphere is between the mass of th asteroid Vesta & of Mars!s moon![]()
♥ 8:22am :
@Sigudur: OK.![]()
♥ 8:22am :
down with an old thing! i!ll read!![]()
♥ 8:22am :
8:24am : good morn, backatcha common.![]()
8:25am : @fxo: Was tramp-ing during the last several minutes and couldn't see titles (thanks for the beats, btw!). Was if Flevoland with the trumpets and seagull sounds?![]()
8:28am : @Sigurdur: Sure, post a link. It's not all about farts I trust?![]()
8:37am : Whatever
Feelings, my feelings are stuck on a old tin can in the infinite blue. Dont worru im not asking you to care! In actuality i am asking you to buy me a beer and listen to a story which whatever path it takes feelings will be involved! So just sit there with a distinguished smug on yor face, while ill be sifting rhru stories, so they can become words. Words of interest....... Whatever happened to me to be here right now, wherever i am......... Gently becoming your own thaught of persona, with the rage of humanity lurking with in my veines, selfish words it may be. I wonder if thoose thoughts have entered my human persona. Poetry reading and writing, fish killing and eating, glacier looking, mountain wandering, marijuana smoking, alchol drinking. Autodidact i have gained with that, whatever manroll the joint and let the enhanced emotion be the final jugdement, of this , whatever![]()
♥ 8:38am :
8:42am : IC !8:42am : A bit late, but morning all.
Love the re-mix/Mashups on your shows-![]()
♥ 8:43am :
What was that![]()
♥ 8:43am :
Are you hugely trollin![]()
♥ 8:50am :
Am I silly8:50am : @ fx o't: another delightful playlist! thanks man, you never fail to enliven my Monday morns!![]()
♥ 8:51am :
Have I been known to be silly![]()
♥ 8:52am :
♥ 8:52am :
Happy thanks good one![]()
8:54am : @Key @7:14: Just occurred to me I misread. If you weren't talking about robins in the shower, then yes, awesome as well. Water conservation, doncha know. (I'll say nothing about the red-breasted early bird getting the worm.:)![]()
8:56am : great comments. You're all the best, both back & forth. Time to end this debacle, re, mixmashups. I enjoyed it. I'll be back next Monday, with a new webcast. Look for the archive of this show.
peace, frog.![]()
♥ 8:56am :
8:57am : Aww, poor kitty ...
Thanks, Frank! Next week hopefully!8:59am : Great show, fxo! thanks![]()
♥ 8:59am :
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