only let the inspector into the areas he's supposed to inspect. a lot of times they like to poke around where they aren't allowed in hopes of finding something unrelated. they are only supposed to check out what the permit was for, so don't let him know you were running a tattoo shop on site
If it's not cloudy at 2AM tonight, you might see an asteroid pass in front of a bright star - ... assuming you don't have city lights blotting out all the stars.
Good Rock'n'Roll satire the lyrics ("Your Haircut and Your Guitar")
How many guys think that's enough to impress girls and annoy fellow bandmates with their vainity?
Was the original "full contact musical chairs" comment in rxn to something on Nachum's show, John Allen's, an e-mail, or just something on the other side of the glass?
Today is the LAST inspection before we go for the Certificate of Occupancy. They're inspecting the fire alarms / smoke detectors and stuff - "Fire / Electric"
No, I don't catch your drift, champaign. Swirly or wide stance?
Oooh ... and I live within walking distance of the Tarrytown Music Hall. Should I camp out behind the Music Hall and ask Don McLean for an autograph? "Could you sign it to 'Andy Breckman,' sir?"
The image accompanying the Cherry Pops track earlier in the show sent me pawing through pulp illustrations. This one will be my "Hello from Maine!" go-to greeting:
@ f@f@ ( -Lately, I've been jamming out to Grong Grong, Gary Wrong Group, Bobby Whitlock, early Bob Seger, Coloured Balls, Tatsuya Nakatami and the Darkscorch Chronicles comp.
Yeah, it's a bad croissant. It's American, from Zaro's, so there you go. It's stale and it has some kind of sweet glaze on the top that doesn't belong, I think the glaze is supposed to make you not notice the staleness.
Sam, funny you said that. I grew up with tons of great bakeries around me in the 1970s in NYC. But nowadays, all the dough tastes the same. When I happen upon real pastries that taste like real dough, I am stunned. It’s all quantity over quality. Crap flour. Better profits. Worse taste.
John Sebastian should play “Welcome Back” when Andy comes out of a coma. Which means Andy must fall into a coma first. And then John Sebastian needs to be at his bedside RIGHT when he comes out of the corner. The logistics are a tad iffy, but it’s doable.
Also, I accidentally said, “…when he comes out of the corner.” Instead of “…when he comes out of the coma.” I don’t want to throw a wrench into this well laid out plan.
Cecile, Minneapolis is good four dough? I lived in Wisconsin for a while & the dough was great. So was the Vietnamese food. Wondering why I am in NYC again?
BTW, that video is one of the reasons for Ken's IMO uncanny resemblance to Harold Ramis. He played the st. mgr. at SCTV, and that "code blue" sequence is just the kind of schtick Ramis would do.
Great news Liz! And what about the Comedy Inspector? I heard they are auditing SSD today. Would they pass the examination?
Yeah. Even the store bakeries are getting better. We also have great Vietnamese food. But NYC has decent red sauce which I crave a lot, being raised by people in the East Coast tradition.
“But NYC has decent red sauce which I crave a lot, being raised by people in the East Coast tradition.” Happy to hear you say that! But guess what? NYC food bullshit has deemed “red sauce” plebeian. Pretty much every foodie blog in NYC derides red sauce as part of their… I dunno… Being a snotbag?
Everything here tends to be Northern Italian. Or ketchup.
those dogs were driving my dog nuts
That's soooo stupid. I'll take a good "gravy" or marinara over a white sauce any day.
Cecile, I agree. But it’s amazing. Here in Brooklyn, in Park Slope they had this great red sauce place called “Aunt Suzie’s” that closed. It was right across this street from this other Italian place called “Al Di La.” Anyway, when the owners of “Aunt Suzie’s” decided to close, the amount of people just taking a dump on them and saying it was a lame “red sauce” place was past belief. The place is now a hipster “dive” bar called “Pork Slope” run by Dale Talde. Artisnanal overpriced—and not not bad, but not worth giving out of your way for—burgers & beer. Lame!
Good one, jennique! One time a friend mentioned she got a banana at a gas station. Another friend asked "Were the bananas food grade or tailpipe grade?". That slays me every time I think of it.
@thedunkel: You mean e-mail a GIF so it plays back? Any program can mail a GIF. But to have it play back the end-user’s browser needs to be able to allow embedding of images—not as attachments—in their reader. Which means it’s not going to work. It is best to just send a URL & then the user opens the GIF in a browser & it plays back.
Miches ! Il faut des miches pour faire un sandwich.
Alesia, red sauce is marinara or other tomato sauce. White sauce is stuff in the Alfredo family. Gravy on the east coast is tomato sauce with different meats.cooked in it
Oh yes I know! My region is asking for independency from Italy, but apparently this referendum won't have any concrete effect, it's just a ridiculous fake to make them happy. Venetian people can be very weird, that's why I moved abroad! :D
Fettuccine Alfredo was actually created in Rome 100 years ago, but became a thing with tourists.
I want a decent sandwich that I don't make myself and that is not banh mi. Which I love, but I just want a good roast beef sammich with no trendy crap on it.
@fleep: 4,200 restaurants in Manhattan? The problem is that most of the good red sauce places are gone. Tons more chains than real places. And the rest are spread out throughout the 5 boroughs.
Listening Out There:
Somehow, the lizard GIF accompanying Mark E. Smith seems appropo t'me...
Scarpetta it's when you have finished your meal but there is still some sauce, so you take a piece of bread and "clean" the dish with it.
Love it! (It's also nice to do with just a good perfumed olive oil and salt)
Went to Eat-aly here in NYC last week. Gelato was pretty good but all their market foods were way, way too expensive. Example - $18.00 for an 8 ounce jar of pesto.
Eat-aly is a complete tourist trap. You should have gone to Carroll Gardens. They still have decent red sauce places mixed with hipster stuff. The old school italians are still hold string there.
@DC Pat: True to a point. But there is this great Indian food truck near where I work in SoHo that is vegan, great & authentic. Am I going to get banned? Dammmit!
put all coconuts down or it's bagpipes til the end of the show.
Foodie Inspector:
I 100% approve the comment section.
Exactly, dcp. I had a Brie and Apple quesadilla at a place, and the waiter asked me what I thought about it,"well, it's not good if I think of it as Mexican food, but it's absolutely delicious." The waiter laughed and said that was pretty much what everyone said.
Now I want a corned beef hero with a pint of Guinness.
I love that Guiness withdrew their support for the parade. The real Irish are a very tolerant people; it's just the Irish-American old guard who aren't.
Other Irish flavors: Been familiar with lilting since I was a kid, but ever since Ken played the Celtic Mouth Music selections a few months ago, I've been trying out diddle-die-dee versions of pop songs -- Mercy Mercy Me, Summer In The City.
Ken, will you have a snack bar? Good bread & pastries?
What will you do if Putin takes over the new performance space? He might pull some crap like hold a referendum, and if 97% of the DJ's vote in favor, he'll move right in. Do you have insurance for that?