Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from January 8, 2014 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting January 8, 2014: Live Show: Meet My Grandma Phyllis

Call in for some unconditional love and acceptance from my Grandma Phyllis! Ask her anything by calling 201-209-9368, and she might have some questions for you.


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Artist Track Comments Approx. start time
    Call in for some unconditional love and acceptance from my Grandma Phyllis! Ask her anything by calling 201-209-9368, and she might have some questions for you.  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Beex  Beat, Beat   Favoriting Free Music Archive   
Andrea Silenzi + Grandma Phyllis  A Cold Freezin Night (for Doomed Lovers)   Favoriting Third Coast Festival   
The Books  Short Docs Challenge   Favoriting Free Music Archive   
Grandma Phyllis  Call 201-209-9368   Favoriting Question: What would you do with a $5,000 gift?   

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hi Andrea and Grandma Phyllis!
Throw another mickey on the fire and settle in!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Mike East:

Hey 1940's Brooklyn! That's where my Grandma Dorothy was from, too (RIP)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Matt from Springfield:

Syracuse U! I was born in that town.
  Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

aww. your grandmother sounds so sweet. cherish her for the time you have with her.
Avatar 7:19pm
Marcel M:

I would by a Les Paul R9
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Mine would all go into the bank. Such is freelance!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Mike East:

I would probably take my family on a vacation....someplace not cold.
Avatar 7:22pm

Live on my own for a year. Someplace cheap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

I like the idea of spending all (almost) of one's money before one dies. If that's sharing with the family, great. If that's donating it to charity or seeing all the world, great too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

BTW, I'd spend the $5K to start my own whiskey distillery.
Joe Schmoe:

1. Help with the kids education.
2. Help with the kids when they get married.
After that, spend every cent before you leave this place so those greedy relatives aren't fighting forever.
Avatar 7:25pm
Nick the Bard:

You knoww hat I'd do with the $5,000? Pay to have some callers :P

OK, real - pay off bills (so, that takes out half of it), rest, half of that in the bank, buy a bunch of organizing supplies, then maybe go get some sushi.

5K: I'd put it towards the sort of house my wife desires to live in. Something old but well-built, seasoned and cat friendly. Shelves for books, a porch for sitting. Maybe in Pitts burgh, Maybe in Brooklyn. BtW, I loved the travel example, as my wife is from Kansas, I'm from NJ, and we've travelled a few times to each.
Avatar 7:27pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Pittsburgh is great.

I'd pay back friends what they've lent me the past few yrs., when I didn't have living expenses. I do have a slight shot at $6,000 if our team at Idea Connection wins the technical challenge we addressed; it has to do with purifying plastic. And even there I feel like I carried only a little of the burden of the team.

My father regularly declares his plan for his twilight years is to spend all his money on fun and toys, and bequeth his kids nothing but the tab for the funeral. I usually tell him I'm keeping a fresh garbage and shovel ready for the day.

garbage BAG and shovel...

Everybody's managed to avoid the cliche of saying they'd donate to the station.
Avatar 7:39pm

i actually just lost a grandmother with whom i was very close a few weeks ago and inherited almost exactly $5k. my plan is to buy some nice new shirts and sweaters (which i know would have pleased her), take my family out to a nice lunch, put a little towards traveling, little towards bills and a new computer, and put the rest away and admire it in my bank account.

If I DID have money set aside for WFMU, though, I'd put it toward rum for Irwin, because everyone knows THAT's what really fuels the station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

Sadly it would all go toward student loans and I wouldn't stop having student loans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

Ok probably not all of it.

I wanted to donate jugs of liquid soap (inventory from the market failure of my patented non-irritating bubble bath), but Ken says the bathrooms there don't have the type of dispensers that can be refilled from a jug.
Avatar 7:50pm

This is the other Scott, Jr. Please let Grandma know that it's OK to refer to her son as anything she wishes. She adopted him and fought for him and no one will question her love.

College was A LOT cheaper then. Some people worked their way, something practically unheard of now. Unfortunately the student loans have bid up the price!

Darn, now you've gotten me started on the absurd economics of most higher ed. I taught college, and it was outrageous how oversold it is, people being coerced into going who had no business and no legitimate call for it other than credentialism.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

Sorry to hear about your grandmother, steve :(
But that is indeed a GREAT way to honor her memory and bring happiness to you and those around you.

hi andrea. thanks for working on the fma

I told my students, "College is a racket."

The irony is that I finally finished paying off my student loans the month before I started going into debt again from lack of income.
Avatar 7:59pm

thanks Matt. we're simple people - all sweaters and brunches and trips to the beach, so i think its a good tribute! im also gonna take a day or two off and go to the Silverball Pinball Museum.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Oh god, should I be making reservations?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Andrea and Grandma Phyllis! That was a sweet little show.

Sounds mighty fine, steve! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Matt from Springfield:

Have a good night, everyone!

Come back again soon, Grandma Phyllis!

"What gangbang?!"
Avatar 8:03pm

Thank you all for joining! We'll have another live show when I get exhausted again

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible grandma! I'm really sorry I missed the live show and the chance to call in for some Grandma time. I hope you do this again. (ps: I love love love your show. don't stop!)
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