Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from January 1, 2014 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting January 1, 2014: #5 - What the Hell

Coming up on the show, stories of times we try something new, and either succeed beyond our wildest dreams, fail miserably, or black out entirely. Clothes will come off, and we'll get so terrified that our dates will start eating our pasta - right in front us.

First my friend Priya tells the terrifying tale of realizing you're on your very first grown up date, after all these years of just hang outs. And I pick the brain of Nancy Hartunian, the talented producer behind The Savage Lovecast. Last of all, my friend Casey will help me tell the story of my trip this week to a Russian Bath in New Jersey, where I unfortunately recieved the oak branch treatment.

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Coming up on the show, stories of times we try something new, and either succeed beyond our wildest dreams, fail miserably, or black out entirely. Clothes will come off, and we'll get so terrified that our dates will start eating our pasta - right in front us.

First my friend Priya tells the terrifying tale of realizing you're on your very first grown up date, after all these years of just hang outs. And I pick the brain of Nancy Hartunian, the talented producer behind The Savage Lovecast. Last of all, my friend Casey will help me tell the story of my trip this week to a Russian Bath in New Jersey, where I unfortunately recieved the oak branch treatment.

Beex  Beat, Beat   Favoriting   Free Music Archive 
Gustav Landin  Elatan   Favoriting   Free Music Archive 
Priya goes on a grown up date       
Priya doesn't date Indian guys       
Amil Byleckie  Yo Saturnalia   Favoriting   Free Music Archive 
Nancy Hartunian     
Get the Savage Lovecast
Amil Byleckie  Auld Lang Syne   Favoriting   Free Music Archive 
Casey in KC     
This is where they soak the branches
Casey in KC     
Authentic Russian Banya in New Jersey
Artwork by @sc456a
Casey in KC     
This is the plank where it happened.
Casey in KC     
This is where Casey was sitting
Russian Banya       
Wooden Shjips  Auld Lang Syne   Favoriting Christmas Cassingle  Free Music Archive 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:06pm

somebody who knows how to say bruschetta. awesome..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Heels look really painful. Some women tell me they're fun to wear and they like the extra height. I don't get it.
that diabetic guy:

There would be a law! All sexy women wear high heels!
that diabetic guy:

And if your only 5 foot tall? The second law would be 5 inch heels or platform boots
that diabetic guy:

If women ever stop wearing heels? I'll jump off the freedom tower
that diabetic guy:

That is what I want for a wife! A woman from India! A dark skinned Hindi goddess:-)
Avatar 7:18pm

Heels have always just seemed completely ridiculous to me.

I mean, if you're dressing up, sure, choose some really attractive, well-made shoes - but teetering on tiny heel spikes with the front of your foot constantly pointed down? Crazy.
Avatar 7:19pm

Happy New Year! Glad you're all here!
that diabetic guy:

I know that heels,camel toe shoes and F me pumps are bad for a woman's feet. But for us men it's such a turn one. I am a foot perv! There I said it
that diabetic guy:

If you give your V a good washing I'll give it a good licking:-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The best response to getting ranted at - look the person in the eye and say "I don't care," in a calm, but truthful, voice. I guess then walk out.
that diabetic guy:

Ladies if your shaved smooth down there? I will please you with my tongue
david from kst:

,,,,,,,,this iz oddly interesting stuff!
that diabetic guy:

One day if I see a hot sexy Indian woman walking down the street I'm going to get on my knees and bury my face in her crotch
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

Woah, TBD, woah, this isn't Too Much Information. And that's definitely too much information.
Avatar 7:28pm

Yeah, TBD, take it someplace else please.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

HA! Maron.
that diabetic guy:

The last 20 minutes put dr Ruth's sexually speaking to shame
Avatar 7:32pm

Marc's underwriting cracks me up, too. I don't know why I love underwriting so much.
that diabetic guy:

Lesbian demon? I've seen some they exist
that diabetic guy:

There is no holy scriptures for exorcizing a lesbian demon from a woman
Avatar 7:46pm

you can't say tits?
Avatar 7:47pm

@Glenn -- it's true, you can't say tits. Sigh.
Avatar 7:48pm

Sorry to anyone listening to the radio broadcast - we're on the backup transmitter right now and it sounds very overmodulated.
Avatar 7:49pm

oh well. my favourite word.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Mm-hmm. That's how they do in Freehold.
Avatar 7:51pm

we canadians EXCEL at taking women's tops off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Thanks, Ange! Now back to the Twilight Zone...
Avatar 8:00pm

Bye everyone! I'll be adding more pics here later tonight..

"boris... why always boris?"

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