Ken, could you play some Journey? (Prolly not, I understand). But, maybe you could play an interesting cover of "Don't Stop Believing" or some other Journey smash hit?
FづFづ (:
Thanks, Ken. I just discovered to my horror that I didn't bookmark the Schlammpeitziger song from your archives. And he had that song on his myspace account but now it's gone!
So now I'm googling within your archives and can't find it yet...But I found one you haven't played in almost a decade!
Schlammpeitziger / Vert - Stumpling Gallopwood
Morning, Ken! Oh how I miss my former ritual of listening all morning while working in my studio. I teach yoga at 10:30. By the way, the folks doing leg lifts have bad form.
i had that weird bug a couple of weeks ago. ended with lower back pain which turned into groin pain. i still feel like i was kicked in the jewels from time to time. but when it's going on you wonder if you are in renal failure or have testicular cancer
That looks like the ideal dream. Dreaming that you're sleeping. Mitch Hedberg did a joke about that being his ideal dream, but instead he said, "I hate dreaming because when you want to sleep, you want to sleep. Dreaming is work. Next thing you know, I have to build a go-cart with my ex-landlord."
See a doctor right quick if that persists or worsens---it seems very possible to me that it were epididymitis:
but it could be testicular torsion
though that might leave you too pained to consider _not_ seeking medical help.
Speakin of which, Andy BreckmanMan and I are doing standup this Friday night in Jersey City at the Brightside Tavern. The last time we performed there, it was a riot! Literally. So be sure to come out.
Afrika Bambaataa and the Universal Zulu Nation meet String Orchestra
– Legends –
Universal Zulu Nation to accept award
on behalf of hip-hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa
The Zulu Nation's influence will be heard in Dave Soldier's 'Bambaataa Variations' for quartet and string orchestra (composed 1992, played once then at Merkin Concert Hall, now revised for quartet and orchestra for this concert).
CompCord String Orchestra
Thomas Carlo Bo - conductor
with Tongo Eisen-Martin, Keve Wilson,
and Publiquartet
December 7th, 2013 at 8pm
West Park Presbyterian Church
165 West 86th Street, NYC, $20
Hilde is describing her successful career!
With ironic refrain:
"From then on all went downhill."
(Prefer the 1966 Beat-version though, but some more verses here.)
Michael Nyman! Oh shit, no, an awesome adaptation of it!
I am getting smarter today in spite of the music. In Firefox, when I click on the gifs, they enlarge. That I know. I see now that I can drag them around the frame.
Korinthenkacker("currants shiter", don't ask me where it comes from.)
Der Begriff ist im gesamten deutschen Sprachraum bekannt. Synonyme für Korinthenkacker sind Erbsenzähler, Krümelkacker,[1] Beckmesser und (in der Schweiz) Tüpfli- oder Pünktlischisser. Eine ähnliche Bedeutung hat auch Haarspalter. Modellbauer sprechen auch vom Nietenzähler. Das Englische Nitpicker heißt allerdings nicht Nietenpflücker, sondern Nissenpflücker.
Do NOT drop acid to the Celtic mouths singers! It can go terribly -ibbly - ibbly doodleI-aye-oodle-aye oodle-aye wrong! Hey back off! You're not getting me Lucky Charms!
I wonder if I called in to seven second delay and recited the lyrics to this song in a conversational manner if he would remember if that was an "awful song" written about him, or him he would just adore the praise.