Morning everybody! Get your pre-show requests in now! I havent a thought in my head about what to play this morning... except or course for Danielle Dax.
Morning Ken! What about this? "Untrust Us" Crystal Castles covered by Capital Children's Choir
Actually chances of a disaster on SSD tonight are very low - only 30%. Andy was chastened by the mad skills I acquired at Anger Management Sleepaway Camp, which I demonstarted on him last week. he actually called me MONDAY MORNING to talk about tongiht's show! Unfucking believeable!
Last night I was at an annual affair thrown by Ken Gale & Mercy Von Vlack. At it Ken Gale said that he and all other WBAI on-air personalities had just been laid off because there's no money to pay them. That's obviously never a problem at WFMU.
Oh wait a second Mike - is SSD scheduled to do a google hangout tonight?! I forgot all about that plan! Is anything scheduled? We had something else planned/ Can the hangout be postponed?
i don't think we can formally "schedule" a personal hangout like we're going to have to do. i was worried we had dropped the ball on the hangout show, but i'm glad there is something else planned. more time is good.
SadoMasochisticKen, if you have time, try to get the word out about "following" "Andy." I'll add whoever follows him to the "Hangout Circle" in anticipation of that eventual show.
Writing of layoffs, I'm in that awkward position of someone whose work is worth a heck of a lot on an hourly basis, but getting those hours is tough. Right now I actually have a project to work on such that I can earn my rent money today, so as soon as I'm awake enough I'll have to stop commenting and get to it. The next problem is that my client meanwhile is trying to raise $ from investors, so it looks like the rent's going to be late anyway.
There's nothing weird about worrying about and seeing the flaws in an entity you love---that's part of what separates love from worship, and part of why love is better and worship very bad if you're interested in reality, since everything has flaws. (Monotheists will make an exception in one case, but you don't have to do.)
Not to let them off-the-hook, though: it does does sound like back-pedalling... but I would fix it by including that spoken sentiment _earlier_ in the song.
"what are your thoughts on vinnie roma? | Formspring
2 Apr 2010 - what are your thoughts on vinnie roma? lol chill as hell goofy hits people with golf balls."
Im doing standup again this Friday night at the New York Comedy Club, 9pm at 241 East 24th - it's my Death to America 2014 Tour, despite what it says on the pic at the left...
f◘f◘ (:
thanks Ken! That Harp song fits perfectly with your show.
fofo: However, Circle did an awesome cover of "Here Come the Warm Jets" on their (live) "Serpent" CD - highly recommended! (better than the studio version on "Manner")
Robot Ghost:
I always use Spermify.
f◘f◘ (:
@ Revolution Rabbit Nov63
I don't know. We'd need to ask Caryn.
That's great! Never heard of that site. I'd like to hear a version of 'Turtles have Short Legs Not for the Walking..etc.
1) Ultimate Spinach
2) Elvis Presley
3) Can
4) Tono's Expanding Head Band
5) Pavement
6) Marshmallow Overcoat
7) Klaatu
8) The Roches
9) James White and the Blacks
10) Joanna Newsome
...that first Ultimate Spinach album is a way-kewl 'Bosstown' plagarism of CountryJoe & - I wonder if they hadn't been on bills w/ the Velvets ('HipDeathGoddess' - anyone we know??) - awesome cheap Psychedelia & prob. more authentic Punk then they consciously intended - yet foreshadowing Prog & BaroqueRawk. Loves the tune 'Fragmentary March of Green'...
- course, I could be completely wrong...
Can everybody please say hello and thank you to Giacomo in Italy (ilTofa) who is updating the WFMU iPhone app and he is doing a great job. I know he said to ignore him but y'know
Hello and Thank You,
...I may get one of those phone thingies somedays.
- I ignore you! (as requested)
...I crushing your head but cannot see you...
Also, fast forward and rewin buttons for the live stream which will really make shit strange, when people are listening "live" but are really an hour behind
Well, it seems that to be ignored when testing a comment system is borderline impossible. :) Thank you all (and buona sera to you too)!
(unrelated to my tests: a *great* show, Ken!)
- ignoring you too, Kenzo!
...definitely not saying Thanks! for amazing things you do & drawing attention to you. Nope. Not me. When they say 'Shut up Rabbit!' I know how to shut up...
Check out the bottom of if you haven't lately...fill-ins, GTDrummer & Ichiban, all divied up...and NOW! with past week of podcast exclusives, too.
We're adding the iPhone face to these things soon!
Well, now after listening for few bits from that list I believe Ultimate Spinach and Tonto's Expanding Head Band sound pretty good. But I got scared with Joanna Newsome, The Roaches and Klaatu. Marshmallow Overcoat and James White are just bad IMO.
Tricked ya f0fo! Marshmallow Overcoat is the band that doesnt exist. Although they get mentioned in The Last Waltz (as the rationale for naming The Band "The Band"). But that doesnt mean they exist.
We used to listen to the Tonto's Expanding Headband album at 16 rpm.
Ugh, another late day at work. My job is seriously messing with my WFMU listening. But OTOH it allows me to pledge more, so...
Anyhoo, late gif check:
-On a side note: ooh, a Lartique photo! Fabulous!
-The boulder gif is Buster Keaton doing another one of his crazy stunts in "Seven Chances". BTW, always preferred Keaton to Chaplin. Buster was ahead of his time.
-Harpo shining shoes is from the late Marx Bros. movie "A Night in Casablanca".
-Earlier Marx Bros. film "The Big Store" supplies the next gif.
-The Swell Maps gif is from "Murderball".
-The John Hurt version of "1985".
-Coleen Gray in the highly recommended "Nightmare Alley"
-Bardot in "The Night Heaven Fell"