I am on a Greyhound bus, going up to the Hipshaker party in Minneapolis and a right when The Birds Is Coming song finished a seagull came out of nowhere and smacked right on the side! I am the only one awake, and it sure shocked the rocks out of my head...and if you believe that just wait till I tell you about the Soul Dust I found in my coat pocket.
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Listener comments!
funky mummy:
Mr. Fine Wine:
funky mummy:
Sonny Rickles:
Alexander Slade:
funky mummy:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Ignore Function:
I X Key!:
Ignore Function:
miss lucy:
miss lucy:
Michael Randazzo:
I'm interested by Mary Moultrie You gotta hum
If you have another copy I buy
Many thanks for happiness you're giving us
Best Michael