Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from February 12, 2013 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

Thursday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 12, 2013: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Hearty White  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:40:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:01pm
Philo Gristle:

Hearty Hello!
Avatar 7:01pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Hiya, Hearty!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Mike East:

hey guys!
Avatar 7:04pm
Philo Gristle:

Mr. Mike! With your Primer cage! Have you solved the mystery yet?
Avatar 7:04pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

This miguel blow your mind, Mike: We watched "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" over the weekend. It was *not* awful!
Avatar 7:06pm

Will be out for 15 minutes, need to purchase food that is not the same dish I made 3 days ago. (variety will be nice)

I see aliases I 'friended' weeks ago, that no longer show up in corresponding color.
Avatar 7:06pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

I ♥ you, Hearty!
Avatar 7:07pm

Well hello, hearty macromachines!
Avatar 7:07pm
Philo Gristle:

Hope you find something tasty, ngh!
Avatar 7:07pm

Hi, friends! You add sponge to my broth.
Avatar 7:08pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

I ♥ you, ngh!

I ♥ you, Devin!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Mike East:

getting closer, Philo. not there yet. I forced a friend to watch it to give me a hand, er a mind.
Avatar 7:08pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

I ♥ you Mike! :)
Avatar 7:08pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Howdy doo, Devin, and hello hello hello Hearty! That was not an incantation!
Avatar 7:09pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

I got food poisoning from a chocolate eclair. Pick another form, Hearty.
Avatar 7:11pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Methinks someone named Cliff oughta write up some Notes on Primer, Mike.
Avatar 7:11pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@Hearty-ites (except Mike East): Check out the superbly creepy .gif at Philo's profile [lower R. click].
Avatar 7:11pm

I ☂ YOU!
Avatar 7:12pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Is that a jellyfish, Devin? Mollusk! ;)
Avatar 7:12pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I penumbra, too.

Oddly enough, this is far easier.
Avatar 7:13pm
Honey Mae Westwater:


It is an umbrella. It was either that or an airplane.
Avatar 7:14pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I feel your pain, Devin. I have a copy-paste system.
Avatar 7:14pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

So you shelter us from sky-falling elements? Sweet.

Nobody understands my pain! You're not my real dad!!

The sword is sharper than the fist.
Avatar 7:15pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Ah, the Richard III skull-duggery.
Avatar 7:15pm

Avatar 7:16pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria
Leicester, Uxbridge, Cambria
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Mike East:

I mentioned that hellclown on the end of Chris T.'s playlist

Richard III's body was discovered deep within a Chuck E. Cheese ballpit.
Avatar 7:17pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

German, Hearty? Hellclown is German!
Avatar 7:18pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@Mike: My poor grandmother! She was an army nurse in WW I over in France and painstakingly brought that ballbearing clown doll back home to St. Louis. Then my mother displayed it for decades. Now I have it. It's harmless. Mostly...
Avatar 7:18pm
Philo Gristle:

Green porridge..... sounds curryliscious!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Mike East:

Its a lovely heirloom, Honey. But once animated, it is terrifying.
Avatar 7:20pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I'm outta beer! Well, cold Hoegaarden at least.
Avatar 7:21pm
Philo Gristle:

Mushroom does not taste like steak. I re-fute that claim! Tuna, on the other hand, does.
Avatar 7:22pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@Mike: Actually it's scary as hell. But I don't display it anywhere I have to look at it very often.
Avatar 7:23pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Hahahaha! Efferdent for prosthetic testicles! :)
Avatar 7:24pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Avatar 7:24pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

No, prosthesticles.

Avatar 7:27pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Hearty, wish I could give any advice, but I've never really "dated" in the traditional sense. With my HS sweetheart from 17 - 35. Then the ether took over as cupid after that.

Very sad. But also very true. {:~(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

Up wave: a set
Down wave (no waves): lull
Large unexpected set: rougue wave
Avatar 7:30pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

I started noticing a LOT of couples who looked like bro & sis back in the 80s. Seems to be some sort of narcissism, falling in love with one's own image.
Avatar 7:33pm

i LOATHE capers. take that, caper lovers.
Avatar 7:33pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@blee: Heee! (your profile pics). Are you a surfer? Live by the beach?
Avatar 7:34pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@glenn: I can take 'em or leave 'em. Philo's always wanting to buy them, then they sit in the fridge for a few months.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

yes I do surf and live by the beach. I'm in Oceanside, CA.
Avatar 7:35pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@blee: Sweeeeet! My dad was in Oceanside (in the Marines) before shipping off to Guam. He wasn't a surfer though. I love to body surf / boogie board though.
Avatar 7:36pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Gnarly! All I know about surfing is what Dick Dale, Surfink, Rudy Rucker and Kem Nunn have taught me. I *wish* I surfed.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Mike East:

@glenn - a new development in my coffee saga - went to make a pot in the new carafe only to discover the water boiler is missing. wtf?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Mike East:

...and I love capers, but take no offense
Avatar 7:37pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Hmm, the caper of the coffeepot, tying two threads together.
Avatar 7:37pm

best surf band ever. www.youtube.com...

Everything I know about surfing I learned from Val Kilmer in "Top Secret".
Avatar 7:38pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I don't drink coffee, but I would like to drink the coffee Artie Wu makes in Chinaman's Chance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

Bodysurfing is great exercise and fun. I get moody when there is no surf. So I guess that's the downside.
There still are a lot of Marines here, along with high and tight barber shops and military suit dry cleaning.
Avatar 7:39pm

second best surf band ever. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 7:40pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Meshach? Me shock? Shad rack and a bed to go?
Avatar 7:40pm

ross thomas. he's the man.

my granpapa was is guam
Avatar 7:40pm
Philo Gristle:

@Glenn What about the best Japanese surf band? www.youtube.com...
Avatar 7:40pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Peter File.
Avatar 7:41pm
Philo Gristle:

First concert I ever saw was Hank Marvin & The Shadows.

And Devin, I loved Top Secret when I first saw it!

i would say, "granpapa, tell me again about the guam."
Avatar 7:42pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@schizflow: During WW II? That's when my dad was there. My mother lived in L.A. during his duty. She loved it. I think it was an exciting time to be in L.A. Unfortunately, they moved back to Indiana after the war.

What did you think about it upon further viewings?
Avatar 7:44pm
Philo Gristle:

@Devin I never saw it again, which is why I'm leery of saying I love it. It came out some 25 years ago, I think? I *think* I'd still enjoy it. Have you seen it recently?
Avatar 7:46pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

My parents were divorced after 13 years of marriage and both remarried. Nevertheless they died within 50 weeks of one another.

Not for many years. Maybe close to ten years now. But I remember liking it enough to see it more than once. But I am hesitant to revisit it and other similar comedies I enjoyed as a child, since most of my attempts at revisiting such gigglefests from my past have ended with frowns.
Avatar 7:48pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

COCONUT!!! Yeeeecccccccch!

I am a piece of ikea furniture.
Avatar 7:50pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Coconut, Brazil nuts, almonds -- all barfy to me. But I *do* like cashews, pisachios, pecans, peanuts and walnuts. Go figure. I think these intense dislikes have something to do with past lives.

Ah, Angel Martin! Hearty sorta sounds like Margolin actually.

I'll take your coconut. But Brazil Nuts are just boring.
Avatar 7:51pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

@Devin Exactly, and more true of comedies than any other type of film. I do still enjoy cheap-o eurotrash action, or Charles Bronson showcasing his catfish moustache. Somekind of perverse nostalgia.
Avatar 7:54pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I used to ride my bicycle as a kid to the close-by airport (6-7 miles) to watch planes take off.....
Avatar 7:54pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Was there a better character actor at portraying loveable human weasel than Stuart Margolin? Think not.

i would say, "tell me about the fighting."
Avatar 7:56pm

Is Miracle Whip nutritious?
Avatar 7:58pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

@Fredericks: That is *not* the magic word! But hey there! Good eve all good people!

Thanks, Hearty, and Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

I was standing in a parking lot near an airport earlier. Nice fumes!

he was childlike and stubborn

Have a good night friends. I'm going to go look at some more furniture.
Avatar 7:59pm
Philo Gristle:

Good luck, Devin! And nighty night, owl!
Avatar 8:00pm
Honey Mae Westwater:

Avatar 8:00pm

Avatar 8:00pm

Thanks, friends!

he preferred short women, which isn't too surprising because he was just a tiny man himself
Avatar 8:07pm

kat - michael j. pollard.
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