Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from October 9, 2012 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 9, 2012: Spaghetti Rock Special, Week 2

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
THE ITALIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM  Fratelli d'Italia   Favoriting       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
AIN SOPH  Tutti a Casa!   Favoriting Aurora  Cthulhu  1992  0:08:34 (Pop-up)
CONFUSIONAL QUARTET  Guerra in Africa   Favoriting Confusional Quartet  Italian Records  1980  0:13:04 (Pop-up)
GI-NAPAJO  La Guerra del...   Favoriting Tsantsas  Muriki  1995  0:17:06 (Pop-up)
ART FLEURY  Fabbrica Rosa   Favoriting I Luoghi del Potere  Italian Records/ RE: Die Schachtel  1980  0:19:52 (Pop-up)
F:A.R. PROSTHESIS  Hint   Favoriting V.A.: Sensationnel No. 3/4 [double cassette]  Illusion  1985  0:29:04 (Pop-up)
LORD W  The Tape After   Favoriting V.A.: Sensationnel No. 3/4 [double cassette]  Illusion  1985  0:36:18 (Pop-up)
ARTURO STALTERI  From Hobbiton to the Land of Shadow   Favoriting Early Rings: Compositions 1974 - 1975  M.P.  2005  0:47:25 (Pop-up)
GOBLIN  Suspiria   Favoriting Suspiria  Cinevox  1977  0:50:45 (Pop-up)
JACULA  Triumphatus Sad   Favoriting In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum  Black Widow  2001  0:56:42 (Pop-up)
AIN SOPH  Prologen   Favoriting Ain Soph  Staaltape  1990  1:03:59 (Pop-up)
GIGI PASCAL E LA POP COMPAGNIA MECCANICO  Fuga in Si Minore   Favoriting Debut  RE: Mellow  1973  1:08:59 (Pop-up)
ALFREDO TISOCCO  Tenzione   Favoriting Katharsis  Suono  1975  1:13:17 (Pop-up)
PFM  Promenade the Puzzle   Favoriting Photos of Ghosts  Manticore  1973  1:17:47 (Pop-up)
ROBERTO MUSCI  Blue Garden   Favoriting Debris of a Loa  Lowlands  1997  1:25:08 (Pop-up)
MUSCI/ VENOSTA/ MARIANI  Ou Est Ti   Favoriting Losing the Orthodox Path  Victo  1997  1:33:10 (Pop-up)
HARPS OF FUCHSIA KALMA  Cigarettes, Motels, Red Eyes and Other Parts of Night   Favoriting The Angular Acceleration of Light in the Unsound Mind of My Uncle Dead in Michigan  Reverb Worship  2009  1:38:16 (Pop-up)
STEFANO GIANNOTTI  Canzoni Naturali VI   Favoriting Nuove Musiche dal Teatro del Faro  More Music  1996  1:43:00 (Pop-up)
ROBERTO CACCIAPAGLIA  Desir d’une Vie Plus Juste   Favoriting Generazioni del Cielo  Re: Proper  1986  1:53:16 (Pop-up)
ARTURO STALTERI  Mulini   Favoriting E il Pavone Parlo alla Luna  M.P.  1983  1:54:19 (Pop-up)
STEFANO GIANNOTTI  Sara il Temporale   Favoriting L'Agguato, l’Abbandono, il Paesaggio [unreleased album]    2002  2:03:05 (Pop-up)
FUTURO ANTICO  Piano Synt   Favoriting Dai Primitivi all’Elettronica  Casal Gajardo  1980  2:06:46 (Pop-up)
CHETRO & CO.  Danza della Sera   Favoriting 7"  Parade  1968  2:15:51 (Pop-up)
ARMANDO PIAZZA  The House on the Hill   Favoriting Suan  RE: Missing Vinyl  1972  2:21:11 (Pop-up)
ALAN SORRENTI  A Te Che Dormi   Favoriting Come un Vecchio Incensiere all'Alba di un Villaggio Deserto  Harvest  1973  2:25:36 (Pop-up)
JENNIFER GENTLE  Universal Daughter   Favoriting Valende  Sub Pop  2005  2:32:08 (Pop-up)
NASCITA DELLA SFERA  Magia   Favoriting Per una scultura di Ceschia  S.I.A.E.N  1978  2:35:04 (Pop-up)
MAZE 1066  A Resident of Jigsaws   Favoriting Retrospective Vol. 1 – Bologna 10.9.1981 [cassette]  Multiple Configuration  1986  2:36:37 (Pop-up)
PIERMARIO CIANI / NAIF ORCHESTRA / GIOVANI FONTANA  untitled   Favoriting V.A.: Mail Music Project  Armadio Officina  1983  2:39:59 (Pop-up)
DEMETRIO STRATOS  La Sirene   Favoriting Cantare la Voce  Cramps  1978  2:45:16 (Pop-up)
INFLUENZA PRODS.  Pretty City   Favoriting V.A.: SNX - The Entomology of Tomorrow's Popular Music  Hawai  1985  2:51:30 (Pop-up)
LA DEVIATION / MOTOR ANGEL  .   V.A.: Tecnologie del Movimento II  Hax  1991  2:55:13 (Pop-up)
LA 1919  The Puppet Parade   Favoriting Giorni Felici  Materiali Sonori  1997  3:02:18 (Pop-up)
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       3:05:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:51am

Hullo dere. Week 2 of my three-week Italian rock special begins at noon. Don't forget that it's also week 2 of FMU's month-long silent pledge drive -- please consider tossing a few lire our way. Thanks much! See you in 10....
Doug S.:

Tony is sitting at a handsome 50% of his fundraising goal. Help push him over the top during today's show, and we citizens of Coulter Nation will all be sitting pretty for the rest of the month!
listener james from westwood:

good tuesday, folks! ready for another glorious serving of musical spumoni!

Afternoon, gents....
Avatar 12:03pm

Hey there, Listener James & northguineahills!!
Avatar 12:06pm

I know just enough Italian to realize that this song has some kind of political content -- but just what it is I don't know!
Avatar 12:08pm

No Tape Hiss today -- obviously -- but I will be playing some rare cassettes, plus an unreleased recording.
Avatar 12:21pm

All Quiet on the Italian Front? How 'bout some pledge action to show support for station, stream, and show? Would be much, much appreciated....
Avatar 12:24pm

F:A.R. Prosthesis later shortened their name to F:A.R. -- they were big cheeses on the Italian industrial scene of the '80s.
Avatar 12:32pm

She'll be comin' round the mountain....
Avatar 12:34pm

I promised you tape hiss -- and here it is!
listener james from westwood:

this lord w cut is going well with a piece i'm writing about future workplaces. and is well worth a coupla scoots.
Avatar 12:44pm

I won't be doing a Halloween show, so I figured I'd get in some holiday creepiness now. (I will be here on Oct. 30, but doing an all-'60s-psych singles show instead.)

Ahhh, I won Anthology tix last week where Suspiria was the answer to the trivia question
Doug S.:

Parts of this sounds a whole lot like Riz Ortolani's music for (the stomach-turning) film Cannibal Holocaust.
Avatar 12:48pm

Um -- we're 45 minutes into today's show, and I haven't even raised a single lira. Please help raise money to buy the station's beloved mascot, Armand the Armadillo, a new wooden leg. OK -- I made that up, but please do pledge if you can!
Ricardo Montalbani:

I love this soundtrack.
Avatar 12:50pm

Ciao, Ricardo! It's a fine movie too....
Avatar 12:51pm

This Jacula track was allegedly recorded in 1969 -- I'd say that's bloody unlikely.
listener james from westwood:

the stalteri cut is good for halloween and for the upcoming hobbit film as well!
Avatar 12:58pm

Hobbit Horror!
Ricardo Montalbani:

From what I hear, the Hobbit will be pretty horrific, alright.
Avatar 1:02pm

I can only assume no one is pledging because you're all paralyzed with fear. The clouds are lifting and it's time for someone to make today's first pledge!
Avatar 1:08pm

But comments are always appreciated as well -- no need to lurk if you don't got the lire.
Avatar 1:12pm

Sorry this PFM LP is so worn -- got it second-hand in a dollar bin.
Ricardo Montalbani:

I like it. Worn out record sounds are like being wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket that just got pulled out of the dryer.
Brian in UK:

'allo Tonee. Pugwash, Flatfoot & Macaroni never 'erd of 'im.
Avatar 1:17pm

Cheers, Brian -- thanks so much for making the first pledge! May many follow where you so boldly trod...
Vittore Baroni:

Thanks for playing that Lord W track I had totally forgotten, I think I recorded it in my bedroom as a kind of joke, just to see if my friends at Illusion Production would use it...
Brian in UK:

With all due respect Ricardo if they were meant to sound like that they would have been recorded in 1927 in Greenville Town Hall.

AGonna play any Morricone? (Too obvious?)
Avatar 1:19pm

@ Vittore Baroni: Wow! Great to see you here! Love the Trax stuff!!
Avatar 1:22pm

Hey Conrad! No Morricone, no -- just Italian "rock" ... so no Berio either, for example. I'm definitely a big Morricone fan, though....
Ricardo Montalbani:

I think those of us who grew up on records can sort of filter out a certain amount of crackle and scratches but those weened on CDs can't tolerate it.
Ricardo Montalbani:

There's a Reddit discussion forum dedicated to 'Vinyl' and (I think) the majority are really young dudes who just got into buying record fairly recently. One common topic goes like "I just got my turntable and I noticed that there's a scratchy sound in the silent parts of the record. Is this normal?"
Avatar 1:26pm

I don't mind analog crackle at all -- until it's been digitized. There's something about an mp3 of a scratchy record that sounds horrible to me.
Ricardo Montalbani:

I've got a fairly high bitrate MP3 of Christian Marclay's Record Without a Cover that'll kill ya, then. :)
Brian in UK:

The crackles do slowly become part of the record as it ages. It was just the exhorbitant price of 12" that drew me to CDs. Think the best thing about CDs is the number of wonderful comps that have appeared over the years.
Avatar 1:29pm

@ Ricardo M: I'm so anal, I immediately put that record in a jacket when I bought it back in the '80s -- so my copy has no scratches. Marclay would be horrified.
Ricardo Montalbani:

I'm so anal, I change the poly bag on my copy of The Feederz 'Ever Felt Like Killing Your Boss?' every couple of years to keep the sandpaper from wearing through.
Avatar 1:32pm

Big thanks to Doug for turning me on to Harps of Fuchsia Kalma!
Ricardo Montalbani:

Are you doing Eye-Tal-Ian music next week, too?
Avatar 1:34pm

Hey peeps and padrones: how 'bout some pledges?!? It's been as slow as molasses strained through granite (or sumpin'). Support the stream! Support the station!
Brian in UK:

Can I be anal please? Is it Kalmia?
Avatar 1:35pm

@ Ricardo M: Yes, I'm going for the trifecta. I actually put together enough material for 8 Italian shows -- but I'm not completely insane!
Vittore Baroni:

It's Ken Montgomery who alerted me on this nice Italian special, it's dinner time here so unfortunately I'll have to leave... I recorded a dozen album with Le Forbici di Manitù in the past two decades, I think I sent the early cds to WFMU but then I sorta lost track...
Avatar 1:38pm

@ Brian in the UK: I wouldn't touch that comment with a ten-foot anal probe.

My Record w/o a cover is sandwiched on my shelf w/o a cover. I kept in a cover for about 5 years before I got rid of the cover. cover.
Avatar 1:41pm

@ Vittore Baroni: Glad you could stop by! Send me your albums and I'll play 'em here, for sure! (PS: All three parts of this Italian special will be archived.) Hello to Ken!
Brian in UK:

TEN FOOT. That's for the freakin' dragon of Toarmina city.
Avatar 1:42pm

@ Vittore Baroni: I'm doing this show from Portland, so don't have access to the station library.
Brian in UK:

Love this Stefano Giannotti. Like Vittore, time for tea over here.
Doug S.:

Tony is only doing four shows this month, so by all accounts he should reach the 75% level during today's program. Please make a pledge to WFMU in Tony's honor using the pledge box above. WFMU really needs your help. Our spring fund drive is no longer enough to cover the station's entire annual budget, but we steadfastly refuse to do more than one OVER THE AIR fundraising marathon a year.

If someone pledges a "Full Mouse" pledge (a dollar a day = $365), I bet we can even let you ADOPT TONY until the next spring fund raiser. See here: http://bit.ly/RtUtvP

If you would like to adopt Tony, please inquire!
Avatar 1:48pm

Yay! Another pledge. Many, many thanks to Alex B of Brooklyn!
Avatar 1:52pm

Please keep 'em coming, though -- it's been really slow today ... and I don't want to end up feeling that this 9-hour Italian special was a nutty idea.
Brian in UK:

On an Italian tip I would recommend any novels by Niccolò Ammaniti. Funny but with a serious edge.
Avatar 2:01pm

Only one hour left -- and I've only raised a truly pathos-inducing amount thus far. Would love to see some more pledges come in during the home stretch. Pledge for station, stream, show and country -- the country being Italy, natch.
Avatar 2:07pm

Silvio Berlusconi, I'm looking at you.
Avatar 2:15pm

Fuzz all'Italiano!
Avatar 2:20pm

Less than 45 minuti remain -- could use a pledge flurry 'round about now!

What, no Le Orme?
Avatar 2:27pm

Next week, Marc!! Many thanks for the pledge -- though I'm not ready to put on Yma Sumac's dress just yet!

re Jennifer Gentle: hello, Syd Barret, we salute you!
Avatar 2:28pm

@ Conrad! Absolumento!

Holding out for more dough, eh? OK... HOW MUCH?

Seriously, awesome show Tony. As always.
Avatar 2:31pm

Thanks, Marc! I will put on Yma Sumac's dress as soon as Silvio Berlusconi pledges a million lire.
Doug S.:

Just one pledge of $30 and Tony will be right on track with 75%!! Make it 'appen!

Right you are, Doug! I'm taking Barack Obama's weekly allowance and diverting it to Tony Coulter, and everybody else should do the same (except Irwin of course).
Avatar 2:36pm

Hey everyone, Marc is none other than once-and-future FMU DJ Marc Farre. Listen to his words of wisdom and follow in his footsteps.
Avatar 2:38pm

Only 23 minutes left.....

How do you say "number 9" over and over again in italian...?
Avatar 2:39pm

"Number 9" over and over again in italian ... "number 9" over and over again in italian ... "number 9" over and over again in italian ... "number 9" over and over again in italian ....
Doug S.:

Hey Marc! Thanks! Of course if Romney wins, WFMU will be branded an Enemy Combatant, have its 501(c)(3) status revoked, and be thrown in military jail. Maybe keep giving to Obama just a little.

Clearly you misread my carefully placed apostrophes, Mr. Fellow Copy Editor.
Avatar 2:42pm

So you copy fellows for a living? Not me.

Irwin will never let that happen, Doug. On the other hand, you COULD totally go pirate radio from that Navy brig.
Avatar 2:43pm

Only 18 minutes left -- let's hit 75%!! Pledge if you can!!

This intense piece is totally f*cking with my mind.

And that is a good thing, although I feel more and more like Jack Nicholson as I attempt to write at my computer.
Avatar 2:46pm

Doesn't a station that would use Demetrio Stratos to (attempt to) raise money deserve your support, o listeners?

Here's hoping by next marathon I'm employed, if not I'm royally screwed.
Avatar 2:49pm

Yep, this track really is titled "."
Ricardo Montalbani:

It sounds like Francesco Teardrop!
Avatar 2:50pm

@ Ricardo M: Ha! You're right....
Doug S.:

Blessedly, Tony will return next Tuesday with Part III of his Ilalo Rock Speciale! And speaking of returning, be sure to return to these here Streamwaves for two more fine radio shows coming up in just a few hours.

At 6pm, Give the Drummer Some will pop on for an hour-long 92nd birthday tribute to all-time sonic hero YUSEF LATEEF!

At 7pm, Kaminsky Kamoutsky with Jesse will inhabit the Drummer Stream with more wickedly good soundstuffs than you could shake a stick at. A drum stick even.

Of course, with Give the Drummer Radio on 24 hours a day, you never have to leave. These marvy musicians are queued up and waiting to entertain you as soon as Tony spins his last Italian superstar:

Chandos McRill
The Cobblestones
Belf's Rumanian Orchestra
Wicked Lister
Ramon & Company
The Panthers
Bix Beiderbecke
Alberta Brown
Arsenion Rodríguez y Su Conjunto
Michi Sarmiento
Erlin "Rock 'n' Roll" Harris
Linda Hayes
The Pretty Things
Eartha Kitt
Jimmy Donnelly
Johnnie & Jack
Kitty Wells
Black Sheep
and more
and more
and eternally more...

Please pledge!
Avatar 2:51pm

Thanks anyway, northguineahills! Anyone else: please do pledge in these closing minutes, if you can. Would love to hit 75%.

Avatar 2:56pm

Thanks, Marc!

4 more minutes to pledge -- someone, anyone?!?
Avatar 2:59pm

Thanks for listening everybody! See you next week for part 3 of this Italian special. Support el streamo! Ciao....
Ricardo Montalbani:

Ciao, Tony! Thanks for radio'ing!

Awesome fun set, tony!
Avatar 3:00pm

Thanks, NGH and RM!
listener james from westwood:

thanks, tony!
Avatar 3:01pm

Back at ya!
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