Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from October 2, 2012 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 2, 2012: Spaghetti Rock Special, Week 1

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
THE ITALIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM  Fratelli d'Italia   Favoriting       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
NAIF ORCHESTRA  Fratelli d'Italia   Favoriting V.A.: Anthems  Trax  1983  0:01:28 (Pop-up)
ALEXANDER ROBOTNICK  Problemes d'Amour   Favoriting Ce N'est Q'un Debut  Materiali Sonori  1983  0:06:02 (Pop-up)
ROBERTO CACCIAPAGLIA  Quite Still   Favoriting The Ann Steel Album  RE: Half Machine  1979  0:09:40 (Pop-up)
NAIF ORCHESTRA  Luxury in Stadium   Favoriting V.A.: Italic Environments  Armadio Officina  1985  0:13:52 (Pop-up)
JO SQUILLO ELETRIX  Orbita   Favoriting Girl Senza Paura  20th Secret/ Polydor  1981  0:20:00 (Pop-up)
ABSURDO  Sex in Ball   Favoriting V.A.: Ref. 907  Italian Records  1981  0:23:04 (Pop-up)
KRISMA  Silly Europeans   Favoriting Clandestine Anticipation  CGD  1982  0:29:36 (Pop-up)
NEON  Informations of Death   Favoriting 7"  Urgent/ Materiali Sonori  1980  0:33:21 (Pop-up)
ART FLEURY  Alice Sleeps   Favoriting Hard Fashion Girls [12" maxi]  No-Sense  1981  0:38:09 (Pop-up)
ANDY WARHOL BANANA TECHNICOLOR  We Aren't Devo Revo   Favoriting V.A.: Onda 400 [7" EP]  Compact Cassette Echo  1981  0:40:36 (Pop-up)
CONFUSIONAL QUARTET  Cos'e???   Favoriting Documentario [flexi]  Italian Records  1981  0:44:24 (Pop-up)
BISCA  Chi e Stato   Favoriting SDS 1984  Bausongs  1984  0:46:01 (Pop-up)
MONOFONIC ORCHESTRA  Rhys   Favoriting Friends' Portraits [12" Maxi}  Italian Records  1981  0:50:01 (Pop-up)
PICCHIO DAL POZZO  La Bolla   Favoriting Picchio dal Pozzo  Grog  1976  0:51:17 (Pop-up)
OPUS AVANTRA  L'Atalena   Favoriting Introspezione  Trident  1974  0:59:29 (Pop-up)
ALBERGO INTERGALATTICO SPAZIALE  Phasing   Favoriting Albergo Intergalattico Spaziale  RE: Musicando  1978  1:05:11 (Pop-up)
CLAUDIO ROCCHI  Vegetarian Dish (1979)   Favoriting I Think You Heard Me Right  Vinyl Magic  1994  1:07:39 (Pop-up)
SENSATIONS' FIX  Just a Little Bit More on the Curve   Favoriting Finest Finger  Polydor  1978  1:11:01 (Pop-up)
LIVING MUSIC  Lysergic Acid/ Mandala   Favoriting To Allen Ginsberg  RCA  1972  1:14:25 (Pop-up)
PIERROT LUNAIRE  Plaisir d'Amour   Favoriting Gudrun  It  1977  1:21:54 (Pop-up)
ALAN SORRENTI  Angelo   Favoriting Come un Vecchio Incensiere all'Alba di un Villaggio Deserto  Harvest  1973  1:30:20 (Pop-up)
LUCIANO CILIO  Della Conoscenza (original version, 197?)   Favoriting Dell’ Universo Assente  Die Schachtel  2004  1:34:51 (Pop-up)
SAINT JUST  Il Risveglio   Favoriting Saint Just  Harvest  1973  1:43:53 (Pop-up)
ZAUBER  Spleen   Favoriting Il Sogno  1978  RE: Vinyl Magic  1:50:05 (Pop-up)
OPUS AVANTRA  Envy   Favoriting Lord Cromwell Plays Suite for Seven Vices  Suono  1975  1:58:51 (Pop-up)
PIERPAOLO BIBBO  Contaminazione   Favoriting Diapason  La Strega  1980  2:04:35 (Pop-up)
E.A. POE  Considerazioni   Favoriting Generazioni (Storia di Sempre)  RE: Vinyl Magic  1974  2:08:58 (Pop-up)
ELEKTRITUS  Second Wave   Favoriting Electronic Mind Waves  PDU  1976  2:13:55 (Pop-up)
FRANCO BATTIATO  La Convenzione (1972 7")   Favoriting V.A.: La Convenzione  D'Autore  2002  2:16:21 (Pop-up)
EUROTUNES  I Got the Beak   Favoriting V.A.: Ref. 907  Italian Records  1981  2:19:56 (Pop-up)
XX CENTURY ZORRO  side A   Favoriting La Volpe du XX Siecle  Compact Cassette Echo  1983  2:27:08 (Pop-up)
CONFUSIONAL QUARTET  Dlin Dlon Cow Boy   Favoriting Confusional Quartet [7" EP]  Italian Records  1981  2:45:05 (Pop-up)
TONI ESPOSITO  Breakfast   Favoriting Rosso Napoletano  Numero Uno  1974  2:47:13 (Pop-up)
STORMY SIX  1789   Favoriting Cliche  L'Orchestra  1976  2:48:40 (Pop-up)
AKTUALA  Mina   Favoriting La Terra  Bla Bla  1974  2:55:43 (Pop-up)
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       3:03:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Welcome back, Tony! Lotsa pasta listening even if little keyboard ca-noodling today. Will try to do better next week. :)
Avatar 11:13am

Ciao, dear listeners -- TC here. It's week one of my three-week Italian rock special ... and, also, week one of FMU's month-long silent marathon. As many of you know, each show during October has a fundraising goal -- help me meet mine, won't you? Thank yers!!
Avatar 11:15am

Hiya, Kat -- nice to see you here so early. Read your message as "will try to do BATTER next week." Guess I'm hungry!
Avatar 11:16am

In fact, I'm off to eat my morning West Coast toast....
listener james from westwood:

i'll just be over here next to cannoli mountain, steadily nibbling at the foothills.
good morning, tony, and happy october, all!
Avatar 11:20am

Morning, James! Now I am really going to go eat my toast. Back in a bit(e).

Hiya Tony and early risers. I heard Sensations' Fix yesterday on Scott W's show. If you could squeeze in these ItaliProggers to you setlist, it would be buennisimo!
Avatar 11:38am

Hey Carmichael! Was planning to do just that! I guess some kind of Sensations' Fix CD box-set thingee just came out. I don't have that, but I do have all their LPs.

Awesome! Yay, prog!
Ricardo Montalbani:

Ciao, Tony!
Avatar 11:51am

So, again, contrary to what the Upcoming Special Events announcement implies, I'm not doing three hours of Italian rock -- I'm doing 9 hours, over three weeks ... so, there'll be plenty of time for prog -- and for everything else.
Avatar 11:52am

Ciao, Ricardo! (That's convenient: Your first name is both Spanish AND Italian.)
Avatar 11:55am

Prepare to stand for the Italian national anthem in 5 minutes (I'm dropping my usual in-theme for the next 3 weeks).
Avatar 12:01pm

The Italian national anthem heard outside your window late at night, that is....
Avatar 12:05pm

This Naif Orchestra track is a cover of the Italian national anthem, believe it or not.
Avatar 12:07pm

OK, OK -- they're singing in French. But they ARE an Italian group.
Avatar 12:13pm

By the way, my apologies to Italians and italian-Americans everywhere for calling this three-part show "Spaghetti Rock Special." What can I say -- it's the easy, obvious reference!
Doug Schulkind:

Tony might not say a peep, but I will. PLEASE make a pledge in honor of this wonderful show and in support of Give the Drummer Radio and WFMU. Use the pledge box atop this page to pledge directly to Tony's show. THANKS!
Avatar 12:16pm

Amen, Brother Doug. Pledge for me playing Italo-Disco, won't you?
Manuel di Bruxelles:

ciao a tutti frutti!
Avatar 12:18pm

Ciao, Manuel!
Manuel di Bruxelles:

i really like this feeling of despair on european new wave
Manuel di Bruxelles:

despair is not the word: pressure is
Avatar 12:21pm

More Italo new wave until the end of hour, then it's on to other things.
Avatar 12:24pm

Hey everyone: One leetle pledge would be nice to get the ball rolling. Do it for Italy!
Avatar 12:25pm

Sex in Ball = Sex Symbol?
Doug Schulkind:

Let's get Tony up to 25% during this show. A single pledge of $100 will do it!

all lurk, no listen.
greets, tribe!
Avatar 12:30pm

Hey there, BSI!
Avatar 12:32pm

Hey someone -- make a pledge, no matter how small, just to get the pledge-o-meter ticking.
Avatar 12:33pm

Pledgers receive the usual level-appropriate swag as always, of course.
Avatar 12:39pm

I was feeling guilty that Greece only got 3 hours (i.e., the all-Greek show I did a while ago), while Italy gets 9 -- until I discovered that Italy has six times the population.
listener james from westwood:

i think some mighty listener has put you on the board, tony! thanks, awesome person!
listener james from westwood:

from each according to his population, to each according to his euro-disco.
Avatar 12:43pm

Yay!! Thanks for the pledge!
Avatar 12:44pm

Got lost down the rabbit hole for a minute there, trying to find out who the pledger is. Thanks, o mysterious one!!
Manuel di Bruxelles:

@listener j f w :))
Avatar 12:48pm

Hey, is a "12" maxi" exactly the same thing as a "12" EP"? Or does maxi imply something a little longer?
Avatar 12:50pm

Urps -- a completely strange cat just walked into my "studio"! Had to show him the way out....
Ricardo Montalbani:

I had rambunctious kittens for a spell who would love to check out spinning turntables, so when I was doing my show or recording a set, I had to guard the room. Sorta ended my tradition of cueing up a long track and stepping out for a smoke.
Avatar 12:54pm

My own cat is well-behaved. This was an alley cat who somehow got in the house (well, I did prop open the front door, so no mystery there).
Avatar 12:56pm

OK, so you hate Italo-Disco and Italian post-punk -- but you love Italian prog. Now's your time to pledge!
Ricardo Montalbani:

Maybe he was just surveying the prospects. Like job shopping.
listener james from westwood:

that cat knew where he or she would find a good home, it seems. cats be smart like that.
listener james from westwood:

thanks, manuel!
Avatar 12:57pm

Sadly, I think he might be lost. He has a collar, but is really dirty (tho not skinny).
Ricardo Montalbani:

We've had that happen. Weird cats just walk in the kitty door, sort of look around, sniff the food, kind of regard you with this "I'm just shopping for humans" look, then leave.
Avatar 1:02pm

Umm -- one hour of the show is up, and I'm only 3% of the way to my goal. Hear that sound? it's my cup rattling. Please-o, please-o, please, help a freeform brother out.
Ricardo Montalbani:

There's a sub-par Indian restaurant on Burnside where a cat comes in the window, checks out all the diners, then leaves. Inevitably, a patron will ask about it or complain and the server will shrug his shoulders and say it's a neighborhood cat.

This reminds me of that rock album Yma Sumac made in the late '60s!
Avatar 1:05pm

@ Ricardo M: Sounds like my kind of restaurant, actually (except for the sub-par part).
Avatar 1:07pm

Hiya, Conrad!
Ricardo Montalbani:

I kind of thought the cat was cute. Sort of added a bit of whimsy to the otherwise bland fare. People actually complained about the cat on Yelp, even though they thought the food was good. I think that's a Portland thing. Not that there was a cat, it just wasn't a quality cat.
Ricardo Montalbani:

@Conrad: You mean Miracles? It's been recently reissued on vinyl by a label called The Omni Recording Corporation.
Avatar 1:11pm

Hmm. Maybe my cat visitor isn't a stray after all -- he didn't bother to eat the food I put out for him.
Avatar 1:12pm

@ Carmichael: Here's your Sensations' Fix fix!
Avatar 1:13pm

My feline intruder says he won't leave until some more pledges come in. Please help me get rid of him!

That's it, 'Miracles'. Songs by Lex Baxter, I believe. Not Italian, but probably the first opera psych rock album. A strangely short-lived genre.
Avatar 1:20pm

Many thanks to Manuel de Bruxelles for a very generous pledge!! (And also many thanks to Ricardo M for his much-appreciated pledge earlier in the show.)

Thank you, Tony. I put a little something in petty cash for you, wink wink, nudge nudge ...
Avatar 1:21pm

Wow! Much thanks also to Carmichael! We're on our way....
Manuel di Bruxelles:

Grazie, bello a te per il tuo show e per tutti le programi a wfmu ;) bravissimo jaja
Avatar 1:25pm

Grazie a te, caro Manuel!
Avatar 1:26pm

(OK, that might be gibberish.)
Avatar 1:36pm

Seems like Harvest Records had an Italian division in the '70s, as a couple of the records I'm playing today came out on Harvest -- but, I think, only in Italy.
Avatar 1:42pm

OK, so we've turned 21% -- we can drink now. But why stop here -- let's keep growing! Keep those pledges coming!!
Doug Schulkind:

Ok people, you can either pledge to Tony's show — supporting WFMU and the Drummer Stream in the process — or you can figure out what the heck I'm going to play on my show tonight at 6pm (Eastern).

Or of course you can do both.
Avatar 1:50pm

How 'bout any one who pledges to my show gets to pick a track that gets played on your show? (Jus' kidding!)
Brian in UK:

Hello Tony & friends, do I get a whiff of Premiata Forneria Marconi though if memory serves they were on ELPs Manticore.
Avatar 1:53pm

Hey Brian in UK! Yeah, PFM were mega-stars in Italy, so I'm sure they influenced plenty of other bands.
Brian in UK:

Doug did you see that Eric Hobsbawn the eminent historian passed away yesterday.

Yet none of the obits mention that he was a great Lord Buckley fan.
Avatar 2:00pm

Yep -- Eric Hobsbawm AND Barry Commoner. A bad week for old lefties.
Brian in UK:

I can never understand how anyone can be an historian when you were not there. We have enough trouble with modern day history getting the facts right especially when national security in invoked.
Avatar 2:06pm

All reality is provisional. (My heavy comment of the day -- worth a pledge, no?)

Glad I'v found time to tune in! BTW Die Schachtel is about to reissue Luciano Cilio in double LP. Saluti from an Italian in Brooklyn who's about to pledge something.
Brian in UK:

You may have come across these chaps Tony. Saw them supporting & backing Richard Buckner a while ago. Most efficacious.
Doug Schulkind:

Hey dear listeners, do not let Tony's show end today without his total reaching 25% (or even higher!). All it will take is one more $15 pledge to get to that 1/4 mark.

Slow and steady will win this race for Tony C and the WFMU!
Avatar 2:12pm

Thanks so much for your pledge, Veronica! Italian-American Brooklyn salutes you!
Brass Knuckles:

Damn. Didn't even know it was fundraiser time again.
Avatar 2:13pm

Hey, Brass Knuckles! It's silent fundraiser time -- fundraising via mind control!
Ricardo Montalbani:

You're at 33 1/3! Someone kick it up to 45, then 78! It'll sound funny!
Avatar 2:14pm

@ Brian: Will check el linko in a sec.
Avatar 2:16pm

BIG thanks to listeners John and Danko for your generous pledges!!!

Hobsbawm (Obstbaum?) was also a jazz critic for the New Statesman, reputable leftist weekly, in the 1950s. A man of many talents.
Avatar 2:20pm

@ Brian redux: Don't know Sacri Cuori -- will check 'em out post-show. Thanks!
Avatar 2:22pm

We made -- passed -- 45%! Let's go back to the future by reaching 78 RPM -- er, percent. Thanks everybody!!!
Ricardo Montalbani:

Faster! Make the record go faster!
Avatar 2:32pm

I've always sort of thought of XX Century Zorro as an Italian equivalent of the Amos/ El Voag/ Homosexuals camp.
Avatar 2:34pm

Only half an hour left for today's show -- would love to get in a few more pledges! Why not pledge for XX Century Zorro -- that would surely be the first time that ever happened!
Avatar 2:39pm

Don't forget: This is only week one of my three-week Italian special. There'll be time for all your favorites.
Ricardo Montalbani:

I feel like I'm in a Mondo film.
Avatar 2:46pm

Assuming your brain wasn't permanently damaged by that XX Century Zorro stuff, why not consider making a pledge to support station, stream, and show? It'd be much, much appreciated!
listener james from westwood:

thought that last cut was gonna break into a hoompa track, a la the ones ken plays, but that's a scandinavian art form.

I think my brain was permanently damaged, soo good thing I already pledged. Was it a single vinyl side?
Doug Schulkind:

Tony has only scraped a few layers of DNA off the top of Italian Rock. Next week he will surely poke around a vital organ or two.

Coming up in about three hours here on the Drummer Stream (6pm Eastern), I will be back with an hour of Japanese "jazz" (whatever that is) on the Tuesday edition of Give the Drummer Some.

Jesse Kaminsky had a computer meltdown yesterday, so his Kaminsky Kamoutsky show tonight at 7pm is in question.

Not in question is the virtual conveyor belt of fabulous artists lined up to entertain you here on your 24-hour Give the Drummer Radio stream:

Urs Blöchlinger Tettet
Dean-Trovesi Double Quarter (more Italians!)
Rodolfo y Su Típica
Mestre Cupijó
Anne O'Neill
The Last Town Chorus
Riley Crabtree
Wade Mainer
Abbie Neal & Her Ranch Girls
Messer Für Frau Müller
The Epics
Kishore Kumar
Sid Catlett
Fats Waller
Jimmie Lunceford
Basil Tone Drifters
and more
and more
and eternally more...

And one MORE pledge of $15 to get Tony to 50%!!!
Avatar 2:52pm

@ Veronica: Yes, -- there is a Santa Claus .. I mean, yes, it was a single LP side. Thanks again for your pledge!
Avatar 2:52pm

Hey, I like the number 46 -- but I like 64 even better. How 'bout some last-minute pledges, peeps?

Thought I'd chime in and say hello. Excellent set. Been here for the last 75 minutes.
Avatar 2:56pm

Thanks, northguineahills! (And a belated hello!)
Avatar 2:56pm

One last pledge would make my day!!

TY, Tony, and to Doug for bringing the stream to us!
Philo and I plan to renew our Mouse of Today pledge on last year's anniversary date in mid-December, so nothing else before nor during the 2013 marathon drive. This time, however, we know to distribute our pledge to designated programs, which will include the DJs who have shown via playlist comments and/or email exchange they actually appreciate us as listeners. We'll probably pledge equal amounts to eight shows -- coincidentally four on WFMU and four on GTDR -- with a minor boost of pledge #9 to 7SD, our longtime "gateway" program. And this concludes our "The More You Know" PSA. :)
listener james from westwood:

loved the first italia-fest of three! a fine tues to all, and see you tonight for the gtds-fest!
Avatar 3:00pm

Big thanks to Listener James for bringing us to 50%!! GO STREAM!!

And, yes, Tony, yours *will* indeed be one of the GTDR four!
Avatar 3:01pm

And thanks, Kat, for thinking of us streamer/dreamers!
Avatar 3:02pm

See you next week, everybody -- thanks for the pledges and comments, and for listening! Stay tuned to the stream, and to Doug and Jesse's shows. Viva Italia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Doug Schulkind:

Massive gooey gobs of love to LJFW, Veronica, Danko, Carmichael, Manuel, Rich, kat330 and ALL you big-eared dudes and dudesses. You are appreciated!
Ricardo Montalbani:

Thanks for a wonderful show, Tony! Ciao!
Avatar 3:06pm

Ciao, Ricardo -- and everyone else! Remember to pledge for Doug and Jesse later today, and for the stream the rest of the week.
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